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When I first came to this web site I only had one question, "why was the show cancelled?" I read the FAQ, and was greatly dissapointed. The fact that Disney wasn't satisfied with there compition with Power Rangers. Have you seen Power Rangers resently? The show is bombing, I can see that. They can't even make one spinnoff last over 2 years. I'm one of those few people who didn't like TGC, I feal it will be very hard to recover from that, if you even try to admit it exsists, but what if you proved to Disney that you deserve a second chance. The way most television is going, you should have no trouble at all. I don't watch TV anymore, cause all the good shows are being cancelled. There is no more competition. I say, why don't you try to write one or two amazing episodes, and prove to Disney that Gargoyles should never have been taken away from you. Then ask them if they watch TV anymore. If anyone says "NO", then it would explain why Disney hasn't came crawling back to you on hands and knees. There is crap out there. Take advantage of it. I miss TV. Give me a reason to watch again.
Ah, my dear Death Hawk...
It's frankly not that easy. There's always been crap on television, and there's always been hidden gems and big hits and everything in between. You perceive an overall change. I don't.
Power Rangers, for example, is STILL going strong from a ratings standpoint. No, it's not at the peak level it was at when it regularly kicked my ass in the ratings. And those spin-offs aren't failing... the constant renewal and reworking of the basic premise has become part of the marketing strategy.
But Gargoyles does have a chance right now... a big chance (and maybe it's last) with the DVD. If the fans buy the DVD when it is released on December 7th, 2004, it will prove to Disney that there is money to be made off the property. If they believe that, BELIEVE ME, they'll want to make that money.
where can i find or see the episode "Deadly Force" is there anyplace i can see it
See it on DVD, available for purchase on Dec. 7th, 2004!!!!
How do i get a previous episode of the gargoyles on tape
Record it off Toon Disney or wait until December 7th, 2004 and buy the DVD!!!
hi, how can I get my hands on the original Gargoyles, tv series, all 66 episodes? Are they on vhs or something? Thanks.
Episodes 14-66 are currently not available.
Episodes 1-13 were once available on VHS.
But they will be coming out again on DVD on December 7th, 2004.
Where could i find the old episodes of Gargoyles?
On December 7th, 2004, you can find them on DVD!!!
I have been looking over Gargoyles fan sites and in the credits for some of the voice actors I have found the following:
Gargoyles: Brothers Betrayed (1998)
Gargoyles: The Force of Goliath (1998)
Gargoyles: The Hunted (1998)
After scanning your FAQs I am unable (or just blind) to find out what these are. Would you be good enough to tell me. Thanks
In the late 90s, Buena Vista Home Entertainment released the first season of Gargoyles on 5 home videos. I'll list the videos with the episodes they presented below:
1. GARGOYLES: The Movie: The Heroes Awaken
"Awakening, Part One"
"Awakening, Part Two"
"Awakening, Part Three"
"Awakening, Part Four"
"Awakening, Part Five"
[Note that this was an edited movie version of our five-part pilot, originally created for a special World Premiere screening in September, 1994.]
2. GARGOYLES: The Hunted
"The Thrill of the Hunt"
3. GARGOYLES: The Force of Goliath
"Deadly Force"
"Enter Macbeth"
4. GARGOYLES: Deeds of Deception
"The Edge"
"Long Way to Morning"
5. GARGOYLES: Brothers Betrayed
"Her Brother's Keeper"
All of these episodes -- UNCUT -- will be available on December 7th, 2004 on DVD. Along with some cool extras.
I am from germany. And i am a great fan of Gargoyles. Can u say me where i can get a VHS or a DVD with all Gargoyles movies. (in german)???
my email adress: florianwesemann@gmx.de
Nope. The first season will be out on DVD on December 7th, 2004. But I don't think there will be a German language track.
I'm sorry.
Maybe if it sells well...?
I just talked to the folks at Buena Vista Home Entertainment.
I asked them what was the best date for us to MASS ORDER/PURCHASE the 1st Season Gargoyles Series DVD.
My contact was unequivocal in his response.
Yep, that's right the day of the release. I guess anything earlier is nice but winds up being too early to be useful. But day and date with the release is exactly what we need.
In the meantime, BV encourages ALL OF YOU to go to Amazon and rave in the comments/reviews section. Leading up to Dec 7, the more good buzz on Amazon's site the better.
(Remember this is the make or break event in the fandom. It's time to prove to Disney once and for all that we have the bodies and the dollars and the fanbase and the communications skills to support more Gargoyles product -- both merchandise and creative. If we can't prove it with this DVD release... well, we're not likely to get another chance.)
So spread the word. SPREAD THE WORD!!!!!!!!
The DVD is coming out December 7th. And we'd like EVERYBODY to ORDER/PURCHASE it on THAT DAY!!!!!!!!!
What du you know about e new script for a Gargoyle Movie?
Nothing. As far as I know, the Gargoyles Live Action Movie has been put on hold by Touchstone Pictures. The current boss isn't interested in pursuing, it although DVD sales might truly change her mind.
Hello Greg I was just wondering where can I buy the gargoyles DVD?
In stores (or on the internet), later this year.
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