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Okay, once again, I will be attending WonderCon on Friday, March 29th:


I'm not on a panel or anything official. I'm just going to look around, hang out, etc. But ASK GREG moderator Masterdramon is also going, and we thought it might be fun to organize a semi-impromptu ASK GREG LIVE event. I assume most folks would want to talk about Young Justice, which is great. But we can also discuss Gargoyles or the weather or whatever. Chris Jones and I did something similar a few weeks ago at a Doctor Who convention, and we had fun. I think about twenty or so fans showed, which was a nice number. We might wind up with a few more or less. Or, heck, maybe it'll just be me and Masterdramon, which is okay too. EIther way, we want to try to keep the thing unofficial, informal, casual, etc.

I was hoping someone would come up with a brilliant plan for where to meet, but that never happened. So here's my LESS-than-brilliant plan:

Meet up at ONE P.M. on Friday, March 29th in the LOBBY of HALL B, BETWEEN THE TWO SETS OF DOORS. Here's a map:


On that map, we'll be more or less directly beneath where the Graphitti Designs booth is in Hall B, but in the LOBBY. (Hopefully, that makes sense to everyone.)

If you need to know what I look like these days, you can see my somewhat pudgy self on this YouTube video:


At WonderCon, I'll be wearing my black YOUNG JUSTICE Hot Topic T-shirt. (And if it's cold, I'll be wearing a grey TULANE hoodie sweatshirt over that t-shirt.)

Hope to see at least a few of you there.

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WONDERCON ANAHEIM - Who'd like to meet up?

My daughter Erin and I will be attending WonderCon on Friday, March 29th:


I'm not on a panel or anything official. I'm just going to look around, hang out, etc. But ASK GREG moderator Masterdramon is also going, and we thought it might be fun to organize a semi-impromptu ASK GREG LIVE event. I assume most folks would want to talk about Young Justice, which is great. But we can also discuss Gargoyles or the weather or whatever. Chris Jones and I did something similar a few weeks ago at a Doctor Who convention, and we had fun. I think about twenty or so fans showed, which was a nice number. We might wind up with a few more or less. Or, heck, maybe it'll just be me, Erin and Masterdramon, which is okay too. EIther way, we want to try to keep the thing unofficial, informal, casual, etc.

The main question I have is exactly when and where should we meet up? Has to be Friday the 29th, and because (a) I'm driving down there from Los Angeles and (b) it's the first day of the con, it probably shouldn't be too early. Likewise, I'm not staying overnight, and I have the drive home, so not too late either. So an afternoon meet-up, I'm guessing. Or maybe lunch? An early dinner? Linner?

And where do we meet? How do we find each other? (I'm not familiar enough with the Anaheim Convention Center to know exactly where a good spot might be.)

I'm definitely open to suggestions. I'm posting this here at ASK GREG, but also in the Station 8 Comment Room, which I'll be checking periodically between now and the con. If you have any thoughts on where we could meet, please post them there:


It'll also help us gauge interest in how many people might actually be, well... interested in this sort of thing. So even if you have no suggestions but you plan on joining us, post anyway, so that we can begin to approximate a head count. It may influence where we meet up.

The week before the convention, I'll post the final specifics on where and when at ASK GREG and at Station 8.

Hope to see at least a few of you soon.

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This year, I will be attending WonderCon in Anaheim and San Diego Comic-Con, both as just a regular joe. I will also be attending Denver Comic-Con as an invited guest:


A few people have asked me recently if there are any other conventions I might be attending. At the moment, the answer, I'm afraid, is no. Mostly because I haven't been invited, and I just can't afford to go to a con on my own dime. [WonderCon is both relatively local and free for me to attend, and San Diego is (sometimes to my chagrin) - still an I-can't-afford-to-miss-this-in-the-business-I'm-in event. And at least I can go to the con itself for free. So they're both exceptions.]

Chris Jones, my partner in crime on the YJ comic book, posted this message about con attendance, and it's so on the money, I'm just going to cut and paste it here:

"Guys, if you want to see me as a guest at a particular convention in your area, the best thing to do is for you and your friends to let the convention runners know you want me there! I can't afford to travel to many out-of-state conventions so when a convention invites me as a guest and covers ... my travel/hotel expenses, it makes it MUCH more likely that I'll be able to attend! :-)"

In fact, I've literally NEVER turned down an invite to be an invited guest. (Okay, yeah, I'm a bit of an attention-whore. I admit it.) So if you want me in your town, tell your local con!


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Dan writes...

Hi Greg. I wanted to tell you I was impressed with the most recent YJ episode Image. I did NOT expect the topic of Meg's appearance as Hello Megan to be broached in this way, nor did I expect Meg's, evidently crippling, fear of her appearance being known to be presented and exercised in this way. This show keeps breaking expectation. You've become very skilled at taking the less obvious path, even in the minutia. I love it, and wish you many, many years of renewal.

Also found the creator credits for the Hello Megan intro amusing. Was it fun scripting & storyboarding the show's intro & segments? You got to break genre for a bit there. I liked Superboy's reaction to finding out his namesake a lot. I'm curious to see the fallout, if any.

Greg responds...

Doing "Hello, Megan!" was a TON of fun.

Writer Nicole Dubuc even made us "Hello, Megan!" crew t-shirts, which a bunch of us wore to SDCC in 2011.

Response recorded on July 17, 2012

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SDCC 2012

Leaving in just a few hours for San Diego Comic-Con. Looking forward to a fun weekend with my kids and old friends. I'm doing a few signings too.

Thursday, July 12th from 12pm - 1pm - I'll be signing Young Justice comics and trades at the DC Comics Booth #1915.

Thursday, July 12th from 5:30pm - 7pm - I'll be signing Gargoyles comics and trades at the SLG Comics Booth #1815.

Friday, July 13th from 5:30pm - 7pm - I'll be signing Gargoyles comics and trades at the SLG Comics Booth #1815.

Saturday, July 14th from 9:30am - 10:30am, I'll be signing Mecha-Nation comics and trades at the APE Comics Booth #1804.

Saturday, July 14th from 1pm - 2pm - I'll be signing Young Justice comics and trades at the DC Comics Booth #1915.

Saturday, July 14th from 5:30pm - 6pm - I'll be signing Gargoyles comics and trades at the SLG Comics Booth #1815.

Autographs are free. So stop by and say hello!

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We're going into hiatus for the time being, and since it's been a bit of a while since my last update...

SEASON ONE of YOUNG JUSTICE has all aired, but starting this Saturday and Sunday we'll be airing some reruns, including 119, "Misplaced" as part of Cartoon Network's DC Nation block. Check local listings or cable guides for times. If you jumped aboard with Invasion, and haven't seen these Season One episodes, you'll want to check them out. It's good stuff, I promise.

*Episodes 201-207 have all aired. (How was "Depths" for a pre-hiatus cliffhanger? Not too shabby, huh?)
*Episodes 208-210 are in the can.
*Episode 211 has been edited and spotted for music and sound effects.
*Episode 212 is being edited.
*Episodes 213-218 are all overseas being animated.
*Episodes 219-220 are also overseas being animated, but we have a few more color models here in Burbank left to complete and approve.

*Issues 0-16 are all on the stands, available at comic book stores or online.
*Issue 17 is done. I've already received my comp copies, and if you want a sneak peak this weekend, stop by my signing at Denver Comic Con. (More on this below.)
*Issue 18 is being inked.
*Issue 19 is being pencilled.
*THEN, starting with Issue 20, the book changes titles to YOUNG JUSTICE: INVASION.
*Issues 20-25 are a big story: a six issue mini-series within the series. About 95% of the content is split between December 1st of Season One and five years later on December 1st, JUST before the start of Season Two.
*Issue 20 is scripted and ready for pencilling.
*Issue 21 is being scripted now.
*Issue 22-25 are all loosely plotted.

[All this has required some adjustments. The original plan was to finish all the stories set DURING Season One before rebranding the book. But TPTB at DC understandably decided that since the television show has already been rebranded, we shouldn't wait that long to rebrand the comic. And given that, I wanted to launch the rebranding with a BIG story that featured all - or nearly all - of the Team. So the Green Arrow, Black Canary, Artemis, Red Arrow story (set after episode 114), I originally had planned as a two-parter for issues 20-21 will have to wait. Given enough issues (keep buying those books people!), we'll get to everything eventually - including that Arrow-Family story. The new structure will use our timestamps to allow us to bounce back and forth (even within a single issue) from Season One to Season Two to the gap between seasons and BEYOND...]

Frankly, I think it's going to be VERY exciting. And given that the show is currently in reruns, there's just no better way for a hardcore YJ fan to get his or her new canon YJ fix. So if you don't have it already, go grab issue 16 (available now), which features THREE TALES in one book: mentor/protegee stuff that I think really shows a contrast between the styles of Green Arrow, Flash and Batman, not to mention Artemis, Kid Flash and Robin - while as always filling in a gap between episodes. All canon. All in continuity with the show. 16 ends with a cliffhanger, featuring Mammoth, Shimmer AND KOBRA! So that should lead your right into issue 17 (available very soon) which concludes that two-parter.

I'm leaving (ridiculously early) Friday morning for Denver to attend the first annual Denver Comic Con. This thing has a TON of great, amazing guests. (Check it all out here: http://www.denvercomiccon.com/ .) I'm probably the least interesting guy there. But I am going to be quite busy moderating a bunch of panels Saturday and Sunday...

*11:30 MDT - Spectacular Spider-Man and Gargoyles Cartoon Development
*13:30 MDT - Cartoon Voices, w/Khary ("Kaldur'ahm") Payton, Mark Ryan, Tom Kane and Billy West
*16:00 MDT - Greg Weisman Spotlight
*17:00 MDT - Greg Weisman signing
*18:30 MDT - Adapting Licensed Properties to Comics & Animation w/Matt McLean, Karl Krumpholz and Terry Schayes

*10:00 MDT - Character Design and Drawing w/Greg Guler
*11:00 MDT - Creating for Disney and Cartoon Network w/Greg Guler, Steven Seagle and Chris Oatley
*13:00 MDT - Adapting Comics to Television and Vice Versa w/Steven Seagle
*14:00 MDT - Young Justice w/Khary ("Aqualad") Payton

*Since the show has gone into hiatus - and since I'm over 1200 questions behind here - we will shortly be putting the ASK GREG asking question function on its own hiatus for a while. We may open it BRIEFLY every time a new issue of the comic comes out this summer and/or around San Diego ComicCon. But for the most part, we'll be closed to new questions and comments until the series comes back with new episodes. (And, no, I don't yet know when that will be. That's up to Cartoon Network.)
*I know I haven't answered much recently, but we've just been swamped with post-production and all the fast reworking of the comic book that we had to do. (Plus I've been freelancing a few scripts for some friends over at... well, better not say just yet.)
*Also, I'm more or less going straight from Denver to Ashland, Oregon to enjoy the Oregon Shakespeare Festival with my family. And I'm NOT bringing a computer. (And I don't own a smartphone.) So don't expect any new answers from me for another couple weeks. But I will get to your questions and comments eventually. I always do.

Whew. I think that covers everything!

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This Saturday, May 5th, 2012 is FREE COMIC BOOK DAY. (It's also the premiere of YOUNG JUSTICE: INVASION's second episode, "Earthlings", on Cartoon Network.) Victor Cook and I will be signing copies of issue #1 of MECHA-NATION (and whatever else gets stuck in front of us) at MELTDOWN COMICS from 12 noon to 2 pm.

Meltdown Comics
7522 Sunset Blvd.
Los Angeles, CA. 90046

So if you're in the neighborhood of Los Angeles, come on down. Check out the Mecha-Nation. We've completely finished the final issues of the mini-series, which will see print in time for ComicCon this summer in San Diego. (Mecha-Nation was created by Vic, developed by Vic, Greg Guler and myself, written by me, illustrated by Antonio Campo and published by Ape/Kizoic.) We're very excited to finally get this great project out to everyone. So stop by and take a peek. You can harass me about the time-skip (but please keep the language clean). Or you can just say hi. Plus, hey, Vic Cook!! The SpecSpidey partners together again!

Hope to see you there!

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I mentioned my upcoming (this summer) appearance at Denver Comic Con, but coming up fast (faster?) is WONDERCON.

Brandon Vietti and I will be appearing at WonderCon at the Anaheim Convention Center on Saturday, March 17.

The tentative schedule incudes:

4:00-4:30 pm SIGNING
5:00-6:00 pm PANEL

So stop by!!

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Hey everyone,

I will be signing autographs, doing panels, etc. at the Denver Comic Con for their inaugural event on Father’s Day weekend June 15-17th. The weekend long con benefits Children’s Literacy through the Comic Book Classroom, a new program teaching children to read through comic books. They have already announced a legion of guests including Jasika Nicole, Michael Uslan, Mark Ryan, Tom Kane, Steven Seagle, Barry Kitson, Jason Aaron, James O'Barr, Gail Simone, Bob Layton, Georges Jeanty, Rebekah Isaacs and more! Hope to see you there, early bird tickets are only $45 for weekend passes.

We'll talk Young Justice, Gargoyles, Spidey, you name it!

Check out: www.denvercomiccon.com for more info.

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So I was invited to attend Kimvention 2012 - the new convention dedicated to the KIM POSSIBLE television series: http://kimvention2012.com/

I would have loved to attend, but unfortunately, I had already committed to Denver Comic Con the same weekend: http://www.denvercomiccon.com/

I'm really looking forward to Denver, but I do wish I were able to attend both.

Kimvention should be a lot of fun. And Kim Possible was a great series. So if you're anywhere near Anaheim this June, I'd recommend it.

And if you're anywhere near Denver, come see me at Denver Comic Con.

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