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For me gargoyes was the biggest thing ever created; but i'm a bit disapointed that the series didn't move on. in addition, season 2 vol. 2 is not of dvd. So i ask you, when is the season 2vol 2 is coming on dvd?
Well, we're moving on now. Check out the comics.
As for the DVD -- I promise I'll let you know as soon as I know.
Hi Greg,I love Gargoyles. I have Gargoyles Season 1 and Season 2, Volume 1 on DVD with 39 episodes. When is the rest of Gargoyles Season 2, Volume 2 going to be on DVD because I am anxious, worried, and have been waiting very patiently to complete the entire series of Gargoyles on DVD? Also when will Gargoyles Season 2, Volume 2 get released on DVD?
So... Jonny.... at this point I have to assume that you're either not bothering to look at the answers to your multiple inquiries on this topic... or you're intentionally ignoring them. So I'll return the favor.
Hi,I love Gargoyles. When is Season 2 :Volume 2 of the show going to be on DVD? Also the rest of the series? 'Cause I'm really anxious.
You'll know when I do, I swear.
I'm sure you're sick and tired of the very mention anymore of season 2 volume 2 of Gargoyles, but I thought I'd pitch an idea out that maybe you could propose.
Instead of making loads of copies, I thought maybe Disney could try just releasing volume 2 in a limited quantity, either making it exclusive to certain stores or simply make it exclusive to Amazon.com or even their own website store. If they went the website route they could test the waters and make a limit of maybe 500 copies to start off (maybe alittle less depending on how many they would want to make to try it out).
Again, I know you're tired of fans asking about this and throwing suggestions out (if any have), and I'm sorry if mentioning this annoys or angers you, but I just thought it might be one way to get it out. What do you think?
I'm not annoyed or angry, but I'm afraid I have to tell you that your suggestion isn't big on the common sense. There are no economics of scale when you only make a few copies. It costs more per copy of DVD this way, which would mean it's (a) not worth their trouble and (b) the cost of purchasing an individual copy of the DVD would be prohibitive for all but our wealthiest fans.
I'm wondering what the word (if any) is on the season two volume two DVDs? Also, why I saw someone selling issue 6 of the comic book on eBay the other day & SLG doesn't show it on their site.
There's no new word on the DVDs.
Perhaps the reason SLG doesn't have #6 on its site is because it's reprinting the issue. But I'm not sure.
Hi Greg,
I am very excited about getting Gargoyles Comic #6 by Slave Labor. I will get the remaining Gargoyles comic books by Slave Labor of 7-12, Bad Guys, Pendragon, Timedancer, The New Olympians, Gargoyles 2198, Dark Ages, etc. I NEED to know how the sales of Gargoyles Season One and Season Two, Volume One DVD sets are doing! How are the sales for Gargoyles Season One and Season Two, Volume One? I need to know if Season Two, Volume Two of Gargoyles will come out, so I can complete the entire series of Gargoyles on DVD with Season One, Season Two, Volume One and Season Two, Volume Two containing 65 episodes. Thank you.
I have no new news to report. And I never get sales figures. Disney treats those like state secrets.
Hi Greg!
This is the first time I'm asking a question here, so I'd like to start by saying thank you for keeping such a close relationship to the fans of your work. That's a rare thing nowadays.
I also want to thank you for creating the greatest animated series ever. I absolutely loved the Gargoyles TV show during the time it aired here in Germany and still do. Sadly, there were no re-runs to date. But I managed to get the episodes via some dark pipes of the internet and while doing so, I noticed that, although the german show had very good speakers, the original english version sounds even better. I'd really like to get those DVDs to enjoy the episodes a) in full quality, b) with subtitles for those parts that are a bit hard to understand, and last but not least c) legally, wich would calm my consience. Sadly, there's no way to obtain the show on DVD here. Disney's european partner, Buena Vista International, hasn't released the DVDs here and the american ones have a region code that prevents us europeans from watching them. I don't know why they didn't release them here, apparently the show was very successful in europe. Here in germany, it looked like it didn't recieve quite the attention it could have, because it aired on a channel that had a much younger audience than the one the show was aimed at, but everyone who knew about the show really liked it a lot and I for one knew a lot of people who knew it. And from what I heard, it was an even bigger big hit in france. But still these facts don't seem to be sufficient enough to convince BVI to consider a european DVD release.
So, summarized, it might be bad that there are only 1 and a half seasons out there with the other half of season 2 missing, but for everyone outside of the US it's even worse, for we have nothing at all!
But now there is the comic. Fortunately, paper has no region codes yet. ;-)
Finally I'm able to enjoy my favourite animated series of all time again, I asked my local comic book store if they could import the comic and they confirmed it. I have to catch up a bit now, because when I heard about the existence of the new comic via pure coincidence, the first three episodes were already out. That discovery re-lighted the torch I once carried for the Gargoyles show and I looked around a bit and found out about stuff like the GotG-Con and websites like the Gargoyles-Wiki and this one. It's unbelievably great to see that there are so many others who also love this show as much as I do.
Ok, enough babbling, let's get to my question:
How will the narrative of the Gargoyles comic book series look like in the future? Will we get more or less closed chapters, spread across a few issues but with a defined ending for each story arc? Or will it turn out to be like so many other comic series that seem to have no real endings, because almost every issue ends with another cliffhanger?
I really hope not... Cliffhangers are useful for keeping the reader's anticipation up, but if even the final episode of a story arc hasn't a real ending but introduces the next arc instead, just to be able to place yet another cliffhanger, it becomes very annoying. Especially with 2 or more months waiting time between two issues. I really hope Bad Guys will be a success, so all of the other mini-series can be produced and sold in between the regular series' releases as well. New stories from the Gargoyles universe every month sounds almost too good to be true... Keep up the great work!
Greetings from Germany,
I'm big on open-ended closure. We will have some cliffhangers, of course, but if you've managed to catch up on the issues you've missed, you'll see that both issues 2 and 5 ended small story arcs. The same will be true for issues 6, 9 and especially 12, which will conclude the Clan-Building arc.
Having said that, nothing in Gargoyles truly "ends". So even issue 12 will still leave some aspects unresolved, and in fact will intentionally raise more and new questions.
I know all about the drama that involves Season 2 Vol. 2 and getting Disney/BVHE to release them, so I'll spare you that much. However, I would like to know the following: Is there an alternative to purchasing said second half of the season, or has one even exisited in the past? You know, like that big black thing with the magnetic tape called VHS that is going out of style now?
Are sales picking up for Gargoyles Season 2, Volume 1 on DVD yet for Disney to release Season 2, Volume 2 of Gargoyles on DVD that I want to get to complete the entire series of Gargoyles on DVD? Thank you and have a nice day.
Jonny, Jonny, Jonny, Jonny, whoops, Jonny, whoops, Jonny, Jonny, Jonny, Jonny...
Yes, in the three weeks since you LAST asked this question the ENTIRE SITUATION has changed! YAY!!! All is solved! All is grand!! No need to spread the word!! Just camp out in your local dvd store! They'll be there tomorrow morning! In fact, they're free! In fact, they'll be delivered straight to your house without even having to order them in advance! In fact, God has decided they will fall from the sky like manna from heaven! At least that's what the Archangel Gabriel just told me over cards last night.
(Too much?)
Hi! My name is Rodrigo, I'm 28, from Rio de Janeiro, Brazil. I got to know Gargoyles on TV down here. One of our networks showed the whole series back to back 2 or 3 times, I think, some time after it was already canceled in the US, or about to be. It was dubbed to Portuguese. Years later, with full grasp of the internet, I got to know more about it, and even managed to watch the whole series again, this time in English.
I was very happy when I heard about the series coming to DVD, and later about the new comic series. And even though I'm sad about the packs not progressing because of sales, that's kinda my question. You see, I know I could by the sets through Amazon.com. Thing is, even though I'm completely able to watch and understand them completely in English, it'd still be nice to have the option of the Portuguese dubbing, since it's how I got to know it in the fist place. Also, with dollar rates, the sets are almost twice as expensive to us down here. Of course, Disney considers risky to release the final set as it seems there weren't enough sales of the other 2, but wouldn't it help if they released it in other markets, International markets that may find difficult to acquire the Region 1 set? Do you believe is it possible for Disney to release the series in other regions, or is it your honest opinion that international fans should try their best to acquire the Region 1 sets?
Thank you very much for your time.
It's hard to imagine that Disney would invest it regional and international sets when they've decided that the property is a non-player. So if we don't get sales up on the merchandise they ARE releasing, it's hard to imagine them extending the release and spending money on alternatives.
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