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Was it Brooklyn's constant talk in FUTURE TENSE about the Phoenix Gate and time travel that inspired you to come up with the idea of TIMEDANCER?
(I wonder because you said somewhere in the archives that you came up with Timedancer too late in the game to actually pitch it to any station.)
No. It was the pure evolution of the characters of the Trio. I saw very clearly that they were going their separate ways. Writing "The Journey" cemented the idea in my head. I believe that Brooklyn, Lex and Broadway would never find better brothers, better friends than each other, but I also saw that the days when they acted as one were gone.
I wanted to visualize this. The initial Phoenix Gate story (the one that somehow melted into "Runaways" in TGC) came first. The idea of him coming back older, mated and with kids and a beast, was a great shocking ending. But I felt it would really demonstrate what I had in my head.
The spin-off idea was of course obvious after that. I mean he was gone for forty years. What was he doing all that time? But, as you noted, by the time I came up with that, it was too late. Disney had already made me feel unwelcome.
Hybris, on my part, played a big role as well.
Hindsight, whatchagonna do?
I've been hearing about this Gargoyles 2158 thing, what is it?
Now, I'm nervous....
I answered this last time I visited ASK GREG. Man, I hope we don't have another technical problem. Hopefully, human error was involved...
Anyway, Phoenix, after we finished the writing on the second season of Gargoyles, Gary Sperling and I began working on some potential spin-off shows for the series.
One of these was set in the future, the year 2158 to be specific. Originally, we called it "GARGOYLES: FUTURE TENSE". But I later changed the name to "GARGOYLES 2158".
The series featured Goliath's grandson SAMSON, a largely-reformed DEMONA and a Time-Dancing BROOKLYN, among others.
CBS was interested in airing it, but before we could put a pitch together, the whole CBS Saturday Morning dept. was fired. And shortly thereafter Disney bought ABC, rendering any deal with CBS all but impossible. At about the same time there was a major regime change at Disney TV Animation as well. The new regime wasn't too interested in Gargoyles at all, at least not in making it a priority. ABC asked for a new version of the show. But no one wanted 2158.
Oh, well.
what are all the spells that they mentioned on the show and if you can tell me most important of all the phoenix gate spell
Do your own research, pal.
Sorry, I don't have that information at hand, and I'm not likely to go through all my scripts to check.
From memory, I believe the Phoenix Gate spell was...
"Deslegrate muri tempe et intervalia!"
But I wouldn't swear to it.
Just three teensy little questions......what might your plans have been for Brooklyn's children when they were grown? And can you describe their would-be personalities a bit? And maybe a general idea of their looks...? I'm very curious about that. Thanks a lot >(:D
These are hardly teensy questions.
Upon Brooklyn's arrival in 2158, what would Samson's reaction to him be, considering that since Brooklyn is Goliath's second in command and Goliath is dead, then technically shouldn't that make Brooklyn leader?
How do you figure that? Even "technically"? It's 2158. The leader of the Manhattan Clan is alive and so is his or her second in command. (By the way, when did I say that Samson was the leader of the Manhattan Clan in 2158?)
You're looking for a conflict that doesn't exist.
In the AskGreg Archive, you wrote: "I expect Angela, Sora, Ophelia, Boudicca, Obsidiana, and Turquesa to all lay eggs in 2008." You said that females share a common cycle and you also said that you wondered if Katana would rejoin that cycle or not. You also said that with Angela, she would. But Boudicca and Ophelia live on Avalon, so in 2008, shouldn't they be out of synch with the real world?
Actually, no. It's literally been years, but back in 1995 I did the math. It works out that 2008 would coincide with the cycles of both Avalon and the outside world.
Greetings Mr. Weisman
Just a few more questions
1. In Future Tense, when would Brooklin join up with the new group, (before or after he meets Katana and or had kids).
2. How long does Brooklin stay with in the Future Tense time, and does he come and go.
3. Coming with the next post as it might violate the rules.
1. Both.
2. A while. Yes.
3. Thanks...
My compliments to Gorebash for hosting the "Ask Greg".
Hello Mr. Weisman. You said that you worked on other Disney projects years ago like Darkwing Duck and Tale Spin. I was wondering...:
I.In a Darkwing Duck episode, Launchpad disappeared in a time machine and returned minutes later, but he says that he spent the last 5 years in Rome trying to fix the time machine. Did that gave you the inspiration for the Timedancer?
II.In Tale Spin, the Air Pirates used an Air Fortress. Did that gave you the idea for Fortress 1 and 2 for Cyberbiotics?
Now for the Gargoyles:
1.In "The Mirror", why did Demona refused the suggestion from Puck. i.e. "Make Goliath fall in love with Demona again"? Or take over the mind of Goliath or the clan like in "Temptation"?
2.Why Xanatos hasn't place Coyote's (the robot) artificial intelligence in the Steel Clan robots? They would have given the Gargoyles a real challenge.
3.What are exactly the Space-Spawns? Humanoids? Insectoids?
4.I learned that the space war involved 3 races: Space-Spawns, Nokkar's people and another race. What is the name of the other race and Nokkar's spicies?
Thank you for your time, bye!
I. Sorry, I did work on Darkwing, but it wasn't my show, and I'm not that intimate with the details. And no, it didn't influence TimeDancer.
II. It didn't directly give me the idea, but it may have been one of many airship influences floating around in my head.
As per our new rules, I invite you to resubmit your remaining questions as multiple separate posts.
If included inside GARGOYLES itself instead of getting it's own spin-off, how many episodes would you have given to Timedancer? (Would it have been 5 parts like AWAKENINGS, 3 parts like AVALON, 2 parts like THE GATHERING, or just a single episode?)
I don't know. It was originally going to be one episode. Just one inside what became THE GOLIATH CHRONICLES. (How it morphed into "Runaways" is beyond me.) Then it would hang out there as a potential spin-off or back-door pilot. If that never got picked up, I'd eventually have told some of Brooklyn's adventures in various scattered flashback episodes within the main series. Some might have wound up as multi-parters. But I don't pretend, I worked that much out. I was hoping it would spin off -- at which point I'd have forty years worth of material to cover.
How would you deal with the time gap that cancellation has given us?
(Let's say that the show came back after 5 years of cancellation, in 2002, would you start off in 2002 or would you pick up right where TGC left off in 1997 or would you just be in favor of skipping all of those problems and just going far enough in the future, 2158, so that a time gap wouldn't matter?)
Honestly, I can't answer that without knowing the circumstances of our proposed ressurection.
Are we coming back on TV or in some form of print media or both?
If TV: Are we coming back as an hour show or a half-hour again? Are we coming back as a daily or weekly? As prime time or in kids?
To take your specific example, lets say we came back in 2002 as a kid's show. I'd probably just set things in 2002, and assume that most of my audience hasn't seen any of the old episodes. I would maintain continuity for my old audience, but I would clearly have to introduce the show and its characters anew. Some things would seem to pick up right where we left off. Others would be different, and we'd occasionally do flashback stories (both from the distant past and from the 1997-2002 gap) to bring both audiences up to speed.
Also keep in mind that although I had planned to do, for example, TimeDancer in 1996, I didn't get to. So there's nothing to stop me from introducing TimeDancer as a brand new concept in 2002.
As to doing 2158. I'd be happy to do that anytime. But it doesn't prevent or preclude me from doing stories in the present. In fact, I'd love to do BOTH.
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