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REPLIES 2003-05 (May)

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Alex Katsaros writes...

what is the significance of the bird on top of Hakon's helmet?

Greg responds...

Fresh eggs?

Response recorded on May 15, 2003

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matt writes...

in 2001 (or probably 2002 when you answer this :) ) is Elisa still a NY Cop? has she been promoted or still doing her detective work?

Greg responds...

How about in 2003?

Yes, I'd imagine she's still a cop. Hopefully, by now she's been promoted a grade or two. But I don't have a context to say how high.

Response recorded on May 15, 2003

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darkfiend666 writes...

How is Servarius's name pronounced? I've heard Xanatos pronounce it like the ar is pronounced air (Ser-Vair-e-us) and Elisa pronounce it like the ar is pronounced like it rhymes with bar. Which is correct? (I like the way Elisa
says it personally, it sounds more evil)

Greg responds...

I don't remember how Anton pronounced it?

I'm fine with either.

Response recorded on May 15, 2003

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Robert writes...

Hi mr. weisman! i am a big gargoyles fan and i am a webmaster of a gargoyles page. i have read some topics about the live-action gargoyles movie. you have said that touchstone pic. is looking for a good script, right? well, maybe is stupid, but i am a teather writer and in my free times i have writted a script for a "supposed" gargoyles film. i thogught that they (touch. pics) already have the script so i only did it for hobby but, do you think they could be interested in read it? who am i write to? i f you know please tell me ok? maybe sounds crazy but who knows?

Greg responds...


I'm sure that Touchstone is not interested (for legal reasons) in reading an unsolicited submission. Sorry.

But also a little advice...

You're post above is just chock full of typos and more. Bad spelling. Bad grammar. Bad punctuation.

Any teacher or writer should know that if you're looking for ANY work -- but particularly work as a writer (even if it is just on a whim) you need to proofread ruthlessly.

How could I or anyone recommend you to Touchstone based on the above?

I know that sounds harsh, but it's meant to help you, for future reference.

Response recorded on May 15, 2003

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Courtnie writes...

1. Is Wyvern based on a real castle?
2. What part of Scotland is Wyvern located?

Greg responds...

<sigh> I know I've answered these before. Did you even skim the Wyvern archive before posting questions that I wouldn't get to for over a year?

1. It is VERY loosely based -- at least in my mind on Tintagel.

2. The west coast of Scotland.

Response recorded on May 14, 2003

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Lynati writes...

Oh. and while I'm here...

Do you think when Aaron finally tracks down Marina Sirtis and asks her to sign the Demona tatoo on his chest that she'll do it gracefully, or will she have someone distract him and then run away really fast?

Greg responds...

Even odds.

(Although I can't imagine she hasn't encountered far weirder/scarier Trek fans than our Aaron -- who still reminds me of a young Tom McMinn.)

Response recorded on May 14, 2003

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Meteo writes...

Dear Mr. Weisman,

Do you see Disney's acquisition of Fox Family as increasing the chances for more Gargoyles? Thank you!

Greg responds...

Long term, perhaps.

Short term, no. I've inquired and they're not currently interested. Actually, the ABC Family guys were briefly interested in BAD GUYS. But their Disney Channel bosses put the kibosh on it.

Response recorded on May 14, 2003

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Lynati writes...

Why can't I sleep?
I've been up since 7 am yesterday. This just isn't fair.

Getting to the *actual* question...(I've looked through the archives, and haven't seen this one. I apologize if I missed it. And even more so If I've previously asked this question but forgot your response because it was a smart-ass one.)

"All things are true" you say, but I would appreciate it if you would clarify this for me:
In your conception of the gargoyles universe, are all "non-mortal" beings of the Fae race, or do you allow for the existence of anthropomorphic personifications?
(My, you do get a lot of Neil Gaimen inspired questions, don't you?)

[And as Aaron seems to have become lax in his posting of webcomic (and related) links...]

Greg responds...

Well, I hope you've been able to get some sleep since November 9, 2001...

I guess, and I'm not trying to be a smart-ass here, I'm not sure how you're defining "anthropomorphic personifications"? How is that different from, say, Anansi or The Stone of Destiny?

Anansi is definitely a "Child of Oberon." Not literally his kid, but one of his race. (Note: he's not Fae, which is not a term from the series. I view the Fae as a subset of the Children. Same with the Norse Pantheon and the Egyptian Pantheon, etc.)

Whereas, the Stone of Destiny is either an enchanted object or a Child of Oberon. I've intentionally left that vague for now.

As you've seen, the New Olympians are, strictly speaking, not Children of Oberon, though they are descended from them. Do they count as anthromorphic personifications?

So, I'm not trying to dodge the answer. I just honestly don't know how to define your terms.

Response recorded on May 14, 2003

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Saucer writes...

In the Reckoning, Demona stated, "I know every remaining gargoyle." Does that mean she knew every remaining clan including the ones that weren't introduced in the show. If not, which clans was she refering to?

Greg responds...

I'm going to leave that to your interpretation. Demona certainly seems to believe that she knows every remaining gargoyle, PERIOD.

But she could be (a) mistaken or (b) lying. She's certainly not above either possibility.

Response recorded on May 14, 2003

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matt writes...

some questions about Demona's "City of Stone Clan":

1. did Demona know any of them before the Wyvern Massacre?

2. were any of them once members of the Wyvern Clan?

3. were any of them once members of the clan that seperated from the Wyvern Clan?

4. were any of them banished gargoyles?

5. did you have any plans (in Gargoyles, or Dark Ages maybe) for showing where these gargs came from? i remember watching City of Stone for the first ime and wondering if i'd forgotten something from Awakenings or a flashback cuz one second they were the last of their kind and the next we found another group of them. kinda confused me...

Greg responds...

1. Yes.
2. Yes.
3. Yes.
4. Probably.
5. The group that was the "last of their kind" (which also turned out not to be true) in "Awakening" were the six survivors who woke up in Manhattan in 1994. Nobody in 994 ever said that the Wyvern clan were the last of their kind.

And as with most things, given enough episodes I would have eventually dealt with just about EVERYTHING.

Response recorded on May 13, 2003

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