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Children of Oberon, The

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LSZ writes...

Could you give the name any of the fae who were worshipped and actually believed they were gods?

Greg responds...


Response recorded on October 05, 2000

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LSZ writes...

A more careful rephrase of the earlier question, which got a rather good smart-ass answer:

Just what is it that makes Oberon and Mab so powerful magically? Is it acquired power? Is it luck? Does it come just from being the ruler of Avalon? Does it come from, for lack of a better word, genetics?

Greg responds...

A lot of it is "genetics". A lot is WILL. A lot is about natural magical loci. Some is acquired. And you could call it all luck on at least some level.

Response recorded on October 05, 2000

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LSZ writes...

Is it possible for the Children of Oberon archive file to be split into smaller subcategories? For example, you go into Children of Oberon, you get all the historical, nature-of and other in general stuff about the species there, but you can also click on a little list of subgroups on individual fae, like Oberon, Mab, Titania, Anansi, etc.

Greg responds...

Not the way things are currently constructed. I could from this point on, start new archives that are more specific, I suppose. One for Mab, one for Oberon, one for Titania, etc. But I don't feel a real need for it.

Why do you ask?

Response recorded on October 05, 2000

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LSZ writes...

Who ruled before Mab?

Greg responds...

I'm not sure there was a "before Mab".

Response recorded on October 05, 2000

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LSZ writes...

Does Mab have any redeeming qualities?

Greg responds...

Sure. Fresh breath.

Response recorded on October 05, 2000

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Todd Jensen writes...

A question about "Ill Met By Moonlight". At the end of this episode, Oberon appoints the Avalon clan his "honor guard". Is this going to turn out to be a largely ceremonial function with little real work? I can't help but suspect this, in view of the fact that anything capable of seriously threatening Oberon, a fellow capable of swelling up to giant size, animating stone figures, and ordering the earth to swallow up intruders, (and I will confess that the only thing that I can think of in the Gargoyles Universe that could really endanger him at present is Queen Mab) would be able to easily wipe out a whole clan of gargoyles without much effort. (I do have the suspicion that Oberon's appointing the gargoyles to that position was more a matter of "practical politics" - giving them a definite role in Avalonian society - than a matter of "providing for defense", myself).

Greg responds...

Generally, an "honor guard" is by definition ceremonial. If not literal definition, then certainly by common practice.

So I agree. But it doesn't hurt to have loyal warriors handy the next time someone shows up with an iron bell.

Response recorded on September 30, 2000

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Vashkoda writes...

Ok, I'm bored, and since I won't enter the contest, it leaves me with little else to do but ask questions. So....

1a) Did Mab have any followers in her battle with Oberon? b) If so, were any of them imprisoned along with her? c) Is there anyone presently guarding her prison? d) Can anyone besides Oberon free Mab from wherever she's being imprisoned?

2) Was it Oberon himself who originally decided to battle Mab, or did he need convincing?

3) You said that Ragnarok happened in the Gargoyles Universe. a) How about the battle between the "Greek gods" and their predecessors, the "Titans"? b) Were either of these battles associated with the one between Oberon and Mab?

Greg responds...

1a. Yes.

b. Maybe.

c. Sorta.

d. Possibly.

2. Not telling.

3a. Yes.

b. Not telling.

Response recorded on September 27, 2000

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Kelly L Creighton / Kya White Sapphire writes...

re: wyrd sisters
i saw a shirt that i SO wana get entitled "The Maiden, The Mother, The Crone" with three women (hence the title) in front of a moon.... AHHH I WANT IT! its *so* the wyrd sisters. *cries* *is broke*
image: http://www.pyramidcollection.com/catalog.cfm

Greg responds...

Yeah, we consciously chose not to take that approach. Largely because that version of the characters was extremely prominent in SANDMAN at that time.

Response recorded on September 27, 2000

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Wing writes...

Can fae have anemia?

Greg responds...

Yeah, but it means something different to them.

It's more metaphorical.

Response recorded on September 25, 2000

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Wing writes...

Knowing you are an English type teacher (as opposed to Science and what not), is it safe to assume you are familiar with the concept of the HERO'S JOURNEY? (a journey of self-discovery?)

It can be said that Titania went on the HERO'S JOURNEY. She took a trip and came back all the better (simplified). Too, it can be said, that Oberon ordered all fae to complete a HERO'S JOURNEY of sorts. (Loving the capital thing by the way) Oberon himself I belive went briefly on a journey, but only kinda (assumed from previous answers).
My q is, will Oberon ever go on a HERO'S JOURNEY and have a coming of age? Has this already happened, more subtly? Will his character continue to develope?

Greg responds...

I like to think all of my characters continue to develop. (And yes, I'm familiar with the Hero's Journey concept.)

Response recorded on September 25, 2000

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DrFaust writes...

Is Peter Maza the first human with whom Coyote has had a "connection"?

Greg responds...


Response recorded on September 25, 2000

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Todd Jensen writes...

When did Oberon pass his non-intervention edict? And in particular, was it extant during Arthur's original time period in the 5th century? (To be even more particular, was it extant at the time that Morgana got placed in the cradle in exchange for Gorlois and Igraine's biological daughter?)

Greg responds...

Not saying.

Response recorded on September 25, 2000

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Kayless writes...

Hey there, Greg. Since my last questions seemed to have been devoured by the Internet Goblin, I'll repost them, rather than trying to ask you directly using 'The Force'. ;)
1. When asked about Mab not long ago you wrote: 'She's MAD, I tell you, MAD, MAD! BWAHHAHHAHAHAHAHAHHAAHHAAAAA'. Putting all jesting aside, is she insane?
2. If the answer to #1 is yes, was she this way prior to her incarceration/banishment or as a result of it?
3. Do the Fae in general feel that Oberon was justified in overthrowing her? Or are there holdout followers of the former ruler? Old school Mabites. =)
4. How can Oberon be so petulant and conceited? Despite all the centuries he's been around he still hasn't learned how to act like an adult. It's highly ironic that he banished the Fae from Avalon to teach them humility when he has so little himself (not exactly a model of introspection is he?). Not to mention that his son Merlin is renowned for his wisdom and for mentoring the noble Arthur. Yet Oberon himself seems devoid of all leadership qualities. He forbids his people from directly interfering with mortal affairs then blatantly breaks his own edict when he tries to kidnap Alexander. How can he be the ruler of an entire species and be blissfully ignorant to the fact that no one is above the law, especially the ruler? Sorry, that was more of an opinionated comment rather than a question.
5. Merlin is Half-Fae. So does he use human magic, Fae magic, or a combination of both? I am assuming that he was the one who enchanted the iron suits of armor guarding the sleeping Arthur. Such a feet of conjuration seems very difficult for someone who uses just Fae or human magic, but if Merlin used both then I can see how it's feasible. However, wouldn't that be mixing magics? And isn't that inherently dangerous?
(Listen to me! Talking about magic being feasible! This reminds me of all the discussions I've had with other Trekkers about why/how modern Klingons possess ridged heads and Original Series Klingons don't. Obsession on minutia: the hallmark of the fan. You can quote me on that).

Greg responds...

1 & 2. I never said she WENT insane, which I think is what your question implies. She is what she is. Mad, I tellyou, Mad, Mad!!

3. In general, a sigh of relief was breathed. But nothing's ever unanimous.

4. I know a lot of adults who behave MUCH worse than Oberon with a hell of a lot less justification for their arrogance. Don't you?

Everything's relative. Oberon is hardly devoid of leadership qualities. You don't like him so you're not paying close attention. He's the one that banished his arrogant race and caused many if not all of them to learn something about mortals. The old Titania in particular made Oberon seem like Mr. Maturity. Admittedly, she changed and he didn't. But she wouldn't have changed if HE hadn't forced her to learn certain lessons. He's also the guy who created the non-interference law. He didn't have to do that. He wanted to.

You accuse him of blatantly breaking it, but how human of you. He didn't feel he was breaking the law at all. As the ultimate Supreme Court Judge in this matter, he "ruled" that Fox was human, but that Alex was not. Taking Alex would therefore not be breaking his law.

Look at Elian Gonzales. Literally millions of well-meaning people disagreed on how to handle that. Some thought he should go back to his father in Cuba. Others believed he should stay with relatives in the U.S. Oberon acted as a judge in (what he honestly believed would be) the best long-term interests of the child. You and I may disagree, but we're clearly as biased as he is. And when another viable option was presented to him, he relented. A truly immature un-leaderlike guy would NEVER have relented. It's not like he was defeated. It's not like Fox's one surprising powerblast represented any real threat to him.

Try to stand in his shoes for a minute. You see a child, who runs the risk of being crippled if he stays with his real parents. On the other hand, there's a grandmother (who happens to be your wife) who can raise the boy to be happy and healthy on the paradise of Avalon. Who's to say Oberon was really wrong? [O.K. I think he was wrong. On the other hand, I think Elian's relatives were wrong to keep him from his father. And I'm sure to this day, they sincerely believe they were right.] My point is that people of good intentions sometimes disagree. So when you judge Oberon so harshly, who exactly is being immature?

5. Both, but never at the same time or on the same thing.

As for Klingons, I always had this theory that Q altered the entire Klingon race without telling anyone as an experiment. That the Klingons weren't this race of honor until Q messed with them, changing even their memories, history and religion. I think someday, he might offer them the chance to change back.

Response recorded on September 21, 2000

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KW Keller writes...

Wierd Sisters Question:

1. Previously, you mentioned that there was a connection between the Wierd sisters and the Norns (which would make sense, since Wyrd is derived from Urd, the Norn of the past). Are the Wierd Sisters and the Norns the same?

2. If yes, which Wierd Sister represents Urd/Urdr/Wurd (past), which is Verdandi (present), and which is Skuld (future)?

Greg responds...

It's not that simple.

Response recorded on September 21, 2000

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Aris Katsaris writes...

Concerning the Weird Sisters...

1. Are they 'biologically' sisters? By which I mean - did they have the same parents? Or is it just a designation that kind of describes the relationship that they have between them?

2. Are they triplets, or is one of them older than the other?

3. Do they do *everything* together? :-)

4. And (just in case the above question wasn't already obvious Christine Morgan material :-) has any of them ever had a boyfriend/mate/spouse/etc ?

5. (Getting back to the PG stuff) Have you decided who are their parents?

Greg responds...

1. They're sisters.

2. They're triplets. One is older. One is younger. But not necessarily the same one all the time.

3. Pretty much everything and then some. Plus they also do nothing together.

4. "All things are true."

5. Sorta.

Response recorded on September 21, 2000

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Ed writes...

In the Mab/Oberon war, surely whoever was on Avalon would have something of a disadvantage in terms of preparation time. I mean, any enemy that invaded would have twenty-four times the length of the time to prepare. Would this have been important in the war?

Greg responds...

Not if they're both on Avalon. Or both not.

Response recorded on September 21, 2000

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Matthew writes...

What would have happened to Puck if he broke the rules and simply taken the Pheonix Gate?

Greg responds...

He couldn't. It's not just a rule. It's Oberon's Law.

Response recorded on September 16, 2000

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OnyxStar writes...

This is kind of off-topic, but I learned something interesting in Chemistry class yesterday that I thought might be worth sharing, especially since there have been some questions about Children of Oberon and resistance to Oberon.
It seems that the word "iron" comes from Greek (or was it Latin?) meaning "metal from heaven," because iron is often found in great quantities in meteors. As the fae were generally seen as an abomination from a religious viewpoint, such metal from heaven was a way to hurt them.
Just a general observation I thought might be interesting. Especially if "maza" does indeed mean iron. Hmm...

Greg responds...

Thanks. Interesting...

Response recorded on September 16, 2000

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Nemi writes...


Don't get me wrong, I like Oberon, hell, he's one of my favorite characters, right up there with Puck, Titania, and Xanatos.

I, and most of the people I hang around with, have a tendancy to torture/ridicule/act like we don't like the charcters we love.

For instance, Nabiki GMYW is a close friend of mine, and I happen to know that Puck is one of, if not her favorite character. However, in her fan fics she makes his life a living hell.

Just because Oberon has bad fahion sence and is an insentsitive imature jerk doesn't mean he hasn't lived for an extreamly long time. he's wise, he learns from his own mistakes (hasn't visted the Xanatos's now, has he?) and he can most likely learn from the mistakes of others as well.

He also has to have some sort of soft spot deep under that thick blue hide of his, or at least something aproching decentcy. He simply doesn't have the air time nor the reason to show it.


But that's just the way I feel.

Anyways, on to the questions.

Does Iron occure naturaly on Avalon?

Except to the fey is it a poison to the things that live there?

And does the fact that iron is bad for the fey have anything, anything at all to do with the fact that it is the last thing a sun produces before it dies and goes nova/turns into a nutron star?

-Nemi, who salutes Gore Because she knows she would have a hard time picking out what's a legimit question and what's an Idea masqurading as a question

Greg responds...


Depends what you're talking about.

Hmmm... Maybe.

By the way, I think your analysis of Oberon's kinda cool.

Response recorded on September 14, 2000

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Aris Katsaris writes...

Does Nimue know who her mortal parents were? (Yeah, yeah, we've all guessed it was Nimue :-)

Does Morgana know that she's not the biological child of her parents?
Which Oberati did the exchange? And for what reason?

Greg responds...

I don't want to answer this now.

Response recorded on September 14, 2000

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Matthew Smith writes...

At the end of "Mark Of The Panther" was that little spider scurrying away Anansi making an unnoticible escape, or was it just any other spider?

Greg responds...


Response recorded on September 13, 2000

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Demona Taina writes...

Oops! I spelled Antarctica wrong. My bad. :) [kicks evil typo]

And, well, while I'm at it, let me ask you this. Could Oberon ever punish somebody if he had a very good reason?

If the person he wishes to punish is mortal, can he punish him? Or does his law prevent him from messing with the lives of mortals?

Thank you for your time. :)

Greg responds...

If he can come up with an excuse to bend his law he can do it.

Response recorded on September 13, 2000

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Todd Jensen writes...

How did the Banshee get around Oberon's non-intervention edict when she kidnapped Goliath, Elisa, and Angela, and took them to Cairn na Culainn for interrogation?

Greg responds...

Her excuse was she thought they were agents of Oberon. The scent of Avalon was upon them, so she thought she wasn't interfering with mortals. Just with Oberon. Of course, she did this at her own peril. But there was nothing magical preventing her from doing it.

Response recorded on September 09, 2000

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Aris Katsaris writes...

To Duncan Devlin who said: "I don't quite understand the response. From my experience, not ALL things are true."

Let me just paraphrase a sentence of Terry Pratchett: "All things are true, for a given value of 'true' "

Greg responds...

Yeah. Exactly.

By the way, thanks for reading the questions. It's very refreshing.

Who's Terry Pratchett?

Response recorded on September 09, 2000

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Sixshot writes...

How does Hydras, Dragons, Harpies, Cerberus and all other mythological animals/creatures fit in the three races?

Greg responds...

Some may have been Children of Oberon (or Mab). Others may have been New Olympians or the like. That is half-breeds. Some may have been exagerations of something else all together.

Response recorded on September 06, 2000

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