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When is the "Gathering" coming to Chicago?
When is Chicago going to put in a bid?
WHEN (not if because I know this will happen one day do to the popularity of the show) Touchstone Pictures or another company gets to work again on the live action Gargoyles movie, do you think it will be rated past the PG mark do to the violent content of the cartoon series?
I would imagine it would be either PG or PG-13. I wouldn't want an R, myself.
Now an NC-17 I could get into...
Ok here is my Con journal it's a bit late.
Being a first time person to this convention I have to say I had more fun here then I did as say Comic con or anime expo or any of the big conventions. This con is like a big family and everyone is so nice. It's so fun that the cast of the show and greg all sit with you and talk to you. Not like big cons where the body gards are around a famous perosn.
I will be back next year. This is going on my list of conventions to attend every year. I've always wanted to attend but It was never close enough for me to get to.
I got up late. I planed to leave at 5am and left at 9.
I drove up from california. Got a rental car to make sure I was'nt broken down and lost in the evil desert. I have never been to vegas before let alone driven that far. I found it fun how you would be in the middle of no where and suddenly on the side of the freeway. You see Bestbuy. Then you drive many miles more and a mcdonalds apears. The thing that I kept wondering is ...."is that really a mcdonalds or a secret under cover goverment building" but anways I think I got excited when I saw a roller coaster going over the freeway. I thought is this vegas am I here? Can I stop driving now? Course it was only one building but I mean a roller coaster over the freeway. You can't go wrong there. I wanted to stop it looked so kewl.
Kept saying must get to gathering. Must get to gatherng. Finally saw lots of large buildings and knew I was there. Got into traffic jam. When you get in a traffic jam you know you are someplace important. I got off at the wrong exit and did'nt know you had to keep going down the freeway and there was a giant palace station hotel sign. Hehe me and my stupidness. Finally got there and saw Cins in the hotel lot with other people with gargoyle tshirts on. I knew I was in the right place. Everyone at the gatherng was so nice. The moment I got there they helped me carry my stuff up to the dealers room. I got there and met up with flanker and everyone else who was helping me with my booth. I got the booth set up and practiced the dice game with a few people before opening ceramonies. EVERYONE MUST PLAY THE DICE GAME!!! :wink:
Flanker was really good at getting people to play it. Everyone played because of the candy. CANDY IS GOOD!!!
Next year we hope to do another game like that with better prizes and a themed California theme. Dealers room was really fun too. Got to talk to all the neat artists in the fandom.
Opening ceramonies. Ive never been to a gathering before so This was really neat. Got to see all that neat stuff that greg brought along . I love keith david and his "ive been denyed everything even my convention" After opening ceramonies Checked into hotel and got large set of wings up to room. The people playing the slots are like " what the fuck " and then go back to playing their slots.
Then I met up with sarah the great. I found out they call her that cause she is great :wink: We got into our skanky, hoe, hootchi mamma outfits to go clubing. Then messed around on the strip for a bit. When we got back it was like 3am. I have never seen so many drunk people. I liked ceacers palace because of the arcade. Lexy played some sort of fishing game and won something wierd. Then we found some pimp hats in the gift shop. We found this little doll. I relaly don't know how to explain this. It was a doll that had hooker clothing on and little boobies cleavage showing. I just had to wonder what the hell. Finally after walking around on the strip we all piled back into the van and went back to the hotel. I was so tired I just went up to the hotel and blacked out. One thing about vegas. 2 dollers for breakfast. :lol:
Woke up to the noise of someone having fun in the next room. Flankers responce as I wake up " hey shara do you hear that" " Hear what?" Squeek squeek squeek squeek. Bang bang bang bang agienst the wall. Must of been a stray vegas hooker.;-)
Anyways got up made it down to the dealers room to set up the booth. It was fun hanging out in there eating candy and getting people to roll dice for t-shirts and candy. We had about 3 entries in our art contest to win a season 1 dvd. Writting contest we got some really neat entrys. I have to post The drawings and writting on the publicity site and the comics site as soon as I get some time. http://www.ka-blamo.com/cons For anyone interested in that link. I have this really rich friend who is crazy. by crazy I mean about gargoyles. He has a giant life size goliath statue he had osmeone make to sit in his living room. Anyways the point. He pays for me to get booth space etc at conventions to promote gargoyles and we have contests like the one mentioned above. Our new project is located at that link.
Dealers room. Went and looked at the raffle and artwork. It figures the one peice of artwork i wanted to buy was bid on by a weisman kid. You can not outbid the kids of the person who created your fandom. Our booth had posters on it left over from comic con. The aeon flux and everquest ones went fast. its funny everyone hated the kanu reeves constintine movie *L* no one wanted thoughs really. Basicly the game went like this you get 3 rolls the first day. 2 rolls the second day. And 1 roll the last day. Depending on what the dice landed on you got to choose from 2 prizes. T-shirts where gone by the second day. Had so much fun. Flanker is great. he would yell out. "hey you!!! You want to roll some dice? Get free stuff" People love free stuff. Then came the quest for food. I found a subway in the hotel we where in and I am cheap so that was my first food quest. Lexy and my other peeps joined in on the free tshirt fun. Met a really neat writter named ellen. We talked a bit. I'd love to talk more to her. Found hudson and molested him day 1.
Hudson molestation day 1
Had to cuff him with fuzzy hand cuffs and give him spankings.
Back to saturday.
Went up to the hotel and changed into my taekwando outfit. I forgot my orange belt. *pouts* But anways walked through the casino feeling all tough. Had my chucks at my side. Helped flanker out with his martial arts pannel. Did my songum 2 form for everyone and talked about taekwando. Met a really neat girl who used to do takewando we talked for awhile about our schools. Flankers pannel was fun because we found this cop lady whoh was attending the gargoyle con. She talked all about her work and such. Learned about what to do if someones trying to rape you etc and all that.
After that went back to dealers room and found cin and her group and talked and bothered them for a bit. Got my stuff and closed up our table in the dealers hall. Went back to my room and took a nap. talked to tabs on the phone told her that next year she has to help me molest hudson. Then slept for an hour before flanker and sarah got me up to go walk around on the strip.
The vegas strip is amazing. Its like adult disneyland/disneyworld. So much to do and not enough time. We went walking around on the strip and saw all the neat hotels that we missed on friday. Then we saw charlie and the choclate factory. Interesting movie. I still like the old one for its cuteness but I like the new one for its creepyness. We where giggling at the guys handing out the asian school girls flyers. You buy her and if you dont like her will send you another. LOL Interesting. That and they had newspaper stands. Insted of newspapers they where full of girly dirty magazines. Sarah got her tiki mug. I wanted one but was careful not to spend. took some neat pictures and sarah and I became crazy tourists.
Got back agian everyone was going to the 2 doller all you can eat feast thing at 2am. I was so tired flanker and I went up to sleep. I had masqurade the next moring so I needed all my sleep so i could torchure myself with that costume of doom.
I can't really remember what I did sunday. Oh wait I was working our both in the dealers room. Then I went to flankers martial arts pannel and helped him out. I brought my taekwando uniform and my training Nunchucks. That was fun. I am alwasy shy when I am in front of a big group of people. I talked a bit about why I got into taekwando and did a form.
Then I went to cins costume pannel that was very well informed. Being a cosplayer all her tips really helped me. Wig care is the hardest part. I went to look at her portfolio. That thing is amazing. I showed her my gargoyle mask I made.
Not sure what I did next. I think I was tired and went and took a nap. They Closed the dealers room down for the slave labor comic pannel.
The banquet was much fun. I was'nt going to go but I am glad I did. The food was Good. I'm not a picky eater. All you can eat is good with me :P Then I left to get ready for the masqurade. I was dressed as brooklyn from future tense. It took me awhile to get into that thing. The wings are hard to move around in. We had to move from the con suite down this back way of the hotel. They have this thing about masks and such. I ended up creating a new dance called the gargoyle shuffle because i had to side step down the hall. Cin helped be my gargoyle mother and direct me just like my friend tabs did at comic con. I won the goreelisa award and another award. Love my gargie statues. There where some really nice costumes and cute ones too.
After that I went up and got out of the torture costume:P the mask is hot and the wings are really heavy. Then I went to find abe and his shot in the dark game. That was alot of fun. hes another neat person I met this year. The game was where you threw squishy objects at point cards in the dark. I played that for a bit and then got draged into the next room where greg and Tom where sitting down talking with everyone. They where all just hanging out and being silly. This is where I really found out that this convention is so neat. Just how it's like family and everyone is talking.
Finally went to sleep woke up on monday and packed had to say goodbye to Sarah and flanker and maui and many others and get back home since I drove. Before we went out to eat agian at the 2 doller breakfust. Molested hudson one more time before leaving :P Hes so fun to talk to.
I cant wait till next year.
Gathering Pictures
More pictures from the Kewlest convention ever.
Hudson picture. Is this before or after the molestation.?
Lexy,Flanker and the dice game.
Sarah and our trip to the office depot. Strange things in there.
Winter and his ren fair garb.
Abe and the shot in the dark game. I think I was having to much fun with this game. Squishy balling things in the dark . *giggles*
"Farewell, my enemies!"
July 29, 2005
Day Three
The Gathering officially began today. I was up relatively early, partly because Mooncat basically woke up early every day, and it wasn't easy to stay in bed with her up. The three of us went to breakfast at the Palace again. Since the entrance to the Palace buffet was right next to the convention registration table, there were a lot of people milling around, and I said hello to some people I hadn't seen in a year.
From there I sat in on the Con Virgin panel, even though this was my third Gathering, and I was surprised to see all the people who were there for the first time this year. Once it was over, I stole an opportunity to shamelessly promote my upcoming Win David Xanatos' Money game show panel, once again giving someone the opportunity to (loudly) discover that "Allaine" is not, in fact, a woman.
Then I went to Ellen Stolfa's panel on writing improvement with Emambu. I left halfway through because it was mainly a primer on grammatical mistakes, and I was already familiar with most of the information. I ended up in the Art Room for a while, where I finally spoke to Cindy/Eden. We'd actually seen each other the previous night in the hotel lobby, but she was talking to someone and I didn't want to interrupt (and she wasn't really sure who I was). Kathy was also there and I found out she'd be leaving early, unfortunately.
Next was the Demona debate, hosted by Spacebabie and Revel. This was a lot of fun, mainly centering on questions like "Which words best define Demona?" and "Was she that bad a planner, or did she just want to be stopped?" Nothing like making excuses for a genocidal madwoman, I say. Also had one of the best lines of the Gathering when we were discussing why Demona never had any children after Angela and someone observed "Why would anyone go near her anyway?" (I believe his point was that you wouldn't want to come within ten yards of someone so unpredictable and dangerous.) My response was something along the lines of, "I can't believe I actually HEARD those words."
By now our last roommate Summer Jackel had arrived. This was my first time meeting her, and she proved to be a really great companion for the next four days. I ran into Cindy again and she invited me to come with her to the Mirage and meet her sister. I went to find Summer to see if she was interested, because she's got a thing for big cats and they have plenty of THOSE at the Mirage, but she was jet lagged and passed out, so I eventually passed on Cindy's offer. I basically wandered about until the opening ceremonies. I think we maybe had a snack.
Then came opening ceremonies, which was the usual collection of special videotaped moments and messages from the cast and crew. Greg had a lot of news regarding the DVD release of Season Two, as well as a sneak preview of some of the extra material. Apparently a lot of the cast was in L.A. for the DVD bonus materials, and Greg took the opportunity to record their messages to the fans. Still, the best moment was Keith David, who said, "I've been deprived everything - even my convention!"
The crowd basically erupted.
My roommates and I left a little bit early so we could head to the New York, New York casino. We had tickets for a 10:30 show that night, and we met Ellen for dinner at a Chinese restaurant inside NY NY, which was all very nice. Then we went to the show, which was Cirque du Soleil's R-rated Zumanity show, and I won't go into a lot of detail, but it was really an incredible show. I would see it again in a second. I think it was that moment that I understood that Las Vegas isn't about gambling any more. I would like to return some day for a three-day visit, stay at a hotel, take in a couple shows (definitely another Cirque show), not do any gambling whatsoever, and consider that a great time :)
Speaking of gambling, earlier that day I went to get the gambling out of the way. I put $20 into a quarter-slot Wheel of Fortune machine in the Palace Casino, determined to play until it was all gone. As it happened, I got my total up to just under $125 before I played back down to $80. I cashed my sixty-dollar profit, and I ended up spending the rest of that sixty dollars in slot machines the rest of the vacation. So I broke even in Vegas, which was good enough for me.
Anyway, once the show was over, the four of us went back to our hotel rooms and crashed. The next day would be Summer's real introduction to the Strip, and a chance for the rest of us to see some things we'd missed.
I have been reading allot of the stuff on Bronx, Matt seems to keep implying that he is just some animal. Now if we take out the gift of spoken word wouldn't you have to say that about the entire clan, I mean from a human standpoint aside from the fact that some of them can talk, most people would just consider them a bunch of monsters. I think perhaps this is something that many people have not considered, I mean these creatures are not human beings, they have some human qualities (Even Bronx), nut alas they are not. I always thought that that was something that made Elisa and Goliath's relationship so beautiful, here you have two completely different creatures who have simply forgotten about all that. One other thing about bronx, why does everyone call him a dog? I mean he isn't, he's a gargoyle, so here are some questions about him
1. Greg does it bother you that people refer to him as a dog?
2. you have mentioned a maturation difference between beasts and standard gargoyles, it seems to me that bronx is kinda on the old side, almost close to hudsons age sometimes, he has many of the same traits/habits as hudson, or perhaps and older canine would.
3. Bronx also seems very tough, for example in city of stone when bronx was watching over Elisa and Owen, Demona did not seem to feel she could beat him, she even put down her mace. Also he seems to be the only one that can pin her for any length of time, I can't help but think if Lex or Brook had stayed behind she would have taken them on, so are most gargoyle beasts considered dangerous and you should not take one on, or just him?
4. Demona seems to not want to hurt bronx right away, she did threaten his life later but does she just feel like he is a big dumb animal and doesn't deserve to die? or does she just not care.
Well greg, hope to see you in LA
1. It depends on context. He has many dog-like qualities, I think you'd agree. But he's a gargoyle beast. And I'd prefer he were called that. Or, you know, "Bronx".
2. In chronological years, Bronx is much younger than Hudson. Younger than the trio too. In terms of maturity relative to species, he's an adult. My dogs Sammi and Abraham are ten and twelve respectively. WAY younger than me chronologically. But Abraham is definitely an old man as bassets go.
3. Well, I hate to make blanket statements about ALL beasts, but yeah, they're generally pretty tough. And I think we've demonstrated Bronx's potential fierceness.
4. Perhaps she just didn't want a fight when she didn't need one -- not when she had other priorities. Perhaps she felt that once the other gargoyles were out of the way, Bronx would transfer his loyalty to her.
I love the Super Robot Monkey Team series, and I was wondering: What's up in the episodes you worked with? I'm really curious!
I live in Norway, and I'm Norwegian. The show is on every Saturday and Sunday, so I watch it every weekend!
Those cyborg monkeys are so darn cute!
My favourite is Antauri. He's so wise and sweet.
Who's your favourite?
Big hug, Cassie.
I wrote two episodes of Super Robot Monkey Team Hyperforce Go!
One was called "Circus of Ooze" and the other was "Hunt for the Citadel of Bone". I think the titles are remarkably self-explanatory.
I'm not sure what you mean by "What's up" in them...?
As for my favorite Robot Monkey... I think I'd have to say... Otto.
'Ello Mr. Weismen. Not a question, but a comment rather. I just wanted to say that despite my tender schooling age (I'm a freshman you see...but who knows what I'll be by the time you get around to this...) I just wanted to say that ever since I realized I wanted to be a comic book writer, your brilliant story, Gargoyles (and it's massively couldn't happen but you never know nowadays universe) has greatly inspired me! As I jot down my little ideas I wonder how I can expand upon them to create something truly unique!
And thus, I just wanted to tell you that Gargoyles has been a direct influence on my future attempts at possible creative properties of my own and I consider you (and your creative team) an inspiration!
Nah, that's it. I got nothing else. Adios.
Thanks. That's very gratifying. So I figure you're like a Junior now. High School? College?
I was wondering the character Xanatos has very similar lives with Tony Stark was there any influences on creating Xanatos with Ironman? Thanks in advance.
Well, obviously, I've been familiar with Tony Stark most of my life, so I can't positively say that there was no influence. But the similarities are all pretty superficial. Rich guy. Lots of property. I suppose the gargoyle armor might be considered reminiscent of Stark. But honestly, I think Bruce Wayne was a bit more of an influence, in that we were trying to create the nega-Bruce. (And Bruce may have been an influence on Tony when you think about it.)
What is the diffenece between reptiles and leathery birds also what is the same about them?
Probably lots of stuff.
[Okay, I grant that the name "Ask Greg" is pretty generic, but how would one get to this website and what about the look of it convinces people that they're going to get any useful timely answers to general questions? I mean "useful"? "Timely"? From ME?!]
I suppose I owe a con journal, don't I? Didn't take any notes, so I've forgotten most people's names.
Trip wasn't so interesting. Got into Vegas late Thursday. The plane was practially full. Why are there so many people flying from Jersey to Vegas on a red eye? But after that got a ride to the hotel and slept. Next day, I went for breakfast then waited around the main lobby for registration. Didn't know until I asked some passing congoers that there was a lobby to the con area. After getting my con packet, there wasn't much to do for a while but stand around and chat.
When panels actually started, I planned to peek in on the round robin, then steal some of the food from the con virgin panel. However, I got roped into the robin; we had some fun. The operative phrase of it being, "around in a circle, going, 'Wheeee'". I like to think I helped Wolfers get that spit take. After that stole some cake and melted ice cream from the remains of the con virgin panel before the grammar panel. Emambu offered a cookie to anyone who spotted two existing mistakes in his handout. I thought I saw two missing commas, but that was a no go.
I stopped off for a rest and to get rid of my package o'stuff before Opening Ceremonies. The greetings from the cast were fun, espcially Keith David's being denied everything... even his convention.
From there, it was dinner at the buffet with A Fan, then the Blue Mug. Greg wimped out of what color exactly females are on the excuse of being color blind; and I'd like to take partial credit for a resurgance near the end of the thing by asking which cast members have the best sex. I should have included a past and future rider there so the answer wouldn't be so obvious.
So, day two.
Wait, I believe I forgot something from Opening Ceremonies. A partially recreated lyca reel of The Lost (the Team Atlantis episode with Demona). Excellent work on the timing and additional art. And especially the bit of subtitling.
Right, day two.
Skipped out on the first set of panels for brunch, then off to Series Development. There we found out why Steven Speilberg is an evil, evil man (he ruined two pitches for Greg).
Voice Acting was interesting, and it was there that I heard Thom's approach to scripts: "My line, $@!#, !@#$, $!#@, my line, my line..."
I was hoping for more comparisons of style out of the Martial Arts and less of a saftey lecture, but it was still we got at least one good fight out of it.
The comic panel was a nice brief look into the industry and how last minute we were. Greg Guler's Goliath and Eliza that they had at Comicon is the only piece of artwork they have for it.
Then a quick dinner before the Poker Tourney. Kaioto went out early, Thom played mostly by committee, I forget who lost their last chip on a blind, Greg had some good plays, but Chris Rogers eventually pulled through. Fun, but I was hoping for more calling and less folding. And after that, ice cream right before the shop closed for the night. Then a brief trip to the arcade with Greg and Thom. Thom isn't that bad of a marksman. Not spectacular, but better than I with a lightgun.
And to round out the night, Hudson's rant. My British comedy got a brief but funny throwaway, but he elaborated more on my next. I got some love from Revel as he and Spacebabie left for the night, then I pulled out myself before act two.
To continue: Day three.
Got some food, went to hang around the art show for a bit. Then it was time for the storytelling panel; pretty straightforward, ended with a bit of film analysis (look at how these elements come between the characters; his neck between the ceiling beams makes you think of scissors; that lamp looks like a coffin).
There were some technical difficulties at the original W.I.T.C.H. room, so we went to the con suite. On booting up the DVD player there, we were treated to a nice adult content warning. Someone had forgotten to take out the "how to dominate your man" DVD.
After that, I took a break before the radio play, which was a nice story about the immortal daughters of Shakespeare. Though I did hear some of the gratuitous nudity was added just for us.
The banquet was nice, I sat at a pretty much all TGS table (Greg Bishansky, Revel, Spacebabie, Mandolin). In the dim light it was hard to tell the color of the stars under the candleholders for the door prizes, but that was all right. Then there was lots of Masquerade prep time; the cosplayers needed a security escort through the casino. Apparently they get paranoid about people in masks. Revel was quite slick as Jackal, but the giant heads were impressive.
And to finish up my con journal.
But first about the hotel. Boy, those were low shower heads. When will they discover that things built for the average man are too small for half the population?
So, sunday. After checkout and breakfast, I decided to see if I couldn't spectate Win Xanatos's Money, but Aaron convinced me to take the pretest. Should be a used car salesman, that man. Surprise of surprises, I was in, against two fic writers whose work was the subject of some of the questions (Ellen and Alexandria). My strategy was to see if I couldn't figure it out from, see if they others' lack of answer would give me a hint, then take a guess. Managed to kill the Mulder question on a guess, chose a British name for another because of a spanner in the question, and the only one I killed by memory was on Norcumi. Went into finals with a $100 lead, and I was pretty sure I wouldn't get it. It turned out that no one wagered anything, so I won it. I probably should have put down something to let the better woman win.
After that was Creating Original properties, where Greg showed off a couple promos (one a repeat under another name from '03). Then I hung out in the art room (with Revel, Spacebabie, Emambu, Winterwolf, Dreamie, and a few others), helping to take hooks out of pegboard, except to check out how the bidding went on Thom's pants.
I don't remember much about Closing Ceremonies, but afterward Revel and Spacebabie let me come with them back to the main hotel (having handed in my room key already), where they had a little discussion that I was a slight sounding board for. Then it was off to the con suite where they had a little mating ceremony.
Nothing left to do after that but waste time until my flight out at midnight, arrived in Newark at 8, then the monorail to the train and the train back to Redbank (and a ride back home).
Na zdorov'ya.
"Farewell, my enemies!"
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