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matt writes...

1. i assume that Coldstone went to the Himalayas after "High Noon" because of the isolation, correct?
2. how did he know there were no gargoyles in the area, or did he just have to look around for an isolated spot?
3. did he meet any other garg clans on his way to the Himalayas?
4. what was he hoping to accomplish in this isolation?
5. how did he get from New York to Tibet?
6. how did Xanatos find him in "Possesions"?
7. Iago doesn't have a kid on Avalon, right?
8. in "Possesions" i guess there wasn't really time to explore the Coldtrio's opinions on the eggs surviving so what do they think?
9. would Gabriel's parentage ever be revealed to him as was Angela's? would he care? what would Coldstone and Coldfire think if they found out?

Greg responds...

1. Largely.
2. It seemed isolated, and largely proved isolated.
3. No.
4. To win an internal battle.
5. He flew.
6. Coldstone gives off a signal which X can track.
7. I never said that.
8. I'm not entirely sure they're aware of it.
9. It's something to explore. But the mere fact that Coldstone and Coldfire exist and the mere fact that the "eggs" survived -- is much more significant than biological parentage.

Response recorded on February 07, 2001

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matt writes...

is the technology that allows the Iago and Desdemona robots to heal have anything to do with the Matrix?

Greg responds...

Yes, in a down-graded fashion.

Response recorded on February 01, 2001

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matt writes...

did Xanatos know that one of the souls in Coldstone was evil? i figure he did know, but then why did he build a robot for it and not let it just fade out of existence? and even if the soul had to go somewhere why put it in robot with great strength and cool weapons? if he was really trying to help out Coldstone why create a bigger headache for him? poor Coldstone gets screwed at the end of every episode he's in...

Greg responds...

Yeah. Poor Coldstone.

Anyway, Xanatos is not a wasteful man. Think about it.

Response recorded on January 31, 2001

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(The Guppi) writes...

[1] The first time I watched _Possession_ I pretty much took it for granted how much Coldfire and Coldsteel resembled 'Desdemona' and 'Iago'. It makes sense when you're used to half-baked comic book logic (not to disrespect your own fine work in the field), but Gargoyles takes great pains to create a more, erm, well-done and realistic (or at least snarkily pseudo-scientific :P) universe. On later viewings, I was compelled to contemplate further. The techniques used in creating the Steel Clan wouldn't apply here, I think. The techies at Scarab Corp. (or wherever) probably had lots of old security tapes of Goliath to pore over as much as they liked, but it's hard to imagine how that'd work with the Legionnaires. Was the likeness of design only in animation, then?
[2] Likewise, with the the WWII statue in London, which off-the-bat was recognizable as being of Goliath and Griff. Was its sculptor working solely off of Sir Douglas' accounts? (Pilots are generally more observant than the average bear, and from the impression he made on you as a kid, he musta made one heckuva eyewitness. It still is kind of a stretch, though...)

Greg responds...

1. You're forgetting Puck. And various memory chips inside Coldstone.

2. I always thought that that statue was funded by Leo and Una. Ostensibly as a memorial to the Battle of Britain, but really as a memorial to Griff and Goliath.

Response recorded on January 26, 2001

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DCB writes...

Silly hypothetical question.

What do you suppose Broadway and Angela were thinking when Othello suggested that he and Desdemona keep possession of their (Broadways and Angela's) bodies? Assuming they could hear them the way Brooklyn could Iago.

Greg responds...

They were probably SCREAMING!!

What would you think?

Response recorded on January 26, 2001

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LSZ writes...

You've said before that Coldstone and Coldfire would treat the entire clan as their children..how would Gabriel react to this?

Greg responds...

You mean the entire Avalon clan, right?

At any rate, that depends a great deal on how Gabriel would react to Coldstone and Coldfire in the first place. I mean neither are your typical gargoyles.

Response recorded on January 17, 2001

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matt writes...

would Coldstone suffer seven years bad luck for shattering the mirror in "reawakening"?

Greg responds...

At least.

Response recorded on December 22, 2000

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matt writes...

if pieces of both iago and desdemona were used in the awakening of coldstone why didn't xanatos use samples from those pieces to clone new bodies instead of build robots? was xanatos still a little shoken up about the thailog thing? how do you put a soul into a robot? goliath made it clear in "outfoxed" that machines are no match for flesh and blood!

Greg responds...

There were no living cells in Coldstone to clone. Coldstone himself is not a clone. Rather he is a reanimated corpse.

Response recorded on November 21, 2000

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warrioress writes...

In reply to a question I posted eons ago you said that Desdemona is "more forgiving" than most. Obviously she's forgiven Othello for his lack of faith in her, but did/will she ever forgive Iago?

Greg responds...

Maybe once, a thousand years ago. But now it's just gotten creepy.

Response recorded on November 21, 2000

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Faieq writes...

Hoping you have your timeline with you, what year did Iago convince Othello that Desdemona was involved with Goliath, in the Dark Ages?

Greg responds...

Sorry, I don't have it with me. I'm in my (once a week) Disney office. The Timeline is back at my own B.H. office.

Response recorded on November 15, 2000

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