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If the Lego company had to combind the Bionicle's world to our world what whould happen? How would they react in our world? Would the Toa's be our friend or wht?
Didn't you just ask this?
If the Lego Company had combind the Bionicle world to our world what would happen?How would they react to our world?
I'll leave that to your imagination.
If you had one of the Toa's power what would it be.
Uh... I don't know. Water, maybe? Air?
What is the bionicle story about anway? I've seen the movei's that I have but I still don't understand what it's about. And why Arn't into bionicle any more?
It's been so long...
To answer your second question first, I was -- basically -- fired by Lego (for yawning). It left a bad taste in my mouth, so I don't follow the property anymore.
As to what it's about, it's about a race of robots. Beyond that basic bit of info, I can only recommend reading the comics, checking out the website or the movies.
In all of the Bionicle books which characters you had really like the Most?
It's been SO long since I worked on Bionicle, that i can't even remember the names. I liked the little guy that became the Bionicle of light. And I was partial to his mentor as well. And I liked the Ice Guy.
Do the Rahaga as toa
going to be in latter bionicle books/comics/movies/other.
I don't know. I'm no longer involved with Bionicle.
Since this question concerns a project Greg worked on that was not Gargoyles, I apologize if I should not be asking it here.
Question time:
It was to my great delight that I saw Weiseman's name as one of the story-editors for the recent direct-to-video release of Bionicle: Mask of Light. I'm rather curious as to how you managed to find yourself in such a place. Since Disney indirectly supported the project, did 'they' point you in that direction? Or is there another reason?
It had nothing to do with Disney.
I interviewed for the job -- an interview set up by my representation -- and I got it. I hit it off quite well with Bob Thompson, who is the Greg Weisman of the Bionicle Universe. I had a great time working with Bob and with writer Henry Gilroy.
Hi Greg,
I simply have to ask -- Did you really help make "Bionicle: Mask of Light The Movie"? This may be not be related to Gargoyles, but I'm a fan of both and I can't believe you did both . . . if you did that is.
I saw it on the credits and my brother and I were just shocked to see your name.
PS. To Mak and Matt who wrote before today, Goliath didn't have the Phoenix Gate to take his clan out of 994, he only had 'half' of it, Demona had the other half. He couldn't change the past either once he retrieved the other half (Remember 'Vows'); A reminder of 'Bushido:' "Gargoyle must not fight Gargoyle." This may not be the case in all clans, but it should hinder alot of potential conflict.
I'm not sure why you find it so hard to believe, but yes, I share story credit on "Mask of Light" with Bionicle creator Bob Thompson and with writers Alistair Swinerton (as Brit a name as I've ever heard) and my pal Henry Gilroy. I had a great time working on that project (though I wasn't on it long as a Lego executive fired me because she believed I was being disresepctful, which I wasn't) and some of my ideas do survive into the final product.
Cool news on the Bionicle thing! hwat role do you play in the production of it?
I co-wrote the original story with Bob Thompson, Henry Gilroy and Allistair Swinnerton. I was Henry's story editor on the first couple drafts of the screenplay.
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