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Gipdac writes...

This is a second post because you might never see it, but why forty years of timedancing?
Why an entire series? I personally think that the timedancing would go over much better as a mini-series where you have him gone for maybe fifteen twenty years. From what I know about the series (and, granted I don't know much) to me it sounds like there would only be a few changes. Thanks for your time.

Greg responds...

Matter of opinion, but I feel like it would work.

Response recorded on November 29, 2001

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Gipdac writes...

When Brooklyn gets back from his timedancing he'll be about biologically forty years old, Goliath is only biologically twenty-nine years old as of 1996. I thought the second was supposed to be young because s/he would take over command of the clan. So…
1) Will post-timedancing Brooklyn still be second-in-command?
2) Will Goliath choose a new second after Timedancers?
3) If so who will it be, Angela, Broadway, Lexington and Nashville?

Greg responds...

1. For the time being at least.

2. Not saying.

3. See 2).

Response recorded on November 29, 2001

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Gipdac writes...

While answering a question from Lord Sloth you said "Initially, Katana is not with Brooklyn when he first arrives in 2198".
1) Does this mean that Brooklyn will do some timedancing in between his stay on G2198?
2) Will Katana be with Brooklyn during any of his stay in the year 2198?

Greg responds...

1. Not clear on what you mean here.

2. Not saying.

Response recorded on November 29, 2001

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Gipdac writes...

Were you ever planning to show on screen the original Magus casting the spell of humility on the gargoyles at the request of Caesar Augustus?
Maybe in TimeDancers?

Greg responds...

Exactly. Maybe. That is, I would have liked to. Depends on the S&P situation, probably.

Response recorded on November 13, 2001

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Anonymous writes...

Is any of the trio alive in 2198? How about the trio¡¯s children?

Greg responds...

You mean not counting Brooklyn who TimeDanced there? No.

Not saying.

Response recorded on November 13, 2001

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Anonymous writes...

Foreshadowing in Future Tense
Does the Alexander of 2198 own any exo-suits like the one seen in the Future Tense episode?
Does Brooklyn and Demona look like the Demona and Brooklyn in Future Tense?

Greg responds...

Generally, I try to avoid making 'decisions' here that will inhibit the artistic freedom of future collaborators, but...

Alex. Potentially, yes. But since, Alex is kidnapped and put in stasis in the first episode it's going to be a non-issue for some time.

Brooklyn. Initially, Brooklyn would look very much like Brooklyn from Hunter's Moon. Later he may wind up with a look similar to Future Tense -- though with one major change.

Demona. Potentially.

Response recorded on November 13, 2001

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Anonymous writes...

What does Katana look like?

Greg responds...

I have a vague notion, but I'm consciously trying not to design her in my head, so as to give potential artists the freedom to come up with something, someday.

Response recorded on October 17, 2001

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John writes...

Hi Greg,
OK, OK, I know, that you've been asked this question before, but we've never get a real awnser out of you for this one. But I'll try it again: Why does Katana and Brooklyn name their son Nashville? Well, we know, that the name was Brooklyns idea ( why should Katana name her son by a city, she (probably) never visited or even never knew? ) but why to hell Nashville???
Oh, by the way, are Nashville and Tachi twins? I allways thought of them as.
Anyway, hope you'll awnser these two. Damn, this time I'm really a pain. LoL

CU, John

Greg responds...

No they are not twins.

There's a very specific TimeDancer reason. But I'm just not in the mood right now cuz you swore at me.

Response recorded on September 06, 2001

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Audra writes...

Hi Greg!!!
Gargoyles is such a great TV show. It's my favorite TV show. And it shows cartoons are not just for little kids. Anyways, I remember reading about your plans about Brooklyn's mate. I was just wondering, did you, or any or any other creators plan on what she was going to look like? Does she kind of have a "beak" like Brooklyn? It's ok if you don't want to answer, but I just wanted to know. But I am glad that Brooklyn would get a mate. I felt very sorry for him after Maggie rejected him when he was trying to help her and Anglea chose Broadway. I was just wondering if you guys planned what Katana was going to look like. Thanks for reading this. ^_^


Greg responds...

Not yet, no. I have a few vague ideas, but that's it.

Response recorded on September 06, 2001

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matt writes...

1. as gargoyles in Japan have been living with humans for centuries, have they been using names throughout most their history, or all of it?

2. was there ever a time that the Ishimuran clan didn't use names? if so, when?

3. did Katana have her name when Brooklyn first meets her?

Greg responds...

1. "Most of their history" would be a hell of a long time. But some of it.

2. Yes. Long ago.

3. Not saying.

Response recorded on September 01, 2001

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