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Hey Greg, I've asked a question on here before, in which you've responded. Concerning the release of Gargoyles Season 2 Volume 2. I believe you told me something along the lines of that there just weren't enough sales for volume 1 and Disney decided it wasn't worth their time to create Volume 2. I was wondering, could it have been possible that the sales for dvds didn't do as well as it expected or hoped due to lower advertising? I just remember that the only reason I knew about the Gargoyle dvds was because I was a fan of the series, and I kept up with it. But I don't remember ever seeing any tv commercials or anything like that. So could it have been possible that, that's part of why the sales weren't high? It just doesn't make sense, because Gargoyles was a great show, in some ways ahead of it's time. And you'll hear so many people who have only seen a small handful of episodes tell you it's great. So I'm just surprised that the sales were low. Anyway my question is, since you're the creator of the series, would it be possible for you to get your hands on the episodes out of Disney's vault and make Season 2, Volume 2, and Gargoyles: The Goliath Chronicles, The Complete Series, yourself?? So get the rights to them or whatever and re-master them or whatever you need to do, and then come out with box sets for the fans or something like that? Since I know, because I'm one of them, I know there still are a number of loyal fans out there who were happy with the previous releases, and would LOVE to get their hands on volume 2 and the Goliath Chronicles. I know you only worked on The Journey from that third season, but I don't think season 3 was as horrible as some fans make it sound. It definitely was the weakest season out of the 3. But I enjoyed The Journey and I really liked the last episode. Gargoyles is one of the few series that had a very good ending. Just some thoughts I had. I would love to hear your inputs on it. Thanks a lot!!
No, Benji, it's NOT possible for me to release a DVD on my own. The rights are not available, and if they were they'd be WAY WAY WAY too expensive for me to license. (I'm just an individual. I have no special resources.)
And you're right. There was no advertising to speak of. But Disney never intended to spend money on marketing. As I've said MANY MANY MANY times before they were counting on the fans to do the marketing for them. Not saying that's fair, just saying it's true.
Hi Greg,
Big fan of the show, and really think it's admirable that you keep in direct contact with the fans. My question for you is if it's at all feasible to arrange some sort of preorder, with say, a $5 or $10 deposit. It seems there's tons of dedicated fans who are willing to commit, and then you would be able to make a stronger case with hard numbers, guaranteed purchases, plus potential future sales from those who weren't in on the preorder. I understand that such things are most likely pipedreams, but when I read on the news about people sending in peanuts to petition that CBS show to come back for another season, and did so successfully, I thought it's a good sign that there's really room in the industry for unconventional methods of pursuasion.
Alternatively, is there anyway you could purchase the rights from Disney to release the DVDs independently? I would imagine funding (if you needed it) wouldn't be too difficult to procure, given the relative certainty of turning a profit.
Well... I just wanted to put out some suggestions on how there might be ways to actively get the ball rolling. I've got season 2 on the tivo, but I'd rather see it on my shelf! Best of luck!
Procuring funding is, I've found, exponentially more difficult than people seem to think. (Why people think it's easy is beyond me, but there you go.)
I like the idea of non-traditional methods, but they can backfire.
But say you wanted to send Disney Home Entertainment, I don't know, a walnut (for example) to prove that you'd buy the DVD. Sounds like a fun idea. And it could work if we had thousands of people sending walnuts in. They'd assume for every one person who bothered, about ten didn't, who would still buy the DVD. But what if only, say twelve people sent walnuts. Then what started as a good idea becomes the reverse. Proof positive that the fandom isn't out there.
So BEFORE one can organize something like that (and let me be clear that I do NOT have the time to organize this stuff in any case), you have to SPREAD THE WORD and make sure that you have a significant number of people willing to send walnuts.
I know the subject of this is getting old, but I was thinking. True, it would cost Disney a pretty penny to place ads on T.V for the Gargoyles DVDs, but wouldn't a cheaper and greater solution be to place ads in video game magazines and possibly other publications as well (namely Disney's own monthly mag)? It would help bring about season 2 volume 2, I believe. It's just something to think about.
I'm sorry -- and WHO pays for these ads?
That was very exciting that you finally got a new contact/point person at BVHE. What is BVHE's email address for the new contact/point person? Did you talk to the new contact/point person at BVHE about releasing the rest of Gargoyles Season 2, Volume 2 on DVD yet that I want to get to complete the entire Gargoyles series on DVD with Season 1, Season 2, Volume 1 and Season 2, Volume 2? Did BVHE decide to release the rest of Gargoyles Season 2, Volume 2 on DVD? Thank you and have a nice day.
Greg Weisman says:
Believe me, I'm doing my best to get them to release the next volume. I appreciate your enthusiasm, but honestly, Jonny, you can STOP asking me if they've announced. I PROMISE I'll tell you as soon as I know anything. This isn't info I'd keep to myself.
I already gave you the phone numbers for Walt Disney Home Entertainment is 818-560-1000 and Buena Vista Home Entertainment is 818-295-5200 about asking them for the release of Gargoyles Season 2, Volume 2 to be released on DVD, so that all Gargoyles fans will complete the entire series of Gargoyles Season 1, Season 2, Volume 1 and Season 2, Volume 2 on DVD including me (Jonny) and also ask them what is going on with the DVD release of Gargoyles Season 2, Volume 2. Please ask them to take a look at the sales figures and see if Gargoyles Season 1 and Season 2, Volume 1 sold well on DVD for them to release the rest of Gargoyles Season 2, Volume 2 on DVD. By the way did Gargoyles Season 2, Volume 2 get announced for a DVD release yet? Thank you.
And I believe I ALREADY told you that I didn't need generic phone numbers. (I already knew how to contact BVHE.) I needed an individual contact person, which I now have. Believe me, I'm doing my best to get them to release the next volume. I appreciate your enthusiasm, but honestly, Jonny, you can STOP asking me if they've announced. I PROMISE I'll tell you as soon as I know anything. This isn't info I'd keep to myself.
Hi Greg. You said earlier concerning BVHE that "I don't have a phone number either, believe it or not. At the moment, I don't even have an e-mail address, because my previous contact on the project at BVHE has been reassigned, and she hasn't been able to tell me who has taken over."
In that case, I thought I would pass on a contact phone number for BVHE I got from someone else: 818-295-5200.
I hope you find it helpful!
Thanks. But JUST before I left for the Gathering, I finally got a new contact/point person at BVHE. We've exchanged a few e-mails. It's not much, but it's a start....
jast wondering if you ever plan to finish off the dvd colection.it seems a shame realeasing season one and two vol two and leaving it at that.
Greg Weisman says:
I'd love to get at least the second half of Season Two. But right now, I don't even have a liason at BVHE.
Hi Greg,
When will Buena Vista Home Entertainment/Walt Disney Home Entertainment inform the sales for Gargoyles Season 1 and Season 2, Volume 1 on DVD to see if they will release Season 2, Volume 2 on DVD that I waited for a long time, so that I can complete the entire series? When will Buena Vista Home Entertainment/Walt Disney Home Entertainment announce the release of Gargoyles Season 2, Volume 2 on DVD? On Monday, April 9, 2007, Amazon.com has sold out the copies of Gargoyles Season 2, Volume 1 on DVD and it says ships within 6-9 days because the Gargoyles fans spread the word to other fans about buying the currently available DVD's. Can you please ask Walt Disney Home Entertainment/Buena Vista Home Entertainment to take a look at the numbers for Gargoyles Season 1 and Season 2, Volume 1? Has Gargoyles Season 1 and Season 2, Volume 1 sold well on DVD now for them to release Season 2, Volume 2 on DVD that I am waiting for a long time to complete the entire series of Gargoyles? Thank you.
Greg Weisman says:
Guys, don't you think I'd tell you (SCREAM IT LOUDLY) if I had ANY news at all?
Most of us have been talking about the yet to be released Volume of Gargoyles, whether it's in the comment room or submitting in the Ask A Question. I do agree that that the Disney blaming has gone overboard at times (I'm guilty of it as well). I can't speak for everyone of course, but I'm going to do my best to describe why we tend to blame the company so to speak (I know you don't mean any offense). Since, you have more business experience than some of us, your POV would be helpful.
1. Again part of the reason why we aren't seeing anymore DVDs are lack of purchases from the previous sets. Yes part of it is due to lack of sales, but also lack of advertising. It's not just DVDs, but with say network television (Not just with Disney). Aside from quality there are many reasons a show would turn up with low ratings, like:
- Lack of commericals, hence the viewer doesn't know it exist.
- The show is aired so much that the viewer gets tired of it, or so little they don't have a chance to draw in fans. Odd thing about that is that a particular program is aired constantly when it only has 13/26 episodes, yet when/if it has 65-78 episode, then it's not aired so often. Should be the other way around.
- The show is aired in a timeslot that most people don't watch.
It just seems like the higher ups don't really understand their audience, or they do but don't want to take responsibility. After all, admiting to a mistake is viewed by some to be a sign of shame and humiliation rather than being responsible.
1a. Also, with the comics, I heard sales lowered for #3. That's due of course to lack of a consistant release. My question is if Disney will acknowledge that lower sales are due to delaying approval, or will they assume that the comic itself is the problem. You can count on us hardcore (in my case semi-hardcore) fans to stick with it to the end, but as has been said in the comment room newcomers or casual buyers are going to be put off by the delays if it keeps up. Regardless, I'm trusting that the situation should improve.
2. Then there's the concept of money. It seems like the higher ups in the business never heard of the saying "You have to spend money to make money". It just seems like with any product (DVD, Comics, etc) they expect to make a fortune by investing a few cents (not literaly mind you).
2a. I know that companies like Disney are in the business to make money and I repsect that. The problem is it seems their ambition is more of an obsession. For instance, I know that you're sure as heck not doing all of this work for free, but for you the money isn't a one-tracked mind thing. Same could be said of folks like Bruce Timm, Paul Dini, Tom Defalco, Peter David, Steve Loter, Mark McCorkie, Bob Schooley.
I really hope this came across as a constructive complaint, rather than a mindless hatefilled rant. After all, I'm not always good at using the right words, to voice my opinion.
You're preaching to the converted, but there is an element of naivete here. Marketing costs money. Disney has LITTLE evidence that they can make much money off of Gargoyles relative to what they could make off of, say, Power Rangers. So they are less inclined to spend the FINITE amount of money they have to promote a product which will without a doubt be profitable, but which without a doubt won't be AS profitable as others they might release. That's called "Opportunity cost".
Gargoyles was a good bet for them, when (a) it seemed that the fans would do all the marketing work for them... making the release very inexpensive and (b) the sales seemed relatively high... making the profit margin relatively high. But when the fans do NOT do the marketing for them and when the sales aren't high, then Gargoyles seems like less the good bet.
Again, I'm not saying that the marketing SHOULD be the fans responsibility. I'm simply saying that if the fans do not take responsibility, then no one will.
Companies don't have obsessions. People do. Individuals run companies, which is why as companies have employee turnover, the character of the place and the opportunites shit and alter. But comparing Peter David with "DISNEY" is truly comparing apples and ... I don't know... steam engines.
So in the end, yours is NOT a "constructive complaint". (Though it's not a hate-filled rant either.) It's just a complaint. Period. And you're entitled to complain. Believe me. But now that you've complained, the question is both individually and collectively, what's your NEXT move? Just more complaining? Or do you want to find a new way to help us SPREAD THE WORD?
i am sure you have been asked this several times, but when are they going to release season 2 part 2. I just purshased seasons 1 and 2 for my little girl, and found an old e-mail stating that disney wasn't going to release the second half. I'm hoping that they have changed thier minds about this. I was so angry when Gargoyles was on the air back in 95' . I lived in California, and the O.J. Simpson trail was going on, so I wasn't able to watch the show. When I heard that it was being released in DVD I was happy because I was finally get to see them. Please send me some good news. My daughter is only 6 years old and I rented them for her, and she didn't move or talk for the first disc. She loves the show, as do I. If you can send me an e-mail, hopefully with good news! Or some better news, you decided to start the series up again....... Ok so I might be hoping for too much! My e-mail is TrinityRain25@hotmail.comThank you
Greg Weisman says:
Guys, don't you think I'd tell you (SCREAM IT LOUDLY) if I had ANY news at all?
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