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Did you see James Cameron's Titanic, and if so, how did you like it?
I have not seen it.
Since you mentioned having not seen The Incredible Hulk tv series for quite a while, I thought you might want to check the page: http://www.hulu.com/the-incredible-hulk
Has the first 3 seasons of the show as of now for viewing.
Thanks, but I just don't have the time right now.
I read on one of youre answers that you are a huge batman fan. Did you see the Dark Knight and what did you think of the Joker? I feel that the Joker blew all the other characters away, but apparently some people don't like the interpretation. One person said that the Dark Knights's Joker is the best film version to date, but didn't approve of the interpreation, because of how sloppy he was and he considered Joker to be a neat freak.
I thought it was a stunning interpretation.
If Conan the Cimerian fought Goliath who would win?
Uh... Disney?
You mentioned reading "Bone" at Comic-Con. What did you think of it? (I read it a few years ago - I have the one-volume edition as well as the first two individual volumes, which I bought before the one-volume edition came out - and enjoyed it.)
I love it. I think it gets a bit messy toward the end. Thorn's "powers" seem to come and go at will, as does her ability to be sick, be healed, etc. Episodically, it may not have registered, but read in one sitting...
And although I wasn't at all disappointed with the ENDING, ending, I really felt like Bone's crush went unresolved. And I would have liked to see a scene where it was DEALT with.
But these are quibbles. Overall, I thought it was great.
hey greg i just want to say thank you once again for making Spectacular Spider-Man. It has become my second favorite cartoon after Batman The Animated Series becasue you handle the charcters just like bruce timm and paul dini did. I look forward to the second season. here is my question will we Doc Ock come back to lead the sinister six in the second group ?
Bruce Timm and ALAN BURNETT. Not to knock Paul, but Paul and Michael Reaves and quite a few others were working for ALAN, and I just don't understand why Alan never gets credit for being (with Bruce) the driving force on that series.
Doc Ock will be back in Season Two.
Hi, Greg,
Nobody seems to have asked you this in a long time, so:
Which tv series have you been watching lately? LOST, Smallville, maybe?
Smallville is a show I try NOT to watch, though an occasional commercial tricks me into tuning in. I do watch Lost.
My favorite shows of last season were... well, House and Life come to mind. I liked Slings & Arrows a lot. Pushing Daisies was fun. And I had a number of guilty pleasures.
I do miss Veronica Mars.
Right now I'm enjoying Swingtown, and I kinda like Flashpoint too, though that may be because I'm a big Enrico Collatoni fan.
Hi, my name is Movie-Brat but if you like, you can nickname me M-B for short. And I like your show (Gargoyles) and your work in general and I do find your work on Gargoyles fascinating and anyway, to ask my question, what are your thoughts on such film as The Incredible Hulk (The new film taht just came out), A Nightmare on Elm Street (And its sequels), The Hills Have Eyes (Remake), The Saw films, Borat, Kiki's Delivery Service and Wes Craven's Shocker?
I enjoyed the recent Hulk movie quite a bit, which surprised me, I must admit. Not a perfect fit, but...
Nightmare - I'm not a big fan of slasher films. I did see the first two NIghtmare films (way back when) because I went to college (and took a drama class and had one date) with Heather Langenkamp. But it's really not my thing.
Never saw and have no interest in Hills or Saw.
Never saw Borat.
I think Kiki is terrific!
Never saw Shocker.
Since you've mentioned the Hulk being one of the comics that you've picked up quite a bit (I believe you said that you never missed an issue), I was wondering what your thoughts on the 1970s series The Incredible Hulk (with Bill Bixby and Lou Ferrigno) provided you've seen it. Also if you've watched them, your opinions on the following TV Movies they've made:
- The Incredible Hulk Returns (Which features Don Blake and Thor).
- Trial Of The Incredible Hulk (Which features Matt Murdock/Daredevil and Wilson Fisk)
- The Death Of The Incredible Hulk
I never said I never missed an issue. I read a good chunk of Peter David's run -- until events elsewhere in the Marvel Universe made it incoherent for me. It was the last Marvel book I gave up before I stopped reading comics in 1996. I've since started again, but the only Marvel comic I'm currently reading is Amazing Spider-Man (for work reasons).
I have fond memories of the Bixby/Ferrigno Hulk series, though it's been so long that I do wonder if it would hold up.
I remember the first two movies you referenced. Don't remember thinking they were very good, but I remember almost no details. I don't recall the third at all.
Dear Greg,
I was just wondering if you had seen the new Transformers: Animated show now airing on Cartoon Network... I checked back in the archives and found that no one had asked this yet, so I thought I'd give it a go.
It's interesting that it centers around five Autobots, "in statsis" for the past few decades or so that are suddenly reawakened when they are in need. The five include Optimus Prime (David Kaye), Rachet (Corey Burton ), Bumblebee (Bumper Robinson ), AND
Bulkhead (Bill Fagerbakke ) and Prowl (Jeff Bennett ) !!!!
I was pretty amazed when I saw this. Not only did the former voice actors from Gargoyles come back to do a show together but in relatively the same roles as they had played back in Gargoyles!
Jeff Bennett does a superb job as Prowl (a sleek cyberninja... kind of an outcast of the group= Brooklyn!!!), and sounds about as dead pan as Owen Burnett, which makes me giggle with joy. Bulkhead is... bulky and the bigger guy of the group (and voiced by our old friend Broadway!).
Even the others match up:
Rachet: old veteran 'bot, akin to Hudson
Bumblebee: smallest of the group: Lexington
So all that to say this: What do you think of your formula being used again in another hit show? I know we can't credit you coming up with the archetypes, but certainly perpetuating them in a way that many fans have grown to love. Have you seen the show? What are your impressions of the show?
Thanks again,
-Beth B.
I'm afraid I haven't seen it, but I'm always glad to hear Bill, Jeff and Corey are getting work.
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