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Tim writes...

Lessee...comments on Awakening, pt. 1. So many great moments. Frankly, I watch this episode the most because it has soooo many moments that are just so great. The growling accompanying the stone "AWAKENING" sign in the beginning is wonderful, evoking a "Wow...what IS this show?" kind of feeling. The direction of the Viking's first attack, the sun slowly setting builds up tension, and then the cracking of the stone, the wing muscles heaving, the eyes opening with a glow and Goliath majestically standing there wings spread holding a terrified Hakon and saying, "You...are trespassing." {Simultaneous Viking gulps here} Demona's first appearance, the music is wonderful, first we see the eyes glowing, then the wings wrapped around her like a vampire's cape, then she unfurls herself in all her glory and says another memorable first line: "Face me human...if you dare!" And then the screenwide terrifying hiss. She's like watching a shark or a tiger, terrifying and beautiful at the same time. Goliath's nobility, the trio's antics, Demona's protesting of what is to her, unthinkable behavior towards humans, Hudson's gruff advice, the prejudice of the humans and Katharine, all setting the tone for the tragedy to come. I love the part where Goliath and Hudson turn to stone slowly, and then the slow pan over the ground and Hakon's sword is drawn and the attack begins. And tears form in my eyes still when you see the mace swinging downward and the shadow effect of smashing gargoyles and the Captain's reaction. WONDERFUL music and direction here. And of course, the last five minutes when the horrified, "No..." escapes Goliath's voice and the slow pans around the burning castle, smashed fragments everywhere. The anguished look on his face as he says "My...angel of the night..." and then the roar towards the sky sends chills down my spine. So much wonderful pathos here it's hard to swallow. Then the "next time, on gargoyles" blurb appears and at the end, with Elisa going, "I don't konw...but I'm going to find out..."it cuts seamlessly into the thundering theme song [I LOVE CARL JOHNSON!!!] and it ends. Whew! You don't have to post this, no real questions here, just comments for Greg so he can know that five years later and countless viewings and what he thought up STILL makes me go, "Man, I love this show!"

Greg responds...

Man. Me too. Thanks. And wow. Nice evocations.

(We all know I do this for the benefit of my own ego? I mean I don't have to pretend otherwise, right?)

Response recorded on March 31, 2000

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