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Airwalker writes...

Would there have been major language barriers in the beginning between Brooklyn and Katana?

Greg responds...

It depends how we wound up handling the whole language question on TimeDancer in general. We hadn't decided that.

But hopefully, the answer would be yes.

Response recorded on December 30, 1999

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Airwalker writes...

How long did Timedancer spend in 2158 and in Feudal Japan?

Greg responds...

I haven't worked out all the math. But those were his two longest stops. Quite some time in each. Years as least.

Response recorded on December 30, 1999

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Airwalker writes...

In TIMEDANCER, would there have been a major recurring antagonist for Brooklyn and family?

Greg responds...

Ultimately. Inevitably. And of course, that doesn't necessarily count the huge chunk of time spent in the years 2158 and following....

Response recorded on December 30, 1999

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Airwalker writes...

Do you have voice actors in mind for some of the characters in the unmade spinoffs? Do you have any in mind specifically for Katana, Nashville, Tachi, Duval, The Director, and Merlin?

Greg responds...

The Director was cast in our Animatic reel for Bad Guys. He was William Devane. And he was great as anyone who has attended a Gathering could attest to.

As for the others... No. Hadn't thought that far in advance.

Response recorded on December 30, 1999

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Joxter the Mighty writes...

Why does Katana name her son Nashville?

Greg responds...

Why does Katana AND BROOKLYN name THEIR son Nashville?

Response recorded on December 29, 1999

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*The Bride of Ringo* writes...

Hi again, I think it was 'OnyxStar' who said it originally but I'd like to agree by saying that you're a good man for doing this and that "Ask Greg" is definately keeping the series alive with the fans.

Anyway, the question is:

When Brooklyn returns from his Time Dancing would he still be Second-in-command for Goliath or would that position have been handed to someone else? (I mean since now Brooklyn would be older than Goliath biologically)

~The B of R

Greg responds...

Brooklyn would still be Goliath's second. From Goliath's PoV, Brooklyn was never gone.

And Brooklyn wouldn't be THAT old. Not as old as Hudson, for example.

Response recorded on December 29, 1999

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Aris Katsaris writes...

I'm not certain I understand various plot-elements of Timedancer...

1) Why can't Brooklyn control the gate? Doesn't he know the words of the spell?
2) For that matter how will he manage to keep his family together though his travels if the Phoenix Gate is randomly taking him in and out of timelines? Do they always remain within a few meters from each other or something, just in case the Gate decides to hop?
3) Finally after so many years of time-travel and since he has already made himself a new family - why wouldn't Brooklyn simply decide to stay in another time-period? I think I would if I was in his place...

Greg responds...

1. He never has the gate in hand.

2. No. It causes problems here and there.

3. You're not Brooklyn though. He wants to get back. And he did get back. So he does get back. As Dave said: "Time travel's funny that way."

Response recorded on September 17, 1999

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Airwalker writes...

1. Would Nashville look upon Hudson as his Grandfather?
2. How would Hudson react to such a description?

Greg responds...

1. Yes, though I doubt he'd use that term.

2. I think Hudson would make a great grandfather. But again, I can't picture Nashville calling him that, so I can't picture how Hudson would react to the word. But I doubt it would be negative. Hudson, I believe, has largely come to terms with his mortality. So I think he'd appreciate the perks that come with age. Like grandkids.

Response recorded on September 05, 1999

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Airwalker writes...

Was it Brooklyn's constant talk in FUTURE TENSE about the Phoenix Gate and time travel that inspired you to come up with the idea of TIMEDANCER?

(I wonder because you said somewhere in the archives that you came up with Timedancer too late in the game to actually pitch it to any station.)

Greg responds...

No. It was the pure evolution of the characters of the Trio. I saw very clearly that they were going their separate ways. Writing "The Journey" cemented the idea in my head. I believe that Brooklyn, Lex and Broadway would never find better brothers, better friends than each other, but I also saw that the days when they acted as one were gone.

I wanted to visualize this. The initial Phoenix Gate story (the one that somehow melted into "Runaways" in TGC) came first. The idea of him coming back older, mated and with kids and a beast, was a great shocking ending. But I felt it would really demonstrate what I had in my head.

The spin-off idea was of course obvious after that. I mean he was gone for forty years. What was he doing all that time? But, as you noted, by the time I came up with that, it was too late. Disney had already made me feel unwelcome.

Hybris, on my part, played a big role as well.

Hindsight, whatchagonna do?

Response recorded on September 05, 1999

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Phoenix writes...

I've been hearing about this Gargoyles 2158 thing, what is it?

Greg responds...


Now, I'm nervous....

I answered this last time I visited ASK GREG. Man, I hope we don't have another technical problem. Hopefully, human error was involved...

Anyway, Phoenix, after we finished the writing on the second season of Gargoyles, Gary Sperling and I began working on some potential spin-off shows for the series.

One of these was set in the future, the year 2158 to be specific. Originally, we called it "GARGOYLES: FUTURE TENSE". But I later changed the name to "GARGOYLES 2158".

The series featured Goliath's grandson SAMSON, a largely-reformed DEMONA and a Time-Dancing BROOKLYN, among others.

CBS was interested in airing it, but before we could put a pitch together, the whole CBS Saturday Morning dept. was fired. And shortly thereafter Disney bought ABC, rendering any deal with CBS all but impossible. At about the same time there was a major regime change at Disney TV Animation as well. The new regime wasn't too interested in Gargoyles at all, at least not in making it a priority. ABC asked for a new version of the show. But no one wanted 2158.

Oh, well.

Response recorded on September 05, 1999

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