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You've revealed to us (through chronological info) that the gargoyles' twenty-year cycle is "attuned to the earth" rather than something which is mostly internal (as I had earlier assumed).
How did this affect Katana during her timedances? Her and Brooklyn's two children are twenty years apart in age, as if the cycle had been internal for her, affected only by the time which passed for her, rather than affected by the "earth's cycles" and the different times she would journey to.
Is that simply a coincidence? Did she just happen in her travels to journey to two mating seasons, with a period of twenty years inbetween as subjectively perceived by the timedancers?
As I've stated recently, very little is truly random in the Gargoyles Universe. My mind just doesn't work that way.
Is Brooklyn's timedance injury that severe that it can't be healed by the healing rays of the sun? Or is magic involved which prevents it from healing?
Not saying at this time.
You mentioned that one Timedancer villain would be the Archmage, presumably due to his little side-trip with Goliath during their battle for possession of the Eye. If this actually makes it into a Timedancer episode, then presumably it will also feature Brooklyn. So...
1) Does Goliath meet Brooklyn in that/those episode(s), and therefore have foreknowledge of Brooklyn's Timedancing?
2) Does Goliath have any role in how the Gate ends up with Brooklyn?
1. I'm not saying.
2. I'm not sure what you mean.
Dear Mr Weisman,
Regarding Timedancer and The Dark Ages, given the time, would you plan to turn both of those into animated shows, or do you feel they are best left as part of the written world?
Given the opportunity, I'd gladly do either as animated series.
In "M.I.A.", mention is made about gargoyles in WWII being chalked up to "gremlins and the like." So the question is, were there really gremlins out there? If so, where do they fall in terms of the "three races?"
There's more to this Gremlin question. But you'll have to wait for TimeDancer to learn it.
Would Brooklyn visit any time beyond the scope of 2198? If he goes back at least as far as Feudal Japan then it makes sense he'd go forward a similar distance. But there again, plotting REALLY far ahead must be difficult. If he doesn't, will there be an in-universe reason?
He goes into the future and into the past. I don't need reasons beyond that.
Hi Greg,
Some days ago, i poste that question:
"Are there other girls, then Katana, in Brooklyns timedance that are REALLY close to him? And if yes, how manny?"
You awnser:"Not sure what you mean."
Well, I mean, that he fall in love with other girls during his timedance. Or, maybe, he was verry close to a merryage with another girl, and then the Gate take Brooklyn away. Things like that.
Hope, You understand now.
Cu, John
Not "marriage" close if that's what you mean by "merryage", but I'm not saying he didn't have other romances.
Quick! We must fill the queue - Greg's caught up! :-)
Anyway, just a nitpick: You said "Odysseus traveled for twenty years."
Well, he was away from home for twenty years. But ten of these years he had been fighting at Troy. His return took him a further ten years, seven of which he spent as a virtual prisoner in Callisto's island.
So, one could say that he spent only *three* years travelling, though it was twenty years that he spent away from home.
If one's nitpicking, anyway. :-)
That's what I meant.
I actually DID know that.
And Brooklyn may stay in one place, fighting or whatever for various lengths of time in various periods of time. But when all is said and done, he'll be twenty years older when he gets back.
1) If they're still alive, where do Mary and Finella live at the end of "The Journey"?
2) Do Mary and Finella ever try to get in contact with the Manhattan clan?
3a) Will Mary ever see Tom again? b) Will she meet "the eggs"?
4a) Will Finella find a new love? b) If so, is it anyone we know?
1. Not saying.
2. Not saying.
3. Not saying. Not saying.
4. Not saying. Not saying.
1a) Are/were there any living phoenixes in the Gargoyles Universe? b) If so, were/are they a separate species, or are they Children of Oberon or a form of gargoyle?
2a) Did the forging of the Phoenix Gate have anything to do with (an) actual phoenix(es)? b) If so, was whatever involvement they/it had, voluntary?
3a) Was Princess Katharine's mother ever aware of the powers of the Gate? b) ...was the Normand ambassador? c) Was Malcolm ever aware that he was going to receive the Gate?
4a) When the Gate was broken in half, did it become *completely* nonfunctional, or did some residual magic remain? b) When it was whole again, was it as good as new?
5) What is the immediate source of the magic/energy that the Gate draws on?
6a) Why is the incantation for an Avalonian magical artifact in Latin? b) Is that particular incantation necessary, or can the Gate be activated some other way?
1a. Maybe.
b. Not saying.
2a. Maybe. If the Gate was forged. Which it wasn't.
b. Maybe.
3a. No.
B. No.
c. He was informed after it was stolen.
4a. Non-functional.
b. Yes.
5. Ambient time stream need. (Generally measured in Farquars.)
6a. Necessary for a human to harness it.
b. When free, the gate travels about on its own, as Brooklyn learns to his chagrin.
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