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Hey Greg the topics on my questions are about popularity. The other day I was thinking abiut gargoyles, and W.I.T.C.H and I always wondered why it didn't get a far better mainstream appeal.
This was odd for me as gargoyles being your baby, it does have brilliant writting and well developed characters.
I mean sure it does have a relative big following , theres a fan hosting this very site. But on the whole of dinsey propierties Gargoyles is a bit on the obscure side of things. I apologize if that comes as an insult. By the standards of a 90's disney cartoon your show is reasnably well rememebered, sure.
But had the fanbase being larger, the comic would've lasted longer I think.
I rather consider this a paradox. A brilliant show with great writting doesn't gett that much attention. Consider for a second how ducktales got a revival, and gargoyles is still waiting despite our best wishes as fans.
I think I found the reason.
Gargoyles lacks escapism.
I'm not saying that's a bad thing. You love your show and just how things are. Nothing wrong with that. I don't want you to change what you love.
Gargoyles are supposed to be feared and disliked as the whole point of them is a statment against prejudice. That's the entire point.
But it does affect their popuilarity.
Say people might want to be like Nightwing or spiderman as teens with incredible lifes. But I think few people would want to be a gargoyle hiding from the world.
People admire Goliath but I don't think anyone (mainly the kids of the audience) would like to be him nor Hudson or Lexington.
X-men has also the prejudiced characters. But there's a line of kids that would love to be like Wolverine or even Mystique.
I think it's safe to say that nobody would like to be in Puck's shoes.
Xanatos, Fox and oberon were probably the closes to escapist characters given their confort. But I think that's a stretch give the gargoyles are the focus.
So my question is what do you think?
I simply disagree. There's plenty of escapism in Gargoyles. More, I'd argue, than in X-Men. Why would someone want to be Wolverine and not, say, Brooklyn? (I mean from an escapist, point of view.) Is it because Wolverine is a badass? Well, so is Goliath.
In honor of their upcoming 50th anniversary
Why do you think the Duo of Hawk and Dove have struggled so hard in the Modern incarnations -post 2005, Dawn/Holly and Dawn/Hank Redux- compared to Hank/Don and Hank/Dawn 1.0 which are more fondly remembered?
I can't answer that, honestly, as I have nearly no familiarity with the more recent versions.
Of course, Don and Hank were designed to be emblematic of the Sixties. And it can be tough to contemporize characters so locked to a specific time period. But I liked the Chaos/Order configuration they eventually laid across the characters. And it seems like a fun way to keep the concept going in theory.
I thought you might be amused to learn that not long ago, the Titan Comics "Doctor Who" comics did a story where the Doctor (the Christopher Eccleston version) and his friends were tracking a living gargoyle (actually, a human who was turned permanently into a gargoyle - long story) through the woods at night, and encountered a young woman also searching for the gargoyle, who was wearing a red jacket, black t-shirt, and blue jeans. The jacket had a different design than Elisa's, but the overall look of her outfit was close enough to make me wonder if it was intended as a "Gargoyles" tribute. (Then again, Ellen Yin's similar outfit in "The Batman" turned out to be - apparently - a coincidence.) I hope it was intentional - meaning that someone working on that comic still remembered "Gargoyles" after all these years.
That'd be nice. Also, the ninth doctor is my favorite.
Have you seen the new Ducktales reboot? If so what are your thoughts on it?
I have not. I hear good things.
I checked the archives and I couldn't find this question so,what do you think of new 52 superboy?
I haven't read it/him.
I saw from a recent response that you love Ghost Rider. What do you think about the way the character was handled in the 4th Season of "Marvel's Agents of SHIELD"?
It's not particularly wise for me to answer this kind of question. I'm trying to work in this industry. But, briefly, the version they created fulfilled a need in that show and looked cool. But it didn't have too much to do with what I view as the classic version of the character. Which is just fine.
Would you ever make a scooby-doo show?
If someone asked me too, sure. I love Scooby.
Hey Greg. I have a few questions.
1) I've read somewhere that you stopped reading comics all together in the mid 90s. Not asking why as you've already abetted that but rather did that ever stop. The abstaining from comics that is for lack of a better word. I assume that you've picked up a read a comic every now and then since you quit obviously but was there a time where you went back consistently?
2) How do you determine when you will answer questions. I tend to check this site maybe once a month and sometimes I'll be back and you've answered dozens of questions, a lot of the times in one day. Other times you'll haven't answered a question in weeks. Is it just as simple as whenever you have free time and want to our is there some uniquely complicated schedule that you follow. (The question sounded more silly as I continued.)
3) Do you consider yourself to have a dry sense of humor. I've been told I do and I find some of your replies downright hilarious that to others might seem to come off as blunt. Or on the contrary are you just more of very blunt person.
4) Can you explain the little joke you do every time someone asks you who would win what fight and you reply with that quote about the hulk and the thing.
1. I started reading comics again when I started working on The Spectacular Spider-Man (around 2007, I think) after about a decade break. By the time Marvel did a soft reboot after Secret Wars in 2015, I was reading nearly everything in their line, in part because I was also writing Starbrand & Nightmask for Marvel. Plus I was reading all their Star Wars Books, in part because I was also writing Star Wars Kanan for Marvel and Lucasfilm. Both those books were cancelled, and Marvel no longer had any work for me. And then the third season of Young Justice began, right about the same time as DC did its own soft reboot with Rebirth. I started reading everything in the DC line at that point, edging out any free time I had for Marvel for the time being. I've continued to read the entire DC line (with very few exceptions) ever since. I'm about three or four months behind in my reading, but I'm still purchasing everything and reading as fast as I can manage.
2. It's just when I have time. Ideally, I try to answer five questions every weekday, but there are some days (many days, really) when even that is impossible. And then there are some (rare) days when I find myself with free time, and I just go to town on the queue.
3. I like to think I have a dry sense of humor. Certainly when I write. My verbal humor may be goofier or more sarcastic or whatever. I may also be blunt. The two things aren't mutually exclusive.
4. I think it's fairly self-explanatory. "Hulk vs. Thing, who would win?" is one of the oldest fan questions in comics. It's all situational, and the question - and those like it (including most hypotheticals) - just doesn't interest me. Fans can decide that sort of thing for themselves. They don't need me to weigh in.
1. Have you watched any of the Arrowverse shows (Arrow, The Flash, DC's Legends of Tomorrow, Supergirl)?
2. In your opinion, what are the strengths and flaws of each show...?
3. In your opinion, do you think it is better that "Supergirl" be in the same universe as the other three shows or is it better that it stays as its own universe...?
1. Yes.
2. I'm not playing this game.
3. See answer to #2.
1) Have you read Marvel's Power Pack by Louise Simonson and June Brigman? What did you think of it?
2) Don't you think someone should make a movie or tv series based on it? To me, it's a no-brainer.
1. Long ago. I remember liking it.
2. Um, sure.
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