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Lawrence Stome writes...

Hello greg this is my first time I been in asked you quistions so here they are

1) If the Timedancer series was ever made what would Brooklyn's mate look like?

2) If Pendragon was made would Author and Griff find any other Gargoyle Clans when they were looking for Merlin? And also would would Griff ever get a mate. Would she be in Griff's Clan or another?

3) Would Coldstone and Coldfire ever find out thst they have a son on Avolon?

4) In the episode Awakning part 2 Owen said that the locile claim that casle Wyvern is haunted. Was it haunted by the Massacreed Clan members?

Greg responds...

Hey Lawrence, welcome...
1. I'm not an artist. So although, I have some vague ideas, I intentionally don't want to nail that down until either (a) the time came for collaboration with an artist or (b) it became clear that the medium where the character was going to be introduced was purely a prose one.

2. Maybe, yes and I'm not sure what you mean.

3. Yes.

4. Mostly by Hakon and the Captain.

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