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re: TimeDancer
1. Does modern-day Clan Ishimura have any knowledge whatsoever (perhaps in the form of documentation or maybe oral tradition) of Brooklyn's visit centuries earlier?
2. How do Brooklyn's and Katana's children interact with one another? Do they get along, or do their parents have to send them "to the rookery" on occasion? Which one (if any) is the troublemaker? :)
3. I am curious as to how "assimilated" Katana will be by the time her journey with Brooklyn ends. For instance, will she view her offspring as her own, or as children of the entire clan?
4. After his travels, do you think Brooklyn could pass any high school or college history exam? Multiple choice, of course. In other words, will his experiences make him a history expert?
5. How much exposure will Katana and the youngsters have to technology before the journey ends? Would they be able to recognize a computer? Better yet, would they understand the Internet?
6. Have you decided exactly how/when Brooklyn receives his permanent injury?
7. About how often would Brooklyn find other gargoyles on his journey through time? I would suspect it to be a rare occurrence.
8. How do you imagine the TimeDancer theme song? What kind of mood? Any narration? Have you given it any thought yet?
1. Can't answer that now.
2. They generally get along, but not all the time.
3. By necessity she and Brooklyn will regard these children as their own. Once they get back in the bosom of the clan, they will be happy to share parental responsibility. But nothing can change the bond formed over years of travel and adventure. But I wouldn't call this "assimilation". This, for once, has less to do with gargoyles being influenced by human customs and more to do with the rigors of TimeDancing.
4. True (if scattered and sporadic) history, yes. Not necessarily the stuff in history books that would win him straight As.
5. I don't know about the Internet specifically, but they'll be seeing all sorts of computers. They'll be dancing into the future as well as the past. I think.
6. Yes.
7. Like the Avalon Skiff, the Phoenix Gate seems to lend some purpose to the Dance. So perhaps more often than you'd think.
8. Nope. You're way ahead of me.
Previously on Ask Greg: I wrote, "Buenos Dias Mr.Weisman,
Here's another question guised in the form of question.
On a scale of 1-10, 10 being the most severe, How bad was Brooklyn's disfigurement(was that the word used?) after returning from his Dance in Time?
Thank you much. Gracias as it were. Xi Xi. Thanx. etc etc. Much appreciation. Gratitude flowing from pores."
You replied (your questions numbered)"
1>What forms are questions usually guised in?
1>In this forum statements. But usually in Confused looks.
2> My question sprouted from this previous Q&A "4) Does Brooklyn (or Katana) suffer permanent injuries from their traveling? By this I mean scars, loss of limb, and whatnot."
(your response)
"4.Brooklyn does actually."
So, my question would be in that context and restated (but if you answered the original question as well I wouldn't not be pleased),"What was Brooklyn's permanent injury(/ies)?"
Sorry if this is a bit confuddled and befusing. Thanks much and much thanks.
Not saying now. But I do know.
Re: Brooklyn
1. Would Brooklyn have once again assumed leadership of the clan, as he did during Goliath's absence?
2. How does he (post-TimeDancing) feel about:
a) Demona?
b) Xanatos?
c) Time-travel?
1. When?
2a. Different.
b. Different.
c. Tired of it.
1.What is the earliest period of brooklyn's timedancing
2. how does the illumanti know about the timedancing
3. did brooklyn meet duval in the past?
4.does brooklyn come in contact with any fae in the past
5. if yes to 4, are in human form, during that 1000 year leave of avalon period
6. if yes to 4 then who does he meet
7.does brooklyn meet the archmage
1. Early.
2. Who said they did?
3. Probably at some point.
4. Yes.
5. Huh?
6. Puck for sure. I'm not saying more now.
7. Yes.
the gate was made on avalon...
1. who created it
2. the gate is lost by goliath and then to timedancer and then eventually it goes back to the beginning circle.so how does it fit.someone created it. the only way for this whole loop thing the gate travels in must end up with the gate being destroyed?????
1. Who said it was created?
2. How do you figure?
1. You mentioned that the enhanced Archmage would have appeared in "Timedancer", would that have been before he picked up his younger self?
2. If the answer to #1 is yes, why didn't he go to pick up his younger self directly?
1. Not saying.
2. Not saying.
Did the Ishimura clan right down about anything about Brooklyn and that he took of of there clan members as his mate?
I have Brooklyn questions.
1) Were there going to be conflicts between Goliath and Brooklyn (Second In Command).
2) Before he goes on his timedancing adventure will Brooklyn try a few more times to woo Angela.
3) Will Goliath consider turning over leadership of the clan to Brooklyn?
4) Will Katana join Brooklyn willingly or be dragged into the travel?
1. Occasionally. Nothing major.
2. No.
3. Eventually.
4. Willingly sorta.
Buenos Dias Mr.Weisman,
Here's another question guised in the form of question.
On a scale of 1-10, 10 being the most severe, How bad was Brooklyn's disfigurement(was that the word used?) after returning from his Dance in Time?
Thank you much. Gracias as it were. Xi Xi. Thanx. etc etc. Much appreciation. Gratitude flowing from pores.
What forms are questions usually guised in?
He does in my mind. Her name is Katana.
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