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Kim Possible

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Mike writes...

First off, thank you for a great show. It was truely one of the best ever and doesn't seem to have as much cred. as it deserves like Superman or Batman, but then again I am bias ;) I am very happy that there is a DVD release.. now my old cruddy tapes which are worn from viewing can be put away and replaced with non-wearing DVDs ^_^ Just gotta worry about keeping them scratch-free o_O.

Anywhoo, onto my question. Do you think that if by some chance Gargoyles was brought back into production, or one of it's spin-offs... with as cruddy as cartoons are today, particularly with the "modern" style of animation that seems more blocky and fake.. an example would be Kim Possible and Fairy Odd-Parents, do you imagine Gargoyles would end up being of the same quality or much like the original?

In my view, Gargoyles should be laid to rest simply because I think if it were to be brought back into production, it'd just not be the same Gargoyles. :/ I feel a dvd release of all 78 eps would best so they're all preserved on dvd and that be the end of it, unless of course the style/quality would remain unchanged.. but I doubt Disney would opt for that.

Greg responds...

Well, there are of course no guarantees, but personally I would jump at the chance to do more stories in this universe, and one of my few professional regrets is not sticking around to do the Goliath Chronicles.

We'd strive to keep the quality high.

But for now, that's all moot. We have the DVDs (some of them anyway) and the comic (yes, issue #2 will come out soon, and we should be back to a bi-monthly schedule thereafter). That works for me.

Oh, and by the way, BIG KIM POSSIBLE FAN HERE. I've written two of them, so I'm not unbiased. But I really like the show.

Response recorded on November 01, 2006

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Siren writes...

I just noticed in the archives, you wrote one Kim Possible. My daughter and I love that show. Could you please tell me the episode's title so I can be on the look out for it?

Greg responds...

I think it was called "Queen Bebe". In any case it's the one with Smashmouth.

Response recorded on September 22, 2005

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