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Gargoyles 2158

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Airwalker writes...

Will any of the villians that we have appeared in the series so far (Thailog, Coldsteel, etc) appear in GARGOYLES 2158?

Greg responds...

Yes. But I'm not saying who...

Response recorded on December 30, 1999

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Airwalker writes...

In 2158 how would New York City have been portrayed? Would it have become some sort of futuristic metropolis or would it have been shown to be largely unchanged from the way it is in the late 20th - early 21st century?

Greg responds...

Both. And that's not a joke answer.

Response recorded on December 30, 1999

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Airwalker writes...

1. Would the Canmore as Hunter's dynasty still exist in some form in 2158?

2. Would we have seen Canmore/Castaway descendents in G2158?

Greg responds...

1 & 2. The Canmores would be gone. But the Monmouths and the Castaways would survive -- in opposition.

The Quarrymen would still exist.

Response recorded on December 30, 1999

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Airwalker writes...

In TIMEDANCER, would there have been a major recurring antagonist for Brooklyn and family?

Greg responds...

Ultimately. Inevitably. And of course, that doesn't necessarily count the huge chunk of time spent in the years 2158 and following....

Response recorded on December 30, 1999

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Sep_Xanatos writes...

Hey there Greg. Ok im a first timer to asking questions on this page, but please:
1) can you tell me what this whole Gargoyles 2158 is about? This is the first time I heard of this.
2) I know you probubly get this question ALOT but I really need to know, is the show going to come back on the air?
2a) If not, is there goign to be another movie?

Thank you for your time.

Greg responds...

1. You should really check the archives. But briefly, GARGOYLES 2158 was a spin-off series that Gary Sperling and I developed for Disney (at least in part at the suggestion of CBS). It was set (surprise, surprise) in the year 2158 and starred Samson, Goliath's grandson.

2. Sorry. Questions on separate topics, must be posted separately.

Response recorded on December 30, 1999

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Airwalker writes...

In the archive when asked if the Fey are still on Avalon with Oberon in 2158, you answered "Largely." Besides Owen/Puck, how many other Fey do you figure would be off of Avalon in that time? One? Five? Too many to count?

Greg responds...

Too many to count on one hand. But not a lot.

Response recorded on December 30, 1999

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Greg "Xanatos" Bishansky writes...

How does Demona get along with Samson and the rest of the cast in Gargoyles 2158?

Greg responds...


Response recorded on December 30, 1999

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OnyxStar writes...

Okay, this is turning into lots of little posts instead of one big one. But anyway, here are the next few:

1. Would Goliath and Elisa's "relationship" ever have become public knowledge? I mean, would someone have figured it out sooner or later and gone to the media with it?

2. If so, how will history remember Elisa Maza, "gargoyle-lover"?

3. Will others have followed in her example by, say, 2158? (not necessarily with a main character or anything, just in general)

4. What does 'protected minority' mean?

Thanks again!

Greg responds...

1. Maybe. Probably. But WAY down the line if at all.

2. Looking back from when?

3. Here and there, but not too often. We want to keep some things unique.

4. It will be a legal term both well-meaning and condescending, both necessary and a stumbling block. Otherwise, I'd say it's fairly self-explanatory.

Response recorded on December 29, 1999

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Lawrence Stone writes...

Hello Greg here are some more quistions

1) Would Demona and her new mate in the future ever have a child or childern together?
2) If Gargoyles was not canceled or it was brought back in the futuer would there be crossovers between Gargoyles and Pendragon?
3) By the time 2058 when all of Demonas grandchildren are still young will she be complety reformed?
4) How long do female gargoyles carry their eggs?
5) Could a female Gargoyle ever have twins?
6) Could a female gargoyle ever have a miscarriage while they were pregnent for their egg. Or if their egg dose not hatch is that considered a miscarrige?

Greg responds...

1. Can't reveal that.

2. This really is a separate topic, but it's short, so the answer is yes.

3. Completely?

4 - 6. Sorry, by the new rules, questions on separate topics must be submitted on separate posts. I invite you to submit these questions again. (These three can all be in one post.

Response recorded on December 16, 1999

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Kevin writes...

1.As of today, how good are our chances of getting Gargoyles back on the air with new episodes???

2.Do we stand a better chance of getting the regular Gargoyles show or one of your projected spinoffs? (like Timedancer, New Olympians, Dark Ages, Pendragon)

3. Which would you prefer to see made? (spinoff or regular Gargoyles)

Greg responds...

1. Same as they've always been.

Long term - Good to Very Good.

Short term - Not very good at all.

2. No way of knowing, though I'd guess that 2158 has a slightly better chance of going than any of the other spin-offs, with about an equal chance against a modern day setting.

3. Either, both, all.

Response recorded on October 20, 1999

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