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Dose Brooklyn have a girlfriend?
Eventually, yes. I've revealed that he eventually mates with a gargoyle from feudal Japan named Katana.
When Magus gave his magic book to Finila (because he couldn't bring it to Avalon)Hpw the hell did it get to David
Long story. But it involves TimeDancer, Demona, Puck, Owen, Finella, Mary, Brooklyn and Xanatos.
Concerning the Time-Dancer story: Was it meant to be a complete new series, or should it have played within the normal gargoyles episodes?
The first episode -- a sort of back-door pilot was designed to play within the regular series.
After that Time-Dancer would have been a spin-off series of it's own spanning 40 years.
(Yes, I was very ambitious in those days.)
Now, I'd be happy with whatever I could get.
On the topic of Timedancer, I read through the whole archive for it. First off I notice a lot of the questions you answered at the bottom, were asked again at the top and had smart ass responces... that's my favorite.
I notice you said Brooklyn is always 'chasing' the gate... so it appears before him... he runs to it, a portal opens up... does he HAVE to jump in? What if he wants to stay somewhere or can't find his children or something? And the first portal that appeared, did it just grab him, or did he willingly jump in?
Probably, over the course of forty years, all of the above.
In your Timedancerspinoff, does the Gate have a "mind of it's own" like Avalon's boats, taking Brooklyn to time periods that it decides on, or is it completely random?
It depends on your point of view, I suppose. In my mind, it is random and yet it has to do with eddies and currents and whirls in the timestream... The end result is the same: Brooklyn winds up in times & places where we have the best stories to tell.â
Hey Gregg, I'm new to this site, and I was just wondering... is there something I missed about Gargoyles? I mean, I know of Gargoyles, and The Goliath Chronicles, but was there some other Gargoyle show that aired after?
What lies ahead for Gargoyles? Do you plan on bringing them back to the air at some point? I'd really like to see some new Gargoyles cartoons....
Thank you.
There were proposed spin-offs, sequels and prequels, including
Gargoyles: The Dark Ages
The New Olympians
Bad Guys
Gargoyles 2198
plus plenty ideas just to continue the "Gargoyles" series itself.
I haven't been able to convince Disney to do any of these things.
But who knows?
"Firefly" was dead. It sold a TON of DVDs and now they're making a movie, "Serenity". "Family Guy" was dead. It sold a TON of DVDs and now they're making new episodes.
Up until this year, the best single way you could help relaunch the show in some way, shape or form was by attending the Gathering, our annual convention. That's still true. So if you haven't heard, check out this year's con at their website:
The good folks at Walt Disney Home Entertainment took notice of the fandom, largely thanks to these conventions. They'll be attending this year with a video crew to tape footage of the con to put on the Gargoyles DVD, to be released later THIS year (2004!).
The DVD will contain all 13 episodes of the series' first season, complete and uncut. It will also have a commentary track and other extras (in addition to the con footage) that are still being discussed.
If you want to see the 2nd Season on DVD, and if you want to see Disney make more Garg Universe materials, there's no better way to get them to take notice than by buying the DVD. If the fans demonstrate an audience with disposable income, Disney will respond. It's not far-fetched. It's happened before.
Who the hell is Katana??
Brooklyn's mate, to be introduced in Feudal Japan (as part of the Ishimura Clan) during the course of the proposed TimeDancer spin-off series.
But why are you cursing? It's kinda rude.
Another timedancer related question: If you had the opportunity to do the Timedancer spinoff, how many seasons would you want that series to list to cover those 40 years of Brooklyn's life?
If you got the chance to do a Timedancer spin-off, how would you plan on having a strong continuity?
I mean, unless Brooklyn visits same places/people 4 or 5 times, how could you have strong continuity for that series?
Brooklyn is the continuity. But I also planned on some longer stops. And some other characters that would recur throughout the ages in one form or another.
There were plans for Brooklyn to go on a Time Tour that would have also taken him around the world. It was called TimeDancer.
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