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Rain of the Ghosts

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And while you're at it, mark your calendars: December 3rd, 2013. That's the date when my first published novel hits bookstores, Amazon.com, etc.

The novel is called RAIN OF THE GHOSTS, and if you attended the second Gathering of the Gargoyles in 1998, you saw a version of the story as part of our very first Gathering Players' Radio Play.

I'm very excited about this. I've been working on this property for over ten years (obviously), and it's great to finally be getting it out there to people. I've already reviewed and approved the copy edited manuscript and the cover. Even got some great blurbs/recommendations from folks whose names you're going to recognize. Right now, I'm plotting the second book in the series. (LOTS OF INDEX CARDS!!) And I honestly believe that if you've enjoyed any of my previous work - and why would you be here at ASK GREG if you didn't -then you'll like this too.

More on this as the year progresses. In fact, I might just hold some kind of countdown to 12/03/13. Though of course, if you want to pre-order the book now, I won't try to stop you.

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RADIO PLAY: The History

I posted this in the comment room, but Todd suggested I repost it here...


Sometimes I just don't have anything Gargoyles for us to do. And I'm not sure if just doing old episodes is all that interesting. And the other things have been fun... at least it seemed that way to me.

Here's a history of the works of the GATHERING PLAYERS...

1998 - RAIN OF THE GHOSTS (an unproduced pilot I wrote)
1999 - THE ROSWELL CONSPIRACIES (a rejected pilot I wrote)
2000 - ROUGHNECKS: THE STARSHIP TROOPERS CHRONICLES (the last arc of the series, which I story edited, half of which was unproduced. Written by me, Jon Weisman Lydia Marano, Cary Bates and Michael Reaves.)
2001 - GARGOYLES: "Hunter's Moon, Part Three" (Note: this was the first time that we actually did something gargoyles related for the radio play. This included scenes that were cut for time from the original. Written by Michael Reaves.)
2002 - TEAM ATLANTIS: "The Last" (Unproduced episode featuring Demona and Fiona Canmore, written by me)
2003 - GARGOYLES: "The Reckoning" (Performed in honor of Gary Sperling, who co-wrote the script with Lydia.)
2004 - GARGOYLES: "The Journey" (my uncut version of the script)
2005 - DOC SHAKESPEARE (An unproduced pilot written by myself and Sam Bernstein)
2006 - GARGOYLES: "The Mirror" (written by Lydia Marano and Brynne Chandler Reaves)
2007 - GARGOYLES: "Clan Building, Chapters III, IV & V: Invitation Only, Masque & Bash" - (from the comic, premeiring chapter V before it was published. Written by me...)
2008 - Geez, I should probably figure this out soon...

Anyway, you can see that traditionally, we've only done something gargish about half the time. For me it's fun to get to see my unproduced work performed, and it does give the fans a little insight into the biz. In any case, I've never heard any complaints from the folks who attended.
Greg Weisman

Nobody here but us chickens.

Nobody here but us chickens.