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Jimmy writes...

Hi Greg! I've been skimming through these questions about the Coldtrio and a preqeul called "The Dark Ages" comes up quite a few times. And I was wondering....since it was never made to be a TV show do you think it'll ever be made into a DVD or video? I think you and your co-workers would get a TON of money from old gargoyle fans if you did. I mean you could introduce new gargoyles and focus more on the totally awesome Coltrio!!! Just a thought, please at least THINK about it....! thanks!

Greg responds...

I have thought about it. A lot. But I have, so far, had no success in convincing Disney. Still trying though. I haven't given up. But if you want to PROVE to Disney that there's money to be made on Gargoyles, try buying the DVD.

Response recorded on February 02, 2005

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Desdemona Rocks !!! writes...

you said that desedemona,othello,iago were not their real names just names in the credits later they were introduced as coldfire,coldestone,and coldsteel, you also said they would later retutn to join golith and the rest of the clan would they keep the names coldstone,coldfire,etc. or would they choose others?

Greg responds...

For the sake of simplicity, after "Possessions" we would have stuck with the Coldstone, Coldfire and Coldsteel names. (Unless of course, we were depicting a flashback.)

Response recorded on November 30, 2004

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James Sconawah writes...

Is Gabriel Coldstones son? If so then does that make his love his mother?

Greg responds...

Yes, Gabriel is the biological son of Coldstone and Coldfire. But from a gargoyle's point of view, Goliath is as much Gabriel's father as Coldstone is.

Response recorded on October 26, 2004

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Ruth Lang writes...

OK, this page is a great idea, and I'm glad I finally found it.
I've been trying to work out how GOliath's loincloth is tied. All the others (except Hudson,who has trousers) have their loincloths just over front & back, nothing going underneath to keep things secure. ANd I just can't make a single piece of cloth fold around the way Goliath's seems to be. I'm sure it has be only one piece, because that's the way Scots did most of their clothes.
I'm going to have to spend a lot more time on this place and see if anyone else has come up with my theory on gargoyle sex etc, based largely on what they wear, or rather how. ANd figure out who all those characters are in the age list, I've seen all the episodes now but half of them I can't recall hearing of. What Othello & whatshername in Legion? COldstone's mate doesn't have a name, they're characters in something of Shakespeare.

Greg responds...

There is, of course, a part of the loincloth that goes "underneath". Trust me, Goliath et al are not just out there blowing in the wind. It is still one piece, it just folds over the belt with space cut out for the tail in back.

Othello is the name we use to refer to Coldstone before he became Coldstone. The actual character doesn't have a name. It's just a reference.

Desdemona is the name we use to refer to Coldfire before she became Coldfire. The actual character doesn't have a name. It's just a reference, though we did use the Desdemona name in the credits for actress C.C.H. Pounder.

Iago is the name we use to refer to Coldsteel before he became Coldsteel. The actual character doesn't have a name. It's just a reference, though we did use the Iago name in the credits for actor Xander Berkeley.

Response recorded on July 22, 2004

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Jimmy writes...

What's up with Desdemona's (Colfire's) wings, how come no other gargoyles have wings like her's.

Greg responds...

There is wing variation across the Gargoyle bio-community. You just haven't seen many gargoyles (not many are still alive, frankly) to know that she is not completely unique in this wing shape.

Response recorded on February 26, 2004

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Jimmy writes...

I just wanted to say that most my favorite characters on Gargoyles are Othello(Coldstone), Desdemona (Coldfire), and Iago (Coldsteel). And my question is this: Will you make more episodes or write more comics/books with them in it (preferably only about them)?

Greg responds...

I have more stories to tell about them. Just need the forum.

Response recorded on February 26, 2004

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Anonymus writes...

Do Lexington and Iago have mates?

Greg responds...

Not as of 1996.

Response recorded on February 25, 2004

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Lord Sloth writes...

1. In the episode "Grief", was that Egyptian city and everyone in it just simply destroyed by the Jackal Avatar? As in: dead, and never ever coming back?

2. If #1 is correct, why couldn't the Emir Avatar return life to the city's population (not to mention those crocodiles and trees) since they were brought to death as untimely as the Emir's son returning to life would have been? Why weren't those lives considered "stolen energies" as well?

3. If #1 is correct, don't you agree that it was quite an unusual move for the show to have so many people die, and then not worry about the repercussions that it usually spends a whole lot of focus on with smaller incidents (something that made the show really great)? Did you have these concerns when working on the episode?

4. If #1 is correct, did S&P have any problems with it?

5. Was that a real city? Does/Did it have a name?

6. Dose Jackal, in his normal state, still harbor ambitions of bringing the gift of death to the world, or dose he keep his feelings under some control until he becomes super natural or dons the Eye of Odin?

7. How does Hyena feel about her bro's ambitions, would she be just as malicious if given the chance.

8. I was wondering if the Sphinx actually has that ritual chamber and mastaba as shown in the show? And was that door with the secret hieroglyphics just something Xanatos Enterprises cooked up that looks cool and also keeps out intruders, or was that meant to be ancient Egyptian tech?

9. This question is a bit differn't, but I'll ask none the less. How do you think Anubis felt about Iago, Desdemona and all Othello being brought back from the dead? Did it cause a big disruption to him, the spirit world and the space-time continuum?

Greg responds...

1. That's my thinking.

2. What's dead and gone cannot be recovered. Or something like that. (He has a great quote in the episode on this very subject.)

3. A bit. But we also wanted to hint at the devastation -- and still get away with it on an S&P basis. Had we explored the repercussions, it would have drawn too much attention to what we had done and we would not have been allowed to do it. We felt it was more important to do it and not explore as opposed to not being able to do it at all. I still have hopes to explore those repercussions somewhere, someday.

4. Not with the way we did it. See above.

5. It's more of a town than a city, but no it didn't have a name.

6. Jackal is a sociopath, i.e. he knows how to control his impulses to function in society. But given the right opportunity, he's clearly capable of anything.

7. Hyena is a psychopath, who needs her brother to control her impulses. You can decide for yourself which one is more dangerous.

8. Meant to be ancient Egyptian tech. But I've never been to Egypt, so next time you go, you can check out for yourself whether or not it's really there.

9. Anubis strikes me as a guy who has intentionally divorced himself from passion. Ghosts exist. That's not what the Emir was asking for. The ColdTrio are ghosts in various shells.

Response recorded on December 09, 2003

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Anonymous writes...

1.Would you consider the golem to be an AI since it is artificial?
2.If you could rank the AIs of the Gargoyles Universe from most advanced to least advanced where does the Golem fit?

Greg responds...

1. Uh, I suppose... but certainly not in the sense that the term is generally used.

2. I'm not sure we yet have any true AI's aside from Matrix.

Does even Coyote 4.0 qualify? He's certainly sophisticated by robotic standards, but is he truly artificially intelligent?

Would you categorize Coldfire & Coldsteel as A.I.'s when it is the sorcerous possession of gargoyle souls that engenders their intelligence?

Am I missing anyone?

So far all I've got is Matrix, who, yes, is more advanced than Golem, if you even want to put Golem on that scale, which I don't.

Response recorded on June 12, 2003

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Treena writes...

I have seen on some sites Coldstones girlfriend being refered to as Desdemona just wondering if that is offically what she is called or just a name someone tagged her with and if it is offical what is the thought behinded is it in reference to Orthelo??

Greg responds...

The Desdemona and Iago names were used in our scripts to identify the characters before they got their Coldfire and Coldsteel names in "Possession". The name Othello was also used in the script to refer to Coldsteel in flashback scenes, before he became a cyborg.

None of these names were ever used in dialogue on the series. But both Desdemona and Iago were used in the credits to identify the actors (C.C.H. Pounder and Xander Berkeley) who voiced the two characters. (Othello was never used, because we simply listed Michael Dorn as Coldstone.)

So obviously, yes, we saw the relationship between the three characters as being very "OTHELLO". Particularly in their first appearance, "Legion". With Goliath in the Michael Cassio role.

Response recorded on June 03, 2003

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Creamy writes...

If Gargoyles had continued, how would you have developed the Angela-Demona relationship?

Would they ever find a medium? Or be at least friends?

Since the last time Coldfire talk to to Demona was back in 994, what does she think of Demona's new way of life in 1996?

How close were Demona and Coldfire back in the "Dark Ages"?

Greg responds...

1. Carefully.

2. I think Michael Reaves came up with a Medium that we never used. I can't remember her name though at the moment.

3. I'm not going to reveal the long-term result of their interaction.

4. Well, at the moment, I doubt she's aware of it. But assuming she found out, I think she'd be very disturbed.

5. Close as sisters who aren't actually as close as they think.

Response recorded on April 21, 2003

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Gipdac writes...

I just thought of something after the last post. As of 1996…
1a) Could Goliath read/write Latin? b) Ancient Celtic? (At the end of Light House on the Sea of Time he said we would read the Scrolls of Merlin to Broadway and Hudson, and they were written in ancient Celtic if memory serves)
2a) Could Lexington read/write Latin? b) Ancient Celtic?
3a) Could Brooklyn read/write Latin? b) Ancient Celtic?
4a) Could Demona read/write Latin? b) Ancient Celtic?
5a) Could Angela read/write Latin? b) Ancient Celtic?
6a) Could Coldstone (Othello) read/write English? b) Latin? c) Ancient Celtic?
7a) Could Desdemona (Coldfire) read/write English? b) Latin? c) Ancient Celtic?
8a) Could Iago (Coldsteel) read/write English? b) Latin? c) Ancient Celtic?
9a) Can the Avalon clan read/write English? b) Latin? c) Ancient Celtic?
10) and I'm guessing Broadway, Hudson and Bronx could not read/write Latin or ancient Celtic. Am I right?
(Sorry, I know you don't like laundry list, I tried to sent it up so it wouldn't really be that way.)

Greg responds...

1a. Yes.
1b. Yes.
2a. Yes.
2b. Not sure.
3a. A bit.
3b. I don't think so.
4a. Yes.
4b. Yes.
5a. Yes.
5b. Probably.
6a. Yes.
6b. Maybe a little.
6c. Ditto.
7a. Yes.
7b. Perhaps.
7c. Probably.
8a. Yes.
8b. Probably.
8c. Probably.
9a. Potentially.
9b. Yes.
9c. Probably.
10. You are correct.

Response recorded on December 05, 2001

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Cha-Cha writes...

1.Is the Coldtrio(Coldstone, Coldfire and Coldsteel) around in 2198?
2.If so, are they apart of the Manhattan Clan or the New Wyvern Clan?
3.Did you ever plan for them to return to their flesh-n-bone forms? By magic or otherwise?

Greg responds...

1. Not saying.

2. Not saying.

3. No.

Response recorded on November 13, 2001

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Anonymous writes...

Are the Coldtrio still around in 2198?

Greg responds...


Response recorded on November 06, 2001

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Gipdac writes...

You might have answered this before, but I couldn't find it.
1) Did Goliath and Demona have any children in the 978 (Bronx's) rookery?
2) Did Othelle and Desdemona have any children in the 978 (Bronx's) rookery?
3) Did Hyppolytahave any children in the 978 (Bronx's) rookery?

Greg responds...

1. No. They were too young.

2. No. They were too young.

3. No. She was two young.

Response recorded on November 06, 2001

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Anonymous writes...

From what source of water did Goliath and co. arrive in Tiber?
Were there any other guest characters there besides Coldstone?
How did Coldstone get from New York to Tibet? Did he fly there? If so how did he maintain his supply of rocket fuel?

Greg responds...

Tibet, not Tiber. Two very different places.

1. I'm not telling.
2. Yes, technically.
3. He got there, mostly by flight. But let me ask you... how do you know he even uses rocket fuel?

Response recorded on September 11, 2001

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matt writes...

when Puck transforms the human population to gargs why is it that Elisa and the three teen girl gargs in the subway not have brow ridges or horns of any kind? every other gargoyle we've seen except for the English gargs had either horns or brow ridges or both, but these transformed humans had neither. in fact, besides the pointed ears and color difference (which Elisa didn't even have) their bodies from the neck up looked very human, not gargoyle. was it cuz you wanted these characters to be physically attractive to human viewers even as gargs? cuz i think physically Desdemona is more attractive than Demona or Angela and Des has big old horns, so why make these characters as gargs so human looking?

would you have objected to the animators giving Elisa a beak or a frill or any of the other non human features of gargs?

Greg responds...

Yes, I would have objected to Elisa getting a beak, because she wouldn't have looked viserally like Elisa. Other changes that were less significant would not have bothered me.

However, I loved the design they came up with and didn't question it.

As for the girls in the subway. MINOR, minor characters. There wasn't as much time to do all this stuff as you seem to think. We just had to get it done.

Don't read too much into it though. We all think that Desdemona is attractive. Frank in particular likes drawing attractive females. I think Demona and Angela and Elisa are pretty hot too. Among other characters.

Response recorded on September 11, 2001

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Phil writes...


I recently re-watched "Legion" and it sparked some questions in my mind about "Reawakening."

1) Was Coldstone suffering from multiple-personality problems when he first awoke, or did that not start until "Legion" with the Xanatos program or the virus?

2) Was Othello the only one in control through "Reawakening"? He is confused, but only generally. He doesn't forget moment by moment where he is and what he's doing. Also, Desdemona's reaction to the mirror made it seem as though she was "awakening" for the first time in "Legion."


Greg responds...

1. He was not, initially, no.

2. Correct. Just Othello in Coldstone's first appearance.

Response recorded on September 09, 2001

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Lord Sloth writes...

I now have a list of questions to for you about love. ahhh

1. Does Hyena love Jackel?
2. Does Jackel love Hyena?
3. How serius are Hyena's feelings to Cyotie? Is she madley im love with him, or just mildly attracted? Either way, it's kinda gross
4. How does Cyotie feel toward Hyena? He seemed up for they idea of "making sparks fly".
5. Does Fox love Anistasia(before and after the Gathering)?
6. Does Halcyen still carry a torch for Anistasia? And does he now know that she is Titania?
7. Does Titania love fox?
8. Does Puck love Alex?
9. Does Oberon love anyone besides Titania?
10. Does Dracon dream about Elisa and him being together?
11. Was Brooklyn attracted to Demona before "Temptation". He seems to go after the most females.
12. Does Iago feel in love with Desdemona, or is it a strong sexual attraction, or is it just to hurt Othello?
13. Was there a time when Desdemona had feelings toward Iago?
14. Does Vinnie have a special someone (besides himself), or does everyone think he is too wierd?
15. Has Thailog ever felt love, even in the slightest way?
16. Was Malcolm and Elaina's wedding more out of love, or convenience?
17. Do Banquo and Florence have a thing for each other?
18. Does Cagney have a special kitty friend, or just Elisa?
19. Has the Magus been yerning for Kathern all of his life, and never told her how he felt? If yes., thats pretty sad.
20. And, somewhere deep deep down, both Goliath and Demona both yern to again be one, now and forever. Right? I better be. And this would have been shown in latter episodes besides dark ages right?

I'm sure you can see from my questions that I am QUITE the softy. And I love how Gargoyles uses this topic so often. Great job!!!

Greg responds...

Twenty Questions! YAY! :P

1. Sure, to the extent she knows how.

2. Ditto.

3. Something between madly in love and mildly attracted.

4. He's indifferent in the incarnations you've seen.

5. Yes.

6. Yes and Yes.

7. Of course.

8. Sure.

9. Yes. His children and his Children and the island of his birth and all the funny little mortals. He's a benificent one, that Oberon.

10. Probably.

11. I think Brooklyn respected Goliath too much to think that way, to allow himself to think that way.

12. The first two. The third is just a side benefit.

13. No.

14. He is currently available? You interested?

15. He's not admitting to it, unless he's lying.

16. Politics. And a hope of love.

17. They're exes.

18. That avenue has not yet been explored.

19. Not all his life. After all, he's ten years older than she is. But yes, it is sad.

20. I think somewhere deep, deep down Goliath wants to be with Elisa. And somewhere deep deep down, Demona wants to be with someone who is right for her.

Response recorded on September 06, 2001

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Karen the Great writes...

Hi. I have a question regarding Coldstone.

Okay, you said that gargoyles mate for life. I assume that since mating for life is the norm among most clans (or at least the norm in the Wyvern Clan), a certain level of monogamy and faithfulness is expected on the part of the members of each mated pair. For example, Goliath still had the desire to remain faithful and in love with Demona as late as 'Vows'. He wanted these things even after all the rotten stuff she's done and you stated before that as a gargoyle, it, in a certain sense, "blew Goliath's mind" that his mate could still be alive and he would not be with her. Also, you made it clear that Hudson, even though his mate is long dead, would not pursue a new love out of lingering love and respect for his dead mate.

So, the question is- 1.) If monogamy and faithfulness are expected and natural to the gargoyle race (and/or the Wyvern Clan), what was Coldstone so worried about regarding Desdemona? I understand that Iago was manipulating Coldstone's thinking, but it still doesn't add up to me that Coldstone would be so worried about her being unfaithful that it would alter his personality. What's more, it's hard for me to figure that he would even (momentarily in 'Legion') consider letting her and Goliath fall to their deaths because of it. Isn't it sort of an irrational fear on his part?

Also 2.) Was Desdemona at all offended by Coldstone's accusation? I don't know, but if betraying my mate meant that I was both violating the Gargoyle Way of Life and the sanctity of … umm… "Mate-hood", I would be pretty darned upset if the man I loved accused me of doing that (especially if that fear was unfounded). After all, in effect, he wasn't only questioning her loyalty to him, but also her faithfulness to the gargoyle way of life.

Finally, 3.) Was Iago trying to manipulate Coldstone before the Wyvern Massacre? That is, were Coldstone and Desdemona having their "issues" in the Dark Ages too, or was Coldstone only uncertain of her faithfulness once they were revived in cyber space? It seems to me that these problems started before the massacre though, but I figured I'd ask to be sure.

Thanks for offering your time.

Greg responds...

1. Have you read the play Othello? Great men (and gargoyles) have flaws and are subject to manipulation. "Legion" the episode is a bit of a cheat, because we don't get to see Coldsteel/Iago at work really. That's "Dark Ages" material. We don't see all that he did to convince Coldstone/Othello that Coldfire/Desdemona was cheating on him with Goliath/Cassio. All we see in "Legion" is the confused memories resurfacing under terrible strain and under the pressure of the virus.

2. Yes, I think she was upset. And if they weren't mates for life, it might have been a devastating blow to their 'marriage'. But eventually she forgave him.

3. Yes, this stuff ALL took place in 993.

Response recorded on August 07, 2001

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Lord Sloth writes...

I gathered from the wierd sister's solilique (they can almost be counted as one entity) at the end of High Noon, that they were hoping to recrute coldstone as one of their soldiers as well, but things didn't turn out their way. If this is so, why did they convince Othello to take control of Coldstone's body, when Iago was working with Demona and Macbeth. I don't know how easily they could of gotten Iago under their spell, but he seemed more likley then Othello. Am I way off here?

Greg responds...

They were NOT trying to recruit Coldstone. And I wouldn't call it a soliloquy.

Response recorded on August 06, 2001

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Lord Sloth writes...

Does Coldstone remember the events that happened in "Reawakening"? I'm asking cause of how he didn't trust Goliath once again, when Goliath entered the cyber world, but then Iago recognised Demona by her name in High Noon (when he first woke, he called he "sister" but, from his POV, some words said Recongnise: Demona). Was Othello the Only one who was controling Coldstone in Reawakening? Were Iago and or Desdemona influencing his desisions at that time, or were they even consious to thoes events?

Ok, could you just tell the Coldstone story from reawakening to high noon, filling in the details I'm not sure about?
I hope you followed all that %

Greg responds...

I don't think I did.


Othello was basically in control through most of Reawakening. But he was badly damaged, and Iago reasserted control during the repair process. Confused and with all those voices driving him nuts, Othello reverted to being jealous of Goliath.

Does that help?

Response recorded on August 06, 2001

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Sexy Queer writes...

Did Demona and Iago get along in the Dark Ages?

Greg responds...

Sometimes. It was a long age.

Response recorded on July 27, 2001

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Steven L. writes...

Gargoyles mate for life. Does that mean that once two gargoyles show interest in each other, and become intimate, that they've mated, and are officially forevermore monogamous?
If so, what happens if, over the years, the two gargoyles come to drift apart, or realize they have nothing in common? Do they stay together simply because of tradition? I take it there's no gargoyle equivalent of divorce. (Or at least there wasn't until Goliath and Demona kinda set precident).
And in that vein; should a gargoyle have an affair, then what happens if that affair is discovered? Does the unfaithful gargoyle and the one he/she had the affair with get banished from the clan?
Hope this hasn't been asked before.

Greg responds...

Gargoyles mate in both sexual and ritualistic fashion. After that they GENERALLY (and that's the key word) remain monogamous.

They imprint upon each other biologically, and there are strong ties of custom to discourage a split. Affairs, I believe, are quite rare.

But as you noted, sometimes things don't work according to plan. Iago has clearly imprinted on Desdemona, though she is imprinted on Othello and he has imprinted on her.

Goliath and Demona imprinted upon each other, but maybe as a result of a thousand years, that imprinting didn't last. Goliath has clearly imprinted anew on Elisa. (BTW, I'm not sure I'm using the word imprinting correctly. I know it's generally used for babies to imprint on their mothers. But it's the closest thing I can think of.)

So there are issues of both biology and custom that discourage anything like divorce or cheating. But that doesn't mean it NEVER happens.

Response recorded on July 18, 2001

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Lord Sloth writes...

How did Xanatos know what Iago and Desdemona looked like when he desined their robots?

Greg responds...

I could have sworn I've answered this. He accessed Coldstone's memory banks.

Response recorded on July 11, 2001

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