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lonewolf writes...

what made brooklyn wan't to bring fu-dog with him

Greg responds...

Wait and see.

Response recorded on October 18, 2007

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Rebel writes...

This question is in regards to the LXM Robots. How closely will they resemble Lexington? Will they resemble him to the extent that Coldfire resembles Desdemona, or to the extent that the original Coyote resembled Xanatos? If they do resemble him closely, could a timedancing Brooklyn accidentally confuse one with Lex? If they do look a lot like Lex it has occurred to me that something like that might happen. I've noticed in the wiki it says they will be five feet tall, but I have no idea what Lex's height will be when he fully matures or how tall he is if he stands up straight, so I don't know if that means they will be a lot bigger than him or about the same size. Thanks for giving any info you can!

Greg responds...

They look like metal Lexington's -- kinda like chrome Lexington's. Brooklyn couldn't confuse one for Lex himself, though he couldn't help noticing the resemblence. They sound like Lex too.

Response recorded on October 16, 2007

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ashley writes...

how will brooklyn and fu-dog get allong when the meet how will fu-dog responed to brooklyn what will be brooklyns reaction to fu-dog

Greg responds...

You'll have to wait and see, I'm afraid.

Response recorded on August 28, 2007

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ashley bourke writes...

how will brooklyn and katana get along when they first meet what will katana be like how will brooklyn feel about her and how will katana feel about brooklyn

Greg responds...

Patience is necessary for all concerned.

Response recorded on August 24, 2007

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ashley bourke writes...

what will brooklyn be like when he gets back from his timedancer adventures is he more grown up or still the way he was when he left and what will be the clans reaction

Greg responds...

Wait and see.

Response recorded on August 08, 2007

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ashley bourke writes...

will you ever write about timedancer

Greg responds...

See my last response.

Response recorded on August 03, 2007

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ashley bourke writes...

when will you write about timedancer in the comics

Greg responds...

When the time is right. Specifically, if both the Bad Guys and Pendragon mini-series are a financial success to SLG, then TimeDancer will be the third mini-series.

Response recorded on August 03, 2007

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Evan writes...

Are we going to see the events of Time Dancer take place (Ie Brooklyn disappearing then coming back with his wife and kids) in the comic anytime soon, or do you want to wait until a Timedancer spin off is greenlit?

Greg responds...

I'm not responding to this at this time.

Response recorded on July 19, 2007

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Dan writes...

Hi Greg. Wanna thank you for doing Ask Greg, so few people are willing to take time to discuss their series like this (and I enjoy reading the Gathering write-ups you do). If only Invasion America got that treatment... Books never finished the series. I digress. I have two questions I was hoping you could answer.

1. Since the phoenix gate has a cyclical existence throughout history, it only goes so far back in time and only up to a certain date in the future (which would be whenever Brooklyn was leaving the latest date he traveled to I suppose). Is there a reason that the gate is constricted to a specific time range?

2. While Brooklyn traveled to times in his future did he try to avoid learning about events that affected his clan? After returning home it might be kind of awkward to know exactly how your friends will die and what events will claim them...


Greg responds...

1. I don't know how to answer this without confirming parts of your question which are not confirmable and/or not correct and/or I don't want to confirm.

2. Yes.

Response recorded on June 28, 2007

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Lloyd Frisone writes...

When, in the Gargoyle Universe, do you plan on sending Brooklyn on his TimeDancing adventures? Like what specific date in relation to Halloween 1996, which is when issue # 3 and 4 of your comic series takes place. Is is going to happen really really soon or in a couple or months or a couple of years? Oh, and would it be too much trouble to email me the answer as I don't have much time to check on the website these days?

Greg responds...

Even assuming I wanted to reveal this (which I don't at this time), I make it an ASK GREG policy NOT to e-mail posters directly. If I did it for one person, I'd have to do it for everyone. And frankly, I don't give out my e-mail address to strangers. Not to mention that the idea of this forum is sharing info (when I'm so inclined) with everyone, not giving personal responses.

But what's REALLY funny about this is you didn't leave me your e-mail address to e-mail you even had I been so inclined.

So instead, I'll send the answer to you psychically, which seems like a fair compromise.


Don't tell anyone.

Response recorded on June 26, 2007

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