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Your description of how important it is to control the Phoenix Gate (or else you wind up, to cite your example, at Burger King instead of Fort Knox) got me wondering just now: is this one reason why it takes Brooklyn forty years to get back home during "Timedancer"? That he didn't concentrate in the right manner on his desired destination until the final "dance"?
No. Brooklyn, try as he might, never (or almost never) lands a finger on the Gate. He's basically leaping into portals that the Gate opens "at random".
'VOWS' - what an episode. So many twists, so much drama, and some brilliant comedy from the Xanatos family. The thing that always occurred to me when watching this is: who on earth in Shari Goodharz? She only wrote the one episode that I recall and yet this is one of my favourites, if not my favourite outright. And yet she never did anything else. I guess looking at your outline she had a lot of dialogue to work in but even so, it was pretty damn good.
Actually, it always seemed like quite an intense episode to put before a multi-part story. I didn't watch it in order properly until I knew the whole season ('CITY OF STONE' aired at the beginning of the season here in two back-to-back weekends: accompanied with some stunning preview adverts of Demona blasting the stone humans).
Just one reply:
You said…
"But the gate stays open long enough for him to go with. Did it ever occur to her to go somewhen else other than 994? I guess part of it could be chalked up to dim memory. It was over a thousand years ago. And Demona lived through that 1000 years. Even for a very significant event in her life, it must still be very hazy."
Apart from the shock factor of the castle still burning (in this episode) and Goliath in stone, I think this would have meant most to Demona. But another possible explanation is in your outline:
"But choosing requires incredible concentration. Otherwise, the chooser's emotional or mental whim of the moment may cause the gate to drop everyone off at Burger King instead of Fort Knox."
Seeing as how Demona claims to have a clear memory of Goliath's 'inspirational' presumably this is the thought that would have dragged her to 994.
I really like your explanation of the Gate's changing size as being due to its 'time valve' function. Was this something you ever planned to develop or at least mention out loud in the series? I guess we'd get some hints from what you've told us about 'TIMEDANCER' so far.
I LIKE you're explanation for Demona's choice A LOT. THANKS!
As for the timestream steam valve theory, it would get some real play in TimeDancer for sure.
At what age do you feel that gargoyles learn to glide?
Will Tachi (aged six) know how to glide when she timedances into the present, or will it be something she'll learn during the course of the series?
She'll have started learning. I don't know that she'd have mastered it under all conditions. But she'd be doing a bit of it.
Hi Greg,
On my last question you repost: Define "love". Well, I know that Brooklyn didn´t really love Angela from our point of view. But from his point of view, he is in love, and so, I think, he would tell angela, that he is. So, will he ever?
CU, John
They might have a conversation some day. But not until after the TimeDance, when it's WAY moot.
You've revealed to us (through chronological info) that the gargoyles' twenty-year cycle is "attuned to the earth" rather than something which is mostly internal (as I had earlier assumed).
How did this affect Katana during her timedances? Her and Brooklyn's two children are twenty years apart in age, as if the cycle had been internal for her, affected only by the time which passed for her, rather than affected by the "earth's cycles" and the different times she would journey to.
Is that simply a coincidence? Did she just happen in her travels to journey to two mating seasons, with a period of twenty years inbetween as subjectively perceived by the timedancers?
As I've stated recently, very little is truly random in the Gargoyles Universe. My mind just doesn't work that way.
Is Brooklyn's timedance injury that severe that it can't be healed by the healing rays of the sun? Or is magic involved which prevents it from healing?
Not saying at this time.
You mentioned that one Timedancer villain would be the Archmage, presumably due to his little side-trip with Goliath during their battle for possession of the Eye. If this actually makes it into a Timedancer episode, then presumably it will also feature Brooklyn. So...
1) Does Goliath meet Brooklyn in that/those episode(s), and therefore have foreknowledge of Brooklyn's Timedancing?
2) Does Goliath have any role in how the Gate ends up with Brooklyn?
1. I'm not saying.
2. I'm not sure what you mean.
Dear Mr Weisman,
Regarding Timedancer and The Dark Ages, given the time, would you plan to turn both of those into animated shows, or do you feel they are best left as part of the written world?
Given the opportunity, I'd gladly do either as animated series.
In "M.I.A.", mention is made about gargoyles in WWII being chalked up to "gremlins and the like." So the question is, were there really gremlins out there? If so, where do they fall in terms of the "three races?"
There's more to this Gremlin question. But you'll have to wait for TimeDancer to learn it.
Would Brooklyn visit any time beyond the scope of 2198? If he goes back at least as far as Feudal Japan then it makes sense he'd go forward a similar distance. But there again, plotting REALLY far ahead must be difficult. If he doesn't, will there be an in-universe reason?
He goes into the future and into the past. I don't need reasons beyond that.
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