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Since Greg B. suggested I do so, posting my Gathering 2002 journal here. :)
Day 1 - Friday, June 28, 2002
After a four-hour road trip, we arrived at the Gathering around 4:30 PM. We'd planned ahead, purchasing two adjacent
rooms- Mom and Dad would have one, and would tourist around Williamsburg, while me and Jack would have the other,
allowing us a greater degree of freedom at the Gathering than at the last one the family shared (G98). However, our room was not yet ready, so we kept our stuff in the parents' room. Me and Jack went downstairs and registered, then headed back up and waited for Opening Ceremonies. Our room was also ready, so we moved in, but it was badly cooled and a tad malodorous. (It never really improved from that state. We suspect it was used by a pet owner previously, and the cleaning crew did a poor job of cleaning it up.)
We headed down to Opening Ceremonies (Jack's first!). I saw Mandolin as I waited in line, as Jack asked me a pile of
questions to cover his nervousness. After we arrived, Siryn tried to entertain us while things were getting ready with items like the Top 10 questions asked at a Gathering (including the now-famous "Mommy, what's a con virgin?"). We had two guests this time- Greg Weisman (thereafter referred to as "Greg W.") and Greg Guler (thereafter referred to as "Greg G."). After the opening began, Greg W. gave a speech about the show and the fandom, and how it's still vital (with many people making this their first Gathering) and how the people who'd attended all six Gatherings are our heroes, people who all Gargoyles fans owe a debt for their devotion. He also announced two surprising bits. Firstly, Toon Disney sent a bunch of stuff- Gargoyles baseball caps and sweatshirts, along with an advertisement that they wanted read- but it was all free! Then, Greg W. dropped the major bombshell- Gargoyles is getting on DVD! Our requests over the years have been heard, and this is also a significant event for one simple reason- Disney, on a hey-we-can-make-money-off-these-people level, realizes our fandom exists. And that is a GOOD thing for the show.
We also heard about G2K3, which will return to Manhattan (of course, I knew about it already, what with my loose
association with the Con Staff- that said, I kinda hid when I realized there was a risk of being dragged on-stage). Then, Greg W. went into his presentation. It was the same as since G99, but it was still as entertaining as ever- and Jack was seeing it for the first time, which made it cooler. After the presentation ended, everyone lined up with their tickets (handed to them at registration) to get either a cap or a sweatshift (I got the former, Jack the latter). I met with Greg "Xanatos" Bishansky briefly (thereafter referred to as Greg B.), then headed back to the room with our stuff. Jack stayed there, and we got dinner (Ledo's Pizza); after finishing, I left and wandered... about 30 seconds, before I ran into Greg B. again. I'd brought the Blockbuster-exclusive Gargoyles video he won in one of my eBay auctions, followed him back to his room (trying to sell him my extra copy of Gargoyles #1 along the way), and got him to finally pay for it. We also chatted about G2K, Lord of the Rings and other random topics.
He wanted to hit the adult fanfic panel, but I didn't, so I went into the Video Room and watched Tenchi Muyo! movie #2,
"Daughter of Darkness." Entertaining enough, if a little disturbing in parts. After that ended, I waited to go into the Fandom Address/Hudson's Rant; as the attendees gathered (though some preferred the MST3K session next door), I met with Zaius (under some new alias- Kaelynn, I think?) and Greg B. Hudson (and Chris Rogers) had a lot to say about server troubles, and also laid out their plans for the fandom- to remake Gargoyles-Fans into a site more akin to "Planet Quake" (or the late "Planet Namek"), regularly updated by a crew of people and including a wide variety of topics. The two Gregs stopped by for a bit and listened in. Hudson went on to mention my Gargoyles Fan Registry as one thing he wanted to pull in- I was very gratified when he recognized the work I did on the rather sizable site, and rightly pointed out that automating the process would make things much easier. When Hudson mentioned a rather crude scenario involving Bill Gates and the Manhattan clan, the Gregs high-tailed it out- whether it was coincidence, offense, or a need to avoid fanfic ideas (as the conversation was moving in that direction). Hudson's Rant, following the illustration of his and Chris' plans, was very funny; Hudson could make a good living as a stand-up comedian. Eventually, however, the show ended, and we all left; before I went back to my room, Hudson gave me his e-mail (after my cumbersome address caught him off-guard) to contact him later. I headed upstairs, and quickly went to sleep.
JEB - I seem to recall that Greg G. and I ate dinner with you and Jack one night at that con? Maybe that's coming in a later entry.
Hope to see you in Montreal.
What exactly was the original origin of the praying gargoyle(before the whole team Atlantis thing)? Did it still have connections to Atlantis?
The tapestry of the Gargoyles Universe evolves over time as more discoveries are made -- via serendipity and various creative lightbulbs going off. When something works on Gargoyles, it just feels right.
That's what happened with the Praying Gargoyle. I had known (long prior to Disney's Atlantis movie) that I wanted to tie the myth of Atlantis into the series. Ultimately, as I've mentioned before, I'd like to weave all public domain myths into the tapestry in one form or another.
I also knew that I wanted to explain the Praying Gargoyle and its presence at Notre Dame Cathedral.
I hadn't figured out the connection until I started to work on "The Last" for Team Atlantis. But it FELT RIGHT.
There was no previous version of the origin. I didn't need an origin for Hunter's Moon, and I knew it would come to me eventually (as it did) so I didn't sweat it.
Gathering Journal part II
I woke up early and decided to find some breakfast. The hotel had a little resteraunt that sold breakfast. So in wa way we were all at a bed and breakfast.
After breakfast I just lounged around chatting until reg opened.
Reg opened. Recieved my badge and our manilla pack that contained a lot of stuff. I checked the schedual. The Badges were nice. They were on lanyards instead of on pins, and the lanyards were decorated with alien heads. The Lanyard fit with my Screen Name.
First thing I did was the Mug a guest with You. You paused for a pic((Wich the camera ate ::weep::)) and weintroduced Ourselves. Yes this was my officially second gathering.
Went to the dealers room and scoped out the merchandise, Bought an Ice Storm Brooklyn. I went to put it away when I stopped to chat with Leo and a few others in the hall. Mara and Aaron woke up. She gave me a picture that she made just for me. IT RULZ!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Tried out for the Radio play and was at the Fanfic panel. Ate something and chatted with Greg B, Aaron((saw his tatoo)), Dreamie and Winterwolf.
Opeing Ceremonis was great, despite the fact that I was in the back. Saw the original panels as well as the panels for some of the spin offs. After I got a free shirt.
Afterwords I goofed off a bit and then went down for the adult fiction workshop. Both You and Greg G were there, but you guys left before we really got into a good discussion. Kathy brought u some interesting ideas on what to do with Severius.
Next was the MGK3000. Both eps wee from the Goliath Chronicles so they both deserved to be Msted.
Went to the 11:00 thing With you. It was fun, spent a lot of time just yacking. I stayed until 1:00 Then Sleepy time.
Tommorow part III.
These gathering journals are such a time warp. A fun time warp, but a time warp none the less.
I'm pretty focused on Gathering 2004 in Montreal, and my memory immediately wants to go to G2003 in Manhattan. I've got to really stop and think to push back farther to G2002 in Virginia.
Of course given how far behind I am here at Ask Greg, I suppose we're lucky we're not going through G1999 journals.
I remember that Adult fiction workshop. Greg & I left because BOTH of us had the distinct impression that our presence was inhibiting people. Otherwise, I'm always open to a good adult discussion among adults.
i must thank you for the awesome revelations abouit the Praying Gargoyle you gave us at G2K2! definitly one of my favirote talismans!
some questions:
1. how did Demona learn of the Praying Gargoyle?
1b. how did Demona learn it was buried under Paris?
1c. how did Demona know it had regenarative powers on holy ground?
2. how long does it take the Praying Gargoyle to rebuild itself after being smashed?
3. is it a coicidence that the Praying gargoyle has these regenerative powers that are awfully similar to a gargoyle's "concrete cure-all"?
4. what is the Praying Gargoyle made of? stone? stone skin? something else?
5. until "Hunters Moon" did anyone of the Manhatten Clan know anything about the Praying gargoyle or that it even existed?
6. do the London, Ishimura or Mayan Clans have any knowledge of the Praying gargoyle before 1996?
i could go on, but thats enough, for now, thanks Greg! you rule!!!
1. Honestly don't know at this point.
1b. See above.
1c. See above.
2. 60 years.
3. No.
4. Very astute question. Ingredients include an Atlantean Crystal, Gargoyle Skin and some powerful magic mojo.
5. I don't think so.
6. I'm not committing to an answer to this question until I figure out the answer to question 1.
Just want to confirm for myself... can we consider the origin of the Praying Gargoyles as (would have been) seen in Team Atlantis as valid for the Gargoyles universe, or is that neat back-story at best similar?
Pleasure seeing you at G2K2. :)
I'm going to say very similar -- I can't say exact, because their are some contradictions between the Atlantis Universe and the Garg Universe. So, as I've said before, this was a place and time when the two universes intersected/overlapped.
Is it possible that If you brought back the series, would you have it sponsored by a diffrent company
You mean the people who buy ads? I had and have no control over that.
If you mean produced, i.e. the people who make the show, the answer is no. DISNEY owns Gargoyles. I do not. I couldn't make it without Disney.
And by the way, I have no complaints with how Disney produced the series during the first two seasons.
Not really a question, more of a gathering journal.
Upon arriving at the airport we noticed the line for Airtran was too long. Dad figured my large suitcase could fit overhead. We said farewell at the Scanner. After I went through they checked me out with the wand. Damn Underwire!
I got checked out again before I got on my flight. Went through my suitcase, bags and shoes. (Thank You Mr Reed)
The Flight was allright. Pretzels and diet soda for a snack. Got off and met Leo and his brother, Ed. We chatted while waiting for Revel.
After getting our room keys we bumped into more gathering members in the Lobby. Some remember me from 2000. Leo, Edward, Revel and I had dinner.
Walking back from the resteraunt it started to rain, so we sped up. We decided to lounge in the lobby and talked with the people there. The people behind the desk asked us to either be quiet or go to the pool.
I went to the pool, the water wa freezing. Mostly talked in the water with other gathering member. Afterwords I redressed bought a soda and talked some more. Went outside and heard some good stories. Mostly involving Walmat and Red necks.
Then I went to bed. Mooncat did not show up that night.
Okay I do have a question. How was your flight?
Who remembers?
Actually, I think I had a nice set of flights to Virginia, passing through Atlanta and hooking up with Kathy Pogge. We got in very late, as I recall.
Have you made any progress on getting the new gargoyles series up and running? If so then when can we expect it? Also, if this series does get going, will you disregard what happened to the characters in the goliath chronicles?
No real progress, no. Though I think some positive steps include (1) the fact that they're now airing reruns in the Jetix block on ABC Family and (2) the coming release of the DVD.
As to your second question, I've answered it many, many times before. It will depend on the situation of our pick-up.
What is the religion of the Space-Spawn?
I'm not getting in to this at this time.
How old is Tress MacNeille?
I have no idea. And I'm not rude enough to ask.
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