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I am new to the Gargoyle World and just have one question. Who are the named members of Wyvern Clan. (I told you I was new). I have been trying to get them all straight but there are relations and mates and...yeah...You have probably answered this question a million times, but I do not want to search 1,000 questions about them.
Okay, so here I am, for some reason, rewarding your laziness...
The thing to keep in mind is that with the exception of Goliath, the Wyvern Clan had no names. But using names we NOW know them by...
There are others of course that you can spot in footage whose names we still don't know.
The Wyvern Clan generated three other clans: the Manhattan Clan, the Avalon Clan and the Labyrinth Clan.
And in the future a new Wyvern Clan will be founded.
Greg -
(Insert Mandi's G2005 con journal here.)
For a variety of reasons which involve exploding lightbulbs, bad cosplay, and a possessed automobile that no one really wants to hear about, I don't think I'll get my con journal done before August 31st. Oh, I'll get it done anyway, but I have the feeling it won't be done by the deadline and you just need the numbers before then. Better a late con journal that's not crappy and tainted by my need to hurt various contractors. So I was there, I came, I saw, I had fun, G2005 was over far too soon, and I'm looking into making you a "Lunatic Most Trusted" button.
(Incidentally, if I don't make it to G2006 or you read this before I do, I forgot to ask you something at the Blue Mug-A-Guest when you said you were a Shakespeare freak - did you ever see "Goodnight Desdemona (Good Morning Juliet)?" I'd recommend it if you haven't; best play I've ever been involved in, and it messes with Othello and Romeo and Juliet SO MUCH...)
Now watch. Now that I've given up getting it done before the deadline, I'll get it done in time anyway. Oh well...
Haven't seen that play. No. Sounds cool though.
I'm wondering about all the places visited in the world tour episodes. Did you or any of the creative staff actually see places like Prague or the Queen Charlotte Islands? Did you base them on your experiences or just do some research without actually knowing much about the places to begin with?
I've been to some of the places on the World Tour. But, no, not all. We did research on every stop -- even the fictional ones.
Specifically, I've never personally been to Prague or the Queen Charlotte Islands, but it was a big staff. Someone on the team might have been there.
I'll plead the Fifth part of the journal
Monday August 1
Joined GregX for breakfast again. I wanted to watch Win Xanato's money, but I needed food and I wanted to pick up my art. After I got my art I went to see the tail end of WXM and I got to see Gside win. Afterwards Allaine asked the audience members various True and False questions.
After helping Aaron clean up the are and returning the stuff to the consuite we came back down to Salon B to watch the original properties panel. The animated show pitches looked amazing and I hope they will gain some life.
I had to see who was going to win Thom's pants and the poker chips. Lynati won the pants and Alex Garg won the chips. Gregx won the Demona shirt designed by Liz. I won a Lexington action figure and a Goliath poster that Greg Weisman signed. (My father want to put it up in his office.)
The saddest part of the day was closing ceremonies. It was the official farewell and Greg and Chris bid us a farewell and reminded us to register for next year.
A lot of us finished cleaning up the art room. The room looked so sad when it was empty.
After we finished cleaning Revel and I figured it would be better idea to just do a "Mating Ceremony." We went up to the Consuite where there was a crowd. Emambu conducted the ceremony and we pledged our love to each other and I received a pretty ring.
Revel and I decided to get dressed up and go out to dinner. He had never been to Carrabas and we went there. He dressed up in the suit he sued for Jackal sans the shiny gold parts, and I wore the pretty blue dress I brought along.
The cab driver stiffed us on the way. We both ordered a drink. Revel tried a Cosmo and I had a vanilla cappuccino martini. I had the shrimp pasta meal that had a lot of mushrooms.
We had no trouble with the cab ride back. We wanted to take the shuttle to the strip, but we just missed it and it was getting late. We needed to wake up early the next day.
Okay, I'll bite... how does a cab driver stiff his fare? He took your money and drove off without you?
There will always be a Part Four.
Sunday July 31
Before we left the room, Revel called someone to fix the sink. Once again Revel and I stopped y Starbucks for breakfast. I had another caramel frappucino and a blueberry muffin. I went back up for my anthology and we ate together at one of the tables before going to the con.
After getting my anthology signed (With cute comments by GregX and Allaine) I went to the body casting costume panel. I learned about how to make different casts and how to make horns. Dreamy showed how she made her wings for her 2000 costume.
After the panel I went up to the Event Suite for the W.I.T.C.H panel. After fiddling around with the TV equipment we decided to go to the consuite and watched the "selling" video which was different from the pilot episode. Greg told us about the change in management and the fact that some Gargoyles Voice actors will appear. Thom had been cast as a talking calculator.
After the panel I went back to the art room and hung out until it was time for the Radio Play. I thanked Karine for a great con last year and got to see the latest baby pictures of Matthieu.
The radio play this years as based on a pilot for a quirky dramedy (As someone who was a fan of Ally Mcbeal and Ed, I think we need more of those.) Revel was the resident geek, Emambu the cop, and Siryn was the main character. Jen played her sexy sister. At one point Siryn stood up and paused before her face turned pink. Great acting from everyone, loved Seth's little Keanu Reeves improve.
I briefly returned to my room to do up my hair and makeup for the banquet. The sink was fixed! Joined up with Revel and we had a table with Gside, Mandy, Aaron, and Lynati. GregX folated between our table and the Family table. The little gargoyle candles were neat and so was the little statue in the middle. Banquet food was buffet style.
After everyone had their dinner fill we returned to our room for the masquerade. I did the costume thing with my Hot Topic fangs while Revel dressed up in his suit. I heard Greg W's voice outside our room and I looked out and saw an adorable pair of gargoyle hatchlings. I waved and smiled at them. I heard one of them respond. "She's got fangs."
We met in the con suite and Chyna Rose loaned my some polygrip to make sure my fangs stayed in place. I got to see everyone else's costume. There was Benny as Goliath, Erin as the Gathering 01 mascot: Holly, Shara as Brooklyn, Onyx as the Onyx gargoyle, Echo as a gargoyle with large silky wings, Fusion demon as a kitty demon, Cindy as the Bin Sidhe, Noel as Werefox, Dancer as Dancer, Y2Hecate as Sin and Afan as a mafia type.
We were lead through the secret passageways of the hotel to the con area. I'm getting better at walking towards the front, posing and then taking my seat…no more nerves. I took pictures and posed for some pictures. Cindy won first Canon , Revel was 2nd place. Noel won for Cosplay, Onyx won first for non canon, echo for noncanon. Benny won jr division canon, Erin non canon and Fusion Demon won best jr cosplay. Shara won best of show with her amazing Future Tense Brooklyn. I loved the flashing eyes. We chatted more until Revel and I got sleepy.
"I've been looking for you!"
[Mr. Jensen, could you please just pass along this version if you deem my question worthy of being passed along at all? I just realized the way I'd worded the stuff I mentioned in the ending in the first version it might sound impolite.]
Hello. I was just reading the Lexington section last night in the hopes you had clarified something about Lexington's motives, and some stuff I read made me wonder about something. As the question I was looking for hasn't been answered, however, I'll ask this first.
I recall a long time ago that you mentioned that, in Future Tense, Puck chose Lexington as the mastermind because he was going for shock value. What were this dream-Lexington's reasons for carrying on Xanatos' legacy after the "real Xanatos" died in the fight with Hudson, though?
Secondly, and here I get to the main reasoning behind writing this: I very much applaud your intentions to, if the societal climate ever provides for it, portray Lexington as attracted to other guys. Although I'm not attracted to my own gender myself (I am a young man), I do believe in tolerance for people who are attracted to their own genders, so I approve of this very much.
However, some of the reasoning mentioned in the discussion as to why Lexington is attracted to other men concern me that you may be unintentionally indulging another kind of intolerance without knowing it. That of the intolerance directed towards a person, often ostracized by their peers simply because they prefer books and the so-called more "thoughtful, intellectual" pursuits as opposed to what the majority of the society prefers; simply because they're "smarter." This is a group I belong to.
In the discussion some of the people asking the questions theorized Lexington was attracted to other guys because he was scrawny, wasn't as interested in Angela as the others, was friends with Alex, and some other reasons I don't recall. You confirmed their questions in such a way I'm unable to tell if you're also confirming their reasoning behind which gender Lexington finds attractive.
This is a concern to me because there are plenty of ostracized "smarter" people. (By the way, I can't think of a better term right now, but I apologize to anyone who reads this if it sounds arrogant. My personal belief is anyone can become as smart as anyone else, some just choose not to enhance their thinking capacity as much as others.) Plenty of people in this minority who don't care about their appearances because they believe appearances are on-the-surface traits which don't matter. Plenty of people who find the opposite gender attractive but choose not to pursue attractive people because they're either uninterested in a relationship, or believe whether a person is or isn't attractive is not important in life and not worth concerning oneself with in any way. (Or, to use a less extreme example, plenty of people who do pursue the opposite gender a little, but even if they are interested in relationship or paying attention to attractiveness, are much less interested in a relationship or a person's appearance because they would rather engage in other "intellectual" activities.) And plenty of people who do not believe in the stereotype that a male of any age should only associate them with "tough" aspects of life and befriend children outside of their own family, show affection to them. So on and so forth.
And from what I've heard and inexperienced, one of the harshest insults levelled against people such as this, who simply would rather be different than the majority, is to accuse them of being different not because every person is unique and because people could be interested in things outside of what the majority is interested in, but because they are attracted to their own gender. Which is insulting not only because these people mistakenly think it is wrong to be attracted to one's own gender, but also because they are claiming that the only reason they could still be a human being and not be interested in sports, cars, appearances, popularity, et cetera, is to be part of a minority they see as horrible. In other words, that no one could ever not be interested in what the majority is interested in and still be a human being of any kind.
So what I want to know is; why did you characterize Lexington in these ways? I know you would never intentionally portray anything intolerant, but I feel the minority I'm a part of is often misrepresented in many ways: for instance, as "wanting to be popular despite being different" when many of us simply don't want anything to do with the majority of a society we strongly disagreed with and just want people to recognize its okay to be different. And because of this, when studying how to best portray Lexington right, some of your ideas came from this misinformation. Hence, I'm asking now to allay my worries you were misled by this misinformation - which I doubt you were - and the minority I belong to is being represented accurately as well, since aspects of tolerance are a recurring motif in Gargoyles and has become a major topic involving discussion about Lexington.
Thank you for your time.
See my previous response.
Hello. I was just reading the Lexington section last night in the hopes you had clarified something about Lexington's motives, and some stuff I read made me wonder about something. As the question I was looking for hasn't been answered, however, I'll ask this first.
I recall a long time ago that you mentioned that, in Future Tense, Puck chose Lexington as the mastermind because he was going for shock value. What were this dream-Lexington's reasons for carrying on Xanatos' legacy after the "real Xanatos" died in the fight with Hudson, though?
Secondly, and here I get to the main reasoning behind writing this: I very much applaud your intentions to, if the societal climate ever provides for it, portray Lexington as attracted to other guys. Although I'm not attracted to my own gender myself (I am a young man), I do believe in tolerance for people who are attracted to their own genders, so I approve of this very much.
However, some of the reasoning mentioned in the discussion as to why Lexington is attracted to other men concern me that you may be unintentionally indulging another kind of intolerance without knowing it. That of the intolerance directed towards a person, often ostracized by their peers simply because they prefer books and the so-called more "thoughtful, intellectual" pursuits as opposed to what the majority of the society prefers; simply because they're "smarter." This is a group I belong to.
In the discussion some of the people asking the questions theorized Lexington was attracted to other guys because he was scrawny, wasn't as interested in Angela as the others, was friends with Alex, and some other reasons I don't recall. You confirmed their questions in such a way I'm unable to tell if you're also confirming their reasoning behind which gender Lexington finds attractive.
This is a concern to me because there are plenty of ostracized "smarter" people. (By the way, I can't think of a better term right now, but I apologize to anyone who reads this if it sounds arrogant. My personal belief is anyone can become as smart as anyone else, some just choose not to enhance their thinking capacity as much as others.) Plenty of people in this minority who don't care about their appearances because they believe appearances are on-the-surface traits which don't matter. Plenty of people who find the opposite gender attractive but choose not to pursue attractive people because they're either uninterested in a relationship, or believe whether a person is or isn't attractive is not important in life and not worth concerning oneself with in any way. (Or, to use a less extreme example, plenty of people who do pursue the opposite gender a little, but even if they are interested in relationship or paying attention to attractiveness, are much less interested in a relationship or a person's appearance because they would rather engage in other "intellectual" activities.) And plenty of people who do not believe in the stereotype that a male of any age should only associate them with "tough" aspects of life and befriend children outside of their own family, show affection to them. So on and so forth.
And from what I've heard and inexperienced, one of the harshest insults levelled against people such as this, who simply would rather be different than the majority, is to accuse them of being different not because every person is unique and because people could be interested in things outside of what the majority is interested in, but because they are attracted to their own gender. Which is insulting not only because these people mistakenly think it is wrong to be attracted to one's own gender, but also because they are claiming that the only reason they could still be a human being and not be interested in sports, cars, appearances, popularity, et cetera, is to be part of a minority they see as horrible. In other words, that no one could ever not be interested in what the majority is interested in and still be a human being of any kind.
So what I want to know is; why did you characterize Lexington in these ways? I know you would never intentionally portray anything intolerant, but I feel the minority I'm a part of is often misrepresented in many ways: for instance, as "wanting to be popular despite being different" when many of us simply don't want anything to do with the majority of a society we strongly disagreed with and just want people to recognize its okay to be different. And because of this, when studying how to best portray Lexington right, some of your ideas came from this misinformation. Hence, I'm speaking now to make sure you were not misled by this misinformation and the minority I belong to is being represented accurately as well.
It's a little, well, silly, to go into a lot of depth defining the motivation of a character that was a fiction of Puck's designed for shock value. But... we don't know the circumstances of Lexington's cyborgization... and how that might have effected him. Nor do we know how he truly felt about Goliath's forty year absense.
Now as for the real Lexington, you're not quoting whatever gave you these ideas, so it's hard to respond.
*But I can't imagine that I EVER said anything to imply that Lex was gay because he was scrawny or tech-oriented. Size and smarts have nothing to do with sexual orientation, and I don't think I've ever stated or even implied that they do.
*I certainly don't feel that his relationship with Alex has any baring whatsoever on his orientation. Lex's relationship with Alex evolved, I think naturally, from being possessed by Alex in "Possessions". He feels a kinship to the kid.
*And Lex isn't gay because he was less interested in Angela. He was less interested in Angela because he's gay -- although he hasn't fully realized that he's gay yet.
So I reject the notion that I'm uninformed or that I'm "misled by misinformation". You are mischaracterizing my intent and my work.
I myself was a scrawny, brainy teen. And I came of age in an environment (an all-boy school) where nothing was more terrifying then being accused of being gay. It wasn't until college that I learned to overcome my homophobia. So trust me, I'm not making the assumptions you seem to think I'm making.
Appropos of nothing, I thought you'd like to know that my current draft of the "Gargoyles Universe Timeline" is 272 pages long and runs from 9386 B.C.E. to March 22nd, 2198. (And I know about some stuff that happens both before and after that range, but not with precision as to the dates.)
272 pages!
The Third Part is always the Charm
Saturday: July 30
Revel and I woke up to notice the fact the sink had backed up. We were in a rush for breakfast and stopped at Starbucks. I had a caramel Frappucino and a blueberry scone. We grabbed our food and rode up to the registration area where we hung out with Hudson and Silver.
The first panel for that day was the Writing Action Scene panel. Revel was one of the presenters along with Ellen and Kathy. Kathy had warned us she was at the point where she was easily distracted by shiny objects. Good points came up like having a "cooling" time after writing a story before editing and to have a cutting room area on the computer or in the folder.
Next it was a trip up to the event suite for the Othercon Round Robin. It was me, Mooncat, Princess Alexandria, Efrain, Dennis, Summer Jackel, and Allaine. The bizarre couple we used was Werefox and Demona and had it set during Eye of the Beholder.
Once the RR ended I went down to the dealers room and purchased a belt buckle in the shape of a wolf's head for my brother and talked with several artists. I also collected several pretty business cards.
Around three I went to Salon C for the background art panel. Dreamy and Kyt showed some nifty background they had used and tricks on how to make them by showing individual layers. Kyt also showed us how to make images of fire.. The panel was almost over when the fire alarm went off. Confused, we slowly walked out, congregated at the registration area, and slowly made our way to the escalator when it stopped. We returned to the panel for some Q and A before it officially ended.
Next up was the SLG panel. Dan Vado made a good point that the Haunted Mansion comic would not involve the movie. We got to see some pretty visuals followed by pics of the Wonderland and Tron comics, followed by the now famous image of the Gargoyles Comic.
Revel and I took a dinner break and met up with GregX and was invited to share a table with….*there goes my memory…I am getting old* We talked about schools, work and Gregx's famous drive in 2003.
After dinner I used up a 20 at a roulette wheel. Then went to watch the poker match until it was time for the Group Art Fun.
There was a big sheet of paper, some markers and a lack of attendees. For a short while it was Dreamy, Fusion Demon and me. Then Fusion went back up to the Con suite and Y2Hecate arrived. We decided to get naughty and draw porn. Dreamy drew the naughty pic while Y2Hecate and I laughed. Dreamy wrote "Rant Topic Number One" next to it, then we ran up to the con suite while still laughing.
The three of us kept up our poker faces in the con suite until it was time to go down for the Rant. We waited for more people to arrive including Revel and GregX. Dreamy did point out the pic to where Hudson went "Well, hmmmm. What is the topic?" and rattled of a possible list. The rant went on until a giddy Siryn with a veil caught our attention.
Part Deux
Friday, July 29
Apparently the power went out because we woke up to see a blinking clock. Revel adjusted the time before we went to The Feast for breakfast. We joined Flanker and Sara the Great. After Revel and I finished eating we heard Thom's voice. We chatted with him and Lanny about various topics: including the evil eggs benedict and dogs.
After breakfast we helped Kathy set up Registration. Packets were handed out and we greeted friends. I squeed with delight at the fact we got a whole family with hatchlings. I showed some of my fellow Harry Potter fans a sketch I drew in my sketchbook.
Noon rolled by and it was time for my round robin. Hard to compete with Greg Weisman and cake and ice cream, but I managed to snag some people. The story primarily involved Puck and Fox and things got strange, fast. Just don't shout "Weeeee"in front of Chyna Rose unless you want her to die laughing.
Next I went to check out the art and dealers tables. I made sure I purchased a copy o the Eye of Odin Anthology, and Calendar. I also rolled some die at Shara's table and won a couple of T-shirts and a flag.
Next came the Demona Debate with Revel. (our first panel together). We made sure everyone who wanted to say something. Mostly what was discussed was about whether or not Demona was evil. I felt a little hampered by the burning in my stomach and a sore throat. The latter worried me due to the fact a sore throat is usually a harbinger for a head cold. (I felt fine through the rest of the weekend.)
We returned to the art show to talk and I went to bid on a few pieces of art before Revel and I went to get some Burger King. GregX gave us some money to get him something. I ordered a grilled chicken sandwich meal with fries and a diet soda and Revel tried the Chicken Fries meal.
After dinner we got ready for the opening ceremonies. Chris greeted us and asked how many gatherings we have attended. Then the 2006 Gathering Staff did their spiel. Then Greg Weisman took the mike and showed us the visual goodies he brings every year. There was a recording of Keith David regretting not being able to make it and video recordings from Greg, Thom, and several of the cast and crew telling us that they hope to make it next year.
Greg showed two preview clips. (The Power Of One recording one that we haven't seen before. We got to see some preview bonus material from the second season DVD, the recording of artwork for New Olympians and Dark Ages and the Bad Guys Leica Reel. The last see got to see was the fan made Leica reel of "The Last." It was the video recording, plus the art boards pieced together and colored and some new art provided by Vashkoda (Who did an excellent job)
After Opening Ceremonies I preregistered for next year and Revel and I dropped some stuff of at our room. We went to the Casino where Revel showed GregX how to play Blackjack. When they went to play some video poker, I tried my luck (Or lack there of) at the nickel slots. After using up a dollar I went to the Irish Pub and had a margarita.
The Blue Mug A Guest officially began when Thom entered he room. It was not quite as Blue as 2003 but it was Bluer than last year. Some questions were about the 2nd season DVD and the comic. Greg mentioned he felt that one of the girls in W.I.T.C.H. Might be a lesbian.
Andrea shouts out. "It's not Irma is it?"
Greg's response: "How did you know it was Irma?"
We all left around the same time as Thom.
"I've been looking for you!"
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