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How old is Fox
By the end of 1996, Fox was 30.
Domo Arigato, Weisman-sama. Concerning an earlier question by another petitioner regarding the Lost Race and how they stack up to Lovecraft's Old Ones, in brief, the Old Ones are beings (often aquatic or semi-aquatic) who ruled the Earth prior to the rise of man, but whose society was brought low through rampant use of Black Magic (of a sort). A few survivors still exist, slumbering in great voids. The important thing to remember about them is that they aren't good or evil. They are so far beyond humanity that any attempt to understand them results in madness. They are usually barely aware of the little humans and unconcerned with us, but they radiate waves of psychic madness, causing insanity. I highly recommend his stuff, by the way. It actually disturbed me.
I've heard great things about Lovecraft. What you describe pretty much covers my understanding of the stuff -- mostly gleaned from reading Howard and others who were influenced by Lovecraft. And by reading ABOUT Lovecraft. I have of course no excuse for not having read him myself, other than horror isn't my particular cup of tea. Maybe someday.
For the record, the so-called "Lost Race" of the Gargoyles Universe has nothing whatsoever to do with Lovecraftian concepts.
Salutations, Mr. Weisman. I have a few questions concerning the New Olympians.
1. I've seen several questions about AI's in the Gargoyles universe, but I can't remember any mention of Talos in these questions. Without recycling the question about sentience (I know better than to beat that dead horse), how does Talos compare to the Matrix, probably the most self-aware AI created by man in the Gargoyles cosmology, in terms of self-awareness?
2. As an artificial construct, it stands to reason that Talos doesn't age (at least in the biological sense). As such, he should have memories stretching back for several thousand years. If this is the case, why hasn't he risen to a postition of greater authority (greater than what he seemed to possess, in any case)? He seems to have a position akin to advisor, and in the New Olympians spin-off, would have acted as advisor to Taurus. Does he prefer to act as a mentor rather than be in the spotlight, or are some New Olympians uncomfortable with the concept of an AI, no matter how advanced, in a command position?
3. You've said that Talos was created by Daedalus, possibly with aid from Hephaestios (whom I assumed to be one of the Children of Oberon). Although I'm aware that much of our "modern" technology is, in fact, older than many people think, that's still an extremely impressive accomplishment. How did Daedalus manage to pull it off? Was Daedalus a New Olympian whose Fae bloodline manifests itself as heightened intelligence and inventive ability rather than control of fire or great strength and inhuman features? Was magic involved somehow, or was the Lost Race (or an artifact connected with them) involved?
4. Building on my last question, why does New Olympus possess technology more advanced than the rest of the world? Is there a subdivision of their population whose internalized "powers" include an enhanced intellect? Or is it that they simply did not go through a "Dark Age," like humans did, where a good deal of lore and knowledge were deliberately suppressed?
5. There are several identifiable "subtypes" of New Olympians. I remember reading your response to another question in which you said that they constituted a hybrid race which had stabilized and could interbreed, despite their numerous differences. Do children mixed-subtype couples take after one parent or do they form new subtypes unto themselves? Either way, the New Olympians probably would attach no stigma to it.
6. What are Talos's capabilities, generally speaking? He probably has faster reasoning capabilities than a human or a gargoyle (and probably the Children, too), and likely has perfect recall. In the New Olympians episode, he threatened Proteus (disguised as Taurus) with missiles from his wrist. What else is he capable of?
7. What kind of person (if I could use the term) is Talos? He voiced the opinion that they might need human allies in the New Olympians episode, and he eventually joins the "Peaceful Co-existance" faction and goes to New York to advise the New Olympian ambassador, Taurus, but could (and probably is) based on simple logic. He realizes that they cannot hide forever, and that they should reveal themselves at a time of their chosing instead of waiting to be found by humanity, and the need for human allies is fairly obvious. That said, why does he support the Taurus's faction? Is he a fundamentally good person (I use the term loosely), or is he simply doing what he feels is logically what's best for New Olympus (and, by extension, himself)?
8. Do the other New Olympians generally use male pronouns in regard to Talos and think of him as male? Does Talos himself consider himself to have a gender, or is that just something that he/it doesn't even think about?
1. I don't want to give away all of Talos' secrets at this time. But I see Talos as having been upgraded many, many times over the centuries. Ages ago, his programming would have been very, very simple, limited by mechanical and chemical reactions. But that was two millenia ago. Is he artificially intelligent now? I believe he has memory banks and a learning program. I guess the greater question is with memory and learning are any of us intelligent -- artificially or otherwise?
2. I'd lean toward both being true.
3. Nothing to do with the so-called Lost Race. And Daedalus was human. Just smart and with some helpful friends. I don't see Talos as being magical.
4. No separate populations. More the latter, but there were also break-through individuals... resource issues, etc.
5. No particular stigma, and all of the above.
6. You covered the big things. He's strong too. Oh, and tall. I'm not going into the rest at this time.
7. He was programmed to protect New Olympus. That programming still holds. Much of your reasoning is on target.
8. He was built to mimic the male form, and I think he and everyone else just takes that for granted. He is in fact asexual, but would identify himself as male.
Good questions, by the way.
I know you hate hypotheticals, Greg, but this one has been kind of bugging me.
We all know Xanatos is given to fits of megalomania...
If he had chosen the wish instead of servitude, do you think Puck would have had the power to grant it?
Xanatos is given to fits of megalomania? I don't think so. When has he EVER demonstrated any megalomania (and "Future Tense" doesn't count) at all?
If he had chosen the wish, I assume it would have been for immortality. Puck MIGHT have been able to grant that. But not without a price.
And you're right. I hate hypotheticals.
Demona hates humans so much, but she always uses human's weapons. (Like guns, etc.) The other Gargoyles don't fight using weapons, and you'd think because Demona hates humans, she'd hate to use human weapons, and fight like a "true" Gargoyle. Why doesn't she just fight using her own strength like most Gargoyles do?
Demona's just full of inconsistencies, isn't she?
hay greg its me again ummm is it posible that in 2006 can there be a gathering in bel air?
Well, in 2006, the Gathering is scheduled for Los Angeles. And if we're talking about the same Bel Air, that should be close enough.
Dear greg
any word on the live action movie yet man?
i really cant wait untill it comes out!
Touchstone has shelved their development of the Live-Action movie for the moment.
First time poster, long time lurker (web and IRC since like 1996)
In response to the following quoted Q&A, what would the legalities be concerning your prosuing Gargoyles fanfic personally? I remember that you were an english major as an undergrad, so even if script writing is a bit different from a more formal novel format, I have no doubt you'd be the best damned fanfic writer around. Of course, given exactly who you are, calling it fanfic would be a bit of a misnomer... <g>
RenegadeEXER writes...
I there a way that you can continue the series in some form or fasion or obtain the rights to use the series from disney
Greg responds...
Sigh -- I have never stopped looking for ways to "continue the series in some form or fashion", but so far I have met with no success. I'm still trying. Cross your fingers.
When you say "prosuing" do you mean "pursuing" or "perusing"?
I suppose I have as much right to write fan-fiction based on Gargoyles as the next guy or gal. But as with the next guy or gal, I can't get paid for it. And when push comes to shove, I have to write EVERY DAY to feed my family. It's my job. Doesn't leave me a lot of time, energy or desire to pursue writing as an unpaid hobby. Yes, I wind up writing a lot of stuff "on spec", i.e. a lot of stuff that I don't get paid for, but which I have reason to believe will wind up earning me some money down the road.
I realize that might sound mercenary. But I hope not. It's just the facts of my life.
Having said all that, I do hope to someday work on GARGOYLES again in some medium. Given that, I'm protecting myself from future lawsuits by not perusing the original works of other writers (fans) who are dealing with my characters.
So, in summary, I won't be pursuing or perusing fanfiction any time soon.
On the latest Avalon Mists, i found this little blurb:
"- *Revealed at the 2003 Gathering, it would have been implied in future Gargoyles episodes that Lexington was gay."
Is that true? It brings up a lot of questions besides that too, like how you would go about addressing homosexuality on such a show, and whithin what kind of story framework?
Though it never came to fruition, I hope it is true. I'm bisexual (leaning to gay, women are scary) and the thought of an important character being gay in official canon, on a widely seen show is a big positive to me. I know there are other shows where's a big issue, but I can't stand Queer as Folk or Will and Grace, they just suck.
And hell, Lex is sexy.
I think the blurb you quoted MIS-represented what I said at that Gathering.
What I said, I believe, is that in my opinion Lex is gay -- though he may not yet realize it. And that we would be consistent with that knowledge... as I believe we have been up to this point.
But that in the current world climate we would not be addressing it on the show at all. Not explicitly or implicitly. It's a damn shame, and since we're talking about episodes that don't exist it would be easy for me to be brave now and pretend that we'd be open about it, but that would be a lie of expectation, and I try to be more honest than that with the fans.
All I promised was consistency. It may sound like a subtle distinction, but believe me it is not.
It may also sound like a cop-out, and believe me, IT IS. But it's a cop-out that comes out of the fact that if I even attempted an implicit portrayal, it flat out would not get on the air. And I could stand my ground. And I would get fired. And then there'd be no consistency either.
Someday, I hope to live in a braver more understanding world... but we ain't there yet. And I think what we're doing is at least a step in the right direction.
<Shaman: It is all around you, a dimension parallel to this one, a world of the mind and the heart. >
Since it's called the DREAMtime can regular people access the Dreamtime without Shamans by just falling asleep since it is a dimension of the mind and the heart.
<Shaman: Ah, you have returned. Why not bring your other guests into the light? Ah, you are from the Dreamtime. >
What exactly is the connection between the Dreamtime and Avalon. The shaman says the gargoyles and elisa are from the Dreamtime so is there some kind of connection between the two or was the Shaman just mistaken.
1. Frankly, I'm not sure we got the entire Dreamtime thing right, though we tried. I'll be honest, I'm not too clear on the Australian Aboriginal concept. So any answer I give is based on my limited, very limited understanding of it. One shouldn't regard me as an authority on the subject.
In theory... I guess, anyone should be able to access the Dreamtime. But that doesn't make it easy to do without training. Is this in fact the plain of dreams that we all visit nightly? Not sure. But the idea intrigues me.
2. My gut reaction is that the Shaman was mistaken. But I'm also open to the notion that there is a connection between Avalon and the Dreamtime. I like the ambiguity.
Dear Greg,
Which charachter are you dissapointed about the most since the series ended so soon? Which character's goal got cut off without achieving their "Purpose in life?
I just want to knowout of curiosity.
All of them and none.
Look, there's nothing professionally I wouldn't rather do than to return to the Gargoyles Universe and have the opportunity to tell more stories there.
But there were numerous times when I knew it MIGHT be over and we gave some open-ended closure to the series so that if necessary I could walk away feeling that we had told a single great tale.
"Reawakening" was one of those times. So was "The Reckoning". So was "Hunter's Moon, Part Three" and so was "The Journey".
If I never get to tell another Gargoyles story, I can still look back on what we achieved with not a little pride and very little regret.
How old is Oberon , now I know you answered this , but I want to find out the exact age [ .p.s. 1603 ]
When did I answer this?
Would Gargoyles turn to stone by day , if they are in a cave or another place where you can not see the sun , day or night .
Yes. It's a biological clock thing. At most, there might be a slight delay...
In "Shadows of the Past", it's pretty clear that one of the weapons that Hakon and the Captain were using against Goliath was some feeling of guilt over the Wyvern Massacre.
In your opinion, what sort of guilt did Goliath have about the massacre of his clan? Was it a "survivor's guilt" attitude, or was it related to the fact that the bulk of the clan had been at the castle because he'd decided to only take Hudson along with him to pursue the Vikings? Or a mixture of the two?
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