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RETORTS 2004-01 (Jan)

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Zarok writes...

What kind of religio do the Space-Spawn have?

Greg responds...

I have not explored this yet.

Response recorded on January 06, 2004

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Greg responds...

Try the Station 8 comment room.

Response recorded on January 06, 2004

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The Soulider writes...

In "The Mirror," why did Elisa get her shoes back and none of the other humans-turned-gargoyles get theirs back when the were changed back into humans? And where *did* Elisa'a Jacket go?

Greg responds...

I don't recall everyone else using/losing shoes. I'd have to watch it again. Maybe the other people you saw all transformed before they had their shoes on in the first place? Never put them on, so never got them back.

As for Elisa's jacket... I don't know. I've never known the answer to that one. Magic and Puck's personal aesthetic, perhaps.

Response recorded on January 06, 2004

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Zarok writes...

Is the Egyptian desert god Seth still alive in the Gargoyles Universe? According to Egyptian mythology, he died at some point before recorded history but that didn't stop some Egyptians from worshipping him. Then again worshipping dead guys wasn't unusual back then. I'm just curious about Seth's status in gargoyles. I would like to thank you for your time.

Greg responds...

I have some notions about Set, but he's pretty far down my list of priorities. He's basically a Trickster figure (though a nastier one), and I already have four of those to play with.

Response recorded on January 05, 2004

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Siren writes...

When Titania whispered to Fox, is visibly irked Fox. I don't even think it was anything as big as you say it is. Titania probably just told her "That shirt makes you look fat", it probably has nothing to do with the future of Gargoyles and that's why you feel we all might be disappointed. This was all just part of your Master Plan to keep us guessing and coming back, wasn't it?!

(So concludes Siren feeble attempt at irking Greg to come out with it already) ;)

Greg responds...

No. Not originally, anyway. It's you guys who have built it up and intimidated me into silence, frankly.

Response recorded on January 05, 2004

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