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Hi Greg,
Some days ago, i poste that question:
"Are there other girls, then Katana, in Brooklyns timedance that are REALLY close to him? And if yes, how manny?"
You awnser:"Not sure what you mean."
Well, I mean, that he fall in love with other girls during his timedance. Or, maybe, he was verry close to a merryage with another girl, and then the Gate take Brooklyn away. Things like that.
Hope, You understand now.
Cu, John
Not "marriage" close if that's what you mean by "merryage", but I'm not saying he didn't have other romances.
Quick! We must fill the queue - Greg's caught up! :-)
Anyway, just a nitpick: You said "Odysseus traveled for twenty years."
Well, he was away from home for twenty years. But ten of these years he had been fighting at Troy. His return took him a further ten years, seven of which he spent as a virtual prisoner in Callisto's island.
So, one could say that he spent only *three* years travelling, though it was twenty years that he spent away from home.
If one's nitpicking, anyway. :-)
That's what I meant.
I actually DID know that.
And Brooklyn may stay in one place, fighting or whatever for various lengths of time in various periods of time. But when all is said and done, he'll be twenty years older when he gets back.
1) If they're still alive, where do Mary and Finella live at the end of "The Journey"?
2) Do Mary and Finella ever try to get in contact with the Manhattan clan?
3a) Will Mary ever see Tom again? b) Will she meet "the eggs"?
4a) Will Finella find a new love? b) If so, is it anyone we know?
1. Not saying.
2. Not saying.
3. Not saying. Not saying.
4. Not saying. Not saying.
1a) Are/were there any living phoenixes in the Gargoyles Universe? b) If so, were/are they a separate species, or are they Children of Oberon or a form of gargoyle?
2a) Did the forging of the Phoenix Gate have anything to do with (an) actual phoenix(es)? b) If so, was whatever involvement they/it had, voluntary?
3a) Was Princess Katharine's mother ever aware of the powers of the Gate? b) ...was the Normand ambassador? c) Was Malcolm ever aware that he was going to receive the Gate?
4a) When the Gate was broken in half, did it become *completely* nonfunctional, or did some residual magic remain? b) When it was whole again, was it as good as new?
5) What is the immediate source of the magic/energy that the Gate draws on?
6a) Why is the incantation for an Avalonian magical artifact in Latin? b) Is that particular incantation necessary, or can the Gate be activated some other way?
1a. Maybe.
b. Not saying.
2a. Maybe. If the Gate was forged. Which it wasn't.
b. Maybe.
3a. No.
B. No.
c. He was informed after it was stolen.
4a. Non-functional.
b. Yes.
5. Ambient time stream need. (Generally measured in Farquars.)
6a. Necessary for a human to harness it.
b. When free, the gate travels about on its own, as Brooklyn learns to his chagrin.
Hi Greg,
Here is some Timedancer stuff:
1.:Are there other girls, then Katana, in Brooklyns timedance that are REALLY close to him? And if yes, how manny?
2.:How old is he when he returned to his clan?
3.:IF there is an child of Elisa and Goliath, did Brooklyn met him/her in his journeys?
4.:Did he met himself in the future(like Demona in "Vows")?
Cu, John
1. Not sure what you mean.
2. Biologically about 40.
3. Not saying.
4. Not saying.
1a) You said that Brooklyn would travel to the "Future Tense/2158/?" era both before and after he met Katana. From the perspective of those living during this future period, did Brooklyn's first visit (when he was alone) happen *after* he had already appeared with his family? b) If so, did the people during that time reveal (perhaps accidentally) to Brooklyn that he was going to have a family?
2) You said that Brooklyn keeps "chasing" after the Gate because he wants to get home. Although I'd understand why this would be important to him when he's alone and memories of home are still fresh on his mind, I would think that after 40 years and having the comfort of his family, getting home wouldn't be as critical to him. Am I wrong, or does Brooklyn find a new reason to be motivated to return home to the present?
1. I'm not answering that now.
2. Odysseus traveled for twenty years. Brooklyn for 40. (But he was only awake for 20.) Sometimes we reason not the need.
Uh... something went strange and I'm posting this question for a second time. I've reloaded the new questions page in a separate window a couple of times and it hasn't appeared, but just in case it does appear twice, sorry. Anyway:
When you say that you'll keep track of time for Brooklyn, do you mean that you'll make it clear to the characters in the universe that he's been gone 40 years? Or will you communicate to the viewer that 40 years has passed for Brooklyn in another way?
Would Katana, Tachi, Nashville and Fu-dog be the only companions that Brooklyn would have on his time-dancing journey (I mean actually crossing between times)?
No. They're just the ones he came home with.
Does Brooklyn meet all the rest of the clans (apart from the six we saw in the original show) during his timedancing?
Maybe. Probably.
You just revealed that the Xanadu clan is the other contemporary clan. You also previously mentioned that Brooklyn would find Fu-Dog in China during his travels. Which makes me wonder.....
1a) Does the Gate bring Brooklyn to present-day (or at least what would be the present relative to the "Gargoyles" show time-line) China? b) If not the present, around which period would it be (ancient, medieval, future, etc), on each (if there's more than one) of the occassions Brook would travel to China?
2a) Is Xanadu the only Chinese location the Gate brings Brook to? (assuming it even takes him to Xanadu). 2b) Does Brooklyn find Fu-dog in Xanadu, or in another Chinese clan?
3a) Around what age would Fu-dog be when Brook first finds him? (I think you said he wasn't a puppy) b) Did Fu-dog leave a mate or any progeny behind when he left with Brooklyn?
4) Do the Ishimura, Korea, and Xanadu clans know about each other?
5) In the contest, you didn't give credit for listing Beijing as the home of the Xanadu clan, even though that's where Kublai Khan had his capital--which is the place some believe Coleridge's "Xanadu" referred to. So my question is--where (approximately) in China *is* Xanadu?
6) Dragons play a big role in Chinese (and many other) mythologies. Are these legends simply based on gargoyles and their beasts--who may resemble dragons, on fey who chose to assume dragon form, or on a separate species all-together?
1a. Maybe.
1b. Maybe all of the above. Or not.
2a. Forty years is a long dance. I don't pretend to have all forty years plotted out exactly.
2b. Xanadu.
3a. I said I never said he was a puppy.
3b. Can't say. Or won't.
4. Perhaps.
5. Not in Beijing.
6. Greg has left the building.
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