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Gargoyles DVD

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Megan writes...

Just wanted to express my love of gargoyles and my new favouite christmas gift, The first Season of Gargoyles on DVD. I have already watched the season numerous times and shown many of my close friends this wonderful show. I really cant wait for the second season to come out, with many of my favourite episodes in it, so i can show all my friends that as well

Greg responds...


Response recorded on November 06, 2006

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Angelo Bifolchi writes...

Hi I am from the west coast of Canada, and I have to say I am so happy to see the Gargoyles series has gone to dvd. Currently I am 19 and when I saw the first season on dvd I was overwhelmed with excitment. I always cherished the series and was deeply sad when it was taken off the air. But now with the first season on dvd I can rewatch all my favorite eposides. I know this isn't a question, but I wanted to show my support for Gargoyles, and the hopes that disney will allow season 2 to be put onto dvd. I can tell you right now if I see season 2 on dvd I would buy it in a second without thinking twice.

Lastly I would like to say thank you to Disney and Greg Weisman for bringing back the series that I most cherished when I was growing up. Thank you so very much.

sincerely your,
Angelo Bifolchi

from British Columbia, Canada

Greg responds...

You're very welcome. 2nd Season Volume One is currently available. Go forth and SPREAD THE WORD!

Response recorded on November 03, 2006

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Angela Maza writes...

Why does Brooklyn hate Demona so much?

Greg responds...

For the answer to that, purchase the Season One DVD (there's a link on this page) and watch the episode "Temptation".

Response recorded on November 03, 2006

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Lady Brooklyn writes...

I just wanted to post a review for the Gargoyles DVD... something I waited for, and with great relish purchased, after 10 years of waiting! This DVD is awesome! I just finished watching (and listening to) the commentary track.... and was blown away by the factoids and the care that the creators still have for the show. Like many others... Gargoyles had a big influence on my life and artistic career! I certainly hope that Disney will satisfy my desire and put the rest of the Gargoyles episodes (yes the ENTIRE second season!) on another DVD set!

Thanks so much! Take care!

Greg responds...

Thank you. Hope you picked up Season Two, Volume One....

Response recorded on November 02, 2006

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Mike writes...

First off, thank you for a great show. It was truely one of the best ever and doesn't seem to have as much cred. as it deserves like Superman or Batman, but then again I am bias ;) I am very happy that there is a DVD release.. now my old cruddy tapes which are worn from viewing can be put away and replaced with non-wearing DVDs ^_^ Just gotta worry about keeping them scratch-free o_O.

Anywhoo, onto my question. Do you think that if by some chance Gargoyles was brought back into production, or one of it's spin-offs... with as cruddy as cartoons are today, particularly with the "modern" style of animation that seems more blocky and fake.. an example would be Kim Possible and Fairy Odd-Parents, do you imagine Gargoyles would end up being of the same quality or much like the original?

In my view, Gargoyles should be laid to rest simply because I think if it were to be brought back into production, it'd just not be the same Gargoyles. :/ I feel a dvd release of all 78 eps would best so they're all preserved on dvd and that be the end of it, unless of course the style/quality would remain unchanged.. but I doubt Disney would opt for that.

Greg responds...

Well, there are of course no guarantees, but personally I would jump at the chance to do more stories in this universe, and one of my few professional regrets is not sticking around to do the Goliath Chronicles.

We'd strive to keep the quality high.

But for now, that's all moot. We have the DVDs (some of them anyway) and the comic (yes, issue #2 will come out soon, and we should be back to a bi-monthly schedule thereafter). That works for me.

Oh, and by the way, BIG KIM POSSIBLE FAN HERE. I've written two of them, so I'm not unbiased. But I really like the show.

Response recorded on November 01, 2006

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Mitch Mack writes...

I looked through the archives the best I could, but found nothing of this question. Basically I wanted to know "IF" and "WHEN" the second DVD is greenlit, would it be possible to get Jonathan Frakes and Marina Sirtis for the commentary or even an extras docomentary like the Gathering?

Greg responds...

It was not possible on Volume One. They were invited but unavailable. We can cross our fingers if and when Volume Two is prepared.

Response recorded on November 01, 2006

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Edgar Boxler writes...

Dear Greg Wiesman,

I would just like to say thank you for releasing the first season of gargoyles on DVD for the first time!

On the day of release I quickly rushed to best buy and garbbed the last copy lol. I also wanted to say that I look forward to the release of the second season!

I truley understand if you guys can't answer this question, the second season (being a huge chunk of episodes), if released, would it be separated into a vol 1 & and Vol 2 set?

a fan

Greg responds...


Response recorded on November 01, 2006

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Jonny Modlin writes...

i had a question about the gargoyles season 1 dvd sales rank. is the sales rank for 700's, 800's, 900's, 1000's strong and good and do you think that gargoyles season 1 dvd is selling very well? when will we begin discussing about the gargoyles season 2 dvd on what date/day of february? thank you.

Greg responds...

This is all old news now. Disney never gave me hard numbers on either DVD release. But I was told that Season One sold just on the good side of the cusp. Season Two Volume One did not achieve that same semi-dubious standard. Not as many people bought Season Two Volume One as bought Season One. There are no current plans to release Season Two Volume Two for that reason. If you and the rest of the fandom want to see it, they need to SPREAD THE WORD!

We now need to sell MORE units than we would have originally because we have to get Disney's attention all over again.

Response recorded on October 31, 2006

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JM writes...

When will the seaon 2 come out on dvd? For that matter when will every episode be out on dvd? I hope Disney does put them all out, it would be nice to see Boudicca again. Already own the first season and can't wait for the next. Thanks.

An Ask Greg Helper responds...

Greg Weisman says:

Season Two, Volume One is already out. Volume Two is not scheduled. SPREAD THE WORD!

Response recorded on October 26, 2006

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Heather writes...

I not asking a question. I'am just writing to rave about the Gargoyles season one dvd. I loved it. Ever since I was able to say the word Gargoyles I have watched the show religiously. I was so excited to see the first season I screamed in joy when I saw it on the shelf at the store. I have really high hopes that the second and third season will come out on dvd soon. I really hope so. Cause that would be so cool!

Greg responds...

It was and hopefully WILL be if we SPREAD THE WORD! (Have I said that recently?)

Response recorded on October 24, 2006

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