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Children of Oberon, The

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Aris Katsaris writes...

This is a rather confusing question - even I am not certain I completely understand it... It has to do a bit with characterisation as it applies to the Puck/Owen situation. Obviously Owen is the most serious of the two (understatement of the year :-) But usually when people talk about what another is and feels like, they don't mean only what he *acts* like. So is Owen *really* any different personality-wise to Puck, does Puck's (or any fay's) disguise really influence something more fundamental than their form, influence their thought-processes? Or is Owen's personality nothing more than a role to Puck, (like that of an actor) even if an important one?

In a nutshell, can the Children of Oberon pretty much change their *personalities* as well to some extent when they take different forms, especially as important alter egos as those of Anastasia and Owen?

Greg responds...

FORM is a HUGE influence, I believe. So yes, Puck and Owen are very different. Underneath it all, sure they're the same lovable rogue, don't you agree? But there are fundamental differences. Or else the Puck is a poor showman. When Puck takes on a roll, he lives it. And Owen is his best roll yet.

Now, having said that, generalizing what the Puck can do to the rest of the Children is not wise.

Anastasia had a major influence on Titania, but I think they are more alike than not. Much more alike than Puck and the Owen.

Response recorded on March 09, 2000

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Bud-Clare writes...

You once mentioned that Fox "has half-siblings foster-siblings and step-siblings on her mother's side." Her half- and step-siblings are easy enough, but who are her foster-siblings?

Greg responds...

Well, there's always that Indian Boy from Midsummers for starters.

Gotta be a lot of what we used to call "Changelings" that Titania's taken in over the years.

Response recorded on March 09, 2000

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Todd Jensen writes...

Una and Griff, as we know, look very much like a unicorn and a griffon. In your opinion, are there actual unicorns and griffons out there in the Gargoyles Universe, or were the legends about them founded on sightings of London gargoyles of that sort?

Greg responds...

Probably the latter, unless some fae were goofin' on folk.

Response recorded on March 09, 2000

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Todd Jensen writes...

You mentioned in your post on Sleipnir this evening (January 12) that it's possible that New Olympus might be filled with all manner of "bizarre beasts" that were the offspring of Oberon's Children by animals. Would these include, not only the half-human/half-animal beings that we actually saw in that episode (such as minotaurs and centaurs) but also the fully-animal creatures of Greek mythology (e.g., Cerberus, the Chimera, the Hydra, the Nemean Lion, etc.)? I'd been wondering for some time now about their role in the Gargoyles Universe.

Greg responds...

I won't be specific about any of these, but yes, the idea is possible.

Response recorded on March 09, 2000

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Tana writes...

Arthurian Survivors:

1. Arthur Pendragon
2. Lady of the Lake
3. Merlin
4. Nimue
5. Galahad
6. Percival
7. Morgana le Fae
8. Lord Oberon

Reason for #8 Um, can we say Loop hole? You said yourself that Oberon is Merlin's father, therefore he's from the Arthurian period. And we can clearly see he's still alive. :)

And YES, I'm a goober.

Greg responds...

Six points. (See my previous answers and forty lashes for you, since you didn't check the archives which long ago ruled out Oberon, Puck, Titania and Mab as contest-answer survivors.)

Response recorded on March 09, 2000

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Tana writes...

Arthurian Survivors:

1. Arthur Pendragon
2. Lady of the Lake
3. Merlin
4. Nimue
5. Galahad
6. Percival
7. Morgana le Fae
8. Queen Maeb

Reason for #8 well, Maeb did figure into some of the Arthurian legends...even in the NBC miniseries "Merlin." And you've talked about possible inclusion of her in the series, that Oberon merely imprissoned her...She's still alive.

Greg responds...

Well, as I mentioned once before, I wasn't counting Mab as particularly Arthurian. Frankly, before the "Merlin" mini-series, I had never encountered that character in an Arthurian context. So yes, Mab survives. But she doesn't count in my book. By the same token, Merlin's father could be considered an "Arthurian Character" and thus Oberon could be considered a survivor too. But that's not the kind of thing I had in mind for the contest.

Having said all that, you scored six.

Thank you. Come again.

Response recorded on March 09, 2000

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Alex Destine writes...

Hello Mr. Weisman,
While searching the archives I found interesting that you would rather accept Thor as dead, but my concern mainly goes toward the character of Loki.
1) Was he in your plans for future Gargoyles stories?
2) Would someone like Loki view Puck as an enemy or an ally in his endless mischive?
Thanks for your time.

Greg responds...

1. I just answered this. (Didn't you look at the questions already posted, before you posted this?)

2. I had a TRICKSTER story planned to feature Anansi, Puck, Raven, Coyote, Alex and Lex. Somehow GOLIATH CHRONICLES turned this into the "Ransom" episode. (Don't ask me how.) Anyway, we'd have seen that Tricksters all have their own POVs. Sometimes their interests converge; sometimes they compete.

Response recorded on March 03, 2000

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LSZ writes...

Oberon questions:
1) Was Oberon's overthrowing Mab a simple usurp or skirmish, or a war?
2) Not sure if this counts as a seperate topic, but..who would automatically succeed Oberon if he died? I can understand that naturally they'll be lots of fighting and power struggles, but in theory, who would succeed him?

Greg responds...

1. Very war.

2. Titania.

Response recorded on March 03, 2000

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LSZ writes...

Death-Gods again:

1) Who is the most powerful of the Death-gods, not in rank, but sheer raw power.
2) I can understand that Anubis has no longing for power, and wouldn't overthrow anybody..but wouldn't it be possible for a death-god with more ambition than he to overthrow Oberon? Having the power of Death seems pretty nasty.
3) Why would Thoth create a scroll to make anyone the avatar of someone as powerful as Anubis?

Greg responds...

1. What is power to death? (That's not a smart-ass response. My point is the question is unanswerable. It's moot.)

2. Don't underestimate the big O. He beat Mab.

3. Why would we create the Atomic Bomb? It seemed like a good idea at the time.

Response recorded on March 03, 2000

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LSZ writes...

Hi Greg, first I'd like to say I was always pleased greatly with the portrayal of Anubis, but Odin left just a leetle to be desired. However, some questions on the Norse myths in teh Gargoyles Universe:

1) So Thor is most likely dead. What about Loki?
2) If Ragnarok has come and gone, does this mean Jormungandr and Fenrir are dead too?
3) Hel-is this Death-goddess still (haha) alive?
4) When did Ragnarok occur?

Greg responds...

1. Haven't decided. Probably dead though. I've already got four tricksters, how many do I need?

2. Fenrir? Probably, but you never know. Jormungandr I don't recall. Who's that?

3. Probably alive, yes.

4. Ago.

Sorry, you didn't like Odin. How come?

Response recorded on March 03, 2000

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