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I would like to ask a producer his view on what an aspiring director and/or producer should major in college? Should it be filmmaking? Or media arts? Or is it something else all together? Thanks!
Two years later, I'm guessing my answer comes late. And I'm afraid you didn't provide me with enough information. I assume we're talking about Animation, right?
I'm a producer, and I majored in English w/an emphasis in Fiction Writing. But a director (as opposed to an animation director or a voice director) ....
I don't know.
Depends on the programs available....
Something I've been thinking of regarding the proposed Timedancer spin-off. If Brooklyn spends 40 years bouncing back and forth through time then after the first few years, he probably realises that the phoenix gate keeps appearing in front of him. Now the problem starts when he meets Katana and they have Tachi because they would have to keep in close proximity to Brooklyn at all times just in case. This would mean effectively zero privacy, I mean what happens when Brooklyn and Katana want to "do it", do they just toss Tachi a blindfold and tell her to stick his talons in her ears?
Tachi doesn't hatch until after the ride is over, but there's Nash and Fu Dog to consider.
After a few years of this, Brook's attitude toward the Gate changes. Pretty much a 180 from the way you see it changing.
Hey Greg I hear your writing a novel, if so…
1) what's it called?
2) What's it about?
3) And most importantly where can I get it?
1. Anyone who was at G1998 could probably guess.*
2. Ditto.
3. No where right now. I'm about halfway through the second draft. And it's not like I've got a publisher lined up. But believe me, when I'm ready I'll let all of you know.
*Note: that's a not-too-subtle hint that great and wonderful things happen every year at the Gathering. I reveal and show things there that I don't and won't at any other time. So check out...
and find a way to get to Montreal this August. You won't regret it!
are all future gargolye projects dead at this point
Let's just say "sleeping".
A couple of "King Arthur-in-the-comics" related questions:
1. You mentioned that you've read "Camelot 3000" (and were even working at DC Comics at the time that it came out). In your opinion, did it have any influence on your vision of Arthur's return in the Gargoyles Universe. (Well, there were obviously some strong differences, such as Arthur returning in the present day in "Gargoyles" rather than the year 3000, and finding Excalibur before he finds Merlin where in "Camelot 3000", it was the other way around).
2. Have you ever read "Prince Valiant" (the most famous Arthurian comic)? If so, what did you think of it?
1. My ideas on Arthur were fairly well-formed by the time I read Camelot 3000, a limited series by Mike W. Barr and Brian Bolland. For example, in my mind Arthur was in Avalon, not on British soil. And frankly, the notion of Arthur coming back is part of the legend, not something that Mike came up with. I also have no plans to use reincarnation to bring back dead knights, etc. So I don't think it was a major influence.
Having said that, I thoroughly enjoyed Camelot 3000. Thoroughly.
2. Prince Valiant was never in the L.A. Times, at least not in my memory. When I was in High School, it appeared in the now-defunct L.A. Herald Examiner, a paper we didn't get at home, on Sundays only. So on Monday mornings, I would occasionally take a look at it. Basically, I'm passingly familiar with it, but I don't know much about it.
do you have any story ideas where Gabriel and/or Ophelia are the focus?
have the other two garg beast of the Avalon Clan besides Boidikka had a hatchling already as of "Avalon"?
I don't know. I'd have to work the numbers.
Hi Greg. Here's my question.
In Awakening part one, a man covered in white made a bargain with Hakon. Was that The Magus? And what did it have to do with the whole spell thing? Because I know it was Demona and Captain of the Guard's idea to let the Vikings have the castle. I just don't know what the Magus(or whoever it was)had to do with it.
It was the Captain. We simply tried to fool you into thinking it was the Magus.
i have only one real important question...and that is, when will the entire gargoyles series (season 1,2&3) finally be available to purchase on DVD. and i'm hoping it's packed with extra goodies like possible drawing outtakes, behind the scenes, animation reels and much, much more?!?
Season One is supposed to be released sometime in the fourth quarter of 2004. My guess is that other seasons will ONLY get a release if the sales on Season One merit that release.
First Greg let me say how honoured I am to by the first poster in the new Space-Spawn category. One of the reasons I'm so fixated with the Space-Spawn is that the more I learn about them the more questions I have. A perfect example of this is the revelation that the Space-Spawn have two gods. As soon as I heard this dozens of questions started popping in my head. The key one being would the Space-Spawn gods be subject to your 'all things are true' policy? If so then the implications are mind boggling, I mean you said alien magic would be a sophisticated concept but alien gods that's really something. Now on with the questions…
1) Do the Space-Spawn gods actually exist?
2) If so did they come into existence before or after the Space-Spawn themselves?
3) What's their opinion of the war?
4) What's their opinion of each other?
5) If you decide to use them, do you predict any S&P problems? I mean Anubis and Odin are okay cause they are real mythological figures (hey I made an oxymoron!) and you can claim educational value but I doubt the folks who accuse Gargoyles of promoting devil-worship will take too kindly to the Space-Spawn gods.
1. I'm not saying at this time.
2. The legends say before. That's all I will say now.
3. I'm not granting the premise of the question, though I'm not disputing it either.
4. In the legends, they are adversaries.
5. I don't understand why I would have any S&P problems creating two fictional gods for a fictional alien race. (You do know that the Space-Spawn are fictional, right?)
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