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Topic: Weisman, Greg
As a result of watching 'too much' TV as a kid, I find myself wanting to work in writng TV and movies. I'm starting my freshman year of college in August, and I have no idea about how to get into my chosen profession. I tried asking my school's advisors and the film department people and looking on the internet,etc. but nobody knows anything about it.
So I figured that ask someone who's been there is doing that.
So how did you end up with a job writing all those Disney shows? Where did you go school? What did you major in? Who did you have to meet to get where you are?
Thank You Very Much,
Mike Cohen
Well, let's see. By now, you must be almost done with your Sophomore year, and I hope you haven't been waiting that long to hear back from me.
My bio in brief:
B.A. Stanford University in English with an emphasis in Fiction Writing.
M.P.W. University of Southern California. M.P.W. stands for Masters of Professional Writing and my emphasis was in playwrighting.
In between, I worked on staff at DC Comics for two years. And I freelanced for them for about eight years -- beginning during my Junior Year at Stanford and ending after I was well-ensconced at Disney.
Before I left USC, I interviewed at numerous places... and hit it off with Gary Krisel, who was putting together Disney's TV Animation unit. A year later I started there as a VERY junior creative executive. It was supposed to be my day job while I wrote at night. But I didn't do much writing over those five years. Instead, I got steadily promoted, eventually rising to Director of Series Development. I developed numerous shows including Gargoyles, and then moved over laterally to produce that show.
Eventually left for some unfulfilling years at DreamWorks, and then went Freelance.
My first recommendation to anyone who's interested in the biz is to find something else to do... unless you just feel like NOTHING ELSE could do it for you. It's a brutal business full of rejection, so unless you have the passion to carry you through, over and/or around all that brutality and rejection, I'd go elsewhere.
Second rec is to move to L.A. That's where all the action is.
Third rec is to write, write, write.
Fourth is to read, read, read.
Fifth is to learn how to proofread, and practice the art religiously.
Hi Greg,
I was wondering if you have ever considered another medium than TV for telling new gargoyle stories.
Let's take the idea of a videogame for example. Woudn't it be easier to get the license from Buena Vista for making a game than for making a TV-production? Then "simply" find a developer-team and become project leader.
I kinda like the idea of a Timedancer-Game ^^
You think ANY of that is simple? Any of it?!!!!
Look, I'd love to work on a TimeDancer Game or any game -- even though I know next to nothing about games.
I'd be even more interested in working on a Gargoyles novel or comic book series.
I'd love to work on a Gargoyles movie (live-action or animation) or direct to DVD.
I'd love to work on a new Gargoyles series or a sequel, prequel or spin-off.
I'd love to publish my Gargoyles Encyclopedia.
I have, as many of you know, been actively trying to generate most of the above for years now. So far no success. But I haven't given up.
But please don't try to tell me that getting any of it done is simple.
Question about the upcoming Gargoyles DVD: Will you be fully restoring the episodes to their original aireing date format, or will the Disney Corporation just sell them as they are now, with bits and pieces of scenes edited out of them like what you did when the Awakening went to VHS. I personally hope that they will be restored first, but by the time this is answered the DVD will probably be out and I will have my answer.
Well, yep -- and the answer is that all thirteen episodes appear UNCUT!
Hi again Greg. I remember asking you a couple years ago if you ever played the Gargoyles Video Game on the Sega Genesis. Well now I know you don't play video games much. But I was wondering if you ever saw screen shots of that game. You get to play as Goliath, and it's a pretty fun game. (But it does get hard!) Goliath's wings look kind of funny in that game though, they look way too small. But you get to fight the steel clan and even fight Demona at the end!
I did see some of their development on the game. But I've never played it.
Hey Greg, you know how Goliath and the rest of the clan always wanted to see daylight? Well, since the Gargoyles have a TV, when they watch a movie, a TV show and/or the news, don't they see daylight on the TV? Of course it's not the same as being out in the sunlight in person, but they see what it's like. Didn't they ever see what it's like during the day on TV?
Yes, but as you pointed out, it's not exactly the same, is it?
I had a question about Lexington's wings that I use to think about. When Lexington glides, it looks like he has to always hold out his arms. I would think his arms would get tired after a while. The other Gargoyles can move their arms while they glide, but it looks like Lexington can't. Also, not many Gargoyles have wings like that huh? The only other Gargoyle I saw with wings like that is in the first Awakening episode, and there were only a couple of scenes with him in it. (Maybe he's Lexington's biological father?) I was just wondering how come there weren't any more Gargoyles in the series with wings like Lexington's. Maybe some of the Gargoyles Goliath met in the Avalon World Tour could of had wings like that. I mean those kind of wings aren't my favorite, but I think having lots of different looking Gargoyles is cool. And there aren't many Gargoyles with wings like Lexington's. But the other kind of wings, like the kind the rest of the clan has, and my favorite. I just think it looks cooler, and they can cap their wings over their shoulders, which I also think is really cool looking. Thanks for reading this Greg, and I would like to hear what you think about this.
I don't have much to add. We wanted a diverse-looking group. I originally wanted Lex to have four hands -- you can see that in the original development artwork on the original pitch if you buy the DVD -- but I was told by Japan & Frank that it would be too difficult to animate day in and day out.
I think of Lex's wing-type as a minority wing-type. But as you pointed out, a type that we've shown at least on one other garg.
As for whether his arms get tired? Well, maybe they do occasionally. Take a look at "Awakening" again.
I know that the Gargoyles Movie on VHS has scenes cut out from the Awakening episodes that were shown on TV. You guys did a pretty good job editing it I think. (I'm not sure if you did that or not though.) This is just my opinion, but I'd just like to tell you about one small scene I think should of been kept in the movie on VHS. The scene where Goliath is talking to Princess Katherine and Magus, right before Magus turns Goliath to stone, Goliath says, "The eggs in the rookery will soon hatch, they will need guidance." And then Princess Katherine says, "Never fear, we will watch over them as if they were our own." I think that small scene should of stayed in the movie. If you never saw the Awakening episodes on TV, and started watching the other Gargoyles episodes on TV, I think that small scene is important so people know that Goliath asked Katherine and Magus to take care of the eggs. Maybe that's just me, but that's just my opinion, and I thought I'd like to tell you about it.
P.S. I also think on the Awakening episodes on TV, it's funny when Hudson is flipping through the channels on the TV, and there is a scene from the Lion King. Since I'm also a big Lion King fan.
I prefer the TV five-part version myself, though I'm the one who supervised the editing on the movie version.
But we left out that little scene intentionally. The Movie was not designed to be a primer for the tv show. But to stand alone. And adding egg references didn't help it to stand alone. It bothers me that they released THAT version on VHS, but the problem's been corrected now on DVD.
Hi Greg,
>>Diego writes...
Why don't you throw a brick through Eisner's window, then when he looks at the brick, he sees it's not a brick, but a small statue of Goliath. Then he'll have no choice but to bring back the show.
Greg responds...
You must have taken Logic in school.<<
Best awnser in years! ;D
So, just read through your newer comments, and there's something the got my eye: When people ask you NOW about what you think, if the show 'll ever have new EPs, you awnser "I guess." Years ago (at least 1) you still awnsered that question with the usual, "Well, looks bad..." kinda awnsers, but that changed now. So, do you think that with the DVDs out (when you'll get this they're surely out) it might be easier to convince whoever to retake the show and make new EPs?
Thanks for awnsering,
CU, John
easier, but still not a slam dunk...
Would you update your Gargoyles 2198 outline at all since the events of 9/11?
I haven't studied it -- so perhaps there's some little thing I'd change, but generally no.
Because of your affinity to make stories related to real life mythology, did you ever have a story in mind involving the European (i think) witch Baba Yaga?
Yes, as I've mentioned before.
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