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Pimping John Wells

John Wells, as many of you may have noticed on the credit lists I've posted for Young Justice, has provided invaluable research on the DC Universe for those of us working on the YOUNG JUSTICE comic and television series.

He's written a book: American Comic Book Chronicles: 1960-1964, and he's recently been interviewed by KC Carlson about the book, his secret origins and the work he's done in and for the industry. (Coincidentally, KC was - once upon a time - my associate editor on CAPTAIN ATOM.)

Anyway, here are links to the three-part interview:


Check 'em out! And congratulations, John!

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YOUNG JUSTICE: INVASION: EPISODE: 212: "True Colors": Premieres!

YOUNG JUSTICE: INVASION: EPISODE: 212: "True Colors": Premieres!

A new mission! A new Teammate! And a new player in the game!! You won't want to miss our newest episode of Young Justice, premiering on DC NATION this Saturday (and Sunday), January 19th (and 20th) along with a new GREEN LANTERN and more new DC NATION super-hero shorts! Check local listings for times.

And also Saturday night on the SyFy Channel, check out this new original movie: TASMANIAN DEVILS, starring our own Miss Martian, Danica McKellar. That's right, the live-action Danica is kicking some Tasmanian ass and taking some Tasmanian names!!

Meanwhile, for those who have been wondering why I haven't answered many questions recently, here at ASK GREG, it's because I've (a) been out of town on a much needed vacation and (b) been swamped since I got back. I'll try to get back on the horse next week.

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the greenman writes...

1) Reading the Stargate bible, have ever considered a Star Trek animated series? I know Paramount is very strict on that property.

2) Will you ever do another series of your own creation?

Thank you very much. Have a HAPPY NEW YEAR!

Greg responds...

1. I'd love to do one, but no one's asked me. (Keep in mind, I was asked to develop Stargate. I don't just go out and independently develop series based on properties that somebody else owns.)

2. Again, I'd love to, but no one's bought anything original that I've pitched in a VERY long time.

Response recorded on December 28, 2012

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Jurgan writes...

I just wanted to thank you for something else. Your lengthy rambles are what got me to watch Buffy the Vampire Slayer, and from there most of Whedon's other work. Thank you so much for that- I have experienced many hours of enjoyment thus. I was surprised that you haven't commented on any of his post-Firefly work, as far as I can tell from searching the archives. If you don't mind, assuming you've seen the following, what did you think of:

1. Dollhouse?
2. The Avengers?
3. Cabin in the Woods?

Thanks again! Oh, and I've completely missed the boat on Young Justice, but I may be getting season 1 for Christmas. I'll let you know what I think!

Greg responds...

Please do.

1. I watched all of Dollhouse and will admit to mixed feelings. But it was long enough ago that I don't think I remember it clearly enough to speak to what exactly wasn't working for me. (And there was a lot I liked about it too.)

2. Great. There are little things I could quibble with, but in general, great.

3. Haven't seen it.

Response recorded on December 23, 2012

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Khayyaam writes...

Hey Greg. I'm wondering if you've seen Arrow, the recent Live-Action series about Oliver Queen. Personally, I liked it a lot, especially with the focus on the character's civillian identity rather than his antics as a vigilante.

If you've seen it, what did you think? Did you like some of the ideas they had?

And I know you're a fan of Black Canary, which is also why I asked, since Laurel Lance is a major supporting character. Did you like what they did with her?

Thanks for taking the time to ask all these questions!

Greg responds...

I haven't seen it.

Response recorded on December 12, 2012

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celestia writes...

Hey Greg! I think you adviced people that wanted to become writters to read great literature and the classics.

Beyond Shakespeare (who is a must read :) ) What kind of literature would you recomend for this purpose?

Greg responds...

Homer, for sure.






Even Hemingway.

The list of authors are probably endless. Personally, I'm a big fan of mysteries/detective stories, and my favorite author in that genre is Ross Macdonald, who I believe transcends the genre. I also like James M. Cain, Dashiell Hammett, Raymond Chandler, Michael Connelly and Maj Sjöwall & Per Wahlöö, to name a few.

I'd scarf up myths and legends. Greek, Roman, Egyptian, Norse, Arthurian, etc., etc., etc. And I wouldn't just limit myself to Western Culture. Chow down on the stories of the far east, of the mid-east, of aboriginal peoples everywhere...


History books. Biographies. Some are deadly dull, but others are fascinating.

Anyway, that should keep you busy for awhile.

Response recorded on December 05, 2012

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Anonymous writes...

Did it amuse you that the main villain in season six of Dexter was named Travis Marshall?

Greg responds...

It REALLY did! Or in any case, it freaked me out a little.

Response recorded on December 04, 2012

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Tyler Reznik writes...

Hello again, Mr. Weisman.

I know you've previously stated that you don't play video games, but I was wondering: what's your opinion on video games as a story-telling medium?

Greg responds...

I'm all for it.

Response recorded on December 04, 2012

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Sammy writes...

I just wanted to say I love all th puns on your show! I especially love the Powerpuff Girls pun in "Darkest" or rather, the Rowdeyruff Boy reference xD

Greg responds...

Not that I don't love the Powerpuff Girls and the Rowdyruff Boys, but you do realize that that nursery rhyme WAY pre-dates that show, right?

Also, it's not a pun.

Response recorded on December 03, 2012

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Toasthider writes...

Hi Greg,
I was wondering if you read Hellboy at all? It just occurred to me recently that the use of folklore and mythology in the series is kind of in the same vein as Gargoyles!

Greg responds...

I've read some Hellboy and seen both movies. I see some overlap, though we did Gargoyles long before I read any Hellboy.

Response recorded on November 30, 2012

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Smallville fan writes...

Hello Greg I just wanted to apologize for my superman complaining and ask some questions regarding him.

As a fan I am a bit tired of writers using him just to make batman look cool.I think he is a great character, that few people are actually able to write well (many writers complain that he is too powerful).

When I saw him treating superboy as a brother. I regretted every word I said. You gave is a flawed yet true to the character that is Superman.

On to my questions!

1.-Do you think it is possible to write a superman show as great as past batman shows have been?
2.-Have you considered a superman show?
3.- How has superman survived against lex Luthor. I know superman is the super powered one... But he is too nice and naive while Lex is perhaps as smart as Xanatos.

Thank you for your time!

Greg responds...

1. Yes.

2. Not specifically, since I don't own Superman, it's not up to me. But I'd be game to try.

3. Observe for yourself.

Response recorded on November 30, 2012

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Ky writes...

Concerning the titles of the next two episodes in Young Justice Invasion ("Darkest" and "Before the Dawn"), I was wondering if they were a reference to the song Shake It Out by Florence and the Machine or if that was just a pure coincidence?

Greg responds...

"It's always darkest before the dawn." is a very old phrase that pre-dates both our series and the birth of Florence or the Machine.

Response recorded on November 29, 2012

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Clark Cradic writes...

Any characters that you don't like that everyone else you know seems to love? Doesn't have to be DC, it can be any character in general.

Greg responds...

Um... none spring to mind this second.

Response recorded on November 29, 2012

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Anonymous writes...

I you ever thought of creating a young justice like TV show for the marvel universe?

Greg responds...

It's not up to me.

Response recorded on November 29, 2012

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Kyle Reece writes...

I was wondering, was Blade a possible inspiration for Macbeth's modern design?

Greg responds...


Response recorded on November 06, 2012

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btgr writes...

Have you watched Mission: Impossible 3 or Die Hard 4? I only asked because Maggie Q starred in both of those movies. BTW I actually have Mission: Impossible 3 on DVD.

Greg responds...

Um... I don't think I've seen M:I 3. I think I have seen DH4, but it was a while ago. I do watch Nikita every week.

Response recorded on October 29, 2012

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Mirage (I had hippie parents) writes...

Greg, I have three questions for you!

1.) How did you catch the comic fan bug?

2.) If you could have dinner with any superhero, what would you serve? (dessert included)


3.) with the Avengers out soon, and the success of countless tv shows including Young Justice, What do you think it is about comic books that is so intriguing and fasinating to people?

Greg responds...

1. By reading comic books.

2. I don't know. I know the question's meant to be fun. But my brain just doesn't work like that. Sorry.


3. Archetypes.

Response recorded on October 09, 2012

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Mr. Curious writes...

Out of curiosity, Mr. Weisman,

Have you ever considered doing a Marvel animated series which could take place in 2099 (or whatever year it would now be in that then-alternate future)?

Greg responds...

I haven't. But I'd be willing. It is, of course, NOT UP TO ME!

Response recorded on October 03, 2012

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Captain Fan writes...

Someone in a Captain Action discussion group, found a clip from a Gargoyles episode entitiled "Eye of the Beholder". There is a brief appearance by Action Boy, who is the sidekick of Captain Action, a 1960's action figure from Ideal toys. His emblems were blacked out, I'm sure for copyright purposes. I was wondering if someone envolved with the show was a Captain Action or Action Boy fan. Anyway, it was a cool thing to see.

Greg responds...

I have no memory of this, I'm afraid.

Response recorded on September 12, 2012

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Old Fan writes...

What other cartoons are watching right now and would recomend?

Greg responds...

Green Lantern is the only cartoon I have time to watch these days, I'm afraid. And I would definitely recommend it.

Response recorded on September 12, 2012

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Anonymous writes...

1. Besides being a butler for the Wayne family, what else is known about Alfred’s early life before he became a butler?

2. In the film Batman Begins, there was a line spoken by Rachel Dawes, a childhood friend of Bruce Wayne. I can’t remember the exact words, but I think she said, “It’s not about who we are, but what we do that defines us.” Given what happened on “Usual Suspects,” was the lesson you wanted us to learn from that episode was loosely based on that quote from the movie?

Greg responds...

1. Plenty.

2. It wasn't at all based on the movie quote - which I'd completely forgotten - though the sentiment was similar. (It's not like that's a new lesson in pop culture. For example, Gandalf says a more memorable version - to me, at least - of the same thing to Frodo in "The Fellowship of the Ring".)

Response recorded on September 04, 2012

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kitty writes...

1- Are you a fan of the x-men and if you are who´s your favourite character,writer and story arc?

Greg responds...

1. I'm a fan of the X-Men, but I haven't read anything recently - except Joss Whedon's run. I loved the original Lee/Kirby stuff, of course, and Roy Thomas' work with various artists, and I was really hooked on the Claremont/Byrne stuff.

Response recorded on September 04, 2012

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Miten dama writes...

Have you seen batman year 1 and if you
have what did you think of the movie

Greg responds...

I haven't seen it.

Response recorded on August 29, 2012

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Codeman1992 writes...

Hi Mr. Weisman, I just wanted to give you props on developing one of the most interesting and creative superhero series on television. Young Justice is one of the greatest superhero series I've watched. I put it up there with the great Batman The Animated Series and all the Timmverse Shows. So, like I said before, I give you props and you are a extremely well versed writer and it's proof in your work. With the new Spider Man movie coming out soon, I've noticed it's very reminiscent of The Spectacular Spider man. At least in the case of turning Gwen into a potential love interest in High School, who both her and Pete intern somewhere. That's my first question, have you noticed that? My second question is regarding The Spectacular Spider Man. I'm in my Spidey Obsession phase and always turn to your show whenever I'm in that phase. Since there's not gonna be a Season 3 of the show, can you drop any potential storylines or where the show was gonna go after the finale of Season 2? I know this is really long, but I'm a huge fan and hope I can be as great of a writer as you are one day. Thank You Mr. Weisman for your time.

Greg responds...

1. I did notice similarities, but we're all working off the same source material, so there are bound to be similarities.


Response recorded on August 23, 2012

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EXALT writes...

1)Have you seen any of the movies of the Marvel Cinematic Universe (Iron Man-The Incredible Hulk-Iron Man 2-Thor-Captain America: The First Avenger)? If yes, what do you think of them?
2)Have you seen Joss Whedon's The Avengers (It's not out yet, but it'll probably be when you'll answer this)?

Greg responds...

1. Yes. And I'm generally, a fan. I like some better than others, but they've all been fun.

2. Yes. And I enjoyed it - a lot.

Response recorded on August 16, 2012

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