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Todd Jensen writes...

My iron question, posted again because of the crash.

The obvious reason for why Oberon's Children are vulnerable to iron is: a) they need some sort of kryptonite to keep them from getting out of control, and b) it's an element that comes from legend. But did you ever work out an "internal rationale" for why cold iron has the effect on them that it does?

Greg responds...

I can't remember my answer.


a and b are certainly true. But I think that iron ore may be something solid and ancient that pre-dates their evolution.

But honestly, I think it's more a and b.

Response recorded on July 10, 2000

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Caitlin writes...

Who are the Children of Mab (as opposed to the Children of Oberon)?

Greg responds...

Before Oberon deposed Mab, the fae collectively went by the name Children of Mab. After Oberon took over, he changed the name.

Response recorded on July 10, 2000

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Faieq Ali writes...

What type of effects would smoking have on a fay?( I don't see Oberon or Puck as the type to smoke.)But what if another fay smoked?

Greg responds...

Smoking's bad for you.

Response recorded on July 10, 2000

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Faieq Ali writes...

In the Gargoyles Universe is fate a person (a fay) or an element like time?

In M.I.A Goliath says to Griff "Fate is conspiring against us." and "Maybe fate can somehow be... aaah..."*pushes Griff away* "cheated."
"Time is a river correcting it's course." Is fate also an invisible element like time correcting peoples lives and stories? Or is it one of Oberon's children, a trickster maybe?

Greg responds...

Fate isn't a person. (I'm not sure what you mean by "element".) But that doesn't mean that there aren't fae connected to fate the way Anubis for example is connected to Death.

Response recorded on July 10, 2000

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LSZ writes...

Do the fae have any kind of afterlife or souls? Traditional folklore says no, but it seems rather unfair to have them souless compared to the other two races..

Greg responds...

They have the potential.

Response recorded on July 10, 2000

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Todd Jensen writes...

Do you have to be a fay in order to be a trickster? I'm asking this because Xanatos is 100 % human, and he's definitely a trickster-figure just as surely as are Puck, Raven, Anansi, and Coyote, at least IMHO.

Greg responds...

Technically, yes. But anyone with the soul of a con artist, the hands of a pickpocket and a decent sense of humor can be a trickster.

Response recorded on July 10, 2000

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Vashkoda writes...

Considering the amount of iron in rocks/soil, would being underground have any significant effect on a fae's magic?

Greg responds...

Not much.

Response recorded on July 10, 2000

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LSZ writes...

I just want to check on this; if Demona had succeeded in her plague, we already know it would not have affected Gargoyles, wiped out humans, done serious damage to the New Olympians, and possibly sentient animals as well as Nokkar might have been unknown factors..but the thing is, would the fae have been affected at all by the plague, being creatures of pure magic?

Greg responds...

Possibly. Of course, most were safely isolated on Avalon at the time.

Response recorded on July 10, 2000

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LSZ writes...

1) Did the struggle for power between Oberon and Mab get recorded however dimly in any myths or legends? Since fae seem to be remembered in stories pretty well, being worshipped as gods and so on..
2) Did the struggle cause any great devestation to Avalon or the Earth?
3) Did it occur before Nokkar arrived?
4) How long did it take Oberon to win?

Greg responds...

1. Probably.
2. Probably.
3. Haven't thought that one through. Hmmmm.
4. The length of the conflict.

Response recorded on July 10, 2000

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LSZ writes...

Just why did Oberon choose to start the Gathering?

Greg responds...

He planned it 1001 years ago. He was just fulfilling his own command.

Response recorded on July 10, 2000

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Todd Jensen writes...

Is Queen Mab subject to Oberon's non-intervention law?

Greg responds...

Queen Mab is currently subject to a life sentence. Everything else is moot unless -- or until -- she gets out.

Response recorded on July 10, 2000

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Todd Jensen writes...

About what time did Oberon and Titania get married? Was Shakespeare corect about them being a wedded couple during the time of Theseus?

Greg responds...

Ask me again some other time, I'm currently in a re-think on Midsummer. I'm not sure how it's gonna come out.

Response recorded on July 10, 2000

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LSZ writes...

Just why did Oberon overthrow Mab?

Greg responds...

She was trouble.

Also she didn't approve of Titania.

Response recorded on July 10, 2000

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Abigail Thorne writes...

How did Goliath and the others learn that Demona and Macbeth can only be killed if one kills the other? Demona told Brooklyn in "Temptation" how she had been dealing with humans for hundreds of years, and Macbeth told Goliath in "Enter Macbeth" how he had named Demona, which she herself said in "Awakening Part 5" happened long ago. So I get how they could figure out both were immortal, but how exactly did they figure out the terms of the spell?

And another thing--if they knew that only Macbeth could kill Demona and vice versa, how come they thought Macbeth died in the crash in "The Price" and Demona died in the fire in "The Reckoning'?

Greg responds...

From the Weird Sisters, after they were captured -- but before they were released -- in "Avalon, Part Three".

"The Price" took place before "Avalon". And they never said she was dead in "The Reckoning". Goliath simply acknowledged that he wasn't sure. I mean how many questions have I had to answer here about the rules of the whole Macbeth/Demona thing. If you all have some doubts about how that spell works, don't you think Goliath and Angela might also.

Response recorded on July 10, 2000

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Jarrod writes...

I was watching Gargoyles today mainly the "Cities of Stone" episodes. I noticed when demona was casting her spell she said to Owen when he was in a frozen state "You are the tricky one so we will make sure you stay put". Which makes me wonder, did Demona know that Owen was Puck? And if she knew that Owen is Puck, how long has she known that?

Greg responds...

Yes, she knows. She's known since before the rest of the clan was awakened.

There's a similar clue in "The Mirror", when Demona says to Puck, "You serve the human [i.e. Xanatos], you can serve me now." (Or something like that.

Response recorded on July 10, 2000

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Aris Katsaris writes...

Hmm, now that I think of it, I'm not even certain if 'revelatory' is a real word...

Anyway on the Theseus business, something a bit less... deep: In "A Midsummer's Night Dream" it is said that Titania had an... affair (ahem) with Theseus - would you say that's true in the Gargoyles Universe?

Greg responds...


Response recorded on July 07, 2000

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galvatron writes...

Is the reason that Alexander is considered a Children of Oberon while Merlin is considered a halfling because Alexander is basically more powerful than Merlin?

Greg responds...

Who made those assumptions?

Merlin's technically a halfling because Oberon is his father but his mother is human.

Fox is also theoretically a halfling. Her mother is Titania. Her father is the human Halcyon Renard.

Alexander is technically a quarterling, I guess. He's fully human on his father's side and half human on his mother's side.

Response recorded on July 07, 2000

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WereFox writes...

Hi Greg

Once agian I'd like to thank you for the opportunity to satisfy our enquiring minds.

Here we go. What does love mean to Titania? I'll ellaborate on what bothers me about her. We have seen in countless episodes how our villains' best and worst laid plans have gone awry because of certain factors were byond the control of the planners. Chances were taken, disaster was courted, and the scheme falls apart. With all this in mind let's consider Titania's actions.

In I'll Met by Moonlight", Titania exposes Obereon's weakness to Iron Bells to Tom and the Princess. She must have had some insite into their characters and was reasonably sure that they wouldn't kill Oberon. Still despite her fantastic judge of character, she is taking an enourmous chance here with people she hardly knows. What if Tom had to kill Oberon in self defence? Certainly she didn't want this.

Then there is The Gathering. Titania manipulates Oberon into a conflict with Xanatos that jeopardized the lives of two people she cares about. Renard might have died when Fortress 2 crashed. By the time Oberon reaches Fox and Alexander, he is clearly beside himself with anger and frustration. Who are these pitiful mortals to stand in the way of what he wants? A calm Oberon might not have taken Fox up on her "Over my dead body" vow, for fear of alienating Titania. Yet Oberon is hardly rational at this point. Again, these circumstances are beyond Titania's control. Sure things worked out for the best, but things could have just as easily goe the other way. What was she thinking in goading Oberon into this situation?

Finally, what of the many people who died in hospitals or in car accidents, when Oberon puts the entire city to sleep. Do they mean anything to her?

I congratulate you in creating so complex a character. I realize that on first viewing it might seem like Titania is on Fox's side, but as with all complex characters, the only side she is truly own is her own. Still if Titania truly cares for Oberon, Fox , her ex-husband Renard, then why does she envolve them in schemes that are so hazardous?

Greg responds...

You're assuming -- because she needed none -- that she had no contingencies planned. That's not a safe assumption. Plus, as far as "The Gathering" is concerned, you're taking her word for it that she had it all planned to go this way from moment one. She PROBABLY did. But that's not a completely foregone conclusion either.

Finally, I think that Titania is still a character in mid-evolution. You've never met the tenth century Titania. But keep in mind that in those days, she was LESS mature than Oberon, less responsible, less loving. She's grown A LOT. But let's not confuse a LOT with ALL THE WAY.

Response recorded on July 05, 2000

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Nemi writes...

Hi! I'm back! Anyways, these questions are going to be on the apearences of The Lord and Lady of Avalon.

1. What's up with Oberon's broken nose? Can't he change it, or what? (I've heard a couple of theroies on this, but i want to hear it from the source.)

2. Why does Titana wear, forgive me, something so skimpy? She seems to have more self respect than that.

3. what's up with Oberon's cheek bones/ultra chiseled features? You could get a paper cut on them!

4. Did Titana always these sorts of cloaths, or is this a new thing for the Gathering?

5. Speaking of cloaths, What's up with Oberon's thigh high boots?

6. Did Titana inherit her coloration from her family or did she decide on it?

7. Is Oberon wearing shorts and thigh high boots or boots and pants that are tucked into the boots, or something completely difrent?

8. what is Titana wearing on her feet? I never got to see, even though Oberon has enough footwear for all of Avalon.

9. Did Oberon inherit his coloration from his family, or did he just decide to be blue?



I Like Anubis too.

Greg responds...

1. Oberon has a broken nose? Don't think so.

2. She's got it. She flaunts it. She's not short on self-respect.

3. I don't know how to answer this. But I don't think Oberon would appreciate these personal observations.

4. It's her style.

5. Again, how do you expect me to respond? It's a style.

6. Both.

7. He's not wearing short pants.

8. Geez. What are you wearing right now? Anyway, I seem to recall she was wearing boots.

9. Both.

You like Anubis TOO? Wow, does that mean you like Oberon & Titania? Cuz I sense a lot of hostility towards 'em.

Response recorded on July 05, 2000

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A Fan writes...

I'd appreciate your thoughts on the accuracy of my hypothesis. I know you are likely to be cryptic, so I promise to be only somewhat annoyed it you are, although I'd prefer if you weren't.

About time travel, why is the Phoenix Gate the only time travel device out there? Or is it?

It is likely the only magical way, because if not, why would Oberon want it so badly? Unless it is like a washing machine. You can wash it by hand but you'd rather use a machine.

You've established that the past cannot be changed, and that Xanatos's current position in society is solely because of his little trip to the past.

Establishing that the Phoenix Gate is gone, except for its little TimeDancing trip, does that mean that time travel in the gargoyles universe is now totally impossible?

the final question would have to be, since you don't believe in a changable past, does the Gargoyles universe contain parallel time tracks, entire other universes with a different version of events.

Finally, I apologize if I missed previous answers to these questions. I have been reading the archive since it started, but my memory is a little bad at times.

Greg responds...

1. I didn't say that the Gate is the only device out there. Depending on your point of view, one could say the Grimorum acted as a one-way time travel device for Goliath et al. And for the Coldtrio as well.

2. Who said Oberon wanted it so badly? Puck thought it would make a good bribe. Who knows if he was even right?

3. I wouldn't say "solely" but sure, what's your point?

4. Not necessarily. But I'd never make it easy. (And calling TimeDancer a "little...trip" is the understatement of the day, at least.

5. Ehhh.... Those things tend to be abused whenever they're introduced. Look at the X-Men. That book became unreadable to me eventually. As I've said before, I'm open to thinking about parallel universe/tracks etc. But I tend to think I'll end up saying no.

6. S'O.K.

Response recorded on July 05, 2000

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Anonymous writes...

How many children has Oberon had with immortal and mortal females? If you can't tell us the specific number then is it more than a 100 or less than a 100?

Greg responds...


Response recorded on July 03, 2000

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Todd Jensen writes...

In your opinion, is much of Merlin's status as "the greatest wizard of all time" thanks (from the perspective of the Gargoyles Universe) to his being a biological son of Oberon's? Given how much magic Oberon must have in him, it does seem logical that an offspring of his, even a halfling, would have more magic to inherit than a halfling child of any other fay, or a fully-human wizard.

Greg responds...

Merlin was certainly born with a lot of magical potential. But potential can be squandered. (Just look at my life over the last four years.) Merlin worked to become a great wizard.

Response recorded on June 30, 2000

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Duncan Devlin writes...

First off, great show, always worth saying. I would like to thank for Oberon, who led to a five page description that got me an A for seventh grade English, Titania, whose description got me and A for eighth grade English, and Macbeth, a text whose knowledge got me an A in ninth grade English (although these grades did not come from spelling.)

On my seventh or eight watchings of "Ill Met by Moonlight" and "The Gathering", my rather large screensavers, I noticed a few things and came up with some stuff.

1) Anubis appeared to be one of the people in line at the Gathering, this seems a little odd. Who takes care while he is away?

2) Who, if anybody, is the dube with the hat that kisses Oberon's hand before the Banshee gets dropped?

3) Oberon refers to himself as "we" in some cases and "I" and other cases, what is up with that?

(I did not see these in the archives, if any are there, sorry)


Greg responds...

1. Takes care of what? Away from where?

2. That "dube" is Nought.

3. Artistic license. I generally liked for him to use the royal we. But occasionally having him say "we" was very confusing, because it gave the impression he was talking about the group at hand. So occasionally, we cheated and used "I". Fortunately, Terrance Mann, who voiced Oberon could make the lowliest I still sound like the royal we. Which is probably why you didn't notice it until your seventh viewing.

Response recorded on June 29, 2000

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A Fan writes...

I'm curious exactly how magic casting works. It seems to be established that humans and gargoyles need a magic object and/or a magic spell to do magic.

But Oberon's Children seem to not have to use spells. Although Puck seems to. How do you explain that?

Greg responds...

How do you want me to explain it?

How about in writing?

Look, Fae magic and Mortal Sorcery are two different things. With Mortals, most of the magic comes from without. With Fae, most of it comes from within. Fae are made of magic.

After that clear distinction, the specifics depend on control, style, training, power, i.e. lots of factors. Anansi spins his spells. Puck rhymes his. Oberon is so powerful he just has to speak his will. But rhyming helps, so he does that too sometimes. Most Fae rhyme, but there are plenty of exceptions.

Mortals need something to gather and focus energy. A place, a talisman, a spell.

I'm not exactly sure if that answers your question. If you need more specifics, post again.

Response recorded on June 29, 2000

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Kayless writes...

Hey Greg, I have some religious questions for you.

1. Since you are seemingly very well versed in religious doctrine, I'm curious as to how you feel about the Judeo/Christian scriptures that prohibit wizardry. Deuteronomy 18:9-18:12 (Let no one be found among you who sacrifices his son or daughter in the fire, who practices divination or sorcery, interprets omens, engages in witchcraft, or casts spells, or who is a medium or spiritist or who consults the dead. Anyone who does these things is detestable to the Lord) makes it quite clear that God brooks no wizards in his fold. Is there a conflict for you since so much of the myth Gargoyles is based on revolves around magic?

2. What about the uncanny resemblance between gargoyles and demons? Why do the two look so much alike? Did dybbuks manifest themselves in the form of gargoyles in order to sow discord with humanity, hence the current demonic stereotype and poor human/garg relations?

3. How do the Fae feel about the whole God business? They seem a rather worldly lot, though some might be old enough to remember biblical events.

4. Why is Percy still using the grail? The Holy Grail is a sacred artifact, not your run-of-the-mill magical maguffin. Why would it continue to grant its power to Duval, who has since proved unworthy? I know you said it was costing him a high physical price but I find it odd that it should be giving him any kind of benefits at all (Anybody see what happened to the bad guy in Indiana Jones and the Last Crusade?).

5. Last one. Is the Judeo/Christian God the supreme ruler of the Gargoyle universe? Given the plethora of Gods and Goddess on the show, I'm just wondering what your views on this are (I prefer to think that He's the one in charge, but I had to ask).

Thanks for your time, as always. Now I must return to the Vole Wars…

Greg responds...

1. I'm clearly less "versed" than you seem to think. I won't comment on your citation in a vacuum. And I don't have a bible here in the office to check the context.

When you ask if I'm conflicted, I'm not clear on your question. Are you looking for my opinion on the bible? Personally, I think the bible is an astounding piece of literature with much to teach us. But I see the hands of man all over that book. And although it might lose me some fans, I cannot believe that God authored it. Inspired it maybe, but authored it, no. At any rate, I think many things in the bible are subject to interpretation. Often multiple interpretations.

2. Where do you get the idea that there is ANY resemblance between gargoyles and demons? From Medieval painters? Look, we haven't seen any demons in the series. We haven't seen any demons in the gargoyles universe. No angels either. I'm not saying whether they exist or not. But you're question assumes facts not in evidence.

3. The whole God with a capital G business? Like humans, every Child of Oberon is different. I try not to make monolithic generalizations.

4. Assumes facts not in evidence. A. Who says he's still using the grail? I said he still had it. B. And in any case, your question asked "Why". Why wouldn't he if he could? C. Who said the grail can "grant" power? D. If it can, who said it is? E. Who said Duval has proven unworthy?

And I certainly refuse to use "Last Crusade" as an authority.

I will say that the Grail is part of the reason that Percival and Blanchefleur are still alive. And that a price for that has been paid. But don't oversimplify.

5. As you may know, I'm Jewish. Most of my fellow Jews would not consider me to be religious, though that's something I might argue with. Personally, I believe in God with a captial G. Whether that means he's the Judeo/Christian God seems like a parochial question to me. Almost an elitist question. I also believe that God is REAL BIG on free will. His miracles are many but subtle, and all come with a free scientific explanation -- because if he simply manifested like George Burns on trial, then where's the free will? So why should things be any easier in the Gargoyles Universe. The Gargs believe in a God that is the sum total of all things. They are monotheists and animists all at once. I don't think that's inconsistent with Judeo/Christian beliefs, but I also don't think you're going to see any purely objective evidence on the show, ever. Take to the Gargoyles Universe what you will. And it should, if I'm doing this right, give you something back -- whatever you do, or don't, believe in.

Look, I know it seems like I'm blowing off your questions. I'm not. But try reading them with a fresh eye. They're almost impossible TO answer in a straightforward manner, because they are extremely complex, and yet they take for granted so many things as fact that have not been established either in the cannon or here at ASK GREG. These are all interesting topics and I encourage you to pursue them. But break your questions down. It'll help you avoid making assumptions.

By the way, what's a Vole?

Response recorded on June 29, 2000

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