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Hey Greg,
Lil Q. Um..I know you have said you are not that concerned with physical appearences of characters. IE: color, body type..so on. Well, I guess I was just wondering if you were planning on making either Nashville, Tachi, or both of Brooklyn's kids to have the trade mark beak? I suppose it is likly that at least his son would. It is just one of those things that people think is neat. Hey, like father like son right? Something like that I guess. But even though I think that would be cute, I also think that it would be neat if he didnt have it. I mean, mabye look more like his mother, (whatever she will look like) mabye just have his dads type of fly away hair, or similer voice..ect. Just a thought. ER NO wait..not a thought..not an idea..NOPE _nothing_ like one of those *thinks fast* umm..ya just a ramble;) *jk*
Thanks Greg!
My guess (which I won't be held to) is that Nashville would look like Brooklyn but with Katana's coloring. Tachi would look like Katana but with Brooklyn's coloring. Wing shapes might reverse too. I say that, because it's my M.O. But a good artist could change my mind.
Hello again,
Hey, Did Katana decide to leave with Brooklyn willingly or was it an accident?
Weather she left with him willingly or not, was it the first time he had timedanced there? ..probably ya ..but..*shrugs* just wanted to get my facts strait.
Would it have taken Katana, not to mention others, a lot of time to believe Brooklyn's story? I mean..A time travleing gargoyle with a fu-dog? Come on..someone had to be dipping into the sake right?
Again..probably a couple of no duh questions..you did say that besides the future Brook would have spent the most time there so they probably got to know one another..but hey. You can always tell me to check the archives right?:)
She chose to go with him, but it was a tough choice.
Hey Greg,
Wow..your really blowing through these Q's. I'd like to thank you again for all the effort you put into answering our constant questions:)
Heres one that occured to me at work today.
I guess..this may be a dumb question...but did you ever say that Fu-dog was going to be a male??
If not or so or whatever the case, were you planning on making him a male or a female?
Just wondering! I know I wouldn't mind a puppy;)
I don't know if I said it, but he is a he. He's not a puppy though.
Hi (don't stay up night too long)
In all the spinoffs, you mentioned vilains that will show up, like: in Pendragon Duval is the main ennemy and in 2158: the Space-Spawns will be the main threat. What about Timedancer and New Olympians?
Will there be a main vilain in Timedancer and New Olympians?
Thanx...and later
New Olympians is easy... There's Proteus of course, plus Jove (and his crew, including Helios and Boreas' son) and Ekidna (and her crew, including Kiron and her reluctant daughter Medusa). Plus the usual suspects. Xanatos, Sevarius. You know.
TimeDancer's trickier. I haven't fully decided if there's one over-riding villain. Calaban's a possiblity. So's the Archmage-Plus, believe it or not. I have one story for him for sure. Then there's Constantine. And the Space-Spawn. Duval. Mab. Like I said, I haven't decided.
Hello I'm a really big fan of Gargoyles, I watch the show all the time.
Well here's my Q.
Is there anywhere on the web that your spin-offs are in print, or are they only at the gatherings?
Pretty much only at the Gathering. But you can get a lot of info on them by checking the following ASK GREG archives...
Bad Guys
Dark Ages
Gargoyles 2158
New Olympians
I hope you don't mind some more TimeDancer questions. I checked the archives, and most of the questions were along the lines of "Who is Brooklyn's mate?" and "Who becomes Brooklyn's mate?" Let's hope these are less redundant for you. :)
1) When Brooklyn is finished with his time-traveling... how does he know he's actually finished? What makes him think the Gate won't whisk him away again?
2) Once the initial shock is over, how will Broadway and Lexington react to the relatively sudden change in Brooklyn due to the whole TimeDancing thing?
3) What happens to the Gate when Brooklyn's done with it, (or perhaps when it's done with Brooklyn)?
4) Does Brooklyn (or Katana) suffer permanent injuries from their traveling? By this I mean scars, loss of limb, and whatnot.
Thanks, Greg!
1. For starters, he's back where he started. Also he's been chasing the gate. Once he arrives at his final (i.e. his starting) destination, he has no reason to chase it anymore. And finally, it's a visual thing.
2. They'll have to get to know each other from scratch. But it was meant as a startling reminder that the three were "growing up". They would always be best friends. And always there for each other in a crisis. But the days of the "TRIO" being joined at the hip were sliding away.
3. Gate starts over. A perfect paradox.
4. Brooklyn does actually. Mostly they just get older and more parental.
Concerning Timedancer:
1) Were there ever plans to use the Archmage paradox? That is, did you intend to have time-traveling Brooklyn meet different versions of himself in the past or future?
2) Also, on average, how many episodes would Brooklyn spend in a single time period? I find it hard to believe that you would want to limit every time period to a single episode, especially for those in which Brooklyn spends a significant amount of time there, (months or years).
3) How did Katana and Brooklyn get along when they first met? Or rather, what were their first impressions of one another?
Thanks, Greg!
1. Yes.
2. It would depend on the nature of the series. How big an order we had in the first place. 13 or 65. But generally some stops would have included multiple stories and/or required multiple episodes to cove. Also some places/periods he visited more than once.
3. I was planning a Sam-Diane thing. It's a bit cliched at this point, but we hadn't done it in Gargoyles.
You've said many times that you plan to introduce every myth and legend into Gargoyles, or least as many as possible. If and when the show returns (in the same format and present-day time period as the original show), would it take another story arc such as the World Tour to come closer to accomplishing this? I mean, traveling around the world does make it a little more convenient to introduce new characters and situations than hanging around in Manhatten. If the answer to that question is yes, then can you describe what this story arc would be like? Thanks.
Everything in its time. TIMEDANCER would have been a great outlet for exploring more myths. But we'd have covered more in the main series eventually. Starting, probably, with Mab.
At the end of Brooklyn's 'timedance' would he have the phoenix gate or would it still be lost in time forever?
He wouldn't have it, but it's journey would start anew.
Hello Greg, heres my Q's:
You said that Brooklyn would be helping Mary and Finella. Does he by anychance go back to Wyvern and see him and his buds frozen in stone? not a meaningful question I know..but..just wondering.
You said that our hero would find himself in China at some point and it was there that he would aquire Fu dog. I guess I just assumed,...yaya..I know what they say about that, that Fu dog would be Nashville's pet. I guess I just have a boy and his dog complex going *shrugs*
Is Fu Dog Brooklyn's Dog or Nashville's dog?
Who named him?
Yes, Brooklyn would have made a stop at Wyvern at some point in his TDancing.
Fu Dog is a Gargoyle Beast. Not a dog. He's not exactly anyone's pet. But Brooklyn finds him before he meets Katana.
As for who names him. Well, Brooklyn, sort of. That's just what they call 'em in China.
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