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Just got back from the Amazon my friends -- went their via the Gathering 2005 site at www.gatheringofthegargoyles.com -- where I purchased my copy of the GARGOYLES SEASON ONE on DVD. I'm pretty excited. Nervous too.
I want to thank all of you who are supporting this product. Supporting this property, this fandom and my emotional state.
But let's try this. Everybody contact SOMEBODY from the fandom whom you haven't heard from in a while. Someone maybe who attended a Gathering in 1998, maybe. Or someone who used to frequent Station 8, but just sort of drifted off. Search these people down. Odds are they'd love to get the DVD, but if they've been out of the loop, they may not know it's available NOW!!!
If all of you contact just one lost fan, it would really help to spread the word!!
Well, guys, tomorrow -- December 7th, 2004 -- is the big day. The GARGOYLES first season comes out on DVD.
I know I'm preaching to the converted, but I can't emphasize enough how important it is to the fandom that this DVD sells well.
Good sales on the first day, particularly a nice Amazon turnout, are important, but what's more important are PHENOMENAL SALES over the next month or two.
If you can't get it at Amazon, get it somewhere else.
If you can't get it tomorrow, get it soon.
But get it. And more than that get everyone you know to get it.
Get strangers to get it.
Yes, I know we're all a bit disappointed in the way Disney has somewhat failed to support the DVD with advertising. But as I've always maintained... the burden is on the fans. They need to prove to Disney that Disney needs to spend money to make money on Gargoyles.
They need to prove to Disney that the fandom is rabid and large and ready to support the property with actual dollars and cents.
A very small part of me feels bad about asking you to spend money. But keep in mind if this DVD doesn't do EXTREMELY well, it will be very difficult to convince Disney to support the property in other ways -- including a second season on DVD, let alone new and original material set in the Gargoyles Universe.
By the way, we did get a nice write-up here:
Check it out.
But mostly, take advantage of this opportunity to demonstrate your love for the show. Again this is NOT just about money. This is about SPREADING THE WORD WITH RELIGIOUS FERVOR!!!
Good luck to us all.
What exactly happened in Paris with Team Atlantis, Fiona and Demona?
An adventure. Come to the Gathering in Las Vegas in the summer of 2005 if you want to know more.
I looked at the FAQ page & I don't think this was asked. I was wondering, I'm curious to this, do female gargoyles have periods? You know, a monthly visiter? I've always wondered. Thank you for your time.
It wouldn't be monthly, since they're not fertile that often.
Again, Hi Greg,
WOW, more german Fans to post here... maybe we should switch languages! ;)
Two more questions:
1.: Where/When did Demona and Xanatos met?
2.: How did Xanatos get the Grimorum?
Mach's gut und hab' einen schoenen Tag,
1. I'm not revealing this at this time, though Owen facilitated.
2. Xanatos got the Grimorum from Finella & Mary. That's all I will say at this time.
Why was each member of the original Pack recruited?
Prowess and resume.
A couple of questions:
1)What is Arthur Pendragon's legacy in the Gargoyles universe after he was carried away to Avalon?
2)What is Arthur Pendragon's legacy in the Gargoyles universe after he really died?
I don't really understand what either of these questions mean. One life -- any life -- touches untold numbers of others directly and indirectly. A life of historical significance, let alone legendary significance is going to touch an exponential amount of people.
What comes out of a gargoyle?
What kind of question is this?
Can Lexington fold his wings? i saw it on an episode......?
Was that a goof or what?
Lex's wings fold naturally depending on the position of his arms.
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