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Hi.....uhhhh.........hi again.......I have some more questions about Oberon and Titania...but they refer to the show, not the play. So I put up a separate post so it could go under a separate...thingy.
1. When was the changing boy born in your show? (I KNOW....I used changeling last time!!! I SPELL BAD!!!....or wuz I right last time...? ARG!!!)
2. Is the boy a grown-up now in the show?
3. What did Titania think of the play "A Midsummers Nights Dream?"
4. So....I was wondering......what did Titania whisper to
Fox?.................Uhh......Mr. Weisman.......hello?.....hrm, where did he go?
Oh my, the doorbell! I have company! Yay!
(Opens the door to find Greg Weisman standing at the door with a baseball bat)
Oh my goodness! Its Mr. Weisman at my house! Have you come to tell me what Titania said?
Greg: (lightly tapping the bat up and down on his hand) Yeah....something like that...Are you familiar with the story "The lady, or the Tiger" by Frank R. Stockton?
Greg: Well, its sort of like that.
Greg: And for asking me that question in the first place....(raises the bat)
Uh, oh.....erk!..... :)
Im just being stupid right now. Thanks again.
1. Changeling. And I haven't placed this event on my timeline as yet.
2. I'm not saying.
3. I'm sure when she first saw it she was far from pleased. I like to think that she's matured enough now that she's come to appreciate its finer qualities.
4. <cricket chirp>
You're welcome.
Hello! (snickering).......Ah, another glorious day to be alive!!! What an honor to live in such a world we live in!! :)
Well Im back, with a vengeance.
I have to tell you something, when I twas a little girl watching "The Mirror" and hearing (learning) about "A Midsummers Nights Dream", I was curios and whipped out my mothers "Completed works of William Shakspere" book and tried to read it. But.....I was to young (or stupid...?) to understand it, so I tried it again when I was 16 and really enjoyed it! Also, when I bought the second season DVD set and watch "The Mirror", it re-kindled my interest and I re-read it. WHY is I telling U this? Well, I have a question about the story that I still (unfortunately) don't get... :(
1. WHY did Oberon want the changeling boy? And......
2. Why wouldn't Titania let him have the boy? (I know that Titania and the boys mother were friends...is that why?)
I hope that I don't sound too stupid...but I just don't understand that part. Well, that's my Shakspere Q. Have a nice, happy, and all-around good day!
1. I have this theory that the boy was his son. Many scholars theorize that he had a romantic interest in the boy. Others point out that fairy lore is just FILLED with fairies capturing and keeping small children.
2. That's it mostly, I think. I also believe there's a certain perverse satisfaction in keeping something from Oberon that he wants. And like Oberon, there's the fairy tradition of capturing and keeping small children.
Dear Greg,
When people ask me why I proclaim that Gargoyles stands apart from other shows, I find it difficult to explain. The characters are great, the relationships are great, and overall it's just... great. But that hardly expresses its true charm.
In watching Gargoyles, I find that its appeal must come from its captivating and immersive mythos, the sense one gets of being transported to another, mystical world. Aside from that sense of awe and wonder, there's also that feeling one gets of really being a part of that world, and having an intimate understanding of it. It's like, even if a topic matter hasn't been thoroughly explored within the episodes, or blatantly described, one can derive how every little thing might be prone to work within the world of the Gargoyles.
Anyway (now that I'm done gushing), in light of all this, did you expect Gargoyles to affect and alter the lives of so many people in the way that it did? Objectively, it was only meant as a show for children, but somehow it's managed to capture and touch the lives of all kinds of people. Could you possibly have expected this? For many people, Gargoyles is more than just an interest or a "hobby." How does it make you feel to know that Gargoyles has nearly been a life-changing experience for so many people?
Even at the time and even given that it was the first show I had ever produced, I knew we were doing something special. Once-in-a-lifetime special.
(I've done a lot of work I'm proud of in this business, but nothing has been like GARGOYLES.)
And I had hopes that others would recognize what myself and my team saw in the series.
But, no... I had no idea the life that the series would take on with and for so many people. That's been incredibly gratifying. Beyond words, really.
As anyone who has been to a GATHERING (www.gatheringofthegargoyles.com) can tell you, I am in ego-heaven the whole weekend!
And having the chance to write these comic books is really a dream. As I'm sure SLG would acknowledge, the money I'm making is really just a token amount. Just enough to allow me mentally to convince myself I'm WORKING and not perpetuating a stubborn refusal to let a long-cancelled series die. So, clearly, I must be in it for the love of the property and because the fans have done so much for me.
in wich direction would you be headed if you were going from the north pole to austrilla
You mean as the gargoyle flies?
I have a question about city of stone. Everyone kept saying that you had to see and hear the tv program to turn to stone. If thats true how can all those people outside driving or walking turn to stone? they were no where near a tv?
The program was running non-stop for HOURS!! Obviously, all those people saw it at SOME point.
hi i have a question about the episode wear elisa goes under cover. At the end when elisa is talking to Goliaith and wearing her normal clothes. why dose she she suddenly wear her under cover cloths again for a few seconds? I haven't made a mistake I paused it right there and Its true. Is that a glich?
I'd have to see it, but if you've described it accurately, then WOW congrats, you've found an animation error.
Hi i have a question about galith adn elisa. dose xanatose, puck, foxe, macneth, the mutates including derik, the rest of the gargoyles or any one ealse know about Galiths relationship between elisa?
What's to know? That they like each other? It's not exactly a secret. As to the extent of their feelings... which they've hardly (or at any rate barely) admitted to each other out loud, I think it all depends on how ... intuitive each of the people you listed are and/or how much opportunity they've had to observe Goliath and Elisa together.
I would think that Xanatos, Fox and Puck get it.
The clan, especially Angela and Hudson and Broadway and Bronx and Brooklyn and Lex, get it. (I started out writing Angela only, but as I considered each character, I couldn't find one who didn't get it.)
Macbeth... I don't know. It's not that I don't think he's intuitive, but he just hasn't spent enough quality time with the couple to have the chance to observe. And I think that maybe in "Sanctuary", he might have been distracted and/or a tad self-absorbed.
Mutates... same thing. How much have they seen of Goliath & Elisa together? Derek is, I think, the densest of the four mutates. But I'm not sure any of them have had the observation time to figure it out.
hi! I have a question about puck. is he consusly controling owen? like he made himself be owen but deep inside owen is puck actuly thinking puck thoughts but acting like owen. like xanatose has his exosceletin and he wears it, he looks like a robot but he controls it, the exoskeleten dosn't control himself. I mean puck and owen aren't two peaple it's just pucks secret identety sort of. is that right?
Secret Identity, yeah. But more accurately it's a part that Puck plays and he's determined to be true to character.
(given that you will probably read this in 2-3 years)
wow Greg, I an loving the comic series and the way the story has progressed since Hunter's Moon. My favorite is issue #18, and I cannot wait to see which direction you take the series in next!
Since the comic is going so well, if Disney decided to bring back the cartoon now, what would you do with the comic? where would you start the cartoon from?
thanks Greg and keep up the great work
Hah! Took me less than a year!! Hah!!
Sigh... well, hopefully you have issues #1-2. #3 should be out next month.
Your hypothetical question has been asked many, many times over the years, but it's just become pointless to answer it. Decisions aren't made in a vacuum, so I'd have to wait and see what the situation is, if or when it actually happens.
you people better not put brooklyn with demona or i'll kick your @$$.
Us people?
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