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Vaevictis Asmadi writes...

Hello Greg,

I questions about magic in Gargoyles. To quote an older question:

<<1.What kind of magic powers the Holy Grail? Fay magic? Location magic?>>
<<Greg responds...>>
<<"1. There are other categories. Talisman magic for one.">>

I'm guessing there is much to this that we don't know. I'm a bit confused because in other responses, you identified certain talismans as being of one specific type of magic or another: for example the Phoenix Gate and Eye of Oberon are said to be Third Race magic; the Maya amulets are mortal magic; and the Grimorum was seemingly mortal magic, since it could not be (safely) taken to Avalon, and I think you said it was created by the Roman Magus.

1. What is meant by "talisman magic" in the Gargoyles verse? It seems that this means another form of magic other than to mortal, Third Race, and ghost magic. Does it mean that some talismans are neither mortal nor Third Race in origin? Or that talisman magic as a category doesn't depend on who/what made the talisman?

2. The Weird Sisters, on Avalon, said (paraphrase) "No magic may enter here, save Avalon's own." Does that mean that ghost magic and Space-Spawn magic can't be brought to Avalon? Or does it only apply to mortal (gargoyle and human) magic?

Thank you for talking to us.

P.S. I am really looking forward to the Gathering coming to CONvergence next year!

Greg responds...

1. Well, there's what the thing is and what the source is for what the thing is. And there's also things that are the embodiment of other things. I don't really want to narrow the scope too much outside the context of a story.

2. I haven't thought much about this, honestly.

See you at CONVERGENCE! We can discuss this more there!

Response recorded on January 21, 2014

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