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Saturday June 24th.
9:30 am. Revel and I didn't have much planned for the day, so we slept in and ran off to the mall for breakfast. I wanted to try one of the crepes from the Melt and ordered the deviously popular strawberries and crème along with a chilled coffee drink. We returned to our room and enjoyed our breakfast before we returned to the art room to vote.
11: am ZOMG so much great art to look at and vote for and it was difficult this year with so much great art. I am so proud of my Revel. He and Y2Hecate had brought the most amount or pr0n. I enjoyed watching Lanny's expression when he saw Kyt's "Blue Light."
1:00 pm. Ellen and I decided to meet in the hotel restaurant and were joined by Gregx and Allaine to discuss our future panels. After looking at the prices both Gregx and I decided on just a soda.
2:00 pm. Ellen had to get the last half of her meal in a take out so that we both could make it back in time for Crispin Freeman's Mug a Guest. Crispy was a lot of fun. He mentioned he got into the business and what anime series he had worked on.
3:00 the next two hours was devoted to panels. The first was the villains with Christine, Gregx and Ellen. The points that were brought up were
· The different kinds of villains aka
· What motivates them and how they advance the plot
· Writing for canon villains
· Creating your own
I got a little bit passionate when we talked about our favorite villains to write for in the Gargoyles universe.
4:pm Villains ended and we switched Gregx for Allaine to discuss romance and drama. Points that were brought up were
· Tension and drama from the various couples
· The bickering couples
· Odd and unique pairings
· The dialog that flows between the couples
5:pm Next up was the Radio play. I knew when I heard the first character was Random Gargoyle A, it was from Gargoyles. I guessed from which characters were in the script it was "The Mirror." My guess was confirmed when I heard Puck was in it. The Mirror is a classic episode that is a number one favorite of many fans. It was great to hear Keith's deep voice and Crispin's Hudson. We all laughed when he made his pirate sound. We laughed again when he covered one eye with his hand.
6:pm. Food at the mall again. This time I wanted some West Coast Cuisine…aka food I can't find in East Texas. I had a Panda bowl form Panda Express. I had Kun Pao Chicken and steamed veggies on the rice bowl. Revel and Gside tried the Hot Dog on a stick. Allaine and Lynati also had some Panda Express. All three of received some silly fortunes from our cookies.
Allaine's="You will find a Great Bargain."
Lynati's="Success will come from your plans."
Mine="You Love the thrill of showmanship and Display."
7pm. We hung out in Aaron's room until nine thirty. I painted my nails a metallic purple while Y2Hecate showed us picture's of next year's hotel, and she showed us something else…something that broke a lot of people's brains. A hentai anime that not only have any plot but no point. It was to prep us for the Blue Mug a Guest.
9:30. We headed over to the Con Suite, passing by Keith David on the way. He wanted to know when the Mug started and we told him. There were several people in the Con-suite already but still plenty of room to find a place on the floor. That plenty of room got filled up fast. Norcumi and Quindar gave out new Gargles shirts featuring a blending of two in jokes. When our guests arrived I got twisted around and separated from Revel and ended up being sandwiched between Seth and Siryn. I gave Siryn a well-deserved massage. She worked hard on the program for this year and deserved to be pampered.
The questions for this year were not too Blue but there were plenty of dirty questions and Greg W asked Christine if she had any dirty questions and she did. Favorite Question: "Are you a Werewolf?" Gregw's response: "No, I'm a robot" Keith David explained the Jalapena story and sang for us and Crispin Freeman was asked if he was willing to dub any Yaoi anime or as Steph had to explained to GW "Boy sex"
silly fortunes from our cookies.
Allaine's="You will find a Great Bargain."
Lynati's="Success will come from your plans."
Mine="You Love the thrill of showmanship and Display."
...with no pants on.
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