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REJOINDERS 2005-11 (Nov)

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J writes...

In "Future Tense" when Broadway is "killed" Goliath says "Goodbye, my friend". This surprised me. Wouldn't Goliath think of Broadway more as his son? The word "friend" just seemed awkward to me in context of the relationship between Goliath/Broadway. What are your thoughts?

Greg responds...

Broadway is too old for Goliath to regard him as a Rookery-Son. And too young for Goliath to regard him as a Rookery-Brother. Now, without a doubt, Goliath regards Broadway as family, as part of his clan, as a cousin, as someone so close to being a "little brother" that it might not be unexpected for him (if he were human) to use the term.

But Gargoyles aren't humans. They don't use the term "little brother" to describe that relationship. Or any relationship, really.

And the word "friend" to a gargoyle carries real weight. It's not insignificant or casual.

Response recorded on November 01, 2005

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