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Vasy writes...

1.What is the earliest period of brooklyn's timedancing
2. how does the illumanti know about the timedancing
3. did brooklyn meet duval in the past?
4.does brooklyn come in contact with any fae in the past
5. if yes to 4, are in human form, during that 1000 year leave of avalon period
6. if yes to 4 then who does he meet
7.does brooklyn meet the archmage

Greg responds...

1. Early.
2. Who said they did?
3. Probably at some point.
4. Yes.
5. Huh?
6. Puck for sure. I'm not saying more now.
7. Yes.

Response recorded on August 23, 2000

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Vasy writes...

the gate was made on avalon...
1. who created it
2. the gate is lost by goliath and then to timedancer and then eventually it goes back to the beginning circle.so how does it fit.someone created it. the only way for this whole loop thing the gate travels in must end up with the gate being destroyed?????

Greg responds...

1. Who said it was created?
2. How do you figure?

Response recorded on August 23, 2000

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Greg "Xanatos" Bishansky writes...

1. You mentioned that the enhanced Archmage would have appeared in "Timedancer", would that have been before he picked up his younger self?

2. If the answer to #1 is yes, why didn't he go to pick up his younger self directly?

Greg responds...

1. Not saying.

2. Not saying.

Response recorded on August 23, 2000

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Lawrence Stone writes...

Did the Ishimura clan right down about anything about Brooklyn and that he took of of there clan members as his mate?

Greg responds...


Response recorded on August 19, 2000

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Axem Gold writes...

I have Brooklyn questions.

1) Were there going to be conflicts between Goliath and Brooklyn (Second In Command).

2) Before he goes on his timedancing adventure will Brooklyn try a few more times to woo Angela.

3) Will Goliath consider turning over leadership of the clan to Brooklyn?

4) Will Katana join Brooklyn willingly or be dragged into the travel?

Greg responds...

1. Occasionally. Nothing major.

2. No.

3. Eventually.

4. Willingly sorta.

Response recorded on August 19, 2000

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Wing writes...

Buenos Dias Mr.Weisman,
Here's another question guised in the form of question.
On a scale of 1-10, 10 being the most severe, How bad was Brooklyn's disfigurement(was that the word used?) after returning from his Dance in Time?
Thank you much. Gracias as it were. Xi Xi. Thanx. etc etc. Much appreciation. Gratitude flowing from pores.

Greg responds...

What forms are questions usually guised in?


Response recorded on August 18, 2000

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BUTTERFLY writes...


Greg responds...

He does in my mind. Her name is Katana.

Response recorded on August 18, 2000

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Axem Gold writes...

1) If and when you get to do tose Gargoyle Episodes and Spinoffs do you plan to do crossovers like the following:
Gargoyles: 2158/Timedancer
Dark Ages/Timedancer
Pendragon/Bad Guys

2) Would you still include the Previously On Gargoyles segments when necessary?

Greg responds...

1. 2158(revised) and TimeDancer, definitely.

Dark Ages and TimeDancer, probably.

Pendragon/Bad Guys. Probably, eventually.

Pendragon/Gargoyles. Definitely.

Bad Guys/Gargoyles. Definitely.

New Olympians/Gargoyles. Definitely.

New Olympians/Pendragon/Bad Guys - Eventually.

2. Probably.

Response recorded on August 18, 2000

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Kalafarski writes...

A couple of questions about the Phoenix Gate....

1. When you named the Gate, back in "Vows" early in Season Two, did you already know that the Gate would be forever trapped in its paradox, that is, repeating its existence from the beginning over and over? This lended itself to the Phoenix namesake, the perpetual rebirth of the Phoenix, just like the Gate keeps restarting its existence. Whether or not you came up with the name first or the paradox concept, kudos to you guys! It's the perfect name.

1b. If the Gate wasn't named for this reason, then why did you name it the Phoenix Gate?

2. You said that after Brooklyn is done with the gate in Timedancer, it will return to its point of origin in the past (the paradox). Out of curiosity, how long before the Gate found its way into Elena's dowry did the Gate "first" appear?

2b. How did the Gate get into Elena's dowry?

Though this might be better left for a response to an upcoming ramble about "Vows," you might have rambled about it already but the time you read this, so here goes. I just wanted to say I think the Gate is one of the more intriguing concepts in Gargoyles, simply because of how you handled it. First of all, it's use fits the Gargoyles story as a plot device that enhances the character's concept of their predicament and "the way things turned out," as opposed to what might have been.

Second of all, you didn't break any rules. Anything that's gonna "happen" on trips to the past has already happened, anything that "happened" on trips to the future is gonna happen, and there's nothing anyone can do about it. It's the perfect time-travel scenario. I just wanted to say good job.

Greg responds...

1. My preference in time travel is the "Working Paradox", so I knew that if I was going to bring Time Travel into the series, I'd want that kind of paradox. The name just seemed to fit. But I don't remember who came up with it.

1b. See above.

2. How do I define "how long" with the Gate?

2b. Ah, now that's a story.

Thanks. It's how I like it too.

Response recorded on August 02, 2000

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Todd Jensen writes...

In one of your most recent answers, you discussed briefly a few of the villains whom you'd planned to show in "Timedancer" if you'd made it. One of them was a certain "Calaban". Is this the same (more or less) as Caliban from "The Tempest"?

Greg responds...



If Percival is Duval... (metaphorically speaking)...

Response recorded on August 02, 2000

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