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Due to my own limited funds, as well as my young age (17) at the time, I was unable to attend the first Gathering. In fact, I have only been able to attend the Gathering three times: in 2001, 2006, and this most recent one. In short, only the ones in and around Los Angeles. This was because travel and lodging were expenses I could ill afford. And for those last two (2006 and 2009), I didn't know if I would be able to pay the registration fee until (literally) two months before the Gathering. For that reason, I consider myself supremely fortunate to have been able to attend this, the last Gathering.
The Gathering was always something I loved to hear about, even when I wasn't there. And it was something I always felt was worth looking forward to. I looked forward to the day when I would be able to afford a trip beyond LA. Heck, let's be honest: I looked forward to a day when, like Karine, I would cross from "fan" to "professional" (actor, in my case) and be given that nifty "Guest" ribbon! Have my very own Mug-a-Guest, panels and everything! Yeah, yeah, I know--my swelled head makes it difficult to walk through doors. ;-)
And, of course, I regret not being able to go to any of the other Gatherings (especially the one in Montreal that the DVD crew filmed). I also kick myself for not being more proactive and helping out the staff for the LA conventions.
But, I am thankful for what I did have.
-The 2001 Gathering has a special place in my heart, simply for being my first Gathering. And the BIGGEST, I've every been to. Seriously, we had SO MANY panels in that first LA convention. And JEFF BENNETT! One of my favorite actors (I wish I could have gone to his Mug-a-Guest: he seemed like such a cool guy). Plus, we had a panel where fans got to try their hand at reading bits of "Gargoyles" episodes (specifically "Vows" and "M.I.A.") outside of the radio play or its auditions. And alongside Morgan Sheppard and Crispin Freeman, to boot. A couple of folks even got to try dubbing anime (I didn't have a chance to do that, but I did get to read for Goliath in the "M.I.A." scene--which was very intimidating, given how light my voice is in comparison to Keith David's--and Brooklyn's audition side). This was also the only convention I brought a costume for: Nought. I didn't enter the Masquerade contest, but I did thoroughly enjoy myself that night, as I did throughout the entire con. I think I got the most autographs from that one. But one of the biggest things was finally meeting everyone I had known online in person. It was great putting faces to names, learning the real names behind the 'net monikers, and just being able to talk with them face to face.
And for the "Hunter's Moon: Part 3" radio play, I was Matt Bluestone. It was so fun--and my first real chance to perform with professional actors from the show.
-2006 I remember mostly because I was at such a tough point in my finances I couldn't afford to drive the 30 miles back and forth to Valencia for each of the 4 days. So I drove up there once, parked in the hotel's free parking, and slept in my truck (it had a camper shell over the bed so I was comfortable) until the Gathering was over. I couldn't go to the Banquet for this one, unfortunately, but I still had a great time. The first issue of the comic had come out, so there was plenty to talk about. And on the first day, Crispin and Thom held a panel where I finally got to try my hand at dubbing a scene from an anime. Other than a particularly egregious P-pop, I feel I did pretty well for my first attempt. Plus, there was that HUGE room of voice-actors from "W.I.T.C.H." (and I still feel a little guilty about asking a question that caused the panel to go over time). This one wasn't as big as the first LA Gathering, but still a very nice size, with plenty of panels to choose from (and torture me with not being able to go to them all). Since this was my second Gathering, I felt a bit more open and comfortable with other people, especially those I remembered from my first time. In a way, that made this my most..."relaxed" Gathering.
And the radio play was "The Mirror." I'm still surprised that my Broadway managed to sound kind of like the real thing.
-And 2009...well, I've just gone into all the details over the past few days. It was not the biggest of the Gathering's I had been to, no...but in some ways the smaller, more intimate nature of it helped to make it all the more memorable. Not to mention all the voices that participated in the radio play (which was the most fun of the three, just for all the in-jokes and references if nothing else).
God...I count myself fortunate for each of the Gathering's I've gone to, and doubly fortunate for making it to the last one. I don't know what's going to happen next year, or the year after that. I still hold on to hope that, like the series it's based on, the Gathering will return in some form or another (or at least another "Gargoyles" convention like it). Until then, though, I have my memories, my radio play scripts, and the friends I've made (as well as the DVDs and comics the Gathering made possible). Not a bad legacy, all things considered.
Nope. Not bad at all...
I posted this in the comment room, but Todd suggested I repost it here...
Sometimes I just don't have anything Gargoyles for us to do. And I'm not sure if just doing old episodes is all that interesting. And the other things have been fun... at least it seemed that way to me.
Here's a history of the works of the GATHERING PLAYERS...
1998 - RAIN OF THE GHOSTS (an unproduced pilot I wrote)
1999 - THE ROSWELL CONSPIRACIES (a rejected pilot I wrote)
2000 - ROUGHNECKS: THE STARSHIP TROOPERS CHRONICLES (the last arc of the series, which I story edited, half of which was unproduced. Written by me, Jon Weisman Lydia Marano, Cary Bates and Michael Reaves.)
2001 - GARGOYLES: "Hunter's Moon, Part Three" (Note: this was the first time that we actually did something gargoyles related for the radio play. This included scenes that were cut for time from the original. Written by Michael Reaves.)
2002 - TEAM ATLANTIS: "The Last" (Unproduced episode featuring Demona and Fiona Canmore, written by me)
2003 - GARGOYLES: "The Reckoning" (Performed in honor of Gary Sperling, who co-wrote the script with Lydia.)
2004 - GARGOYLES: "The Journey" (my uncut version of the script)
2005 - DOC SHAKESPEARE (An unproduced pilot written by myself and Sam Bernstein)
2006 - GARGOYLES: "The Mirror" (written by Lydia Marano and Brynne Chandler Reaves)
2007 - GARGOYLES: "Clan Building, Chapters III, IV & V: Invitation Only, Masque & Bash" - (from the comic, premeiring chapter V before it was published. Written by me...)
2008 - Geez, I should probably figure this out soon...
Anyway, you can see that traditionally, we've only done something gargish about half the time. For me it's fun to get to see my unproduced work performed, and it does give the fans a little insight into the biz. In any case, I've never heard any complaints from the folks who attended.
Greg Weisman
Finishing up what I didn't get to write in Con Journal before the window was closed.
Dph's Monday's return trip/Almost didn't make it home
I ate breakfast with A Fan, again. I thought I had plenty because I had scheduled a pickup for about an hour after I ate breakfast. I pulled my bags out into the lobby when a guy asked if I was waiting for a shuttle bus. The answer was yes, and I caught it. It turned out that my shuttle bus time had been scheduled for an hour earlier pickup and if I had walked out the door any later, I would have been stuck. I arrived at LAX about 2 hours before my flight was scheduled to take off and by the time I made it through the lines, I barely had time to sit down before boarding for my flight began. I boarded the plane and slept most of the way towards Dallas/Fort Worth airport. When we arrived at the airport, we had a delay in unloading because of problems with another airplane. It ended up being a 1 hour delay. I played a quick version of the "Amazing Race" stopping by Wendy's to pick up food (I didn't have time for lunch at LAX) and proceeded to go to my terminal. Nobody was manning it which made me nervous. A few moments later somebody arrived and told me, thankfully, that my flight home to the Little Rock airport hadn't taken off so I was alright. I tried to call my brother to let him know about this, but for some unknown reason, I couldn't get a call out of that airport. Once I got on my flight and made it to Little Rock, the rest of my trip was uneventfull. I enjoyed myself.
Glad you had a good time!
My Sunday's Gathering Journal or "What the Heck Happenned to Time on Sunday?"
Looking at the con schedule, things kinda make sense.
Sunday morning came early. I ate breakfast at the hotel with A Fan. We had to wait an hour to get our food and by the time we got through most of the way through eating, it was time for the 1st panel of the day - Gargoyles: The Comic Book. I asked "When does Xanatos sleep?" and your response was he has competent assistants. My question wasn't about does Xanatos trust his assistants, but rather we see Xanatos awake during the daytime and we see Xanatos (and Owen) awake when the Gargoyles burst out of stone and turn to stone, leading me wonder does he sleep during the daytime or at night? Or is staying up with the Gargoyles just not the norm for him? Anyways, I left the gargoyles: comic book panel to head towards the online fan sites panel instead of the Gargoyles: Voice Acting Process panel, because I was working on remodeling the tgs website. No regrets with that decision, I learned that Voice Acting Process panel actually filled up. After that, I had some free time and I made my way to the Gargoyles: the Production Process panel. My eyes started feeling heavy and was struggling to stay awake after a few minutes in that panel. It wasn't the fault of the panelists, it was the fault of my body. I knew that if I didn't leave quickly I was goign to fall asleep during the panel so I headed towards my room to take a short nap, or so I thought. The mystery for me was how I ended up sleeping until A Fan woke me up to have the anti-banquet in our room, which started a few minutes after the Banquet was supposed to start. So I rushed out my room and I got to the banquest late. Luckily I was able to find a seat and people hadn't started eating yet. I enjoyed the food and the Guest Q&A afterforwards. Then I headed towards my room, trying to make sense out of how I ended up sleeping so long. A Fan went to the masquerade & dance and I stayed in the room. He came back after the mug-a-guest and helped me schedule a shuttle bus to take me to LAX so I wouldn't miss my flight. Then we discussed plans and set up for room service to call us Monday morning so we would have time for breakfast and I would have time to get ready to catch my shuttle bus.
Next Up: Monday's Trip home or Almost Didn't Make It
Xanatos sleeps when he needs to. Just like he eats when he needs to, etc. Just because we don't show it on screen doesn't mean it doesn't happen.
Saturday's Gathering Journal
Apologizes for delays between posting of parts of my Gathering journal. [I am working on the mystery of Sunday's gathering journal or rather trying to put the pieces of what happenned that day together because I've been trying to work out that since I got back.]
I got up early and start writing the story of how I got here while waiting for A Fan to wake up. A Fan woke up, we talked, took showers, and headed downstairs to get breakfast. Thanks for A Fan's special deal, we got a free breakfast buffet, which I enjoyed. I ordered Cold Rasberry Tea (I'm from Arkansas so I prefer tea both sweat and cold.) I got to chat with A Fan, getting to know him more. Afterwards, I went back to my hotel room to look at the schedule and decided to go to Radio Play auditions to have some fun, not expecting to be chosen. Unknown to you, Greg Weisman, there was a Bnai Mitzuah (Hebrew translation: Children of Commandment) going on next door and Siryn had to get on to us a few times to be quiet out of respect for the group next door. Afterwards, I enjoyed my free time. I saw the con chair and stopped to thank her for for her work, recognizing the amount of work going into the Gathering. Then I sorta migrated to the Gargoyles Development Process Panel after following Greg Weisman's pleasant but brief unexpected presence in the Gargoyles Physiology, Psychology, & Society panel. After the Gargoyles Development PRocess panel finished/Writing Panel started, I left to get signature on my gargoyles dvds. I got a signature and went to lunch. Once I finished lunch, I hung out, waiting for the Radio Play. I was not disappointed. The voice for Demona was great and once I learned it was CrzyDemona doing it, it made sense. I liked the actor playing Hudson. Connecting the voice of Lexington with the face came as a shock. I envisioned the actor being younger. Keith David was spectular. After the radio play, I hung out while A Fan was gathering people to go to a restaurant. When we got to the restaurant, we changed our mind and ended up eating at an Italian place. After I ate supper, I headed back to my hotel room to deposit leftovers in the fridge. My brother called me so I called him back and we talked for about 30 minutes. Then I wandered around, eventually meeting up with Gorebash. I thanked him for the work on Ask Greg, citing my understanding of what he's gone through, based on what I've gone through so far in working on a database system for the tgs website. Then I went to my hotel room to do more writing on this journal. A Fan arrved, saying thecon suite was overfull from mug-a-guest and he had left. We chatted for a while and he went to sleep. I decided to do Tigris Euphrates a favor and changed her listed on credits to the proper one on some tgs pages. Time for Saturday night bed or is it Sunday morning?
To be continued with "What the Heck Happenned to Time on Sunday?"
Yeah, what did happen to time on Sunday? I mean in general. That day always seems to just fly by.
Hi, Greg!
Here's my Gathering 2006 Report! Which, since it weighs in at almost nine thousand words, I'm submitting via link: http://www.eskimo.com/~vecna/gathering_06_text.html
Otherwise, Ask Greg might pop like a balloon and I'd hate to be responsible for that! But if you really want me to, just say so!
I want you to post it here!
(Next time we open the posting function.)
June 23
Woke up late, but there was nothing that morning I was in a rush to get to. Trip to the food court and back, I checked out to see if there were any bids on the art and took a walk through of the auction items. I did a little sketching for BrooklynX and greeted a few guest as they came and went.
Got to talking to Nikki about next year and she was more than happy to show off the brochures she had brought. She definitely had done a good job all weekend pimping Pigeon Forge to anyone who was interested. I certainly am excited to head that way next year.
The Radio play was the Mirror and it was great to have Keith David at the helm. He's as much fun to watch as he is to listen to. Crispin's Scottish I think had a bit too much of a pirate twist to it, but made the girls swoon and everyone else laugh.
Dinner was Hotdog on a stick because I love corndogs and never get to have them anymore. Though as I was putting mustard on my plate I had a little girl call me weird for putting a little mustard on my French fries as well…. Me, weird?… nah.
While we waited for Blue Mug we were hanging out in Aaron and Mara's room again and Nikki decided to put on an anime. It was a really bad hentai with all the bad things you can imagine including no story plot. Was funny though.
We knew getting to the consuite early was important, but it was a lot smaller than I imagined. Yes we were loud, that many people it's impossible not to be. But we had fun while it lasted. Greg's a robot, Thom says Lex is still horny, Crispin and Thom were bad, and Keith sang and told stories. Eventually we got kicked out, but not in a graceful way. This is where the hotel staff really balked. We have had other hotels be very accommodating, why, because we are paying guest. But this staff, more than just one was very rude. Should have given them the finger.
Moving on.
After they told us we couldn't go to the convention rooms or hang out in the Foyer a small group went to the bar, I got a Jack and Coke. It was mostly just small talk going about. After it closed we hung outside for a bit but eventually, once again, we were kicked out of that as well. This time by some wedding rehearsal guest. Who does wedding rehearsal at 1am, honestly?
After getting told to leave that many times bed was in order.
June 24
Being that it was now Sunday several of the food court establishments were not open yet when we got up to eat, but the hot sandwich place was, was really good too.
I caught the tail end of the comic panel and stuck around to take pictures. I said hello to Hedgecock, whether you like his art or not, I thought it was important to at least show him some respect.
I did attend the Voice actors panel, because I love to hear their stories and what people will ask. I have no idea why I decided to stand in the corner, not like I was on security detail, but it did give me a good view of the room, sorry if it made anyone uncomfortable.
Morgan Sheppard was a lot of fun to hear, and hearing all their stories on their favorite and least favorite moments in the biz was very interesting. Thom was late, he went for food. I ragged him a bit, but Thom is great like that, you can play with him like just another guest.
Once again during the signing I hung back and took pictures. GregX and I chatted a bit about how the con was going and general chit chat. We had mentioned how neither of us had seen Steve Blum yet when he walked up. Got to shake his hand and say hello but had to usher him to the W.I.T.C.H. panel that had already started.
I had a few things that Spacie wanted signed and she was in her own panel, a Hellsing DVD for Crispin to sign and a Big O poster for Steve Blum. The signing was running long with so many guest in a little room I had to point it out to Greg Weisman.
Aaron, Gside, and I went up to the con suite to try and see the other music videos that were not shown, but there was no VCR to play them on, that was rather disappointing, but I did snag a few pieces of pizza.
Just for fun I then dropped in on the Drawing Erotica panel. Mara and Kyt lead this one well. Not sure if anyone learned anything but was a lot of fun and I think everyone else would agree.
Spacie dressed nice for Banquet and I'll have to admit after seeing Tony in his sharp suit, I felt like a slob. Nevertheless the food was good and we had several good conversations with Patrick Archibald about direct to DVDs, story boards, and his current projects.
After a second helping and listening to the guest and a few questions we readied for Masquerade. To be honest I thought me as Brode just didn't work. At least as Dracon I had a fairly similar body type. Brode is more bulky, but I did my best effort at a cheap bastardized eastern Euro/Russian accent. (I improved so lines on walk out and had to do it again because the music was too loud.) I plan to have a better costume next year. And I'm not afraid to agree that Tony has no shame, he would probably say so. There were not many costumes, but the ones there were, were great.
Afterwards I took pics and looked forward to continuing the Blue mug we were kicked out of the night before. It was a more intimate setting this time, more space and less people, plus Michael Reeves joined us. I was honored and pleased to hear that Greg W not only liked this one particular piece of my art that he loved the concept of a bearded Thailog that Greg X and I came up with just in random conversations. Eventually we reached a good stopping point and crashed.
June 25
Got up as early as my fatigue would let me. Cons burn you out. Anyhow, I wanted to make Greg's Time travel panel and I only missed the first few minutes. Quantum physics can give you a headache, but is fun nevertheless.
I then made it to my only other panel, which I felt really under qualified for, Digital Rendering. I do well, but I'm the first to admit I'm still just starting, especially when compared to people like Steph, Karine, and Kyt, all three who are professional artist. Anyhow, the panel was a blast, Steph is great to watch in action, very energetic. She has a photoshop brush named WEEE!!!
Closing Ceremonies was very quick, almost too quick, but it was over. It was a good con and assuming nothing goes horribly wrong we'll be at the next one.
Dinner was in the Food court again and the hang out was Aaron and Mara's room. We had lots of visitors though. Leo stopped by, Allaine said goodbye, was nice to talk to him more this year.
WE had to crash a little early, and loaded the van that night so as to just get up and run in the morning. We had a long way to go.
June 26
Had a slight irritation with the desk clerk at check out. She didn't even ask if we were splitting the room payment and just put the WHOLE THING on my card. Then she didn't know how to refund it. That killed a half hour. Very annoying.
I took first leg and got us all the way to El Paso. That was about 12 hours of driving, but add two hours for time zones. We could have stopped but after eating at a Chili's we felt pretty refreshed and pressed on all the way to San Antonio. Which was fine, saved money. We got in SA at about 6 in the morning and just crashed.
June 27
Slept a lot, hung out in San Antonio and read my comic again and most of the Anthology. We left the next day for Houston and thus returned to normal working life
Ending Gathering 2006.
See you in Tennessee!
I'll be there!!!!
Here we go...
June 20
I was able to get Tuesday off work but Spacie had to work, so that was one thing right there that slowed things down. Much like Vegas the previous year we had reserved a rental van to take us to the con and back. Weekly rates are very good and split among 5 or more people makes for very affordable travel, especially with drivers who rotate and don't need major stops.
We finally left Houston just before 7 and made it to San Antonio around 10... of course getting stopped for speeding didn't help. No biggy, just got a warning. Dinner was MacDonalds.
June 21
We retrieved the van around noon, a Chrysler Town & Country that I didn't think was as nice as the Dodge we had last year, but small details. Brunch was sandwiches and we ate on the road.
This was different for me because in the past I have been the iron driver that does most of the wheel time. Aaron did more than his fair share, taking us from San Antonio to El Paso, about 600 miles and I took us to Tucson, about eight hundred and sixty some odd miles all together for the first day. We had purposely planned to stop in Tucson for the night even though it was an extra expense because we didn't want to get to the hotel too early. It was a Days Inn, was not too shabby. Aaron once again took the wheel and took us all the way to Valencia, about an 8 hour drive.
The scenery was not very interesting except the Wind Farms, I found those interesting. Mostly just a lot of dirt and some mountains. We did stop at the Patton museum and I got some pictures. Was also our first taste of California fuel prices. Oooouch. Anyhow, The afternoon traffic starts even as far as 50 miles outside LA proper and that slowed us down. I started to get worried that we had missed our exit and would have to take I-10 all the way to I-5. Thankfully no. We bypassed most of the bad stuff and being of the Bill and Ted generation made fun of the signs that said San Dimas, no we didn't find a Circle K there.
I was surprised to find that Valencia was quite a ways from down town Los Angeles, but given how spread out things are I suppose that is to be expected. Greg Weisman described Valencia as a "Mall town." Good word choice, the place, at least around the hotel was all shops and restaurants. In fact as we were sitting at the light to turn into the parking area, a fairly large group of garg fans were on their way to the BJ's.
We parked, checked in and went across the street to find the crowd. Though it took a while to sit, it was not bad, and the food was good. I split a pizza with Silver and Spacie. Silver is always fun to talk to.
The rest of the evening consisted of getting the bags into the room and hanging out till we got sleepy.
June 22
My first objective was food followed by finding reg. And where the art show was setting up. We found it worth the short walk to always head to the food court because the price was better and the food was not bad, plus a bit of variety. After breakfast I picked up my art and was pleased that Cindy (Eden) loved the picture of her gargoyle and Spacie's garg so much that she bought it. I was proud of that piece. I was a little embarrassed to see that I brought more adult art than anyone.
The first panel I was on was Sketching 101. Though more than qualified to be up front I still felt a little small being up there with talents such as Kyt, Karine, Steph, and Mara. But I added where needed and let them lead. I hope people enjoyed our antics as well as learned something.
I had thought I was on other panels as well, but they must have been canceled or moved since my only other one was on Monday. I enjoyed Crispin's voice panel, it was interesting to see even a bit of how dubbing is done and the software he had was very cool. Afterwards I did audition, but didn't do was well as I had in the past, that and it being a small cast meant I got bumped. Oh well, maybe next time.
Spent an hour in the dealer's room at the Anthology signing plus I picked up a copy of the comic. The nearest comic shop here is about 20 some odd miles away.
Opening ceremonies took a bit different turn this year with the music videos being shown. I always miss the videos because they are usually in the con suite and I rarely make it up there. All the videos were good, I particularly liked the one that used the song Hemorrhage(In my Hands) by Fuel. I always enjoy annual count the first timers show of hands, quite a few this time around, plus I heard there were lots of walk ins all weekend. I always enjoy the Bad Guys pitch, because there is no where else you can see it and only once a year.
Food was at the food court again, but it was good and when we got back we caught the tail end of the MiSTings. We end back in Aaron and Mara's room and had great conversations with Marty about the comic, the business, the economics of it, politics, hell lots of stuff. It was great to get a chance to really talk to him and thank him for his persistence in bringing the comic to life.
Bed was at about 1am.
I never just get warnings. How do you manage that?
Well, I didn't make to the LA Gathering :(
I got home from G'05 to find that management had cut my hours at work, and by October I was unemployed.
So yeah, I had just enough money to keep alive and there was no chance of getting to LA this year. I did pre-register though, so at least I made my contribution.
To make things even better, I got a bad cold that lasted the four days of the Con, then suddenly got better. The Universe conspires against me! :D
Everyone who went this year seems to have had a great time, so congrats to Jen & Co for pulling off yet another wonderful Gathering.
Kyt informs me that I have been registered for next year at Pigeon Forge, so now I *have* to come. Time to go mug old ladies for spare change I think ;D
I'm going to leave you with something I left out of my Montreal Gathering journal (my first Gathering):
Thurday night, when everyone was arriving at the hotel, Kelly and I were waiting for an elevator to go up to our room.
A bunch of people got off and Kelly introduced me to one in particular. You.
I said Hi and I think I shook your hand. We got in the elvator and headed up.
It took me two stories to realise what had just happend, I turned to Kelly and went "That was *THE* Greg!"
I felt like and idiot :D
Here's hoping I'm less of a fool next year :)
By now, we're old friends though, right?
Gathering Con Journal, as written on Wednesday, June 28:
Made it back last night. A lot of the convention is a blur for me. I didn't take any notes, and forgot my camera. I debated on getting a disposable camera when some of us stopped at a Rite-Aid on the way to Jen's on Thursday, but decided against it. In this digital age, it's easy to get the photos for other people who were at the con, and I didn't want to have to scan, crop, and resize photos.
Thursday, got picked up by Greg X and Patrick. We swung by Kyt's and then made our way to Jen's. Steph and Seth were already there, and we packed up all the vehicles with everything that was needed, and made our way to the hotel. We claimed our rooms, unpacked the cars, made a new run for supplies, copies and the like, and went back to the hotel. We were eventually joined by the rest of the staff -- the Morgans, Cindy, Laurean, Carol -- and Greg Weisman. We assembled the packets for the attendees. We went out for dinner, joined by several more people. We slept.
Friday, we assembled the art show panels, and then we had the first staff breakfast (french toast). Those of us who had art put it up in the art show after breakfast. I was hosting a couple of panels first thing, so Kyt, Steph and myself made our way to the proper room and gave our Sketching 101 class. Kyt and I continued with the Character design class. Then, there was running around, I forget the rest of the afternoon until Opening Ceremonies. We saw the music videos then. They were good. It was a good idea to show them at Opening Ceremonies -- that way it made it easy to get a lot of votes. Dinner consisted of ordered pizza in our room. Yay!
Saturday, Staff breakfast of tasteless scrambled eggs. Then, I helped a bit with Registration, ran around with errands, sat on Mug-a-Guests (Jymn Magon sat with us as we waited for Dave Schwartz who was stuck in traffic; Jymn was awesome), had a portfolio review with Frank Paur, who gave me very positive and helpful comments, gave out business cards, discussed the animation industry, sat in the art show and drew a little, sold a print, ran around helping out, watched the Radio Play, went out for dinner, came back for Blue Mug, was exhausted and decided to go to bed, updated LJ, talked with Jen and Steph in bed until way too fackin' late.
Sunday, Staff breakfast again. Breakfast tortilla of DOOM it was so huge, so I ate only half. Sat on Comic book panel, made faces at Steph. Sat on another portfolio review Mug-a-Guest with Bob Kline, who finally remembered me from 2001. Commented especially on my wonderful posing. (Squeeee! It was what he'd told me to work on back in 2001...) Did the auction with Laurean while Patrick was secretary. Kicked auction ass. Bought a sword. Got prettied up for banquet, turned heads. Corsets will do that. Took charge of directing banquet, had good food, was generally happy with friends. Then, helped Cindy with costume, got together with volunteers to wrangle the audience and participants for the masquerade, was very grateful for volunteers (Shaun, Dercesthai and Asatira, you guys rock), got the guests in to judge, decided to allow some of the people there for the wedding next door in just to watch the Masquerade. Saw all the costumes; lots of good work. Guests went out to deliberate over a few drinks. Danced for a bit, then wondered where the heck the guests had gone to after a long while, and sent someone to collect them from the con suite. Got them back, prizes were given out, well deserved. Went back upstairs to help Cindy out of her costume. Came back downstairs in the mood to party, found party had died down. Blue Mug had been interrupted the night before, so it was picked up again. Sang with Jen's daughter Stephanie. Saw her and her mom do routine from Three Amigos. Got out of there, eventually came back with Kyt, Steph and Jen, because we were staff and we had to make sure at least one of us was there until closing of the room. Jen laid the smack down and expulsed the two wedding people when it was clear they were drunk and disruptive. Steph and I zombied back to the room. I fell asleep quickly.
Monday came too early. Got up, had staff breakfast of Eggs Benedict, went to host panels (Fan to Pro, Iron Artist, Digital Colouring); got my remaining art and won bid delivered to me after the last panel. Sat on short and sweet Closing Ceremonies. Cleaned up our room for Dead Dog party with Kyt, Susan and Stephanie. Met up with the remaining crew and went to late lunch, shared appetizers with Kyt, Allaine and a newbie, Carrie. Sampled a White Pear Sangria, is yummy. Got back to hotel, had dead dog party, made drinks for people, addicted Tim to Sortilège, a maple/canadian whisky liqueur, and drew him art of Vivienne. Greg W showed us the raw footage from the 2004 Gathering. Was surprised at how well presented and well spoken I was in my interview. People bounced on the bed. Lots of laughing and drinking. People trickled out slowly, some to go home, some to catch a plane, some to go to bed. When everyone was gone, Jen, Steph and I chatted for a bit in bed, talking about our friends, about each other, and about how we hate the physical distance between all of us.
Tuesday, I woke up at 7 on the nose, no alarm or anything. I took a shower, got ready, said my "do I have to go?" goodbyes to Jen and Steph, met Patrick in the lobby, he drove me to the airport. Got checked in electronically, dropped my bags quickly enough, got through security rather easily, had an early lunch, boarded the plane, slept a bit on the plane, watched Eight Below, read most of my Anthology, landed, went through customs, picked up luggage, had to go through Immigration to show my sword and be allowed to take it home. Adam and Matthieu had been going in circles in the car waiting for me. Ran to the car, got whistled at by the security person because Adam was stopped where he wasn't allowed, dumped everything in the car and went home. Snuggled with my little boy, put him in his PJs and put him to bed finally. Snuggled with husband, happy to be home.
No one can say the Gathering staff doesn't keep busy. Glad you had fun too!
I'm not very good at remembering details, so this will be kind of short. I'm also formal when it comes to people I've just met, so I use Mr. a lot. I hope I did this right! ^_^
June 23, 2006
Jurgan and I went to the Gathering together. It was our first big vacation. We arrived at the Hyatt hotel around 12 pm. I picked up my badge and decided to hang around the dealer's room until the hotel got our room ready. Then, Jurgan and I checked in and looked over the schedule. By the time we were done with everything, it was time for the opening ceremonies. This was my first time ever coming to the Gathering, and it looked like a lot of other people were new, too. This was also the first time I'd ever seen Greg Weisman. We watched the music videos and the making of Gargoyles. It was very interesting. After the opening, Jurgan and I went back up to our rooms to decide where to go to dinner. On the way back downstairs, Mr. Weisman shared an elevator with us. We introduced ourselves and talked while waiting to get to the 1st floor. We went to dinner and then to bed.
June 24, 2006
I started off my day by getting up early and going to the dealer's room. I absolutely love going to the dealers' room and the art room because I always have to buy things when I go someplace new. I bought a Gathering T-shirt and some cat ears, then made my way to the Gargoyle Physiology, Psychology, and Society panel. It was interesting to hear the people discussing how a gargoyle could have enough power to destroy something, yet be light enough to glide. I stayed in that room to watch the Dude Looks Like a Lady panel. I have always wanted to cosplay as a guy, and this panel really helped with the questions I had. Then, I watched the Advanced Costuming panel while Jurgan went to mug Crispin Freeman. I learned a lot about making very nice wings and feet from things that were inexpensive. This panel confirmed what I already thought to be true: duct tape is your friend! I stayed in the room to see the Villains, Villainy, and Plots panel. After that, I went to the Darkwing Duck panel. I got to hear some wonderful things about the show, as well as that it's coming out on DVD soon. Afterwards, I got Jim Cummings' autograph. Someone borrowed my pen, and then gave it to Mr. Cummings to use. He never gave it back, so he kind of stole my pen, but I later told him he could keep it. I still think it's funny to say that Darkwing Duck stole my pen. After that, Jurgan and I went to see the radio play. The people chosen for the play did a wonderful job. I absolutely loved it! After that, we went to the room and had dinner, and then I went to bed while Jurgan went to the Blue Mug.
June 25, 2006
Started the day once again by buying stuff! I got a cloak, a bracelet, some artwork, and a grab bag. At 10am, we went to the Gargoyles the Comic Book panel. That was very interesting mainly because during the panel, the hotel guys came and took the wall. They forgot to separate the rooms again after the radio play, so they decided to fix them during the panel. Next door, there was a church service going on, and they looked very confused as well. We got some autographs, and then went to Crispin Freeman's panel on Mythological Animation. It was wonderful to see how the western and eastern types of animation differ. After that, I got Mr. Freeman's autograph, and we went to Team Trivia. I had a great time playing the game, and even remembered things about the show I thought I had forgotten. Afterwards, I went to the art room and met someone I kind of knew from Gaiaonline. Her name was Fusion Demon. We chatted for a bit and she drew me a picture, but I didn't get to get it because I had to leave. We left the hotel at 3pm, but not before pre-registering for next year's Gathering. I had a wonderful time and can't wait to go back next year!
See you in 2007!
Spent most of the time before the first panels chatting with other attendees in the lobby (their names escape me right now, but I know Greg B. was one of them for a while). A little after 9am, Gside came over looking for anyone who wanted breakfast--turns out he had some "Free Breakfast for Two" vouchers and didn't want to waste the second spot. I too hate waste (and had only eaten a few slices of bread that morning) and since no one else was interested I took him up on his offer. A real nice guy, Gside.
At 10am I attended the panel on "Time Travel." I never had any problem understanding how it was portrayed in "Gargoyles" but I find it endlessly fascinating. It was also great to hear Greg's thoughts on time travel as it was portrayed in other stories (like "Back to the Future"). One thing I learned though, was that one of Greg's answers to anyone attempting to short circuit the time stream seems to be for a piano to drop on that person's head. :-D
Favorite parts for me include what may have been Xanatos' unseen reaction to the question of how to get back home in "Vows" ("S__t"), and Greg's little ideas for another separate time travel story he's thinking about.
Of course, one thing I will always carry from that panel, is the idea of Xanatos standing on top of the Eyrie Building and proclaiming, "I can fly!" before he jumps, falls, and (in Greg's words) "splatters."
For the next two hours after that panel, I mostly just talked with people, wandered around, and looked at what was left in both the Dealer's and Art show rooms. The last panel I attended was "Hosting a Gathering." It was a very informative and sobering look at just what exactly is required for properly hosting this con. Made me appreciate what the con staffs have done for us even more.
There's not much more to say; awards were handed out, good byes were said, and we all prepared to make our way back to the real world. Frankly, that was not a place I really wanted to go (more bills than money), but it was oddly comforting to know I wasn't alone in that sentiment.
On my way to my truck, I had the honor of holding the elevator for and sharing it with Greg Weisman. It was good to see you again Greg, and I hope that I eventually land a role on one of your shows.
Actually, it was great to see EVERYONE there. I had seen a few faces back in 2001, but this year I really spent some time talking to people, and just generally enjoying my time with everyone. While I'm adding up my hopes, here's one more: I hope it won't be another five years before I'm able to make it to another Gathering.
And that's my con journal. Good times.
FYI. Anvils work too.
Got up, cleaned up, and hung around until the first panels.
I had two choices: "Gargoyles: The Comic" and "Talespin." As much as I wanted to go to the panel about the BRAND NEW COMIC BOOK I found myself heading over to the much less attended "Talespin" panel, which wound up touching on many aspects of the "Disney Afternoon" in general. Seeing the early pitches of both "Tailspin" and "Goof Troop" was fun (for much the same reason as the "Gargoyles" pitch is fun--it's nice to see the difference in character designs).
Afterwards, I drifted for about half-an-hour (it was a week ago as I write this--I can't remember so well, okay?!), and then made my way to the "Gargoyles: Voice Acting Process" panel. I don't care that Keith and Thom were late; I absolutely enjoyed the panel. I had already seen about 5/6ths of these folks at the 2001 Gathering (of course, it's ALWAYS nice to see more of them), but Brigette Bako was the new face (and a very pretty one at that!). I had a whole list of questions, most of them acting oriented, but I had to settle for my top two. I'm still glad I asked them, though--both Brigette and Elisa complimented me on my questions (yay!). Morgan Sheppard is always a joy (and now I know why he's sometimes credited with the initial W. before his name). I cringed when I heard about poor Keith David's experience as Othello with that one middle school audience ("HE AIN'T CRYIN'!"). It was a lot of fun and nowhere near enough time.
A hurried autograph signing session later, I went to the "W.I.T.C.H." panel--definitely the biggest roster of guests at the whole con. An even bigger surprise was being able to watch the third episode of the new season, which I otherwise would have missed because I forgot to program my VCR. Following that we had a very nice question and answer session, although my last question to the actors ("What led you to pursue acting in general and voice-overs in particular") managed to set the whole panel about 15 minutes over. I still got some great answers (and even MORE autographs and compliments on the questions I asked). Ginny McSwain seems like a great gal, and I really wish I could have attended her Mug-a-Guest, but I couldn't pass up the "Gargoyles: Voice" panel.
Anyway, I got my autographs and hurried over to the Dealer's Room where I was scheduled for the 4pm Jim Cummings Mug-a-guest. I sat at a table with seven other attendees…and an empty guest chair. After a couple of minutes Jen made her way over and mentioned that Jim probably wouldn't be able to make it. I was disappointed but not really surprised--the Gathering is great, but some things have to take precedence. But then Jen mentioned that he had been there on Saturday.
Me: What?
Jen: Yeah he was on the "Darkwing Duck" panel.
Me: (convulses)
Seriously, my neck twitched and everything. To know that I had only just missed him that one day…. Oh, well. Next time you see him, Greg, tell Jim we're glad he came at all.
Unfortunately, I could not afford to attend the banquet this year, and I lost track of the guys going to A Fan's alternative option, so I just drifted until the Masquerade. I read a bit, saw Keith David and his family head out, and then wandered over to just outside the ballrooms where I had a long and pleasant chat with, among other people, Guardian and Kythera. We talked about a little bit of everything (can't remember it all just now, but I do know it was a fun time), and eventually, it was time for the Masquerade.
There were fewer costumes this year (even a two-time attendee such as myself managed to pick up on that), but the ones we got were GOOD. My favorites included Set (an incredible costume--the design and sculpting of the head and eyes alone was fantastic), Onyx (anybody who can pull off a beak and wings like that deserves special notice in my book) and, of course, the Garghoul (what can I say, I'm a sucker for cloaked figures with burning red eyes).
Afterwards there was a bit of dancing ("Let's do the Timewarp again!") and eventually, the continuation of the Blue-Mug. This one was a bit quieter and we still managed to get a decent amount of cool info. I was quite amused to learn that Michael Reaves had never really expected to get "…walk barefoot into Hell" past BS&P. He was a very interesting fellow and I wish I had gotten to see more of him.
I guess there was some sort of disturbance by some drunken guests from the wedding a couple rooms over, but I never really noticed.
A little after midnight, we broke up and all headed to our respective sleeping quarters, effectively ending the day.
I was a little sad that night-tomorrow was the last day.
I was partial to the Garghoul myself. And Holly. (Wings by Eden, btw.)
I woke up fairly early (the first panel wasn't until 10am, and I was up by 7am or so), and headed into the hotel to wash up. Sat in the lobby and found myself having a nice chat with Greg B. and a few other fans whose names escape me at the moment.
At 10am I headed over to the "Kim Possible" panel and got a nice sneak peek at the upcoming season (a lot of funny stuff to look forward to). After that, and a few quick autographs, I made my way up to the con suite to watch the remaining four music videos that could not be played the previous night (I wanted to see all of them before I voted). The con suite was closed, so I wound up being a part of a small group of people looking for someone who could open it. Eventually A Fan volunteered to "man the suite," so to speak, until a full staff member was available (which wound up happening fairly quickly). Unfortunately, there was no way to watch the remaining four videos in the suite, so the staff was trying to figure out something else.
I'll just end the suspense now--I, unfortunately, never got the opportunity to see those last four videos, and as a result missed out on the voting. I am glad that a couple of my favs placed, though.
In the meantime I went back down to the panels, and saw that I had been cast in the Radio Play!
Now, a funny thing about me is that I tend to worry about the feelings of others--something that even extends to panels. I want every panel to have a decent audience. Consequently, when it came to a choice between the "Gargoyles: Development Process" panel, and the "Adapting Stories & Characters from Comics to Film" panel, although I would have loved to sit in on the "Gargoyles" one, I went with the "Comics" panel. The same thing went for the "Gargoyles: Writing" and "Hellboy" panels as well (although, the fact that Hellboy is a character published by Dark Horse Comics didn't hurt). Those two panels wound up being very fun and informative. They also touched on the differences between the mediums of comics and animation (highlighting why "X-Men: Evolution" had much better animation than the Fox "X-men" series), and they left me feeling psyched up for the DTV animated movies they'll be making for these characters later on.
Then came the Radio Play rehearsal. Several people were already in the room, including (fanfare please) Keith David! I could not help but feel a little self-conscious in his presence (it didn't help that I had a sunburn on my freaking forehead!). Seriously, I felt too nervous to just talk to him, even in such a casual setting. He however felt no such qualms about me, and complimented my oriental dragon shirt. I was happy.
As I mentioned before, the script was for the episode, "The Mirror," and although I had a suspicion, it was still a happy revelation. Likewise, I had a sneaking suspicion since my audition that I would be given the role of Broadway…and I was! It was great fun, and I always love the chance to strut my stuff like this. Naturally, Keith was Goliath, Thom was Lex, and Crispin did his best Hudson.
Anyway, the rehearsal wrapped up a little after 4pm, and we weren't needed until 5pm, so I just sat in on the last part of the "Darkwing Duck" panel. Tad Stones (who had also sat on the "Hellboy" panel…man, what a change of pace!) was there, but I either did not notice or (going by others' con journals) just missed another guest at the panel…Jim Cummings. It would be a little less than 24 hours before I would learn he had even been there.
At last, we come to the Radio Play. We were all introduced, although, despite having worked out the seating arrangements in rehearsal (it was decided that sitting Crispin next to Thom was an unwise idea), there was still some minor confusion and a couple easily fixed seat mix-ups. And, as for the play itself…well, it was GREAT. People laughed in all the right spots (though Greg had to prompt them to applaud for the first Act break), and it's always nice to see "lost" lines that got cut from the episode (one of them being Puck's little aside to the audience after his "Human's love a battle hearty…"). It was a good time, and any worries I had about my Broadway performance were quickly put to rest.
Afterwards, around about 6:30 or so, I had several hours until the Blue Mug with Greg, Keith, Thom and Crispin. I wandered around the hotel a bit, did some reading, and when Onyx came by looking for people to play Munchkin (it's a card game) I joined up, along with KingCobra_582 and a couple whose names escape me at the moment. Of course, Munchkin is a very LONG card game so we had to cut it short in order to make it to the Blue Mug.
Question: How many fans can you cram into the con suite? Answer: Not enough. The place was practically packed wall-to-wall. It was a miracle the guests had any room. There were a number of Blue questions (some asked by me, I admit…maybe I just wanted to "fit in" but I was genuinely curious, too) but not a whole lot. It was great fun (highlights for me include Keith interjecting a cussword into the "I've been denied everything…" line, and Greg venting his frustration with animation executives by standing on the chair and saying what he WISHES he could say ("ARE YOU LISTENING TO YOURSELVES?!"). Unfortunately, there were too many noise complaints from neighboring rooms, so (to avoid getting kicked out), we headed for the ballrooms. Unfortunately, they were locked and so we gathered in the little lobby area before them to figure out what to do. At this point there was an unpleasant encounter with one of the hotel security, who apparently could not, or actively would not, understand that we needed to confer on what to do next before we could properly disperse. Seriously, we would have been out of there even sooner if he had just let us done what we needed to do.
Anyway, the remainder of the Blue Mug was pushed to tomorrow night, and we all headed back to our respective sleeping quarters for some shut-eye.
Next, Sunday….
You were a damn good Broadway!
I figured the longer I wait to write my con journal the less I'll remember, so without further ado…
Well, there's not much to say about my morning before heading out--I got up, made sure I had all I needed, got in my car, and (after finding a good Samaritan to give my battery a jump-start) drove the 30 miles to lovely Valencia. Got to the registration desk at about 10:30 am or so and started reading the program to see who all we had for guests. That's how I found out that Jeff Bennett (an industry hero of mine) had to bow out. While I was a little disappointed, I wasn't all that surprised (he strikes me as a very busy man). At any rate I signed up for the Jim Cummings "Mug-a-guest" (10:30am and already I was number seven on an eight person list!), and made my way to the "Creating Compelling Characters" panel headed by Christine Morgan, Ellen and Spacebabie. That was a bit confusing because it was supposed to be in Ballroom E, but the dividing wall wasn't up yet, so I finally found it in the Valencia A room. It was a fun and informative look at the process of creating full and…well, compelling characters in fiction. I asked about how to make heroes compelling, and I had more questions but time ran out. I would have loved to have gone to their "Villains, Villainy and Plots" panel, but I couldn't due to scheduling conflicts (in my case, the wonderful Radio Play which I will write more on later).
Since there was still the mix-up with the rooms, I found myself wandering back to the dealer's room and encountering Greg Bishansky (who I had last seen in 2001, but who nevertheless managed to recognize me). We had a nice chat while looking through the animation cels. There were a lot of good one's there, and not just from Gargoyles. At about this time we also encountered the OTHER Greg, Weisman, who sat outside the dealer room for a bit because he had a bit of downtime on Friday (and apparently he felt like he SHOULD be doing something, but the staff members advised him to enjoy the break).
Anyway, eventually I went back to the Valencia A room for the last bit of the "Costuming" panel, and then sat down to wait for "Voice Acting Workshop" with Thom Adcox and Crispin Freeman. Being an actor myself this was right up my alley, even more so because I have been interested in the anime dubbing process for quite some time and I actually got to try my hand at dubbing some young, buffoonish, wannabe knight. One thing I learned about dubbing, IT IS HARD. There's timing, making sure you're not too fast or slow, making sure you match the mouth movements, and then remembering to actually act! Still, I felt I did passably well (and hey, the audience liked me!).
Next came the auditions for the Radio Play. I had wondered what Greg would select this year--"Gargoyles" or something different? If "Gargoyles," what episode? Looking at the audition sheets, I figured out almost immediately it was "Gargoyles" (seeing things in the bottom section like "D (40)" and "G (41)" kind of led me down that route), and a little later I had an inkling that it would be "The Mirror"…and it was! But back to the audition. I was originally going to read Brooklyn's page (it had been five years since I had done that one, after all, and I had learned some new tricks), but I heard the young lady in front of me tell her friend that she was going to do Brooklyn, so I decided another character would be better for me. I settled on Broadway, mostly because I saw a lot of "acting beats" and opportunities for choices in his dialogue. Went in, did my audition (also doing my best Scottish accent and dog bark when prompted) and left feeling pretty good about it.
Checked out some pics at the art show (a lot of wonderful work there). Ran into Greg B. again and got into a discussion about the new comic (hooray that it's here!), and then I headed out and down the street for a bit to get some food rations for this weekend.
Came back and encountered Blaquethorne and Crimson Fury, and he and I killed the time before Opening Ceremonies discussing this and that. Eventually we made our way over to the ballroom, encountering none other than the very "Beth Maza" who started this whole "Gathering" thing in the first place!
Opening Ceremonies was great fun (once it finally started). Hadn't expected the music videos, but they were nice (I really love the one for "Can You Feel the Love Tonight"). Still enjoy seeing all the pitches (damn, Sphinx is HOT), but the biggest treat for me was the lost "Team Atlantis" episode "The Last." Even without a fully finished animatic, it was great. I loved the translation of what was actually being said by Demona's Latin chanting. One thing that impressed me about this show was that it was perfectly capable of standing alone. A person could have watched that episode with no prior knowledge of "Gargoyles," or Demona's immortality. It was great!
Last item of my evening was the Mystery Gargoyles Theater 3000 panel, run by Jade Griffin. It was basically a "Dracon Trilogy"--"Deadly Force" followed by "The Silver Falcon" and finally "Protection." At first, all I was going to do was watch, but barely two seconds into "Deadly Force" I started flinging jibes myself. Thankfully, some of my comments managed to get some laughs.
It was great fun, and after it was over (somewhere between 10 and 11 pm), I headed back to my truck, set up my bedroll in the covered bed and got some shut eye (what can I say--I had originally planned to drive back and forth every day, but the gas necessary to do so was a little out of my reach at the time…).
On to Saturday….
Sleeping in the truck, huh? Where were you parked that you didn't get busted?
Dude, that's dedication!
Gathering 2006 Log
Note: Most of this was written on my PocketPC using either the on-screen keyboard or the transcriber feature. I fixed the worst typos, but didn't bother to correct the minor ones where you can easily know what I meant.
Thursday, June 22
The cell phone rings at about 3AM. It's Orbitz informing me of our flight status. Ordinarily. Reminding customers Of their flight 3 hours before would normally be a good idea, but not when the flight departs before sunrise. Anyway. Dad picks us up around 4:15 but we're not quite ready to leave yet. It's around 4:38 When we finally get on the road. Wo got to the airport around 5:10 Just under an hour before the flight was scheduled to depart. After waiting in line 20 minutes, we barely made the half-hour checkin cutoff time. We then went through security, and used the toilets, and as we were coming back out, our names were called in an announcement saying our flight was departing. We ran to the gate and were the last to board. Things went well fRom there, thoough takeoff and landing made Ed extremely nervous.
During our long layover at DFW, we had some pizza and rode the Skylink a full circle around the airport just for the fun of it. That made Ed nervous when we passed 50 feet abobe the parking lot which will eventually be Terminal F.
Upon reaching LAX, I was almost surprised to see our luggage appear on the carousel after watching other people's stuff go around for like 15 minutes. Then we took a shUttle bus to the rental agency, which is by no stretch of the imagination "in terminal" as Orbitz would have you believe. Plus, after the young driver fees and insurance, the charge was twice as much as i'd expected.
From there, we headed up La Brea to Hollywood, and did a bit of cheap touristy stuff: taking pictures of Ed with the stars (the gold ones on the sidewalk, not living humans) and the street signs at Hollywood & Vine. I even got free parking, because we forgot to feed the meter and were lucky enough not to get ticketed.
Finally, we headed up to Sylmar and checked into the Motel 6. After letting him nap a bit, I persuaded Ed to come to the pool with me, since we probably wouldn't have another chance. Then we went out for pizza and groceries.
Friday, June 23
We woke up at 6 local time, and had breakfast (cold pizza, which we had a lot of, and chips) and watched tv. At 11, we drove up to Valencia for the con. Finding the place was interesting, since traffic backups coaxed me to take the 14 instead of the 5, and my sense of direction doesn't seem to work very well in the subtropical summer.
The first event was a fan discussion about Creating Compelling Characters. That was fun. I don't write much but it seems I really have the potential forr it. Next was Character Design. Early in that, a lot of questions were dismissed because they were supposedly out of the scope pf the panel, but I thought the panelists were being too narrow. The second half, however, got more interesting, as we talked about coloring and stuff. The next fan panel was My First Con, which was somewhat helpful. By this time it was clear that Ed was already known to quite a few people by his onlime writings.
We had lunch at Valencia Town Center / Westwood Shopping Town. Then Ed bought a few souveniers and we headed to Opening Ceremonies -- which, btw, started a half-hour late and ran twice as long as scheduled. Not that I'm complaining about the length. After that we participated in Mystery Gargoyles Theater for 3 episodes. That was fun, but it was getting late and I was still on Columbus time. So we headed back to Sylmar, had some food, watched South Park, and I decided to journal for thursday and friday. And then sleep. Sleeeeeeeeep.
Saturday, June 24
We got a bit of a late Start, but were on time for the panel on gargoyle physiology, psychology. And society. Greg stopped in And I asked him about how the sun regulates stone sleep. I started to explain my theory, but it was too complicated for Greg and he cut me off. Then he gave me an answer that satisfied me very Much. However, based on his explanation gargoyles Should be affected by jet lag where Store sleep is concerned.
After that was the mug-agnest with thorn Adcox. The most interesting part of that was when he was asked if he was s fan of "married with children". He misunderstood, and said, "no, I like boys," thus confirming what was previously only a rumor as far as i know. Towards the end i asked him what he thought of los angeles roads. "it's a nigjtmare" he said. Then came the panels "gargoyles: the writing process " and "darkwing duck" which were both interesting and informative. Then came the radio play, fearuring Thom Adcox amd Kieth David in their usual roles, plus over a dozen con-goers, in a performance of "the Mirror" with Greg Weisman narrating. Verry entertaining .
After the radio play, we had some time to hill before the blue Mug-a-guest. So we drove around Santa Clarita looking for a cheap place to eat. We stopped at Jack. In- the. Box wherc Ed had a big cheese burger and I had a milkshake which tasted just like one of those ice crean sandwiches. Than we went back to the hotel where I watched Ed play a game called Munchkin with some other con-goers.
Finally, at the blue mug, things were getting fun. People asked interesting questions but about halfway through, we were told by thc hotel that we were too Loud, and had to leave. It was nearing midnight and I was getting tired so we headed back to Sylmar.
Sunday, June 25
We got a late start again, but this time the 5 freeway was Moving along nicely So we got to the con only about 15 Minutes late. Ed went to the comic discussion panel and I Sat in on the talespin panel. That brought back alotof Memories. Now I want to buy all the tv shows I used to watch ON DVD. After that was the voice acting panel, which had all the big names. The line for autographs afterwards was Very long. Then there was thc panel on the production process, which was interesting, but we left early for the panel on writing Erotic Scenes. This was followed by Drawing Erotic Scenes. Both were very informative.
For the next couple hours. We hung out in one of the con-goers' hotel room for the sixth annual ''anti- banquet" which consisted of watching DVDs and eating pizza.
We had to stand around for a while before the masquerade opened, but It was fun when it finally got started. There were costumes and dancing (I just watched) and towards the endwas the re- convened blue Mug-a- Guest. We Found out thot Elisa is not a virgin. At Midnight, though. I was getting tired and we had to be at the con again early in the morning. Thom left at midnight, too.
Monday, June 26
We checked out of the motel in Sylmar and headed to Valencia. Traffic was light onthe 5 again, and we got to the Hyatt before 10. I weat to the panel on time travel while Ed did his Own thing. I applaud Greg for understanding and properly implementing one of the More difficult theories to write for. This was my favorite panel of the whole weekend. Afterwards, I had about an hour to kill before the Mug-A-Guest with Greg. So I used the time to catchup in my log.
The mug was fun and interesting. We talked about the comc, among other things. I didn't ask any questions but I got a good group photo {including me) using the camera timer. Then we satin on Digital Coloring Methods. I already knew about the tools used, but I learned a little bit about when to use certain tools in an artistic conteXt.
Then there were the closing ceremonies at 2. That consisted mostly of art awards and thank-yous to Con Staff.
After leaVing the con, we headed to Santa Monica because it's insane to visit L.A. And not see a beach on thePacific. We snacked on chips for lunch while Sitting on a mound of sand near the shore. Then we headed to the Motel 6 at LAX which is huge, like 9 stories tall! After checking in, we had dinner at Pizza Hut in Lawndale.
Tuesday, June 27
Hung out just in the motel room with Ed for a bit. Then it was time to leave, and I made sure we were all packed and that we weren't leaving anything important behind. Well, wouldn't you know it, we're later than I'd hoped by the time we get out of there. Next stop was a gas station next door to the rental agency because I was supposed to return it with a full tank and that particular gas station had the cheapest price I'd seen all over SoCal ($3.099/gal versus up to $3.299/gal elsewhere). When I got there, though, there was no way to pay with a credit card! WTF! So I returned the car on empty, and the rental agent did me a favor by acting like I'd pre-paid (so instead of paying $5.99/gal for most of a tank, I only paid $3.06/gal for a full tank). So then there was the shuttle, and on to check-in. When we got there, I was surprised to find that our departure time had been moved up significantly, and the boarding time was only about 10 minutes after we went through security! Talk about cutting it close! Of course, Orbitz probably tried to call us a few hours in advance, but Ed had the cellphone off most of the time.
In the airport and on the plane, Ed was even more freaked than last week. It probably helped that, sitting in the row in front of us on the plane, was another con-goer (named Jeb I think) who helped somewhat keep Ed's mind off of the terror. Still, he kept insisting that I close my window, but most of the time I was firm with him (I like to look out the window!). We had pizza with Jeb on our short (really short, we had about 10 minutes to eat!) layover at Dallas and then we boarded our final plane. Ed did much better on the final flight, showing almost no sign of fear.
My dad was waiting for us just outside security, and we found our bags quickly. We talked about the trip on the ride home, and after getting dropped off, I pretty much headed straight up to my computer to start catching up with email. And then, a bit after midnight, it was time for sleep. Sleeeeeeeep.
I'm glad you liked the time travel panel. That was one I'd been dying to do for awhile. It's so much easier to explain time travel issues with a white board than with text only here.
Monday June 26
9:30 am. This time I had a sandwich from Charlie's Hot Subs for breakfast and had a nice chicken teriyaki sammich and to drink: a Starbuck's banana caramel Frappucino. We grabbed our food and hurried back to the hotel for Greg W's Time Travel Panel.
10:00 am. Greg explained the differences in several approaches of time travel and brought up Back to the Future. He mentioned the two different paradoxes and how one was in reference to the Phoenix gate. He explained the time loop used for the Archmage.
11 am. After Greg had We totally adlibbed our lines. Revel broke out into his fake Eastern Euro accent and I left Christine and Karine came in with the Iron writers and Artist competition. Writers were given notebooks and pens and artists had to use mystery ingredients. The theme we all had to use was Macbeth. The artist's mystery ingredients were Play-doh, feathers, and pipe cleaners.
There were several fun and unique artistic pieces and several writers read their fics out loud. Allaine's was first and he wrote a crossover with Kim possible. My fic involved Macbeth wearing a red Speedo.
Noon The last panel I attended was the coloring panel hosted by Karine, Stephanie Lostimolo, Kyt and Revel. The used Steph's gargoyles Gypsies pic as an example and showed how to create brushes, make light sources and create masks and shade. I loved Stephs's squeals of "Wheeeee"
2:pm The end of another con ended with Jen thanking everyone for being here and the awards were handed for the music videos and art show. Y2Hecate came up and pointed everyone into the right direction of Pigeon Forge for 2007. She mentioned there were plenty of pancake houses nearby and earned a woot from Greg Weisman.
We hung out in the room for about an hour before we organized a group for Linner at the mall food court. Revel and I got several Arbies sammiches. We got into several discussions until six and we got up to return to the hotel. I bought a couple scoops of Gelato before we left, caramel pistachio and crème Brule flavors.
We hung out in Aaron's room along with Gside, Y2Hecate, Jeb, Jade Griffin, Jonathon, Aaron, Mara, Lynati, Ckayote, Y2Hecate, and Leo. Y2Hecate had to leave around six and Mara napped for a few hours. Lynati left to have dinner with Ellen. I got my floppy notebook and laptop and started to work on my con journal until eleven. That was when Revel and I returned to our room to pack, load up the minivan with the large suitcases, helped Aaron, Mara and Lyn with their luggage and get some sleep.
Tuesday: June 27
We got up at 4:30 am and apologized to Gregx since he also heard the alarm and left the room. We paid for our stay and entered the minivan, from between 5 and nine I dozed on and off and then I got hungry. We stopped at a Loves for snacks and drinks before we continued.
We got to see a lot of scenery we didn't see before because it was dark. We saw a circle of light around the sun along with a circular rainbow and lots of neat rock formation. This time we didn't get a motel on the way and pushed on. We stopped at a Chilies in El Paso where everyone but Aaron doodled on a napkin and passed it around. I had the fajita quesadillas. We switched drivers and didn't return to San Antonio until 5: 45 am.
Wednesday: June 28
Slept in. Ah sweet sleep, woke up, ate and just relaxed at Aaron's. Aaron, Mara, and Lyn checked their favorite online sites and I worked on my con journal until late afternoon. We went to the H.E.B to check Mara's schedule and get some soda and cat food, and then to McDonald's for dinner. I had a quarter pounder with cheese combo.
We watched the Sealab 2021 DVD until 10:00 and I returned to work on the Con Journal until after 1: am when I got ready to sleep.
Thursday: June 29
Revel and I loaded our things onto Hyena, said goodbye to Aaron, Lynati and Mara before we drove back to Conroe.
We arrived at the Kroger were I work first to check my schedule and get a few necessities…including my past two checks before we went to the bank. MONEY yaye!
After going to the bank we returned home and thus ends another Con Journal.
I love the level of detail in your journals, Spacie.
So Aaron lives with Mara AND Lynati?
Lucky guy.
Sunday June 25
9:30 am I had Cinnabon for breakfast again. Hey, you can't beat a good cinnamon role. After I finished eating I went down into the dealers room to purchase two more Anthologies for my grandparents and my parents.
12:00 pm The Mythology in Anime panel. Crispin Freeman ran a beautiful panel. He explained some of the different faiths and beliefs and how they influenced anime and he played a video that described the mythological journey of the hero.
1 pm. After the panel I joined up with Ellen and Revel. Ellen wanted to meet with Jon Weisman before the W.I.T.C.H panel since she enjoyed Jon's baseball blog and we both were on a panel that ran against W.I.T.C.H. It was just our luck because Jon Weisman just walked up. He, Ellen, and Revel got into a discussion about a baseball and I got a chance to tell him I enjoyed his work on Roughnecks.
Took a break in the hallway with Revel and watched the line of people getting things signed. Kyt, Siryn and Gregx did an excellent job of keeping the line moving.
Gregx sat with us once the line waned and we got to hang out and talk. We were still talking when Steve Blum arrived. Gregx got his small fan boy moment and we all shook his hand before Gregx escorted Steve to the W.I.T.C.H panel.
3:00 Writing Erotic Fan fiction aka my last panel and the one that stood out in my mind the most. I broke the ice by mentioning the anime pr0n that broke my brain otherwise what "not" to write when writing a single erotic scene. I would explain more about the panel but "Ask Greg" is PG-13. Moving on.
4:00 I stayed for the drawing erotic scenes and watched Mara, Y2Hecate and Kyt draw naked people and gargoyles. Kyt put those little pawn shape pieces to "Interesting" use on the dry erase board. Revel and I stayed until it was about an hour till banquet.
For every Gathering I have attended I always went to the banquet, but I never dressed up for it. This year was the first time I got pretty. I was never a big fan of dresses but I love my pretty blue dress. I wore it along withy my titanic necklace and matching earrings I put up my hair and added a flower hair accessory. I even put on a little body shimmer.
6:00 Revel and I had already planned to sit together with Gside at a table. Kirsten, Adam, Jonathon, Tony and Andrea Zurcconi who both dressed up joined us. Tony looked stunning in his suit and Andrea's dress was gorgeous. I loved the collar and choker. Our Guest was Patrick Archibald.
The food was pretty good. I loaded up my plate with tomatoes and onions, marinated olives, steamed asparagus, potatoes, bread and chicken. While eating we talked with Patrick about his work, what he was working on and how to promote both the DVDs and comic.
After we had finished eating, it was time for Q&A. Our guests introduced themselves, explained their latest projects and answered several questions before it was time to prepare for the masquerade.
The idea for Revel's and my costumes were pretty much a last minute idea. I wanted to do something with Revel. Tony's and Andrea's costumes from 04 were an inspiration, instead of being and evil Elisa I dressed up, as Elisa as Salli and Revel was Thomas Brod. I can't remember the last time someone was Brod with or without Salli.
9:00 pm. We waited outside the entrance to the ballroom, very careful to stay out of the way of hotel staff carrying out cake. There were several adorable kids' costumes this year. Benny looked like a Jawa gargoyle and Erin was beautiful. Becca was a young Hyena, Fox was Lexington, Abby was a young princess Kathryn and Fusion Demon was a gypsy fae. The adult costumes were also amazing. We had a Goliath, a Puck, a Gene Simmons Garg, Onyx garg, Pearl garg, a vampire lady, Tony as a gargoyle hatchling using the cut up pieces of a Chernebog child's costume, a crossover costume of Inuysasha 1/2 and the Egyptian fae, Set who's large Ankh was really two scimitars held together. While waiting several of the wedding guests ran up to us and wanted to take pictures, an elderly lady told Tony he was cute.
We totally adlibbed our lines. Revel broke out into his fake Eastern Euro accent and I responded with the first thing in my head. Music was playing the first time and we had to do it again and we pretty much remembered what we said.
There were the usual categories for every year: Adult and Kid version of canon and fandom, cutest couple, Gorelisa and Tom Adcox memorial award. This year we had a bonus category of a half award for Jade Griffin's Inuyasha ½ costume. Revel and I won 2nd place for cutest couple. It was two badges linked together that said "ZOMG cutest couple" with little hearts.
We danced and mingled some more until Greg W gathered us around for Blue Mug A Guest round 2. This time Michael Reeves joined Greg and Thom. Crispin had to leave and he gave Thom a parting kiss.
The second Blue went by in a blur but I remembered Greg W mention how the Ask Greg questions will be cleaned up and Greg W was impressed by Revel's panting of Thailog. The goatee idea developed between Revel and Greg X. I'm so proud of my Revel. I'm even more proud of that than the pr0n.
I really do like that goatee.
Saturday June 24th.
9:30 am. Revel and I didn't have much planned for the day, so we slept in and ran off to the mall for breakfast. I wanted to try one of the crepes from the Melt and ordered the deviously popular strawberries and crème along with a chilled coffee drink. We returned to our room and enjoyed our breakfast before we returned to the art room to vote.
11: am ZOMG so much great art to look at and vote for and it was difficult this year with so much great art. I am so proud of my Revel. He and Y2Hecate had brought the most amount or pr0n. I enjoyed watching Lanny's expression when he saw Kyt's "Blue Light."
1:00 pm. Ellen and I decided to meet in the hotel restaurant and were joined by Gregx and Allaine to discuss our future panels. After looking at the prices both Gregx and I decided on just a soda.
2:00 pm. Ellen had to get the last half of her meal in a take out so that we both could make it back in time for Crispin Freeman's Mug a Guest. Crispy was a lot of fun. He mentioned he got into the business and what anime series he had worked on.
3:00 the next two hours was devoted to panels. The first was the villains with Christine, Gregx and Ellen. The points that were brought up were
· The different kinds of villains aka
· What motivates them and how they advance the plot
· Writing for canon villains
· Creating your own
I got a little bit passionate when we talked about our favorite villains to write for in the Gargoyles universe.
4:pm Villains ended and we switched Gregx for Allaine to discuss romance and drama. Points that were brought up were
· Tension and drama from the various couples
· The bickering couples
· Odd and unique pairings
· The dialog that flows between the couples
5:pm Next up was the Radio play. I knew when I heard the first character was Random Gargoyle A, it was from Gargoyles. I guessed from which characters were in the script it was "The Mirror." My guess was confirmed when I heard Puck was in it. The Mirror is a classic episode that is a number one favorite of many fans. It was great to hear Keith's deep voice and Crispin's Hudson. We all laughed when he made his pirate sound. We laughed again when he covered one eye with his hand.
6:pm. Food at the mall again. This time I wanted some West Coast Cuisine…aka food I can't find in East Texas. I had a Panda bowl form Panda Express. I had Kun Pao Chicken and steamed veggies on the rice bowl. Revel and Gside tried the Hot Dog on a stick. Allaine and Lynati also had some Panda Express. All three of received some silly fortunes from our cookies.
Allaine's="You will find a Great Bargain."
Lynati's="Success will come from your plans."
Mine="You Love the thrill of showmanship and Display."
7pm. We hung out in Aaron's room until nine thirty. I painted my nails a metallic purple while Y2Hecate showed us picture's of next year's hotel, and she showed us something else…something that broke a lot of people's brains. A hentai anime that not only have any plot but no point. It was to prep us for the Blue Mug a Guest.
9:30. We headed over to the Con Suite, passing by Keith David on the way. He wanted to know when the Mug started and we told him. There were several people in the Con-suite already but still plenty of room to find a place on the floor. That plenty of room got filled up fast. Norcumi and Quindar gave out new Gargles shirts featuring a blending of two in jokes. When our guests arrived I got twisted around and separated from Revel and ended up being sandwiched between Seth and Siryn. I gave Siryn a well-deserved massage. She worked hard on the program for this year and deserved to be pampered.
The questions for this year were not too Blue but there were plenty of dirty questions and Greg W asked Christine if she had any dirty questions and she did. Favorite Question: "Are you a Werewolf?" Gregw's response: "No, I'm a robot" Keith David explained the Jalapena story and sang for us and Crispin Freeman was asked if he was willing to dub any Yaoi anime or as Steph had to explained to GW "Boy sex"
silly fortunes from our cookies.
Allaine's="You will find a Great Bargain."
Lynati's="Success will come from your plans."
Mine="You Love the thrill of showmanship and Display."
...with no pants on.
Friday June 23
I woke up sometime after Gregx left, washed my hair and got dressed. After Revel was ready we went out to seek breakfast and were joined by Ckayote. We ended up in the mall food court and at a Cinnabon we got classic Cinnabons and I tried a caramel chillata. Ah sweet ice-cold caffeine goodness. We scrambled back to the hotel and scarfed down our breakfasts while in the lobby.
10:00 am. I got separated from Revel on the way to the registration table. Talked with Ellen while we both waited in line for our Reg packets. Our packets contained our con badges, beautiful programs, participant ribbons, copies of the anthology and our name cards for our panels. This was my first time of being published in the anthology and I still can't believe it. The end results were beautiful. I loved Kyt's design of the book.
After receiving my packet I went into the art room to help Revel set up his art until about 11.
11:am Ellen and I joined up with Gregx and Christine in the dealer's room to do some prepping for the panels. The first writing panels were about characters and their development but since the four of us was also on the villains panel. This was one of the few times where we could have a group meeting since both Christine and Greg were one staff.
11:55 am. I dashed back to my room to make sure Pippin had finished his feeding. To explain, Pippin is my Compaq Presario 2200 laptop, named after a hobbit since it's small and it travels well and if I get mad at it I can shout "Fool of a Took." When I say feeding I mean recharging his battery. I brought Pippin since he has my list of original characters.
NOON: Time for my first panel, Creating compelling characters. We had a good-sized group who were very attentive and asked a whole lot of interesting questions. Points that were covered:
· Avoiding the Mary Sue and Gary Stu syndrome.
· Believable dialog
· Making the characters into real people, aka giving them well developed backgrounds
· And listing several examples
1:00 pm basically went around the art room to look at the art and show Cindy what Mara drew for me, the picture of Matt Bluestone in his underwear.
2:00 pm I rejoined Revel during the voice-acting workshop hosted by the talented couple: Crispin Freeman and Thom Adcox. I'm a fan of both, Thom for being Lex and occasionally dropping his pants and Crispin from various anime I have seen. Crispin had brought some anime dubbing equipment and asked for volunteers. The first was Blaise who voiced a comedy relief character and was ZOMG amazing!!!
3:00pm my next panel was Tools, Tricks and Traps of the trade with Christine. Here is me, the fanfic author and I'm teamed up with The Christine Morgan, creator of Jericho, author of one of the best Gargoyles fanfic saga's and pro author of several book series. She was fun to work with and just as easy going and fun to talk with, as she is online. We both brought up the tips we had used when writing and also brought up the mistakes we had made in the past and how to avoid them.
4:00 pm. After our panel, Christine and I both raced back to the dealer's room for the Anthology signing party. That was a fun experience. The writers and artists passed around their books like high school yearbooks and signed our names and wrote funny messages before we singed copies from other people. It was a good time to kick back and relax a bit before opening ceremonies.
5:00 pm. Opening Ceremonies began with a beat, a rocking beat. We got to view several great music videos including Jen's "Bring Me to Life." Video, Gregx's "Sympathy for the Devil" Video. The hilarious "Can You Feel The Love Tonight." Vid and the emotional "Hemorrhage." Vid.
Jen and the rest of the con staff greeted everyone and asked to see who were this years con virgins. There was a great show of hands. Then came the second timers, third timers and so on until there were only a few hands for those who have had been to every Gathering. They got a special award ribbon.
The Fan Guest of honor award went to the one who started it all. Mai Li aka Beth Maza.
Allaine, Ellen, Y2Hecate and Kyt received special awards for being featured in all three anthologies.
Y2Hecate came up and announced next year's Gathering at Pigeon Forge Tennessee.
Greg Weisman came up and did his thing: which was tell the story of how Gargoyles came to be, along with show us his usual video goodie of the intro's to the series, the pitches of New Olympians, and Dark Ages, and the Leica Reel of Bad Guys. Revel had to remind him to tell everyone not film it and we got to see some of The Last video that was a collaboration between fans using the storyboard and art panels created by Greg's team and the recorded voices.
There was a bit of bad news. There is no definite release for the second half of Season Two.
8:PM FOOOOOOD! I was hungry. Revel was hungry. A lot of people were hungry. It was time for another walk to the food court, but first we got a surprise from Norcumi and Quindar, the creators of the Gargle pun and shirts. They handed out custom Gargle toothbrushes out to everyone.
A good-sized crowd was organized and we set out for dinner. Revel and I both decided on Arbies and I had a classic Arbies with cheese combo. We hung out in the Food Court until it was time for the mall to close and we returned to the hotel to catch the tail end of MST3K before we hung out in Aaron's room until we got tired. Marty/Kai talked about the comic and a very disturbing video game.
Lots of action for Day One, huh?
It Begins Again. The Con Journal and Road trip.
We a lot had happened since the last Gathering. I moved to Conroe Texas and I am living with Revel. Do I miss Orlando? I do a bit, but home is where the heart is and before I get any more Saccharine I shall begin the journal.
Tuesday June 20
The trip began days before as usual, or at least usual since the past three years. The nights before I prepared for everything, cats were taken care of, gave my apartment key to Revel's mother, had everything packed. All I had to do was wait until work ended. Hard to focus on work when all you are thinking about is The Gathering. Time also seemed to move even more slowly, but hey, I got through it.
We loaded up our suitcases into Hyena and set off for San Antonio, only stopping on the way for food like chicken nuggets and fries.
When we arrived at the apartment of Aaron, Mara and Lynati the gate was closed and Aaron was at his mother's place. This was a problem because it Aaron was the only one who knew the code to the gate. We had to wait until somebody else came up to the gate and followed them in.
Lynati and Mara did meet us halfway between where we parked and their apartment. We dropped off our backpacks and chatted while we waited for Aaron. Lynati had her computers in Stereo. She had her desktop on one side of her work area and her laptop on the other. She showed us the art project she is working on with Mara while she printed out Mara's pr0n. Meanwhile, Mara drew a picture of Matt Bluestone in his undies, and Lynati gave me a purple crayon to color it.
Aaron returned and went back to the World of Warcraft. He and Revel went over the last details of our route while us gals looked through more pr0n. Not long after we went to bed. Revel and I drifted off to sleep while listening to Aaron play World of Warcraft and curse at the screen.
Wednesday June 21
The guys went to get the rental van while us gals did some last minute packing and Mara played some funny anime music videos.
Revel returned and we loaded the minivan and Aaron took his car to his mother's place. Aaron returned and Revel gave him the keys. Aaron went back to the apartment to feed the cats. Aaron couldn't leave until he had locked up. The apartment keys were in Lynati's purse, Lynati's purse was locked in the van and Aaron had the keys to the van.
After we got that fixed up Revel and I followed Aaron in Hyena to Aaron's mother's house. We parked Hyena, got up in the rental and we were off.
Our first stop was a sandwich place where we got sandwiches to eat on the road. I had the Manhattan.
Our first big stop was in El Paso where we had Burger King for dinner. I had a whopper combo. After we ate, we made some comments about our scenery. There was an oil refinery on fire and we joked about the Eye of Sauron. There was also a star set against a mountain. At night it looked like it was floating.
Thursday June 22
Our second main stop was Tucson Arizona were we crashed at a Days In. It was a pretty decent motel, had a microwave and a fridge. After we showered we returned to the minivan and it was onto Valencia. We stopped off at a McDonalds and got breakfast to go. I got a yogurt parfait and some coffee.
Another place we stopped at was a historical site that had a few shops, a gas station, a historical post office and a lot of tanks. Revel got several pictures and bought me a bag of wasabi peas to munch on.
We made it through the dessert and the L.A. area traffic till we made it to Valencia. We stopped by at this one traffic light before we could turn to get to the hotel and there was a crowd of people that crossed in front of us.
"Hey could that be?"
"I see Silver."
"There's Jen and Greg X."
"I see Nikki."
"There's Greg Weisman."
"Open a window."
Aaron and Revel opened their window and waved to them. They waved back. Greg Weisman said something pointed to the hotel and then to the restaurant. We were not sure what his exact words were but we think he told us to park the van and join them, and we did…well after we parked we helped Ckayote take his stuff up to the room he was sharing with Aaron, Mara, and Lynati and by the time we caught up with them we had a bigger crowd than before.
Jen's group was seated first and after they had cleaned up a few more tables we were able to sit us down. Revel and I were at the table with Silver, Kirsten, Ckayote, Shaun, Kyt, Greg Weisman, Liz, Siryn and a few other people. We caught up with everyone while waited for our food. Silver, Revel and I shared a pizza and I had a margarita. You know you are getting old when you are glad they card you.
After we returned to the hotel we grabbed our bags, got the hotel situation worked out with Gregx and got the keys. We dropped off our stuff and we hung out in Aaron's room for a while until we got tired and returned to our room. Gregx joined us and set the alarm for the con staff breakfast and we talked before we went to bed.
Spacebabie is like me. Both our conjournals spend a great deal of time detailing what we ate. It's my favorite thing to talk about.
sorry for the delay between my pre-trip Gathering Journal and this one. There's certain things I wanted to wait for before writing the latter gathering journals.
Gathering Journal Day 1 - The Trip there - Friday
Originally, my stepmother was supposed to take me to the airport, but due to bad weather, my dad ended up taking me. I want to stop to say it's 11:09am Saturday morning when I'm writing this part of the journal. I got to Little Rock airport ~7:15am and was waiting on my flight and was very nervous. I had a 30 minute delay in take-off because of bad weather in Dallas. The flight was ok, I slept about 30 minutes during it. Dallas-Fort Worth airpot was big to me. Luckily, I was able to find my gate in time and eat lunch before takeoff. On the flight to LAX, I slept about two hours. Boy, is LAX airport big. The trip from LAX to the hotel took over an hour - mostly because of rush hour traffic - rush hour traffic at 2:30pm, what a concept. I don't get why people complain about traffic in LA - it's just the same as my local rush traffic traffic multiplied by a few more lanes. So I got to the hotel, signed in, saw Patrick & GXB, and promptly asked where A Fan was [A Fan was my roommate]. They told me the con suite (I forgot what room number that was) so I headed there. I handed A Fan my half of the room expenses in the form of a money order, he gave me a keycard, and somehow I misunderstood him and went to the wrong room number (occupied by another con-goer) and went back and got the right room number, and went to our room. There I unloaded by suitcase. [Random note: A Fan, what a name, sorta like a restaurant in my home town called 'A Place To Eat'.] I had about 90 minutes to kill before Opening Ceremonies were scheduled to start. They actually started an hour later and my back (*pauses writing the journal momentarily to go to the Gargoyles Physiology panel*) was sore for standing so long. (I should have set down sooner. [Now, it's 9:55 pm Saturday when I'm writing.] I enjoyed the Opening Ceremonies a bunch and it seemed like half the people present were con newbies like myself. I was shocked by the Bad Guys reel (in a positive way) and seeing that suddenly explained Lain and Gunjack's feeling towards that. Afterwards, I got lost trying to find my way to the mall food court [with me, it's a given that I will get lost on either the way there or the way back the 1st time I go anywhere.] I should have just followed Gside's (I think) group the way there and I would have saved time. I got back to the hotel room ~9:15pm that night and fell asleep for about 2 hours and awoke with A Fan in the room. We chatted for an hour or so about Gargoyles/Gargoyles Theories/Alternate Gargoyles universes. My pet universe was the one where a modified version of Vows occurred: Xanatos & company were not around to foil the Archmage's attempt to get the Phoenix Gate and a theory about how the gargoyles universe would have confisicated for that non-event. Then we hit the sack. Somehow, sometime during the day, I bought a gargoyles comic book for $3 (that being all the cash I had on me) and I really owe him something for that.
That's all for Friday.
Traveling across country with only $3 in cash. You ARE a thrill-seeker!
My Gathering Report, Part 3
Monday, June 26th, 2006
9:30 AM
Well, this is it. The last day of this year's con. I've made some nice friends and had such a kickass time at this con that I wish it didn't have to end so fast. But, then, there is always next year, assuming we can afford it. Which I hope we can. We PROBABLY can. But with David and I trying to save up for an apartment, there's no way yet to know. Even though it will be even cheaper to go next year then it was this year.
10:00 AM
I picked up my "Gummi Trio" bid at The Art Show and then attended the Time Travel panel. Very interesting stuff there. I was certainly captivated. Stayed until about 2 mins before it actually ended.
11:00 AM
Didn't have much to do, so I hung out around in the Dealers Room, browsing through the various sale items, admiring the cache at the weapons table, (Dani would have had a field day there!) chatting with Jennifer "CrzyDemona" Anderson, (I'm very interested in knowing more about ElfQuest) and just generally killing time. Also overheard a little bit of the Thom Mug-A-Guest, (He mentioned something about a hypnotist.) while I waited for Greg Weisman's to start.
I caught Thom after it was over, and we went up to his room to get that Demo tape. I'd noticed that the tape had his name and a phone number on it. Most likely by accident. I guess Thom overlooked it.
12:00 AM
It was fun. Greg touched on subjects pertaining to the Comics and the DVDs. I asked a couple questions, but on the first 1, I was kind of nervous (why, I do not know) and was covering my lower face so he couldn't hear me. Damn nerves. I wish I did better with people all staring at me.
The other question I'd asked (I wish I could recall what the 1st one was) was in regards to Jason and Robyn Canmore. Except I kept goofing up and referring to "JON and Robin" which Greg had to correct me on. Eeps. Crap. Anyways, they are apprently going to make appearences in the comic, should it last long enough, and I hope to god it will.
David set up the camera to get a timed group shot, BTW. He wanted me to be staring right at the thing when it went off.
After it was over, I chatted with Greg in the hall, asking, in these exact words, though I'd meant to phrase it differently, "Shouldn't Bill Fagerbakke be here?" and Greg, sounding a little testy, answered that he'd been doing shows all weekend and was probably tired. Gah, I am not always (rarely ever, in fact) the bext speaker in the world. So, now, I was being annoying AND I looked like a jerk. Gah. Forgive me, Greg.
1:00 - 2:00 PM
Didn't have much else to do but join David in Coloring Methods, which was interesting, though that's more David's thing then mine.
2:00 PM
The last panel. The End of the Con. *grumbles* I had such a fun weekend. It ended up way too fast. Gah. Though all good things must end, I suppose. Now I have next year's to look forward to. There's a 90% chance that we'll be there, so all you guys reading this, look for us next year. :-) Even if I were to lose my job (GOD FORBID!!), I have enough experience, that it shouldn't be much problem getting another one, so I'd still be good to go. Especially since we won't need to rent a vehicle or fly. That makes it cheaper. Just a 6 - 8 hour drive, and we're there. Though gas will be a problem. It's doable.
The last panel was great. Fun times. There were a lot of prizes given out and David took a lot of pictures. No surprise there. I walked up to Greg, and shook his hand for "making the show that made all this possible" and promised to see him next year, and Greg laughed, saying the same thing. Then David and I left for the Hotel 6 near LAX (We'd checked out of the one in Sylmar that same morning before leaving for the con) and it was over. We flew back the next day, and I discovered, to my surprise, Jeb was seated in the row in front of us. We made some occasional smalltalk (when I needed to take my mind off the plane trip) and we hung out in Dallas-Fort Worth airport for a fewminutes, getting some lunch for a few minutes before parting ways (He was headed back to Maryland) and I remember thinking how amazed (and anxious) I was that the layover was so short, (I thought it'd take longer then 10 minutes!) as David and I hurried to our terminal. On the way home, I was more calm about the flight (Guess I was finally getting used to it) though I was still somewhat unnerved. We landed in Port Columbus later that night, and David's dad picked us up.
Until G2007, I count the days.
Me too, King, me too.
Gathering 2006 Journal, Part 2
June 25, 2006
I had trouble pulling myself out of bed (after having an odd dream involving a strangely friendly Lex Luthor and the First Celestial Host's connection to the death of the dinosaurs), so I was a little late to the comic book panel. Very interesting, and some minor spoilers:
- There will be a setback in Goliath and Elisa's relationship in #3.
- The first arc, "Clan-Building," will be four stories long (approximately 8-10 issues). (So it'll finish up sometime in early 2008- assuming the comic runs that long.)
- Hudson will play a more prominent role in #5 and #6.
Other random remarks included Greg Weisman and Dan Vado discussing their respective misadventures at DC Comics. This included how Captain Atom's backstory was ruined after Greg's run ended, so that they could prep him to be Monarch- which ultimately never happened anyway- and how Vado had to suffer through being kicked off of Justice League America and writing Extreme Justice. We also learned that Greg also provided the thumbprints for Rorschach in Watchmen!
Afterwards, they held an autograph session, and I got my second copy signed by Stephanie Lostimolo, Greg and Dan Vado. (Hedgecock was there too, but I already had his signature; he did remind me to pick up my sketch, though.) I mentioned Captain Atom: Armageddon to Greg as a better treatment of Captain Atom than I'd seen since his and Cary Bates' run, but I also mentioned- rather needlessly- that Eiling was permanently ruined. (Frankly, I really shouldn't have bothered.)
After Hedgecock reminded me, I went to get my sketch from a very courteous SLG staffer, and after dropping my comic off (sketch tucked inside) at my room, I went to Crispin Freeman's Mythological Animation panel. That was EXCELLENT, one of my favorite panels, as Freeman really knew his stuff- in that particular field as well as many related ones. I may have to subscribe to his Yahoo group...
I briefly met up with Garrett and Ed, then sought out some lunch, settling on a hot dog place near the Olive Garden. (Pretty tasty!) It happened to be near a Hobbytown USA, so I did a bit of shopping, picking up RPG books for me and twenty-sided dice for a friend back home.
Next stop was the auction, which was rather restrained- even with Greg Weisman's 10-years-at-Disney jacket on sale! That all changed when the autographed poster went for sale, leading to quite the bidding war (which included me). The bidding was finally between an increasingly agonized Gorebash and a strangely calm Leo. Gorebash won in the end, paying over $300 for the poster.
I wandered after that, and waited for the banquet. Outside, I chatted with a fellow I've since forgotten the name of about technology and such, then Greg Bishansky and Gore. The banquet began almost precisely on time; at my table sat myself, Cathie, Garrett, Ed, and a few others. We each received a free copy of the Season 2 Part 1 DVD, which I opted to leave behind so the Gathering staff could use it for promotions (I already had it). Our special guest was Dennis Woodyard, who worked on some of my favorite series besides Gargoyles, such as Exo-Squad (he designed the Neo Lord, among others) and Men in Black. He had much to say, including how Exo-Squad would make a great CGI series (tech looks better in CGI), favorite anime series, tips for industry-aiming hopefuls at the table, and life in Korea and Tokyo. Dinner itself was OK, about what I've come to expect from Gathering banquets. (I'm still curious what that yellow mushy stuff was.)
I looped back to my room, and then returned to wait on the Masquerade. I had a nice chat with Darrell, an archivist at Disney, and I tried to explain as much as I could about the fandom and prior Gatherings. We also gabbed about some of the more unusual Gargoyles merchandise, comparing our respective collections. I also chatted with Aaron and Fan. We also started to get some curious visitors from the nearby wedding party; one woman asked me something about what I knew about the distant past or dawn of time or somesuch. (I still have no idea what she was talking about, or who she thought I was. If she was drunk, I suppose it doesn't matter.)
Terrific costumes at the Masquerade this year, as well as the usual antics. My personal picks were the kid dressed as Lexington and Puck- although I think Christine and Tim Morgan as Brendan and Margot, or Greg Bishansky as Xanatos, should have also participated! After that, I wandered, chatted with people I knew and tried to be friendly towards those standing alone (and I sincerely hope I didn't come across as creepy for doing so).
As promised, the Blue Mug-a-Guest was reconvened, with Greg Weisman, Thom Adcox, and a bit later, Michael Reaves. Revelations included the fact that Elisa was not a virgin when she met Goliath (although she hadn't had many sexual partners, being very careful); that Greg was rethinking gargoyle facial hair after seeing Revel's cool pic of a bearded Thailog; and that Broadway and Angela had been intimate before the end of 1996. Michael Reaves revealed that the three stories that inspired him to become a writer were an episode of I Spy written by Robert Culp, "City on the Edge of Forever" from Star Trek, and "Demon with a Glass Hand" from The Outer Limits. He also said he'd like to write a Demona mini-series for SLG (which I'd like to see, certainly). Greg and Michael discussed their work on the Gargoyles live-action film, and they concluded that 1) Touchstone liked the name, but weren't interested in the show itself and 2) they were only on the project due to a specific guy, which was confirmed when they were dropped a few days after he left. For the comic, Greg plans to have Arthur and Griff show up, and when the day arrives in the comic's timeline, he plans to tackle the difficult task of a 9-11 story. Greg also noted that he hopes- with help- to get Ask Greg caught up to the present by G2K7. After Blue Mug was over, I (somewhat unclearly, I suspect) volunteered my services to help (since I'd worked on the FAQ that apparently no one reads).
June 26, 2006
The Time Travel panel was my first goal of the day. One of my favorite panels- even if it was technically stuff I was familiar with, Greg's presentation on it was the best part. Very conversational, I thought, and far less protesting than I expected. I followed that up with the RPG panel, which was barely attended, and basically became a chat between Tim Morgan and the three of us up front. I stayed in the room for the Collaborations and Shared Universes panel, which was also barely attended. It mostly focused on TGS, which allowed me to contribute more'n usual. After the Collaborations panel, I took the opportunity to talk briefly with Jerry, who I'd seen taking a large number of pictures during the con.
The Hosting A Gathering panel was useful (although I accidentally raised my hand when they were asking about first-time Gathering attendees- I thought they were asking about first visitors to SoCal). Ellen was clearly intent on hosting a Gathering in Chicago- good luck to her! Greg Weisman also commented that people whose pitches failed were too often just dropping them entirely, rather than trying againg the following year. It eventually changed into a discussion of how to spread the word about the con most efficiently. After I mentioned adding a Wikipedia entry (Greg Weisman can't edit Wikipedia for some reason), Guardian proposed an idea that I can't believe hadn't occurred to me before- a Gargoyles wiki! I did The Gargoyles Encyclopedia, I ran a general fictional wiki, but making a Gargoyles wiki hadn't once popped into my head. Now I intend to make one!
Closing Ceremonies was as usual, awards and applause and goodbyes. I signed up for G2K7 in Pigeon Forge, and chatted with Greg Bishansky. Most of us eventually formed into two large groups after that. One, with the con staff, Greg Weisman and others, went to eat one place and had a wild time (from what I hear). The other group, including me, Lynati, Mara, Aaron, Denis, Revel, Spacebabie, Jade Griffin, Gside and others, ate at the food court at the nearby mall. Mara, Denis, one other fellow and I exchanged retail horror stories and some political views at length. When we were all done, we split up- a few decided to walk the mall, while the rest (those I named plus two) headed back to Aaron, Revel, Spacebabie and Mara's hotel room. We basically spent the rest of the night chatting on everything (the main topics being driven by Jade Griffin, Revel and Aaron; others and I talked less). Jade Griffin mentioned putting together a Gathering scrapbook, leading to some reminiscing. We were later joined by others, including Leo. When Jade Griffin learned I was also taking a shuttle to LAX the next morning, we arranged to go on the same trip (splitting the fee and getting some company at the same time). Eventually, Revel et al had to get ready for tomorrow, so the rest of us left.
June 27, 2006
Met Jade Griffin in the lobby and checked out from the hotel. We spent the time waiting for the shuttle chatting with each other and Greg Bishansky about the convention and Gargoyles topics, among other things. Gside stopped by and offered us a free breakfast through some coupon, but we unfortunately couldn't take him up on it. I also had the chance to say goodbye to Garrett, Ed and Leo. The shuttle arrived a bit late, but nothing problematic. En route in the shuttle, Jade Griffin and I chatted about Gargoyles, Gatherings, and our jobs. When she was dropped off, she hugged me goodbye, which I reciprocated rather awkwardly (I don't hug a lot, nothing personal).
Getting through LAX's security line was hellish, and it didn't help that- due to the shuttle picking up other passengers along the way- we arrived rather late. I managed to get to my terminal with barely enough time to grab and devour lunch. On my plane to Dallas, I discovered- to my surprise- that two other Gathering attendees, King Cobra and VidTheKid (alas, I forgot their real names) were sitting behind me! Talking on the plane was kind of difficult (for me, anyway), although we did speak a little. After landing in Dallas, we had a quick dinner at a Pizza Hut knock-off, before we parted ways.
(Largely uninteresting (except to me!) return stuff snipped.)
The Gargwiki has become one of the most useful tools in the fandom in less than a year. And not just in the fandom. The various artists we've been using on the Gargoyles Comic Book have all been using it for reference as well. Thank you so much for getting the ball rolling on that. And thank everyone else for helping/participating. I've edited a few entries myself. :)
Gathering 2006 Journal, Part 1
June 22, 2006
(Largely uninteresting (except to me!) pre-arrival stuff snipped.)
LAX does the most efficient airport arrivals I've ever experienced. I arrived, got my luggage almost immediately, and was ready to go. Except for finding a way to the Hyatt Valencia. I called the hotel, and they recommended a shuttle service. However, falling prey to my usual geographical ignorance, I assumed a taxi ride to Valencia would be just as good. So I hailed a taxi... and subjected the both of us to a 45-minute drive that cost me about $100. Not making THAT mistake again.
After arrival and check-in, it was time for food. After ordering some pizza, I called Garrett, who was eating dinner at Outback (if only I'd arrived an hour earlier, I could have went along). After he returned, and my pizza had arrived, I went to the room he was sharing with Ed and Leo (Ed's brother) and we chatted at length (mostly about rpgs). I still had some pizza left over- 3 no-longer-warm pieces- and I hated to see it go to waste, so I dropped it off at the con suite. After an awkward moment when I became aware I was an unintentional partycrasher with a lame gift, I quietly left and went to sleep.
June 23, 2006
First thing- assess the surroundings. Hiked out to the nearby mall, and fulfilled two unexpected needs- a toothbrush and mp3 player headphones. The whole time, I kept getting funny looks from the locals. (Garrett later advised me that it was probably my unintentional "Damien" hair.) After returning, I signed in at the con, and hung out with Garrett, Ed and Vince for a while prior to Opening Ceremonies. Red Robin lunch, and then we saw Nacho Libre (weird, but interesting).
Opening Ceremonies started 45 minutes late. (Fortunately, that degree of lateness was not repeated.) Then, we had to watch music videos soon after the ceremonies began. Now, if we'd had a 45-minute delay and had regular opening, that woulda been fine. If we'd had on-time opening and the videos, that would have been fine. But both together? That was enough to make me, Garrett, Ed, Vince (and a few others) walk out after the third video started. We waited approximately a half hour to let the videos run their course, then returned- unfortunately, a bit late. (Unfortunately, I missed Greg Bishansky's video, which I wish I'd seen on the big screen. Oh well.)
We only got bad new news this year- the fact that Season 2 Part 1's sales weren't encouraging Disney to release Part 2. (The good news, the release of the comic, wasn't new news.) Thus, Greg Weisman requested that we begin proselytizing for Gargoyles, with each of us trying to reach 1000 people. Quite a request, I'll do my best... Afterwards, we received "Gargles" toothbrushes from Quindar, and I stuck around for MGT3K (which focused on the "Dracon saga"- "Deadly Force," "The Silver Falcon" and "Protection"). Just prior, met a new fan friend, Cathie.
After MGT3K was done, I wandered a bit, and met or talked with Blaise (who told me of the life of a Hollywood extra), Blaqthourne and Crimson Fury, A Fan, Tigris Euphrates and Onyx. I tried to maintain my workout schedule at the hotel's fitness center, but the facilities were too limited to do me much good. So I went to sleep instead.
June 24, 2006
Started out the day with Garrett, Ed and Vince. We had a TGI Friday's lunch (breakfast for me), and then Vince drove us to Brave New World Comics, where I picked up some Arabic comics and Garrett bought the Gargoyles comic. (Me, I'd bought mine literally the day before I left for the Gathering.)
After we returned, I hit the dealer's room, and acquired the Phoenix Gate Anthology, Grimorum Arcanorum Anthology, and Archmage of the Universe from Tim Morgan. I also got a second copy of the Gargoyles comic (for autographical purposes), which David Hedgecock was kind enough to sign. He also offered to draw me a sketch, an offer which I happily accepted. (I wanted Coldstone, but as he hadn't worked with that character yet, I asked for Demona instead.)
The Gargoyles writing process panel was next, which was quite interesting. (First time I was able to see Michael Reaves and Brynne Chandler.) Greg Weisman again referred to the "Weird Macbeth" and "four tricksters" stories, as well as notebooks' worth of stories conceived after the show, all of which he hopes to tackle in the comic book given enough time. Next stop was the Darkwing Duck panel, including Tad Stones and Jim Cummings! Very cool, especially given the rarity of a Jim Cummings convention appearance! (Too bad he had to go home early when his wife became ill.) One interesting new tidbit- apparently, in addition to an origin of Negaduck episode, they also planned to do a Posiduck episode. Stones also said he wanted staffers to have a "comic book cover" in mind for each Darkwing episode, like they had back in Silver Age DC comics.
The Radio Play was "The Mirror," apparently the original script rather than the broadcast version. (There were a few small bits here and there that were new to me, such as a scene of gargoyle-fied humans being kind to gargoyle beast Bronx, and a line from Broadway- "Here they come!") Thom Adcox was Lexington (of course); Keith David was Goliath (naturally), and the fan playing Elisa Maza looked a little overwhelmed at times! Crispin Freeman did an interesting Hudson, and Blaise did an excellent Broadway/Bill Fagerbakke impression.
With the Radio Play finished, I chatted some with Greg Bishansky, then I sat down with Lexy and Solstice (where we agreed that the art on the Gargoyles comic was fine, thank you very much). Unfortunately, I had to cut the chat short when Garrett invited me to Olive Garden for dinner via cell phone. (Probably my best meal all weekend, though!)
After a short time in my room, I decided to head for the Blue Mug-a-Guest. En route, I got some water, and a hotel staffer asked me about the convention, and talked to me about how she'd liked the show. I situated myself in a corner of the con suite, near Gside, Taleweaver and Blaqthourne and Crimson Fury (which also turned out to be right next to the couch where the guests- Greg Weisman, Thom Adcox, Crispin Freeman and later, Keith David- sat). The Blue Mug-a-Guest itself wasn't as "blue" as I expected, but still interesting. Lots of gargoyle biology questions (of the general rather than prurient nature); Keith David also started a discussion on why there weren't more shows like Gargoyles, shows aimed at multiple levels instead of a certain demographic.
Unfortunately, we were producing too much noise for neighbors' and hotel staffers' taste, so we left the con suite and headed downstairs. The plan was to reconvene in Ballroom D or E, but when we got there, it was locked. Some of the crowd wanted to resume in the foyer outside the ballrooms, but a hotel staffer nixed that idea. For that matter, he wouldn't even let us talk outside in the parking lot, and threatened to call the cops when we started to get cranky! Greg Weisman finally stepped in, and told us (over the unreasonable resistance of the staffer, who wanted us gone immediately) that the Blue Mug would resume after the Masquerade. He then told us to return to our rooms, which we did (unhappily).
It was unfortunate that this particular staffer seemed to have a problem even allowing me to announce that we were going to reschedule for the next night. He made no friends for himself or the hotel. I sympathize that he had a job to do, but we were not being unreasonable. He told us to leave the suite and we did. He told us to leave the foyer, and we were in the process of doing that as well. But he has literally zero patience. Threatening to call the police over a NON-rowdy group of hotel guests, who were simply trying to make an alternative plan (and needed literally less than two minutes to do so) was beyond overkill.
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