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Since you have updated your timeline since you last answered the question about Angela and Ophelia possibly being "in heat" in 2008 (02-02-00), I thought I would ask that question again since that part of the timeline might have changed.
1)When is the earliest time that Angela and Ophelia could have laid an egg?
2)Will Angela, Ophelia, or both of them be capable of laying an egg in 2008?
The earliest for either is 2008 and, yes, both are potentially capable of laying eggs in that year.
I've been reading your Gathering rambles, and found them interesting, especially the part about the never-made Team Atlantis episode involving Demona. Pity that I didn't go this year and thus missed it (you don't suppose that you'll be able to play the "original radio cast" performance again at next year's Gathering?).
Although seeing Demona referred to as "the Gorlois" did feel a bit odd, since I'm more apt to associate that name with the Duke of Cornwall whom Uther Pendragon fought with over Igraine than with any gargoyles. Then again, come to think of it, you did once mention that Castle Wyvern was modelled on Tintagel, which was Duke Gorlois's chief stronghold.
I now play the original cast performance (audio track) at EVERY Gathering. So if you want to hear it, you have to show up.
I didn't choose the name Gorlois (as the Atlantean word for Gargoyle) accidentally.
Another timedancer related question: If you had the opportunity to do the Timedancer spinoff, how many seasons would you want that series to list to cover those 40 years of Brooklyn's life?
If you got the chance to do a Timedancer spin-off, how would you plan on having a strong continuity?
I mean, unless Brooklyn visits same places/people 4 or 5 times, how could you have strong continuity for that series?
Brooklyn is the continuity. But I also planned on some longer stops. And some other characters that would recur throughout the ages in one form or another.
The following RANT is somewhat ADULT. You've been warned.
There are two prime time television series that I'm fond of that I'm annoyed with for a very specific reason.
Last week, on Joan of Arcadia, 16-year-old Joan nearly decided to lose her virginity with Adam.
Last week on on Gilmore Girls, 19-year-old Rory lost her virginity with Dean.
In both cases, it's not the losing or not losing that bothers me.
It's just that in both cases, we've more or less been witness to these girls sexual awakening. And I've never gotten any indication that either girl has done anything beyond kissing, that neither guy has ever gotten past what we used to call first base.
One of my biggest pet peeves about television is that second & third base (including anything and everything in between kissing and sexual intercourse) do not exist. Oral sex? Doesn't exist. Touching and/or nudity without intercourse? Doesn't exist.
I don't need to see it. (Not that I'd object, but this isn't about me being a pervert for once.) But I would think that two shows as smartly-written as Gilmore & Joan should be able to find a way to suggest that such "intermediate steps" DO exist. I mean if they can talk about full-on intercourse, why can't they talk about things that are safer, younger, more exploratory, with FEWER consequences.
I feel it's TERRIBLY irresponsible to teach kids and teens that there's no way to express themselves sexually, once they've gotten past a kiss, except by going all the way. By hitting home runs, by scoring, so to speak.
Look, when I was a teen, there was a LONG, LONG gap between my first kiss and my first time engaging in sexual intercourse. There was a pretty substantial gap between my first kiss with the girl that I would end up losing my virginity to and the actual act of losing said virginity. In fact, in every relationship I ever had, up to and including my wife, kissing was a prelude to touching, etc., which was in turn a prelude to "making love"... assuming the relationship lasted that long.
The frustrating truth is that I really like both Gilmore Girls and Joan of Arcadia. I even really liked the episodes that are currently annoying me. But I'm still waiting for someone to brave the taboo and bring back second and third base.
PROPS TO "THE WONDER YEARS" for the only example of Second Base on a Prime Time series that I recall. But what was that -- ten years ago? Has there been no progress since?
If the gargoyles were not to know who their parents were... how did they prevent inbreeding?
Oh, and the Gathering was so much fun this year- can't wait for 2003!
I've answered this before. Sense of smell helps. Also most (though not all) gargoyles breed among their generation, procluding a mating with any biological siblings.
Hope you enjoyed 2003. I'm looking forward to 2004.
Lexington and Alex question.
1. What started the friendship between them?
2. Will Lex be helping Alex out with any other magic lessons?
1. Possession. Then Proximity & Temperament.
2. Probably already has.
I really like Gargoyles the show, and have recently gotten my need to watch it back. Is there a site where i can download episodes, if so, what is it? thanks
I have no idea. Sorry.
You can watch the show on either Toon Disney or ABC Fammily.
And a DVD of the first season is due out by the end of the year.
It's been a while since I asked a question here. Just couldn't think of an original question, but here some questions about Macbeth:
1. He did the best to defend the Gargoyles on Nightwatch on the Journey, so would he be more of an ally, enemy or neutral?
2. Would he play more of a role on Gargoyles or Pendragon?
3. Any plans for him to meet John Castaway (Canmore)?
1. I think at this point, he's more of an ally.
2. Hard to say in a hypothetical vacuum. He could be significant in both. He's not going to become a regular in either in the short term.
3. Yes.
Let me get this out of the way first:
I love the television work of Joss Whedon.
Love Buffy.
Love Angel.
Love Firefly. (I'm very much looking forward to Serenity too.)
I am stunned that after eight years (thirteen seasons worth of television) that I won't be able to get new episodes of a Joss Whedon series next year.
Yes, they claim they'll bring back Buffy or Angel or both in t.v. movies. But frankly, I don't want to get my hopes up too high.
This season of Angel was brilliant in episode after episode. The insane Slayer. The Angel muppet. The return of Cordelia. The return of Conner.
And last night's finale... was stunning.
The really smart thing was what they left out -- ironically, mostly action. I mean face it, do we really need to SEE Gunn take out six vamps? Do we really need to see Illyria take out four demons in a car? Do we really need to see Spike take on a cult? (Well, actually it might have been fun to get a little more of this -- what with his Lone Wolf & Cub dilemma of fighting while holding a baby.)
Harmony was a bit weak, i.e. I don't mind that she betrayed Angel or that Angel knew she would, but how did she know anything to betray him with. And I've never understood the transition between the Lyndsey who left L.A. at the end of season two and the Lyndsey who came back midway through season five. Why was he suddenly Angel's enemy again? It was cool that Lorne shot him, but I have to admit I wasn't sure if it was justified. Didn't he deserve a chance at redemption? And what was the deal with Eve at the end?
But that's quibbling.
Wesley had a decent death. And an even better end. The Illyria stuff was all great.
And of course, the final final ending, with the four warriors against the horde and Angel's last line, "Personally, I'd like to
slay a dragon." was just brilliant.
This was, in my opinion, much superior to the Buffy series finale. Both had the problem of only having one hour to stuff a ton of content in. But again, Angel was much smarter about what it LEFT OUT. Buffy's finale just seemed VERY rushed to me. Anya's death barely registered, even with Xander. And did the First get any comeuppance at all?
And sure, I'll admit that the last couple seasons of Buffy suffered from a real one-step-forward-two-steps-back-then-the-SAME-step-forward syndrome.
But all these negatives are quibbling based largely on the superior quality of Joss' series in general.
How did this happen? (Not the great work. But the absense of it next year.)
Just a couple years ago, I was in Whedon heaven. Buffy. Angel. Firefly. And any minute the Buffy Animated Series (which I was SO dying to work on, but couldn't even get my foot in the door) and Ripper. How did five series (four set in the Buffyverse) drop down to zero in just 18 months?
Yes, thank god for Serenity, which is in production.
But whether he likes the grind or not, Joss was born for Series TV not one-shot movies.
I'm really going to miss him.
Guess it's time to buy the DVDs.
DVD's due out toward the end of this year. Watch for 'em!!
Dear Greg, I was wondering how can the gargoyles gilde , like 5 feet away from lava?
Hot air?
Hi Greg, I just wanted to say I love the show. But I have a bit of a bone to pick with you...
It's about this whole "Ask Greg" thing. I love that we can come here and ask questions, but I don't love your answers. I don't think that you owe us anything, but you've got to realize that some of us come here with high hopes, and we love the show enough to ask you about it. You choose to do this, yet you shoot half of us down. I'm rather tired of looking through the archives and seeing a question I want answered, getting my hopes up, then having them dashed to pieces because you gave some smart ass answer. I much rather appreciate when you simply say "I don't know" or that "I'm not answering this now." Keep in mind that you choose to do this Ask Greg thing, no one is forcing you. And for the people that do pick at you and only ask things to make you look foolish or whatever, why waste your time on them? You could be answering other true fans' legitimate questions and not falling so damn far behind. Yes, I know I'm complaining, but if you honestly can't see my point of view I can't make you understand. I enjoy Ask Greg (or at least I am trying to) but it gets really hard when half the answers you give are callous and uncalled for. I suggest that if Ask Greg is a pain to you, that you simply quit. You're not doing much good anyway since you don't answer our questions. So do yourself and everyone a favor...treat Ask Greg as you should be treating it or just simply drop it. But just remember whatever you do is by your choice alone. So grow up a bit, stop trying to be "funny" as you so often say when someone brings this up to you, and take some responsibility. Now if you've read this all the way through, thank you. I appreciate your time, I know you are very busy. But just keep in mind what I said and take it in and consider it. Thank you.
I read it all the way through. And I'll consider it, but...
Look, it's a matter of personal taste. I know for a fact that some people enjoy (at least some of) my "Smart-Ass Responses".
I often answer with "I don't know", or "I don't want to answer this now." But even that gets old, both for me and for the readers. Some of my smart-ass responses haven't been too clever, admittedly, but I've had two or three zingers in there that have gotten almost as good a response as some of my more shocking and on the level revelations.
I don't want to quit. And I'll own up to that choice. But I still reserve the right to get annoyed every once in awhile. Guess what? I'm human and frankly, sometimes it gets a little annoying in this "room".
There have been times when I've been less than gracious. And I am truly, truly sorry about that. I usually get called on it. (Often by my brother, for which I'm grateful.) When it's pointed out to me, I try to honestly cop to it. To accept my mistakes, apologize, and then hopefully move on.
I don't think it's fair to blame the backlog on me alone. Our system is flawed, admittedly. And I'm slow. But I think my temperament has much improved now that I'm only answering two or three questions a day. I tended to get more annoyed cumulatively when I'd try to sit down and power through fifty questions in a night. The truth is if some of the posters here made even a slight effort to check the FAQ or Archives before posting their questions, ASK GREG would be a better experience for all concerned.
So that's both my apologia and my defense. I'm sorry that you're disappointed. But hey, it seems to be your name, so I guess it's a bit inevitable.
why was the Praying Gargoyle unable to protect the gargoyles across the world from the countless massacres of clans that wiped so many of them out? does it need someone to use it magically?
Well, it was lost for starters. Second, yes, it takes someone who knows how to use it.
I have been looking for 4 days and i can'tget an answer si I'm hoppen that you can help me please All I want to know is what place is 800 miles east of Montreal Canada And what place is 800 miles weast of Montreal
I hope you can answer this for me Greg
Maybe it's not a very inporten question but it is to me
I Don't know if u need my email to send me an anser but i'm going to give it to youn
cause I would be great ful to u if u would send me a answer please Tank you so much Yours Turly Anne Marie
Anne Marie,
This is not a general information site. For the most part it's designed to answer questions about the GARGOYLES animated series, and other related topics. General geography is not one of my specialties.
As to your question, I have no idea of the answers off the top of my head, and assuming TWO YEARS LATER that -- as unlikely as it sounds, you are still interested...
Well, kiddo, you can check a map as easily as I can.
Though everyone said it before: Great to know that a DVD is coming out!!! I'm pretty sure it will move a lot.
But what I wanted to ask, how do you like the adult pictures and stories?
I don't read any fan fiction, adult or otherwise, to protect myself legally in case (as I hope) I have the opportunity to do Gargoyles again.
I do, frankly, enjoy adult pictures of canon characters. Some, anyway, if they're well-drawn, sexy and/or witty and if they're not TOO sick.
Hey Greg
I wasn't able to get to the Gathering this year so I have a lot of questions regarding the unmade Team Atlantis/Gargoyles crossover…
1) Can you give me a synopsise of the plot please? (Keep in mind that I've seen "Atlantis: The Lost Empire" and by the time you've read this I'll have probably have seen the direct to video sequel. So you don't have to waste time explaining who Milo is and stuff like that.)
2) You've said that Fiona is alive as of 12-31-95, so is she immortal or is she just really healthy? (It's possible, I know someone who's a hundred and six.)
3) Besides protecting the gargoyle race from a specific threat, what else can the praying gargoyle do?
4) In the gargoyle universe the majority of Atlanteans were human right?
5) If you had gotten to do more of Team Atlantis would we have seen gargoyles other than Demona or was this episode meant to exist in a vacume?
6) I don't suppose you'd consider posting the script up here? (not likely but a fella can try can't he?)
1. Nutshell version: Milo & Company are in Paris battling a sewer monster. Doc runs into an old flame, Fiona Canmore, who is hunting "a demon". That demon, of course, turns out to be Demona, theoretically the last of her kind. Demona uses a smitten Mole to find the Praying Gargoyle, and uses the statuette to artificially animate every stone gargoyle in Paris -- in order, basically, to murder the local humans. Team Atlantis defeats Demona's plot, but Doc prevents Fiona from killing Demona.
2. She's just really old.
3. It's uses are manifold, but are all geared toward protection of the Gargoyle species.
4. All Atlanteans are human, though once upon a time there may have been an Atlantean clan of Gargoyles.
5. Not in a vacuum, but I doubt the producer and executives in charge of Team Atlantis would have allowed me to do more than this one-shot deal.
6. No. Though I play the audio tape at EVERY GATHERING, so if you want to hear Marina Sirtis as Demona and Sheena Easton as the Hunter one more time, I suggest showing up in Montreal this August.
If you are in the mood to talk about Lex's mate, I have a few questions;
a. What is her name(or does she have one)?
b.What clan is she from?
c.How old is she(chronologically and biologically)?
d.Is she a gargoyle(this might sound stupid)?
Thank you for your time.
a. "She" doesn't have a name.
b. "She" doesn't have a clan.
c. "She" is ageless.
d. "She" is speciesless.
That was fun.
This isn`t a question. But I just thought I`d say that I for one am REALLY glad to hear that disney took notice of all the gatherings, and also of the future DVD releases. I`ll definately be grabbing all of those when they come out :)
Hi Greg. Haven't posted anything in your queue for a while. At the Gathering 2002, I shook your hand and I believe I saw you in the parking lot carrying out Gargoyles backpacks. By the time you read this, you'll probably have forgotten, but anyway here's the link to my Gathering 2002 journal. It should still be there whenever you get around to seeing this.
Copy and paste --> http://www.dialwforwarp.com/gargoyles/journal.html
As a rule, I don't follow links posted here. Better to cut and paste your Gathering Journals here. (One never knows how long links will last anyway.) But I made an exception.
Jim, I've gotta say, I doubt the guy you saw in the parking lot was me. I don't remember any gargoyle backpacks... and I didn't have a car.
But I'm glad you had a good time. Hope to see you in Montreal.
I cant find garfoyles toys anywhere! do you know a place on line where one might purchase them. And thank you. I saw gargoyles when it first aired, it always stuck with me and I always try to watch it on toon disney. I'm 16 now and I just always wanted to thank someone who had a hand in makig incredible show!
You're very welcome.
But I'm afraid I don't know where you can purchase any toys... except that the dealers at the annual GATHERING of the GARGOYLES generally have quite a few on sale.
So come to Montreal this summer. *By now you're 18, and an adult who can travel.*
For more information, check out
Hi, I've seen a few episodes of Gargoyles while it was on televison here, and I loved them. I've heard you've also done some episodes of MIB Men In Black the animated series and I was wondering what episodes from that show you had done. I haven't seen most of MIB (like Gargoyles.... we just didn't get that programming here) and I might have seen something you have worked on from MIB (managed a few episodes of that.)
I just wanted to know so I could keep my eye out for some more of your work. Thanks!
thanks for being interested...
but it was oh, so long ago, and they don't put titles on MiBlack episodes (as I recall).
I did "The Star System Syndrome" set in Hollywood.
I did an episode where we went inside Jay's dreams.
I did an episode with Alpha on a space station.
I did an episode with the Bugs targeting Elle for a hit.
I think that's it.
I'm not sure if this question was asked before, but who provided the voice of Fox in the Gargoyles series? She was never listed in the end credits.
Laura San Giacomo.
why was is there no more new eposodies i really don't know why
I really don't know what you're asking. But I'm guessing the answer's in the FAQ or Archives.
Gathering Journal Part 2
Saturday - Sleep is for Wimps
Unfortunately, it's also necessary for cognitive processes. I'm sort of blurry on the day part of Saturday. I know I talked to a bunch of people and had a good time doing it. I also know that I went poolside long enough to read for a little while until the game of koosh catch turned into a cannon ball contest and I got all soggy. (Remember this, it turns into a running gag on Monday).
Eventually it was time for the Radio Play. Greg's players did an excellent job and we got to "see" an episode of Team Atlantis that had a strangely coincidental tie in to Gargoyles. As an extra bonus, since this episode had been voice acted by the professional cast we got to hear their version too.
Lunch was a Mickey Dee's run. Then we tracked down an ATM at a 7/11. Hey, sometimes a little mundane is a good thing. But I wished we had been tipped that the banquet menu was hotdogs and hamburgers, I might have had something else for lunch. C'EST la vie. (or something) And hey! Karine explained what Sacre Blu! means.
After the banquet and a great Q and A with Greg and Greg, it was time to get ready for the Masquerade. I sat out this year. I actually thought about a costume for five or six minutes, but I opted for minimal baggage instead. That's okay. I put on a length of batique fabric and my sunglasses and went as "Lilo and Stitch extra # 37 which, since it included bare feet, meant I was comfy as we wore out another night with pizza and a marathon gabfest. Unfortunately, this meant that I was engaging in yet another Gathering Tradition: the loss of my voice.
Sunday or This May Be the Home Stretch for the Convention, but I've Got Two More Days
Yes, we did actually get to bed before dawn, but not by much. Saturday became Sunday while we talked and laughed and generally got silly. I was smart enough to put my stuff out before going out for the evening, so getting to bed was a minimal hassle. Again, it was a good thing my roomies are heavy sleepers because this was definitely a night owl weekend.
I was late for the Starship Troopers panel - I'm not sure why. I spaced and lost about half an hour during breakfast. It was a good discussion though, and there was some interesting insight into the mind of Sony execs and their marketing staff. I hope they release everything they have stuck in the vaults, because the videos have been really good so. Afterward was the post mortem on Team Atlantis which will be coming to video after a fashion to a retailer near you. Buy that too and show Disney that they've been shortsighted.
I was definitely starting to feel the last couple of days so though I popped in briefly for the Voice Acting Workshop (Suggestion to next year's staff - schedule that before tryouts - Please?) I mostly concentrated on setting up our next after-hours event - A dinner at a restaurant that didn't serve pancakes or waffles and a trip to the Yorktown Ghostwalk.
I slept through Closing Ceremonies so somebody else will have to report on that, but did wake up in time to round up all of our party of ten and head out of the convention.
The hotel recommended the restaurant whose name I think was the Whaling Company ( I was still having a godawful time hanging on to details by that point). The food was good, the company excellent and we made it out of the restaurant in time to make our bus at the Yorktown Visitor Center. Btw, this was my only blind panic moment of the evening, I was sure for several seconds that I'd misunderstood the guy on the phone and taken ten people to the wrong place. I was more than a little relieved when the person I asked for information turned out to be our tour coordinator.
The cruise was dorky. I didn't realize they were just going around in a big circle otherwise I would have hauled everybody above decks. But it was a chance for some of our party to catch a quick nap. By the time the boat landed and we were segregated out for another bus ride we had gained some more Gathering folk. We ended up a party of fourteen and when our tour guide Rita asked if we were some kind of a fraternity having an initiation ritual (Not sure but I'm sure it had to do with Kyt on a leash that was sending her thoughts that direction) I replied no we were all part of a family reunion, which really wasn't too far from the truth.
It was a pleasant night. The company was fine and the fireflies were pretty. We lost part of our group on the walk back to the car because they were gawking at the twinkly lights.
We got back to the hotel in time to catch a portion of the Dead Dog Party, but the conversation wasn't really in keeping with the mellow evening we'd already enjoyed so it was back to my room for more conversation and later after the party broke up, girly time with Jen and Mandi. So ended Sunday or rather Monday morning.
Monday - Or Look! Kathy's All Wet!
The official after Gathering event was a trip to Busch Gardens. We assembled in the lobby and jockeyed for car space and soon we were underway. Hats off and Happy Birthday to Jubilee for organizing so many people. We all made it to the park and remembered where we parked. (Germany 2) bought tickets and went inside.
The core of our group was Lanny and Derek, Greg, Jubilee and me. Kellie Fay, Torrey, Sapphire, Winterwolf and Dreamie made periodic appearances as did Denis, Scott, Mandi and others who I'm afraid I can't recall anymore (I'm sorry!)
Greg and I rode the Loch Ness Monster. Kellie became the official keeper of stuff for the first part of the day, since she both caught some kind of funky cold from the hotels ventilation system (Honestly, nice people, really nice people (did I mention how great they were?) but they need to change the filters and clean their AC system.) We couldn't help notice the number of ads that popped up during the day for Chiropractic Services. It seemed to be some kind of omen, though thankfully, it was meant for someone else!
Anyway, since Greg's quote of the day was 'Sure, whatever' and mine was "I'm in". We made the rounds stopping at roller coasters and water rides along the way. It was my day to be soggy. Pompeii, this odd ride that involved live flame and water was my first soaking. Not bad, kind of nice after the inferno that was the first part of the trip, but I got doused pretty good, which resulted in Lanny complementing me on my new spiky 'do and a wet tank top.
The pleasant sogginess was soon to be a thing of the past. Shortly thereafter most of us got on the white water ride. Huge fun. But, this time I didn't get a little wet, I got completely soaked. Wet denim does not equal comfy. So I squished my way out of the company of my friends for a few minutes to buy a pair of shorts and change clothes. Now I was "sporty" and only semi soggy. A vast improvement for as long as it lasted.
I avoided a couple of rides that seemed like a sure fire trip to vertigo land, but Greg and I rode nearly all the Deathcoasters except for Alpinefest, fright, whatever. I took one look at that and said "A big no." despite multiple promptings from Jubilee.
We saw the Irish dance show. The dancers stomped their feet off, but may I just say, Damn you, Michael Flatley? I much preferred the Swing show that provided our dinner entertainment and Imaginique that closed the evening and I still can't believe Greg slept through nearly all of it. I gawked totally awed. But I'm getting ahead of myself.
We still had to ride the Flume. (A word that Greg was strangely enamored with.) And to no one's surprise, I was all soggy again by the time it was over even though Greg obligingly acted as human shield.
There were bumper cars and the Autobahn and an amazingly entertaining interlude at the German area when Derek graciously paid so that we could all flip frogs. I will express some relief that he didn't win the giant stuffed flamingo, but I like the little walrus that became mine by the end of the night. (Thank you!)
Oh! And Busch Gardens is known for its critters! I got to play with the Lorikeets and see wolves and bald eagles and of course, the famous Clydesdales.
We closed the park, stopping for ice cream along the way. Well, some of us had ice cream. Greg, "Did I mention I like to eat?" Weisman had this absurd banana split in a waffle cone. He entertained us thoroughly as he tried to eat this thing while maintaining his dignity. A perfect final act to a great day.
But all good things eventually end. We drove back to the hotel and said many goodbyes. And so ended Gathering 2002.
I don't just like to eat. I'm damn good at it.
Of course, the disadvantage of reading these things two years after the fact is that it doesn't create any opportunity for dialogue...
But the ADvantage is that it's fun to be reminded and relive all these great memories. 'Sgetting me 'Syched for Montreal!
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