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Hi Greg. It has been a while since we have heard any updates about Gargoyles season 2, volume 2 on dvd. I was wondering if you have heard anything? Is it possible, at the very least, for Disney to do a digital download edition...that wouldn't cost the studio too much...or even putting season one and all of season 2 in one complete set? It just doen't seem fair for them to release half of the series, especially since part two had some really amazing episodes...thanks for your time.
Greg Weisman says:
"No new news that I know of. And, no, I seem to have no sway, I'm afraid."
[Response recorded January 19, 2012.]
"It's not a bad idea, but the POINT I'm constantly trying to make is that I have no more insight into Disney's mindset than you guys do. I can keep you updated, but I have no idea whether or not they'd be interested in an iTunes set-up. Personally, I'd way prefer a DVD release."
[Response recorded on January 15, 2008.]
Hi im trying to find all the seasons of this show for my girlfriend and i but cant really find any of the seasons on dvd almost anywhere i look do you know anywhere i can get them?
Which show?
Disney has signed with Amazon's CreateSpace "manufacture on demand" program. The benefit of that program is that you can release content that wouldn't otherwise be profitable, because there's no inventory risk, because inventory is only produced as it is sold.
Supposedly the first round of Disney stuff is going to be all one-off films, but I was wondering if there have been any whispers in the grapevine about maybe considering to do some of the unfinished Disney TV-DVD series (Gargoyles, DuckTales, Darkwing Duck... holy moly, did they finish ANY of the series they started?).
I'm not sure if you'd be involved in such a thing, but have you heard hide or hair of it?
I'm not in the loop.
Hey Greg,
I loved Gargoyles and I watched some reruns on Disney XD. Are there any future plans for Gargoyles and will the series be available on ITunes? I missed the show.
Greg Weisman says:
"It's not a bad idea, but the POINT I'm constantly trying to make is that I have no more insight into Disney's mindset than you guys do. I can keep you updated, but I have no idea whether or not they'd be interested in an iTunes set-up. Personally, I'd way prefer a DVD release."
[Response recorded on January 15, 2008.]
Will Gargoyles ever be released on Region 2 DVD? UK fans are missing out, and I'm becoming desperate to watch it again!
I have no idea.
Even if the season 2 vol1 didn't sell very many copies doesn't mean you can't release the rest of the season there are people out there who would buy the rest of the seasons like myself I Love gargoyles an I wish you would have released these an you still should right now you can't watch them anywhere except on tv an they come on at 4 in the morning that's unfair. If you could please release DVDs of gargoyles season 2 vol2 an season 3 the chronicles of Goliath please it would be greatly appreciated..!!
Greg Weisman says:
"No new news that I know of. And, no, I seem to have no sway, I'm afraid."
[Response recorded January 19, 2012.]
Hi Greg,
Have you heard from Disney about releasing Gargoyles Season 2, Volume 2 and Season 3 on DVD for this year?
Greg Weisman says:
"They're not going to tell me any more than they've told you."
[Response recorded on February 23, 2012.]
Hi Greg,
You should email Disney which is disneyinfo@disneyhelp.com to check with them if they are going to release the rest of Gargoyles Series on DVD in 2012 of Season 2, Volume 2 and Season 3. Thank you.
They're not going to tell me any more than they've told you.
Hi Greg,
I wanted to share some news with you of when I emailed Disney which is disneyinfo@disneyhelp.com to ask them if they are going to release Gargoyles Season 2, Volume 2 and Season 3 both on DVD in 2012 and they replied to me by email of "There are tentative plans to release the rest of the Gargoyles Series in 2012, but no details are available at this time."
Thanks for sharing. I hope this comes about.
Can you please contact Walt Disney Studios Home Entertainment to ask them if they are going to release Gargoyles Season 2, Volume 2 and Gargoyles Season 3 both on DVD in 2012?
I don't know anyone there anymore.
Can you please put extras for Gargoyles Season 2, Volume 2 and Gargoyles Season 3 both on DVD?
Jonny, as I've told you, it's not up to me.
Me and my friends have been having gargoyles marathon and I was wondering why the DVDs stop after season 2 volume 1 I mean, I couldn't even purchase a digital file. This is very grievous because I now only own 1 episode with an appearance from Puck, you can see how this is depressing.
I can indeed. But the answer to your question is stated and restated ad nauseum in the ASK GREG ARCHIVES in the "Gargoyles DVD" section. Check there.
Hi Greg,
First, I wanted to say that I am delighted that you've kept "Ask Greg" going over the years. I sent in a message back in 2002, and was recently delighted to discover that you had responded to it, two years later! You're my hero. Not just for that, but also because "Gargoyles" and "Ask Greg" helped inspire me to write, myself.
Another thing, though.
There's a group on Facebook devoted to urging Disney to release Gargoyles Seasons 2 Vol. 2 on DVD, and recently some of us have been emailing disneyinfo@disneyhelp.com to ask them to do this.
And recently, some of us have been getting replies. Mine is as follows:
"Thank you for your e-mail. We appreciate your interest and are happy to answer your questions.
There are tentative plans to release the rest of this series in 2012. No further details are available at this time.
Thank you for taking the time to contact us.
Walt Disney Studios Home Entertainment Consumer Relations
US and Canada"
Have you heard anything about this?
Only that others have received a similar response. Beyond that, I am ignorant.
I don't know why I just thought about the show but I did, think you have any sway on making the rest on DVD? Seriously, one of the best cartoons I have watched (BTW I am 27 years old). I'm sad to see that only part of season 2 is on DVD.
No new news that I know of. And, no, I seem to have no sway, I'm afraid.
Hi Greg,
Contact Walt Disney Studios Home Entertainment to ask and find out if they are planning to release Gargoyles The Complete Series DVD Set containing all three seasons for a 2012 release.
I have no contacts there anymore, I'm afraid.
Gargoyles is my childhood. Some may still say i am a child but can I say thank you for a truly amazing story and my favorite show of all time. I do not know if this question has been asked before but I recently watched all 78 episodes of gargoyles on youtube. Imediately wanted to buy the seasons. So i bought season 1 and season 2 volume 1 and was shocked when I found that volume 2 and the Golaith chronicles were cancelled. I also know that the seasons on dvd have footage uncensored that was not displayed on disney. I wish to see the remaining episodes from the unreleased seasons this way. Is there a chance they will ever get released? I want gargoyles to live on and give my children at chance to see your materpiece. I would greatly appericate your time, thank you so much!
In reference to Gargoyles.
I know people have asked this question but its been a while and I didn't know if you had heard anything about whether they were going to release season 2 volume 2 or season 3 onto DVD yet. I have the first season and season 2 volume 1 but I would love to have them all.
Me too.
But I've heard nothing definitive one way or the other recently.
An idea if there is a plan to release season 2 volume 2 or season 3 yet? i bought season 1 and season 2 volume 1 and I really want the other two.
We talking Gargoyles? No idea... though I've heard rumors...
Iâm a big fan of gargoyles but Iâve only been able to find season 1 and season 2 vol. 1 from reputable sellers. Is there any hope that the rest of season 2 and season 3 will be released officially? If so is there an estimate in time?
Hi Greg,
I'm from Ireland, huge fan..
Just want to say, thanks for a large part of my childhood in the form of Gargoyles.
I have a picture of Goliath tatooed on my arm with 3 crows over his shoulder representing myself, my dad and younger brother as we used to watch it togeather, everyday after school..Thanks alot. And just out of interest, any idea where I could get Season 2 part 2 on dvd, video, anything..??
Kind regards,
Wow. Tattoos are quite the commitment.
Sorry, no new news on the DVD front.
When is Disney going to release the rest of the (UNCUT) Gargoyles episodes on DVD? Because I find it kinda' strange that Disney can somehow afford to release these butchered and edited releases (of Iron Man, Xmen, Darkwing Duck, Ducktales, etc.) with NO notible extras, but the Gargoyles releases were cancelled. I DON'T think it's right! What do you think?
post an answer back at ptrunks19@aol.com
A year ago I rediscovered the Gargoyles, by accident. I'm from germany and the last time I saw Gargoyles was back in 1998, so I was like "WTH?" when I switched through all those stupid TV channels here in germany and all of a sudden I stumbled over Gargoyles. I was about 8 years old, the last time I did see the show (and never actually understood the storyline), Gargoyles was just sooo cool back then. I love watching those Disney Afternoon tv series (Darkwing Duck, Talespin and stuff), but completely forgot about the Gargoyles. Thanks to the internet I found out, that they re-air Gargoyles in germany: Every sunday two episodes, since 2008! And they still air it and don't seem to take Gargoyles off-air for another year. I think you must be very proud of Gargoyles. Anyways after I discovered Gargoyles again I watched the complete show and what can I say? It's a true masterpiece but the last 12 episodes were strange. The Gargoyle Chronicles are aired with the intro of the second season here in germany, but I'm aware of them now. :D This time around I finally understood the timeline and everything. Brilliant! I couldn't resist and ordered the three TPB of Gargoyles/Bad Guys. Again: Brilliant, but just too short. I imported both DVDs and received them a week ago. Thank's god there are region free dvd players around! I like watching some movies in the original language and that's what I'm trying to do with Gargoyles, even though the german dub is fantastic, too.
I follow this "ask Greg" section since a few months and was reading a lot about Young Justice then. I thought I'd give it a try and thanks to the internet (forgive me) I was being able to see the pilot of Young Justice. What can I say: Another great show! Problem is here in germany we barely know of any of these superheroes, because all these comics aren't being sold here. I know Batman, Robin, Superman, Spiderman and that's pretty much it. So I was like "hell, I don't know anything" when all those superheroes appeared at the end of the pilot. And then my question is:
Do you know when and if Young Justice is coming to other countries? Germany to be precise?
I asked the german Cartoon Network channel, but they say they don't have plans to air Young Justice right now, but that may change in the future...
Just wanted to ask if you know a bit more.
Forgive me my grammatically weirdness and keep up your great work!!
Thanks for writing Wilco. I'm afraid I have no info on YJ's international distribution. They don't inform me of such things.
How many copies need to be sold of Gargoyles Season 1 and Season 2, Volume 1 for Disney to release Season 2, Volume 2?
I think that ship has sailed.
Hey Greg,
I googled much about Vol. 2 but almost only found old threads, etc. about Disney leaving it be. Even here on s8 is a question to you what's about Vol. 2, but that's 2 - 3 years ago.
So I want to be up-to-date about Vol. 2. Is there anything new about the release? Is there any way to get the 2nd part of Season 2? I'll buy Season 1 and Season 2 Vol. 1 off of Amazon, but I want to watch the rest of Season 2, how could I do this?
Hope to hear soon from you! :)
PS: You made a nice show back then!
No new news.
Tell the rest of the Gargoyle fans to send questions to this link about Garoyles Season 2 Volume 2 and Season 3 being released. This will help alot for the DVDs to be considered for release by the Walt Disney Company. Tell them to spread the word and to contact this link as much as possible. This will truly help.
Um... if you say so.
Go for it, gang!
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