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REPLIES 2003-08 (Aug)

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The Cat writes...

Hello Greg,

I am helping a few friends with their fan fiction and I thought I'd ask this. You know kind of do a research paper. Anyway, one of my friends wants to know if gargoyles evolved or were they just created by something or someone? I wouldn't know so I figured since you were one of the creators I'd ask you.

1. Were the gargoyles created by a higher being than themselves?
2. Did they evolve?

3. If they evolved, what did they evolve from?
Dinosaurs(that is actually my best guess)?
Komodo Dragons?

Well, thanks bye.

Greg responds...

I've answered this before. Research papers generally require research, so it might have been nice had you checked the archives. Even given its volume, the odds are that by now, 8-1-03, you'd have already gotten the answer to the question you posted back on 1-16-02.

But anyway, it all depends on what you believe. If you believe a higher power created life more-or-less as is, than that same higher power did the same for the Gargoyles. If you believe in evolution, so be that. Personally, I don't see evolution and creationism as mutually exclusive, so I believe in both, elegantly. But that's just me.

If you believe in Evolution, they evolved back in the era of dinosaurs, but I'm not going to say from what.

Response recorded on August 01, 2003

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