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hey, it's me again, the mexican guy, I wana know if they're going to bring the DVDs to Mexico too, cause they're a lot of fans too, but I didn't told that are going to be in DVD cause I don't know if it's going to come here too.
By the way, Who made the goliath chronicles? sorry, but a lot of them suck, I only like "The journey" and "runaways", but the others, I hate it, and, if it's not going to be in mexico, it's right if I search for the episodes in the internet? or it is illegal? cause in mexico I can't find some channel or videos(at least in VHS "piratas"(illegal copy)) cause in Disney Channel Mexico it doesn't appear, thanks to read all this thing(todo este rollo) I hope you can respond me this
I don't know what the international gameplan (Mexico included) was or is. Sorry.
Goliath Chronicles was produced by Walt Disney Television Animation, but with the exception of the voice cast, nearly the entire crew was replaced. The new crew had very little time even to familiarize themselves with the existing series.
This is probably going to reach you such a long time from now that the "freshness" will have most likely gone out of it by the time that you read it, but:
You raised the question as to what happened to the Elves who fought at Helm's Deep in the movie version of "The Return of the King". My own impression from the "Two Towers" movie was that they were all slain during the battle(except for Legolas), of course. Admittedly, they didn't refer to it in the dialogue for the "Return of the King".
I've seen that movie at least three times now, and I NEVER got the impression that ALL were slain. Perhaps after the battle, they all headed for the coast. But there was never any indication that they were massacred down to the last elf. And it's tough to buy.
I love the trilogy, but if I have one complaint, I would have liked to have seen more elves and dwarves beyond just Legolas and Gimli fighting at the Gates of Sauron.
What are the limits on the binding spell that Oberon put on Puck? From a certain perspective Puck would be protecting Alex by using his magic on Xanatos' enemies. A premptive attack by Puck would spare Alex much trauma, so protecting Alex's emotional state in this way would be as important as protecting his phyiscal state in the result of a direct attack on his person.
One bends the rules just enough so that they won't break. Besides, Puck has his own ethos... he promised Xanatos a lifetime of service as Owen -- without help from Puck. So he personally doesn't want to just go puckalicious for no reason -- or even for a trumped up reason.
Besides, who says Xanatos has enemies? ;)
Why is it that Hutson's sword dosen't trun to stone as i'm shure he must think of it as "his property" right?
It's not about property, it's about whether he thinks of it as part of his ensemble or as a tool. So it's inconsistent. Basically, when he's unconscious about it, it does turn to stone. When he's aware of it as a weapon, it doesn't. If you've seen every episode, you've seen both.
I have one question, do you know if there is any movement on the live action movie or on another cartoon show.
Chris, didn't you see that someone had posted that question just a few slots ahead of you? CHECK THE ARCHIVES.
Meanwhile, congratulate me, gang! I've finally entered 2004!
Happy New Year!!
1)Where did Demona get the disk to reactivate Coldstone during the events of High Noon?
2)When Coldstone was restored, was the Xanatos program put back into the body?
1. I don't know that the assumptions of your question are correct. Frankly, it's just been too long. I don't recall.
2. No.
You may be interested to know that Disney is currently airing an ediitted scene in "The Gathering Part Two". When Oberon is fired at with the iron projectile, the section in which the iron punctures his body has been removed. Instead we see the weapon being fired and flash to Oberon removing it from his body. I was pretty upset by the edit.
Your thoughts?
I'm annoyed by ALL of the edits. That's why I'm recommending the DVDs.
I try not to 'ask Greg' very often because most of my questions have been answered before. However, this one has been gnawing at me for some time.
1. Was there a double meaning in the title "Long way to Morning," or did it mean just what it says, or could it have meant that 'it'll be a long time before there is mourning over a death,' or something to that effect?
I'm not going to toss out secondary interpretations. And the morning/mourning wordplay has occured to me. But mostly when I came up with the title, I just thought it sounded cool. No particular double meaning was immediately in my thoughts.
I already understand that the first five episodes are planned to be put on the first DVD. Does the eighth episode have a chance of being recorded on one of the DVDs? I'm asking this because it is not being shown in the reruns for some stupid reason and I believe, hopefully not starting the blame game again, Disney has destroyed it so it could never be shown.
I recently answered this. Check the archives. The entire first season appeared on the first DVD. No exceptions. No cuts.
And of course Disney didn't -- and would never -- intentionally destroy an asset.
You don't have to be a fan of the company to believe that.
How did Demona feel about having to kiss Macbeth in "Sanctuary"?
I'm sure she told herself it was a necessary evil.
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