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GATHERING 2006 - Con Journal
My usual caveats... I meet so many people at the Gathering that I can't possibly remember all the names. I apologise. I try, believe me. Please, do not be offended if you've slipped my mind.
Saturday, June 24
8:30am - Wake up. I actually got 7.5 hours sleep that night, which is stellar for me.
9am or thereabouts - I made it downstairs for the Staff Breakfast of O.J., eggs, bacon & croissants.
Shortly thereafter, Beth, Benny and Erin arrived. So I got them checked in, before heading off to...
10am - Auditions. The final round.
11:30am - Casting. Once again, Jen, Thom and myself had an embarrassment of riches to choose from. We went up to my room, and went through the forms and our notes. Relatively small cast this time, so some great people got left out. Hope that doesn't discourage them from trying again.
12:15pm - After posting the cast lists both in front of Ballroom D and at the Reg Desk, I hurried over to the fan panel that most interested me: "Gargoyles Physiology, Psychology & Sociology." Christine and Jade were leading the panel. It was a fun discussion. I would have loved to have stayed longer, but I was just diving in between casting and my next pro panel, so I couldn't linger.
12:30pm - My first real pro panel of the con: "Gargoyles: the Development Process". I was joined by our original Art Director Bob Kline (inspirational designer of David Xanatos), our second Art Director Dave Schwartz (inspirational designer of Brooklyn, Lexington and Broadway), Gary Krisel (former president of Walt Disney Television Animation) and Michael Reaves (head writer and story editor). I played an earlier version of the pitch narrated by Jim Cummings. I ran through the basics of developing the show (with stray commentary from the other panelists here and there), and then we opened it up to questions from the audience. It was a lively discussion. Even I learned a few behind the scenes things from Gary about what was going on in upper management (very upper: Michael Eisner & Jeffry Katzenberg upper) that helped us keep Gargoyles alive despite two passes.
2pm - The first panel segued directly into the second. Michael and I stayed in our seats. We were joined by Brynne Chandler (story editor) and Jay Fukuto (former head of Current Programming at Disney). We talked about, well, writing the episodes. Duh. Once again, I ran through our basic process, and then we opened things up for another lively Q&A.
3:30pm - We gathered our cast together to rehearse the Radio Play. This is generally a closed rehearsal, but a number of people wanted to sit in (including my son Benny and Michael Reaves). I tried to discourage this, and I think I scared Richard Pini with my intentionally (and supposedly comedic) over the top banishment. Wendy Pini assured me that she explained the situation to her husband, so I hope he forgives me. The rehearsal didn't take long. So I gave the cast some time off.
5pm - The Radio Play performance. This year we were doing an adaptation of "The Mirror" (written by Lydia C. Marano and originally story edited by Brynne Chandler Reaves).
Ladies and Gentlemen, the 2006 Gathering Players...
Keith David as Goliath
Jennifer Anderson as Demona
Mallory Reaves as Puck
Abbie Sulik as Elisa
Crispin Freeman as Hudson
Thom Adcox as Lexington
Zach Baker as Brooklyn
Joshua Poole as Broadway
Eric Tribou as Bronx
Laurean Leigh as Burglar #1
Erin Weisman as Burglar #2
Susan Scoggins as Gargoyle #1
Stephanie Scoggins as Gargoyle #2
Fox Anderson as Gargoyle #3
Lanny Fields as the Security Guard
with myself as narrator and Adam Leigh and Jenny Baker understudying.
I think, if I do say so myself, that the performance went quite well.
After the show, Beth, Erin, Benny and myself drove out to Vic Cook's house for a small barbecue get-together. Dave Schwartz provided much of the food. His barbecue sauce was to die for. I'm sure I won't remember everyone who was there, but I'll try... Vic and his wife Sonia, Kevin Hopps, Kuni Bowen and her two daughters, Tad Stones and his daughter, Phil Weinstein and his family, Bob Kline, Carol Wagner, Wendy Pini, Crispin & Izzy and Gary Krisel. There was Tri-tip, ice cream cake, sushi, hot dogs, chips and dip, oatmeal cookies. I was stuffed.
9:30pm - Beth dropped me back off at the hotel, before heading home with the kids. I chilled for a bit in my room. Changing shirts to something more appropriate for what was to follow...
10pm - Time for the Blue Mug. I was joined by Thom, Crispin and Keith. The room was PACKED. There were blue moments, but it was neither the bluest nor the least blue mug we've ever had. Keith sang a bit. We all joked around. Answered some questions. I revealed that I was a robot. The usual. Then around 11pm, I told a story about working in Hollywood... demonstrating what I'd like to have done in the situation by standing up on a chair and mock screaming at invisible studio executives.
So of course, we were kicked out of the consuite for making too much noise.
Mugus Interruptus.
Whoops. My bad.
We tried going down to one of our banquet rooms, but it was locked, and the security guard wouldn't let us congregate in the foyer in front of that room. We dispersed, but a few of us went to the bar until THAT closed down at 12:15am.
So I headed back to my room.
3:15am - Lights out.
Tune in tomorrow for my further adventures in Valencia...
GATHERING 2006 - Con Journal
My usual caveats... I meet so many people at the Gathering that I can't possibly remember all the names. I apologise. I try, believe me. Please, do not be offended if you've slipped my mind.
Friday, June 23nd
7:30am - Woke up, giving me about 2.5 hours sleep for the night (after a number of bad night's sleeps earlier that week).
9am - I think I shocked the staff by arriving more or less on time to the staff breakfast. (Traditionally, I sleep through it.) I had potatos, Fresh OJ (which I love), french toast and bacon. But, man, I was tasting that breakfast for hours.
I do want to take time to praise the amazing staff of this year's con. Sort of an all-star team of past con chairs and staffers... or as Jen liked to call them, the Dream Team. I'll try to list them all here...
Jennifer L. Anderson - Con Chair
Patrick Toman - Vice Con Chair
Greg Bishansky - Assistant to promotions
Karine Charlebois - Volunteer Coordinator
Seth Jackson - Promotional Coordinator
Cindy Kinnard - Art Show & Masquerade Coordinator
Kythera - Official Lackey
Laurean Leigh - Program & Website Coordinator
Stephanie Lostimolo - Graphics Designer
Christine Morgan - Anthology, Contest & Fan Panel Coordinator
Tim Morgan - Dealer's Room & Auction Coordinator
Scott Sakai - A/V Coordinator
Carol Wagner - Guest Coordinator
And Rob, M.I.A. for the con itself, but otherwise a year-long staffer who kept us on "TOPIC" at our on-line meetings.
Plus a number of great volunteers, people who just pitched in. I felt that this was one of the smoothest run cons I'd ever been to.
After breakfast, I helped carry stuff down to registration.
10am - Went to the Art Room to put Erin & Benny's art panel up. Browsed the other art that was there...
Finally got my first look at "Gargoyles #1: Nightwatch" the new comic. Dan Vado of SLG, who, with Joe Nakamura, was setting up his table in the dealers' room gave me a copy. It was great to finally have it in my hand. Real. Solid. I was thrilled. I realize it isn't perfect, and I know the hardcore fans are probably impatient to get to issue #3, when we enter into a new arc of stories, but I'm still ridiculously proud of the thing. I think David Hedgecock's work is passionate and dramatic, and getting better all the time. I love how Will Terrell's work enhances David's. And the cover by Greg Guler and Steph Lostimolo is just stunning. Thanks to all of them and to Dan and Joe and Jen de Guzman (our editor) and Marty Lund of creaturecomics.com. I do hope all the fans buy a copy or two, but more than that I'd love it if they SPREAD THE WORD about the comic. Don't assume that people know the thing is out there (same with the DVDs and the Gathering too for that matter).
I'm not just talking about word of mouth, though that's great. But I'd love to see each hard core fan take responsibility for finding a way to reach a thousand people. (And I'm only half-kidding.) No, not all of those people will be buying our product, but that's the numbers we need to reach in order to get the numbers we need. Go to conventions. Go on the net to places we haven't thought of. Check out complimentary fandoms and let them know. Nearly everyone I meet at the con has a story about wearing a garg t-shirt or something and having someone say, "Hey, I really liked that show." But they don't know about the comic, DVD or conventions. Those are the people we need to reach. And sure, it would be great if Disney spent some advertising dollars, but it's really not going to happen. So if as fans, you want to see more comics and another DVD release, SPREAD THE WORD.
Specifically, at this con, I heard a LOT of anecdotal stories about the comic already being sold out at individual comic book stores. Which is great, of course. BUT.... The two questions I always wonder about are (1) how many copies were ordered in the first place and (2) now that it's sold out are they ordering more? A lot of stores low-ball their orders (because they've been burned before) and when they sell out, they feel pleased that they guessed right about how many copies to order. They don't necessarily think to order more once they sell out, and if the comic isn't on the shelf, then most people won't know to buy it. So talking to retailers is another VERY helpful tack.
But enough of the sales pitch... back to the ramble...
I spent some time talking to Dand and Joe of SLG, but Si needed a ride to Kinkos to print out some missing Mug-A-Guest sign up sheets. So we hopped in the P.T. Cruiser and took off. When we got back, I popped into a few panels, making a cameo at the Con Virgin Panel and then catching the tail end of Thom & Crispin's Voice Acting Workshop, which was very cool and hi-tech.
3pm - Next up were our first round of Auditions. It was me, Jennifer Anderson and Thom Adcox (i.e. the usual suspects), though a bored Michael Reaves sat in and observed for a while. We had some amazing people this year, but unfortunately one of the smallest casts to cast that we've had in a while, made the smaller because we had Thom, Keith David and Crispin Freeman already slotted for three of the fifteen roles.
5pm - Opening Ceremonies. Always fun. Very good energy in the room this year. Which was necessary, because the thing -- to me at least -- seemed kinda endless. Not that I'm complaining. We did have a lot of new people, for whom everything I have to show is new -- and I gave everyone else the chance to bolt when my turn came. But most stuck around. I guess it's tradition. And I do feel like I had more energy than in the last couple of years. But I'm getting ahead of myself.
Mai Li (I hope I'm spelling that right) got the Fan Guest of Honor Award, which she thoroughly deserves. Mai was conchair of the very first Gathering in Manhattan in 1997. Not just the conchair, really but the only staff member too. She basically all but did it all herself. (Burned her out so bad, we haven't been able to get her back to a Gathering again until this year.) Without Mai, there'd be no Gathering. And I wouldn't be a part of this fandom. I have always credited Chris Rogers, Eric "Gorebash" Tribou and Mai Li as the three people who introduced me to the fans. We've been feeding off each other ever since. ;)
Nikki "Y2Hecate" Owens got up to pimp G2007 in Pigeon Forge, Tenessee. Nikki, the new conchair, is already way ahead of the game. They've got a date (JUNE 22-25) and a low cost/high quality hotel. So let me do a little pimping too here. Register NOW!!! The cost is pretty darn cheap in these early months, and the more money that comes in early the better the con will be. Walk-ins are great. I'm not knocking them, but walk-ins don't pay for guests and activities, because that's money that the con can't count on. Small money sooner is worth more than Large money later. Just a fact. Of course, to be intentionally repetitive the main thing you can do is SPREAD THE WORD!!!!!!
Anyway, the staff was introduced, and then we watched a bunch of music videos. They were all pretty cool. Of course, since everyone's working independently, they have no way of knowing that they're all going to duplicate a bunch of footage. But I still enjoyed seeing them. An ironic "Can you feel the love" featuring Demona and Macbeth pounding on each other was a highlight. The "Beauty and the Beast" one for Elisa and Goliath was like shooting fish in a barrel, but I was a sucker for it. And Jen's video "Wake Me Up" I think it was called, which opened Opening Ceremonies was VERY cool and eventually one first place in the Music Video contest.
Then it was my turn. I talked about the comic, G2007 and the DVDs. At this time, Buena Vista Home Entertainment has not scheduled Gargoyles Season Two, Volume Two for release. The short and simple truth is that Volume 1 did not sell enough copies. The ONLY remedy is to find a way to sell more. As always, I'd love it if the fans bought copies, but I'd NEVER ask anyone to spend money they don't have or need for things like food/shelter/education/etc. Frankly, as I've said many times, if every single hardcore fan bought ten copies our sales would still be mediocre. What I need from the hardcore fan is for each and everyone to find creative ways to SPREAD THE WORD!!! (Sense a theme, yet?) We did a more effective job of this on the Season One set. Now Season Two costs more, I know. But that only means we need to reach out to even MORE people, to compensate for those who bought Season One, but can't afford S2V1. Only a percentage of those who know about the DVD will buy it. But the more people who know, the greater the chance that we'll reach the sales threshold that Disney feels we need to convince them to release S2V2. Now... a lot of people have asked why Disney isn't promoting the DVD. But ultimately the answer doesn't matter too much. They aren't. That's not money they're prepared to spend. So we need to do it. We need to SPREAD THE WORD!!!
Next up, I showed all the old standards. The original pitch, the promo, the preview, the New Olympians and Dark Ages pitches, the Bad Guys Leica Reel and finally "The Last" -- a never-produced episode of Team Atlantis featuring Marina Sirtis as Demona, Cree Summer as Kida, Frank Welker as Obie and Sheena Easton as Fiona Canmore. The fans have taken the original voice tape and the tiny bit of storyboarding that was completed and are trying to make the episode themselves. We have a little more picture every year. If you're interested in helping out, contact Vashkoda in the Station Eight Gargoyles Comment Room.
Opening Ceremonies finally came to a close, and I went to dinner with Wendy Pini, Michael Reaves, Brynne Chandler, Crispin, Izobel, Thom, Jamie, Lexy, Marty and Kiffin. Unfortunately, the restaurant couldn't seat us all together, and Marty, Lexy and Kiffin were semi-abandoned at another table. (Sorry, guys, really.) The Japanese food was good (California Roll, Miso Soup, salad, rice, shrimp and vegetable tempura, beef teriaki). More importantly, I got a chance to talk to Wendy Pini. Wendy, the creator of Elfquest, as it turns out, is a big Gargoyles fan. And I've been a fan of hers for longer than either of us cared to admit. She was extremely charming, and we really hit it off. Yeah, yeah, mutual admiration society. <YAWN> I know. But it does raise an interesting point. Gargoyles. Elfquest. If you like one, you might like the other. (After all, I like both and so does Wendy.) And yet before Wendy contacted the constaff a few days before the con, it never occured to any of us to try to win Elfquest fans over to Gargoyles or vice versa. So what other FANDOMS are there out there that we're not reaching out to. I don't know. But I need all of you to start thinking about it and SPREAD THE WORD!!!
When we got back to the hotel, a few of us headed up to the con suite to hang. (Thom stopped off at his room and promised to meet us up there.) But when we got to the consuite, they were on the verge of closing down. So everyone else booked, and I waited in the suite for Thom (who never showed up). Still, I got to have a real nice talk with Mai, Karine, Patrick and one other person, whose name is just escaping me at the moment. (Sorry, sorry, sorry, sorry!)
Midnight... Karine headed to her room, and Patrick was ready to crash, so I left for my room.
1am - fortunately, I was actually tired. And turned off the lights, and pretty much went right to sleep.
Tune in tomorrow for my further adventures in Valencia... and to find out how many more times Greg can write "SPREAD THE WORD" into his ramblings...
GATHERING 2006 - Con Journal
Well, the con is over, and as usual, I just had an incredible time. It was so gratifying how much all the fans love the show. So here's my con journal. I hope ALL of you who attended take a few minutes to write up and post your con journals/diaries/memories/etc. here at ASK GREG. Cut and paste, my friends.
My usual caveats... I meet so many people at the Gathering that I can't possibly remember all the names. I apologise. I try, believe me. Please, do not be offended if you've slipped my mind.
Thursday, June 22nd
3pm - I didn't even bother going to the office. I packed, puttered. Watched some ALL MY CHILDREN. Said goodbye to Erin, Benny and Beth when they got home from Camp, Camp and school (respectively) and then hit the road. Listened to an unabridged book on CD version of "Pride and Prejudice" on the way to Valencia.
4pm - Arrived at the hotel and was checking in when the vast majority of the con staff approached. My room was very nice. I dropped my stuff off quickly (I had a lot of stuff) and then helped the constaff carry some boxes and bags in.
Ran some constaff errands next with Jennifer, Karine, Kyt, Seth, Cindy, Steph and Patrick all stuffed into Jen's SUV. Ate a Three Musketeers bar, which was all I had eaten that day.
7pm - Planning ahead, we made a reservation at BJs (across the street from the hotel) for 21 people. But on our way there, we found we were 25. There was some delay in setting up our tables, and the longer the delay, the more our party grew. 21, no 25, no 32, no 35. Finally, we were all seated at three tables of 12.
My table included myself, Taylor, Liz, Sean, Ckaote, Spacie, Revel, Sylvia, Kristin, Kyt, GXB and Laurean. But the group also included Lynati, Aaron, Mara, Jen, Susan, Steph, Syndey, Tim, Arno, Norcumi, Quindar, Christine, Karine, Steph L., Becca, Cindy, Nikki, Jade, Seth, Patrick and Fox. (At least.) I had a great dinner (French Dip, baked potato) and Siryn and I shared an apple crisp with ice cream for dessert.
After that, it was up to the consuite to fold t-shirts and stuff envelopes w/Nikki, Steph, Cindy, Jen, Patrick, Seth, Greg, Tim, Christine, Karine, Kyt, Patrick, Laurean and Carol.
I don't think I've ever seen the constaff so organized as they were this year.
11:50pm - I retired to my room.
3am - Lights out.
5am - Still AWAKE! Arrggghh!!!
Tune in tomorrow for my further adventures in Valencia...
ASK GREG will be open up again today (Thursday, June 22) so that questions and especially G2006 CON JOURNALS can be posted. We'll stay open at least until the end of July.
In addition, Gorebash has been working on the site to allow Todd to answer some frequently asked questions for me by searching the archives. We haven't totally got the new system up and running, but the long awaited upgrade to ASK GREG is on the verge of reality here. REJOICE!!!
This should help us get through the queue MUCH faster.
But another thing that would help is still a bit of common sense on the part of posters. Try to search the FAQ or the ARCHIVES first. Ask your question here in the comment room. (And, gang, be nice to the newbies, ignorant or not.) Keep the queue as clean of garbage as possible.
And POST THOSE CON JOURNALS. Cut and paste them! It's important!!!!!
Also, post comments and questions about the new comic book that hit stores YESTERDAY (Thursday, June 21)!!! Copies of the first issue ("Nightwatch") WILL be available at the Gathering this weekend, but as Marty said, anything that can be done to encourage sales at local stores is essential.
[I realize from VERY recent personal experience that this can be frustrating. A drone at MY local comic shop was very insistent yesterday that the comic wasn't out yet. Do NOT let them tell you that. It IS out! Be persistent, insistent, but unfailingly POLITE, as it won't help the cause to alienate the guy who orders books for the store.]
This isn't simply about you guys buying a bunch of copies yourself. If EVERYONE who normally checks out ASK GREG bought ten copies, our sales would still, frankly, suck. Yes, I hope you guys support the book with cold hard cash (though as always I'd never ask you to spend money you don't have and/or need for food, shelter, education, etc.), but what I'm really COUNTING on you guys to do is spread the word. EVERYWHERE. We need to bring in a much larger crowd than simply the hard core fans. Word of mouth to individuals is great, but try to brainstorm ways to reach a lot of people on the net, at conventions, etc. Look at other rabid fandoms that might like Gargoyles, and LET. THEM. KNOW what they're missing! (Let them know.) BRAINSTORM NEW WAYS. NEW. NEW WAYS.
DO NOT TAKE FOR GRANTED that the book will just be an ongoing thing. If sales on the first couple issues suck then don't assume that there will be an issue #3. (That's how we got into the dilemma we're facing with the DVDs.)
Finally, for those of you attending the Gathering this weekend in Valencia: please come up to me and say hello. Many of you know me already. Some of you have met me briefly. Some of you are strangers. I'll admit in advance that though I am fearless when I'm "On Stage," ironically I get very shy trying to conduct small talk. So be patient with me. It usually takes me two cons to remember names and three to really get to know a person. But keep trying. I have made so many great friends at these conventions, and you could be one of them. I really do want to know you all.
It's a very exciting con this year. We've got so many great guests and events planned. Panels with the creators of Kim Possible, Talespin, Darkwing Duck, Ben Ten. Jim Cummings, the voice of Dingo, Don Karnage, Darkwing Duck, Pete, Winnie-The-Pooh, Tigger, Bonkers, etc., etc., etc. will be there. Voice directors, background artists, character designers, film editors, music editors, sound effects editors, storyboard artists, and tons of VOICE ACTORS. Nearly the entire writing staff and Voice cast of WITCH will be there. (And I hope you've been watching the episodes of WITCH that I produced which have been airing on Toon Disney and ABC Family's Jetix blocks.) Frank Paur will talk about Spawn, Iron Man and Dr. Strange. Tad Stones will talk about Hellboy. Keith David, Thom Adcox and Crispin Freeman will all BE IN THIS YEAR'S RADIO PLAY!!! Brigitte Bako, the voice of Angela, is attending her first convention EVER!! (So be extra nice to her.) I'm even doing a seminar on time travel.
So stop by, have fun, enjoy... and SPREAD THE WORD. (Have I mentioned that yet? SPREAD THE WORD!!!!)
Gargoyles is BACK!!!!
Greg Weisman
This is my con report from Le Gathering, Montreal 2004.
I have attended sci-fi/fantasy conventions since 1985. In my youth, everything was new and exciting and I always looked forward to the next opportunity to meet like-minded people at these magical weekend gatherings.
But like anything, it gets old after a while: one becomes jaded, or cynical, or bored. And for those of us who turn a hobby into a business, this is intensified by the "professional" angle that we maintain.
But at this convention, I re-discovered a pleasure that I haven't enjoyed in almost ten years: The sheer enjoyment of reveling in the appreciation of a wonderful creation-- in this case, Disney's animated TV series, "Gargoyles."
The show ended its run in 1997, but the fandom survived-- and have held a regular convention every year since that time. Understand: the show was over. It only ran three seasons, the last of which wasn't even the same production house as the first two (thus a dispute on whether there were three seasons, or really only two.) And yet, despite this, a loyal following of fans put forth the effort to make a convention happen, dedicated to this show, year after year in a different city each time.
That's dedication.
I was always a fan of the show, but I felt no particular motivation to seriously join the fandom, until this year, when my good friend Lanny invited me to the convention. "You're a voice actor," he said. "You've got to come. Some of the voice talent from the show will be there." And then he very, very generously offered to fly me down on his air travel points, and put me up in his hotel room.
That's friendship.
How could I say no? I looked forward to it-- and I hadn't been to Montreal since I was four-- what a fun opportunity!
So I flew down east, got picked up by Lanny and Derrick and off we went to the hotel.
The very first night, I saw the difference between this convention and so many others: The people who made it happen, and the guests around which the fandom is based. Lanny, it turns out, knew most of the convention staff personally, not to mention Greg Weisman, the creator of the show. We all went out to dinner the first night and I sat between Greg and Lanny and across from the con chair, Karine "Kanthara" Charlebois (six months pregnant and still the perfect hostess, she is TEH FABULOUS, or as we say in French, <i>absolument fameuse.</i>).
And there it was: meeting one of the guests of honour, the show's creator, who is a great guy and very open and-- and this is the part that really sent me-- just one of the gang. You'd never pick Greg Weisman out at this convention as the Special Guest Superstar Guy. He knows these people, and they know him. They're old friends. You can feel that vibe. They're used to each other, comfortable with each other. It's a feeling I haven't seen before in the otherwise drooling-fan-infested populations of other conventions.
I noticed that compared to other conventions, the dealer's room and art show were small. I realized this was because they weren't the focus of the convention, they weren't the <i>point.</i> The point was, and always has been as far as I can tell, the people. The fans I began to meet were happy to be there, as opposed to the dull whineyness of many convention veterans. They were from many diverse backgrounds, and there was a wide spread of age ranges. Artists, theatricals, computer techs, veterinarians, publishers... one couldn't pigeonhole this fandom into one demographic; they are, literally, from all over the place.
I met people that I knew only vaguely as names mentioned by artist friends of mine who were involved in the fandom. They too, had heard of me in similarly vague ways. Those barriers dissolved quickly as I was welcomed by everyone I met. Like I said, these people are all part of the gang-- in Gargoyle terms, we're all one big clan.
I haven't felt that connection in years. I used to have the same feeling with other <a href="http://www.elfquest.com">ElfQuest</a> fans in the late 80's, but since then had become jaded. These people, this Clan, re-awoke something in me that I thought I'd lost, like a memory of my youth but still present in the here-and-now.
The Radio Play, the main reason Lanny invited me and the reason I wanted to go, was so much fun I forgot that I was trying to be a professional and do some serious learning from the veterans of the biz. I auditioned for Greg Weisman, who made it very easy, explaining in a prior seminar what he wanted and how to give it to him, and with the help of Jen, miss CrzyDemona herself, they cast me (as The Ham Comedy Character, which tells me that they had me figured out from the word Go).
Here's the other magical thing about this: Keith David, the voice of Goliath himself, was meant to be at the voice seminar and the subsequent radio play. Due to complications he couldn't arrive until late Saturday night. Guess what-- I had an amazing time anyway. It says a lot about a convention that even when a major guest can't make it, that the fun just keeps on going. I know it did for me.
Keith arrived at around 11 pm Saturday night and he was welcomed-- he had brought his family and he sang karaoke songs after the costume contest. Once again, a miracle-- I can't think of any celebrity who would not only bring his family to a convention with him, but actually stick around and participate in a room full of adoring fans singing karaoke.
The magic of the Gathering, again.
On a personal note, I found the man inspiring. He was <i>resonant.</i> I could believe everything he said because I could feel the strength of <i>his</i> belief behind it. He spoke of the industry of acting and voicing, which spoke directly to me-- but his other anecdotes and stories were a pleasure to listen to as well, because he was sharing in an intimate setting.
Intimate settings seemed to be the name of the game, as Greg Weisman hosted his own "Mug-A-Guest" panels, in both the PG-13 and the "Blue" -- anything goes -- format. Sitting in the con suite, hanging out, anyone could ask him anything. He was accessible. He was friendly. He was candid, open, everyone's pal.
Again, something I've never seen before.
Disney is planning to release the first season on DVD on December 7th of this year. There was a film crew at the Gathering, filming us every day and asking for interviews with the fans. I volunteered, wanting to do my part to explain the amazing phenomenon that Gargoyles fandom is. I hope that I painted a good, clear picture and that something of that message makes it onto the "special features" of the DVD release, because this phenomenon is too cool to allow to pass unnoticed.
To my fellow Clansmates out there, the new people I've met and the generous friend who allowed me my first glimpse of this amazing world-- thank you. Thank you for a great weekend. Thank you for a truly magical experience. I can't say enough about a weekend with no downsides except perhaps:
- Fear me in battle at LaserQuest.
- Liz is a total SHARK at Mario Kart. Fear HER.
- Next year, in Las Vegas, I really hope to put together a smashing team for the Clan Olympics.
Thank you all. I know I'm looking forward to the future of this fandom, and my place in it.
To those of you reading this: The next Gathering happens around the beginning of August, 2005 in Las Vegas, Nevada. Go to <a href="http://www.gatheringofthegargoyles.com/">http://www.gatheringofthegargoyles.com/</a> and keep an eye for further developments. And remember: The sooner you register, the sooner the convention has more money with which to create a fantasy weekend of unparalleled enjoyment.
"And remember: The sooner you register, the sooner the convention has more money with which to create a fantasy weekend of unparalleled enjoyment. "
Truer words and all that.
Well, Michael, I hope to see you in Valencia this summer. There will be a ton of guests, including voice actors Keith David, Thom Adcox, Jeff Bennett, Bill Faggerbakke, Brigitte Bako and Edward Asner. Plus Voice Directors Jamie Thomason and Ginny McSwain. And that's just for starters. We'll have writers and artists and composer Carl Johnson, etc.
An L.A. Gathering is a great place to interact with professionals. Lots and lots of guests in a relatively intimate setting.
Check out www.gatheringofthegargoyles.com for more information.
I wasn't able to make it to the Gathering, but I might see if I can manage something for next year. I've been enjoying reading through the journals posted thus far, though. It sounds like a lot of fun was had.
Other than that, I just wanted to say thanks for taking the time to keep in touch with the fans of the show - just reading through the archive of answered questions gave me all the information I would have asked about. I look forward to purchasing the DVD this fall too, and I hope the rest will come out as well!
That's about all I wanted to say... Thanks again for everything you do for this community, and I hope I'll get a chance to meet you and some of the people here someday.
You should come to Anime Boston or Otakon sometime. =p
Thanks for the kind words. And I'm not hard to get as a con guest. Pay my way, and I'm there, basically. So if you want me at a con, suggest it to the organizers.
Hope to see you in Valencia in 2006.
Can the fans raise money via a campaign to purchase the rights to Gargoyles and get the series produced again since Disney is not interested in producing it again thus far. Or can a fan representative initiate doing this by petitioning another company to buy it! Is it unreasonable to try this approach!
Both suggestions, sweet as they are, are completely unrealistic. If fans collectively have that much disposable income at hand, I urge them to spend that money on the two DVDs, the upcoming comic book series from SLG and CCC and on the Annual GATHERINGS. In lieu of money, please help to SPREAD THE WORD!
At this point in time, these are THE best methods for increasing the series' profile and giving us a REAL chance at bringing it back.
First of all, I love Gargoyles, and still watch them to this day. I've been watching since it was aired, and I'll be watching my tapes until the day I die. Anyways, I've never really understood the episode M.I.A. Una and Leo recognize Goliath when he arrives, but Goliath has no idea who they are. Goliath then uses the Phoenix Gate to travel back in time to try and save Griff, and figure out what is going on. Goliath saves Griff, brings him back to the 1990's, and all is well. Goliath then tells Elisa that he 'first had to travel back in time to meet them' (Una and Leo). But I don't understand. Supposedly, he was frozen in stone when he met Griff, Una and Leo. So how would they (Una and leo) have known him? It doesn't make sense. If you could explain, it would be much appreciated. Thanks!
Sigh. (I sigh because if the explanation -- let alone the demonstration of that explanation -- from the episode wasn't clear, I'm unlikely to be able to make it clearer for you in writing here and now.)
Yes, Goliath was frozen in stone in Scotland during WWII.
But in the 1990s, THAT Goliath (the Goliath of the 1990s) went back in time and met Leo and Una and Griff DURING WWII. So they met him THEN. But he (the Goliath of the 1990s) hadn't met them yet, when they first encountered him AGAIN outside the magic shop at the beginning of the episode.
As he said, first HE had to go back in time to meet them.
It's a time loop. What I call a "Working Paradox".
It's easy to draw a picture of on a piece of paper, so come to the GATHERING in Los Angeles this summer, and I'd be happy to demonstrate.
In my praise of the Troubador Theater Company, I forgot to include their website address:
The website itself may not be that impressive, but bookmark it for future reference. Heck, a bunch of you are coming to Gathering 2006 in Los Angeles. Maybe we can all plan to attend a Troubie show together.
hay greg its me again ummm is it posible that in 2006 can there be a gathering in bel air?
Well, in 2006, the Gathering is scheduled for Los Angeles. And if we're talking about the same Bel Air, that should be close enough.
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