A Station Eight Fan Web Site
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Hi Greg! My dad and mom gave me my dream come true! I'm going to the gathering of the Gargoyles and i'm in the Story, Fanart, and te-shirt contests! I'm only 13 but i'm really exited! I wanted to know about what your looking for in a teashirt to give ideas for the contest! I love the show more than any other and own both DVDs! I can't wait to meet you!
See you there! From your number one fan!
Abbie, if you're the Abbie I'm thinking of, we already met at G2006. You had a lead in the Radio Play and we shared a table at the banquet.
So your questions are a bit moot at this point, but generally, I should point out that I'm not in charge of or involved in any of the contests. For more info on the gathering, especially the 2007 Gathering in Pidgeon Forge, TN, check out www.gatheringofthegargoyles.com
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